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First Jobs

Lesson 1
Warm up Activity

1.Tell about your first job?

2.Why did you change your job?
3.Why do you think people change their jobs?
Listening Activity

Sarah and Adam talk about some of their first jobs, most
of which are not typical jobs for teens.

Complete the sentences

Adam: I was 16 but actually my dad tried to get me to work at Baskin & Robbins when I
as 1 . A d the a ager ould ’t 1. .............. legal working age in the States.

Sarah: I started orki g he I as 1 . I’ fro North Caroli a i the States. A d there,

you are legally able to work at the age of 14. So I worked as a DJ. My father owns a radio
station, 2. .............. age 14.

Sarah: It as ai l a progra i g situatio , a AM radio statio . So I do ’t ha e to talk

much. It was mainly just operating the board. And a few commercials, and 3. ..............
would have to talk. But mostly, it was just pressing buttons.

Listening Activity

Complete the sentences

Adam: Yeah. If you – e ause ou’re dri i g this large tru k arou d er , er e pe si e
pla es, so a lot of respo si ilit . It as ’t so u h da gerous, I do ’t thi k. But eah, it as
definitely – 4. .............. had an accident, it would be a big accident.

It was – the hours were not very good. I had to wake up at 4:00 in the morning to go to the
airport at 5:00. And when I went home I would smell just of gasoline. But it was .5. .............
exciting job.
Sarah: Most interesting, I guess, for me was 6. .............. Company one time to go and do
like test drive demonstrations on like different cities around the US.

And I had to, like, ride around with people doing 7............... about the vehicles, which
was interesting because I really know nothing about cars. So I had to memorize a lot of
information. But it was fun getting to go to different cities in the US every weekend.

Listening Activity

Complete the sentences

Sarah: Yeah. For those, I did ’t do test dri es. I as, hat's alled a pro otio al odel or a
brand ambassador. So the companies hire local people when they're an event in a certain
area. A d ost of the ti e, ou’re just getti g people to fill out surveys or do some kind
of prize drawing. But in the case of Kia, 8. .............. .

Comprehension Quiz
1) Sarah first started working when she was _____ .
a) 14 b) 15 c) 16
2) Adam _____ to work at Baskin Robbins.
a) was hired b) did not get c) did not want
3) He worked at _____ .
a) a gas station b) a mall c) the airport
4) He had to start work at _____ .
a) 3 am b) 4 am c) 5 am
5) She was a _____ for car companies.
a) driver b) sales person c) model
Vocabulary Building

Legal age 1. to complete it with your information

Fuel truck 2. a truck that carries fuel like gasoline
Tarmac 3. a collection of clothes that match, such as shirt,
Fill out pants, and shoes.
Prize Drawing 4. is like a raffle where one ticket or number is pulled
Outfit from a box as the winner of prize.
5. a large paved area for vehicles to drive and park on
6. when someone is old enough to do something by law
Vocabulary Quiz
fuel tru k • legal age • tar a • fill out • dra i g • outfit
1. What is the to get married?
2. That is a cute you are wearing.
3. He drives a at the airport.
4. The plane is stopped on the .
5. Please this form.
6. He won the prize .
Speaking Activity

10 first job problems

1. Whe ou a d our e ork ates are ’t so tight et.
2. Feeli g ore tha a little o er hel ed e er thi g ou’re
supposed to do.
3. Not ei g gi e a thi g to do e ause ou’re e .
4. The first taste of that long battle between your work and your life.
5. Forgetting you still have that old, old email address, your very first.
6. Not having a work wardrobe yet.
7. The dancing. Or being made to do all kinds of small tasks because
ou’re e .
8. The joy of that first paycheck.
9. Finally making (and keeping) those friends.
10.Doing amazing work and relishing those successes.
Speaking Activity
The teacher will now go over the following questions with the student. After each
question is explained, illicit a response from the students whether this would be a
question usually asked by an 'employer' or 'applicant.'

1.What salary do you expect?
2.What salary do you offer?
3.What is your work experience?
4.Where is it located?
5.What did you study in school?
6.What languages can you speak?
7.Is there a chance for promotion?
8.What are the benefits?
Vocabulary Building
Job Applications and Interviews
1. bring two black __________ to fill out 7. smile and shake __________ with
job applications the interviewer
2. have at least three __________ 8. be ready to answers questions
3. __________ carefully to all questions about your job __________
before answering them 9. write a __________ letter to go with
4. arrive to a job interview __________ your resume
minutes early 10. bring your __________ security
5. ask one or two __________ about the card, birth certificate, drivers license,
company or the job etc.
6. give the interviewer a copy of your 11. wear your best __________
__________ 12. sit up straight and look the
interviewer in the __________

Pens Resume Cover Hands References Experiences

Social Questions Clothes Fifteen Listen Eyes
Vocabulary Building

1. If you see an ad for a job you want, call 9. I will take a two week _________ in
and _________ to speak to the manager. July. My husband and I are going to
2. Hello. May I _________ speak to Mr. Hawaii.
Ruiz? 10. When you work, you have to pay
3. Sharon got a _________ at work. Now income _________.
she makes a dollar more per hour. 11. Joe's boss _________ him. Now he
4. Juan looked for Help Wanted _________ has to look for a new job.
. 12. Use a black or blue _________ to
5. What _________ do you start work? complete the job application.
6. What kind of _________ do you have? 13. Donald is going on a job _________.
7. Mrs. is a courtesy title for a _________ He will have to answer a lot of questions.
woman. 14. Yes, this _________ Mr. Ruiz.
8. Mr. is an abbreviation for the word 15. Thao saw a job _________ in the
_________. newspaper.
Time Fired Raise Taxes Ask Signs Interview Please
Job Pen married Ad Mister Is Vacation



"He felt it was his responsibility to bring home the bacon.”
"She can turn her hand to anything, she's a real Jill of all trades."
"She wasn't able to finish the report as she was snowed under with other
"The new product has proved to be a real cash cow.”
"She won't have to find a job very quickly because she got a huge golden
handshake from her last job."
"She kept the family together by working her fingers to the bone."
Speaking Activity

1. Do (Did) you want to work right after graduation?

2. At what age do people usually begin to work in your country?
3. How do most people look for a job in your country?
4. Do you have the job that you dreamed of when you were a
5. What is the most popular job in your country?
6. Are you satisfied with your job? Why or Why not?
7. Do you like the people you work with? Why or Why not?
8. Do you think it is more important to make a lot of money or
to enjoy your job?
9. Do you think celebrities and famous athletes should get paid
a lot of money?
The End

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