Learning Module Salvation History: Genesis 2:7-15

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In summit of creation is God creating the human being unto His image and likeness. God formed man
from His very own hands and gave this world to live, care and cultivate.


On the lawns of a forest grazed a handsome horse. He was a fast runner. But, he was
often frightened by a tiger that passed by now and then. One day, as the horse was
grazing, a man passed that way. He asked the man, “Sir, aren’t you afraid of lions and
tigers?” The man laughed aloud and answered, “Me! Look what I have”. He showed
rifle and continued, “Should any animal approach me I can shoot and kill him”. The
horse asked, “If that is so, sir, will you help me?”
The man replied, “Of course. I will. What will you do for me?” The horse said,
“Anything you want of me, I will do”. The horse told the man about the tiger. The man
said, “If you let me saddle you and take you with me, you need not be afraid of the
tiger”. The horse was too happy. The man led the horse into town and left him in a stable. Now, the horse
thought to himself, “I am indeed safe here. But I don’t have any freedom”.

Do the activity 1 on page


Then the LORD God formed the man[a] out of the dust of the ground and blew into his
nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. 8 The LORD God planted a
garden in Eden, in the east, and placed there the man whom he had formed. 9 Out of the
ground the LORD God made grow every tree that was delightful to look at and good for
food, with the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil.10 A river rises in Eden to water the garden; beyond there it divides and becomes four
branches. 11 The name of the first is the Pishon; it is the one that winds through the whole land of Havilah,
where there is gold. 12 The gold of that land is good; bdellium and lapis lazuli are also there. 13 The name of the
second river is the Gihon; it is the one that winds all through the land of Cush. 14 The name of the third river is
the Tigris; it is the one that flows east of Asshur. The fourth river is the Euphrates. 15 The LORD God then took
the man and settled him in the garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it.
Genesis 2:7-15
Garden created us in a very special way. Each one of us has been given a purpose in life.
Because every person is special, as God had intended it to be, we ought to treat one another
with the utmost respect and compassion. The Garden of Eden was created by God specially
for Adam, the first man, whom God had molded. In Genesis 2:8-9 we read: The LORD God
planted a garden in Eden, in the east,[a] and placed there the man whom he had
formed. 9 [b]Out of the ground the LORD God made grow every tree that was delightful to
look at and good for food,” some believed the Garden was atop a mountain, or perhaps it was an outlet for
freshwater springs, because we read, “A river rises in Eden[a]  to water the garden; beyond there it divides and
becomes four branches.” Genesis 2:10
The Garden of Eden was perfect and there was order. It had beauty and sustence, being home to every
tree “ that is pleasant to sight and good for food.” And a source of freshwater from the river to drink. As for
man ,God “ The LORD God then took the man and settled him in the garden of Eden, to cultivate and care for it.
Genesis 2:15

Adam had the privilege of purity and perfection in the Garden of Eden. God had given him dominion
over all the creation over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that crawl on the
earth. 29 [b]God also said: See, I give you every seed-bearing plant on all the earth and every tree that has seed-
bearing fruit on it to be your food; 30 and to all the wild animals, all the birds of the air, and all the living
creatures that crawl on the earth, I give all the green plants for food. And so it happened. Gen. 1:28-30
God reveals His nature to man by making him/her according to His image and likeness. It is not merely
as a unity, but as a trinity, united by love. For this reason, it is “not good that man should be alone” and God
creates women out of the side of man. The union between the man and women is not merely something adding
on; it is present from the moment there are two distinct, human individuals. Adam looks at Eve and immediately
sees in her what he has not seen in any of the animals; “This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my
flesh;(Gen 2:23). In this moment Adam understands not only Eve, but also himself: He sees that humanity is
composed not is composed not of isolated individuals, but of a communion of persons.

The book of Genesis tells that Adam has some sense of this vocation even before Eve is made, that there
is a longing present in him from the beginning which he cannot quite account for an explain. He is somehow
incomplete; for the first time, something in Creation is “not good”. The fact that he uses the words “at last”
when he sees Eve tells us that this is the fulfillment of something that he has deeply desired. Eve is not merely
his helper in the work of cultivating the Garden; she is his helper in the work of becoming fully human. She is
the mother. She is the “mother of all living” (Gen. 3:20) through whom the entire human race will come into

Do Activity 2 on


The first man was not only created good, but was also established in friendship with his Creator and in
harmony with himself and with the creation around him, in a state that would be surpassed only by the glory of
the new creation in Christ. (CCC 374)
The sign of man's familiarity with God is that God places him in the garden. 255 There he lives "to till it
and keep it". Work is not yet a burden, but rather the collaboration of man and woman with God in perfecting
the visible creation. (CCC 378)
Christian faith teaches that MAN is the crown and key to God’s creation. (CFC 3340

 God’s plan for fruitful, everlasting unions between a man and

woman has been lost in a world filled with skepticism, distrust and
hostility, Pope Francis said.
A culture that does not value “the stable and life-giving covenant
between a man and woman is certainly a loss for everyone. We must bring honor back to marriage and the
family,” he said April 22 during his general audience in St. Peter’s Square.
But much also must be done to return respect and dignity to women, who are often exploited, objectified
and understandably skeptical of the possibility of harmony between men and women, he said.
The pope continued his catechesis about the family with the second of two talks on the complementary
nature of men and women.
The Book of Genesis shows how God created the heavens and earth, and then a special creature made in
his likeness to care and watch over the earth. Even though man was “the culmination” of God’s creation, still
“something was missing,” the pope said.
In the Garden of Eden, Adam “is free, is master, but he is alone and God sees that this ‘is not good.’ It’s
like a lack of communion, a communion is lacking, a lack of fullness,” he said.
God, therefore, creates a woman whom Adam instinctively and “joyfully” recognizes as “part of him:
‘bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.’ Finally, there is a mirrored reflection, a reciprocity,” the pope said.
As an example, he said it is like extending a hand to greet someone, but no one is there. “That’s how
man was, something was missing in order for him to reach his fullness and he was missing reciprocity.”
Eve was not an exact “replica” of man, he said, but was made by another original creative act by God.
The image of a woman being made from a man’s rib “does not at all express inferiority or subordination,
but on the contrary, that man and woman are made of the same substance and are complementary,” Pope
Francis said.
In fact, he said, it is significant that God formed the woman while man slept to “underline exactly how
she is not in any way a creature of man, but of God.”
Speaking off-the-cuff, the pope said it also shows the secret to encountering a woman as well as love:
“to find the woman, man must first dream about her and then he will find her,” he said to applause.
While God generously entrusts the earth to this man and woman, the evil one “introduces suspicion,
disbelief, distrust in their minds,” which leads to their disobedience, he said.
“They fall into that delirium of omnipotence that pollutes everything and destroys harmony and we, too, feel
that inside lots of times — all of us,” he said.
“Sin generates diffidence and division between man and woman. Their relationship will be undermined
by thousands of forms of abuse of power and subjugation, of deceptive seduction and humiliating arrogance,”
he said.
People can still see traces of “the negative excesses of patriarchal cultures” and chauvinism, which view
women as second-class citizens, he said.
Other lingering effects of this original sin can be seen in “the exploitation and commercialization of the
female body in today’s media,” as well as in “the recent epidemic of distrust, skepticism and even hostility that
has spread in our culture — in particular starting from an understandable skepticism by women — concerning
the covenant between man and woman being able to perfect the intimacy of communion while at the same time
safeguarding the dignity of differences.”
If people cannot “jump-start” a renewed drive for God’s intended covenant of communion and harmony,
protecting young people from “mistrust and indifference, then children will come into the world even more
uprooted from this (covenant) starting from the mother’s womb,” he said.
Pope Francis said the church has an important task in safeguarding this covenant even if men and
women are “sinners and wounded, confused and humiliated, discouraged and unsure.”
In fact, the Book of Genesis shows how even after Adam and Eve disobeyed and sinned, God reached out to
alleviate their sudden shame of being naked and “made for the man and his wife garments of skin with which he
clothed them.”
“It is an image of tenderness toward this sinning couple that leaves us dumbfounded — God’s
tenderness for the man and woman. It is an image of fatherly protection of the human couple. God himself takes
care of and protects his masterpiece.”
General Instructions. Please use separate sheet of paper in answering questions!
Activity 1. Answer the following questions: 5 points each number!
Rubrics: Content-2, Grammar-2, Neatness-1
1. Do you think the decision of the horse is Good? Why or Why not?
2. How significant is being safe or the feeling of safety to you as a student? As a person?
3. Have you encountered a difficult problem in life? Were you able to overcome it? Who did you turn to
for support?
Activity 2. Based on the description given about the Garden of Eden, create your own illustration of the garden.
Make a Drawing/Artwork in a Long Bond Paper! Rubrics: Artistry-20, Relevance-20, Neatness-10
Activity 3. Answer the following questions: 5 points each number!
1. Why did Adam feel that something is missing in his life?
2. Loving others begins with loving yourself. Have you done some self-reflection lately? Look at yourself
in the mirror. Write down the good things you see in yourself.
Activity 4. Answer the following questions: 5 points each number!
1. What is the message of the creation of Eve in the Garden of Eden?
2. By your own words, what is the message of Pope Francis for us?

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