'Look Into Mental Wellbeing of Students On Campus': Esther Landau

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'Look into mental wellbeing of students

on campus'
By Esther Landau - April 22, 2020 @ 4:51pm

The government has been urged to intensify efforts in disseminating information on the
importance of mental health during the MCO. – File pic for ilustration purposes only
KUALA LUMPUR: The government has been urged to intensify efforts in disseminating
information on the importance of mental health during the Movement Control Order

Malaysian Psychiatric Association patron Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye said the government
should cooperate with volunteers and non-governmental organisations (NGO) to
address mental health issues.

He said it was reported that there had been a 57 per cent increase in distress calls from
women through the Women and Family Development Ministry’s Talian Kasih hotline
since the implementation of the MCO on March 18.

Lee also expressed worry on the mental health of students confined on campus and in
their dormitories.

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“While the ministry concerned looks into ways to handle these SOS calls, it is also
imperative that the government, the National Security Council (NSC) and the relevant
ministries also look into issues related to the mental health of students.

“It is estimated that nearly 100,000 students have been confined to their campuses and
dormitories for the past several weeks and this prolonged confinement will increase
stress levels among students who are already coping with the stress of academic life.

“The government and relevant NGOs should disseminate information, through the mass
media and other avenues, about maintaining good mental health at home especially
during stressful times,” he said in a statement.

Lee also said student counselling should be conducted as they need emotional support
and stress relief during the MCO.

Relating the phone calls he had with the students, Lee said they were seeking help from
the government to allow them to return to their homes and to celebrate Hari Raya with
their families.

“It is, therefore, a piece of welcomed news that the government is considering ways to
allow students stranded on campus to return to their homes.

“The government is now working on a standard operating procedure (SOP) to ensure

the students’ orderly return to their respective homes in rural and urban areas.”

Lee also commended Higher Education Minister Datuk Dr Noraini Ahmad for her role in
finding a solution to the students' appeal.

He added nothing should be left out for the students including the mode of
transportation to their respective homes, staggering movement time table, and pre-
departure arrangements.

Lee also said students should fulfil all preventive requirements including wearing masks,
social distancing, and health screening.

He also said they should be supplied with pre-cooked food before beginning their
journey back home.
“This is to ensure that they do not stop at R&R (highway rest areas) spots where they
face the risk of infection.”

Retrieval Date : 5th December 2020

Retrieved from : https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2020/04/586608/look-mental-wellbeing-


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