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STW124MS: Logic and Sets

Module size Single

Assessment / CATS Credits 20
ECTS Credits 10
Total student study hours 200
Pre-requisites and co-requisites None
Excluded Combinations None

Aims and Summary

Logic and sets provide the basis on which much of mathematics is built. This module provides
an introduction to the basic notions of logic and sets, and then builds on that by applying
these ideas to a variety of problems arising in discrete and combinatorial mathematics,
showing applications in computing.

Intended Module Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module the student should be able to:

1. Use propositional logic for analysing and reasoning about statements.

2. Use sets, functions and relations as a modelling tool.

3. Use graphs and trees in applied contexts.

4. Apply algorithms to a variety of problems including sorting and packing.

Indicative Content

Propositional Calculus
Statements, connectives, truth value. Truth tables. Formal proof.

Sets and Functions

Subset, combinations of sets including Cartesian product. Cardinality and counting
problems. Venn diagrams, membership tables. Functions, domain and codomain,
classification. Composition and inverse. Relations, databases.

Predicate calculus
Predicates. Existential and universal quantifiers. Application to algorithm

Arithmetic of congruences. RSA cryptosystem.

Graph Theory
Graphs: connectivity, minimal spanning tree and Kruskal's algorithm, shortest path
algorithm. Trees: Huffman codes, heapsort.

Uncomputable problems. Asymptotic efficiency. Heuristic algorithms, eg first fit decreasing for
bin packing.

Teaching and Learning

Learning will be facilitated through a variety of methods which may include lectures, tutorials, and
online activities.

Students are expected to engage in both class and online activities and discussions. This module also
requires students to participate in additional guided reading and self-directed study to reinforce the
learning gained from timetabled sessions. Formative assessment will be used to prepare students for
summative assessment and give students an early indication of their progress towards the course
intended learning outcomes.

Method of Delivery

Note that the hours below may include a contribution to Activity Led Learning projects which jointly
assess multiple modules.

Activity Type Hour

Lecture 44
Self guided 145
Tutorial 11
External Visits
Work Based
Year Abroad
Total 200

Method of Assessment (normally assessed as follows)

Learning Outcomes
Assessment Weight 1 2 3 4
Assignment 1 40% ü ü
Assignment 2 60% ü ü ü

Re-assessment is by new coursework.


Composition of module mark: 100% Coursework

Pass requirements: Module Mark must be at least 40%

Essential Reading

Biggs, N. (2002) Discrete Mathematics. Oxford science publications. OUP Oxford

Recommended Reading

Giannasi, F. and Low, R. (1995) Maths for Computing and Information Technology. Longman
Scientific & Technical

Johnsonbaugh, R. (2009) Discrete Mathematics. Pearson/Prentice Hall

Required Equipment


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