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Title: Video Project

Unit: Frisbee

Grade level and Course: Grade Seven- Physical education

California Standards:

1.1 Demonstrate mature techniques for the following patterns: overhand, sidearm, and
underhand throwing; catching; kicking/punting; striking; trapping; dribbling (hand and
foot); and volleying
1.3  Combine manipulative, locomotor, and non-locomotor skills into movement
1.4  Demonstrate body management and object-manipulation skills needed for
successful participation in individual and dual physical activities.
1.6  Demonstrate body management and object-manipulation skills needed for
successful participation in introductory adventure/outdoor activities.
2.1 Identify and describe key elements in the mature performance of overhand,
sidearm, and underhand throwing; catching; kicking/punting; striking; trapping; dribbling
(hand and foot); and volleying.
2.2  Analyze movement patterns and correct errors.
2.3  Use principles of motor learning to establish, monitor, and meet goals for motor skill
2.4  Explain and demonstrate spin and rebound principles for performing manipulative

Working alone, students will film each of the throwing and catching skills. The video
should include cues to explain the skill as if they are teaching another student. The
video quality should be excellent.
 Subject will be exposed correctly
 Subject will be centered in the frame
 Background should be distraction free
 Audio levels are clear and free from distractions
 Cues should be creative (for example: flicking the wrist and thumbs up)
 Be energetic

Submit assignment:
You will upload your video to YouTube, google drive, ect. Then email me a link to you video to
be viewd.

Grading rubric will posted on Website.

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