Final English Work 3b

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Ptje. Ideal Ptje. Aprob. Ptje.

Colegio Metodista Concepción 62 36,5
Departamento Idiomas
Ptos Ptos. Ptos.
Miss. Roxana Arenas Kaba


NAME: CLASS: 3rd Grade DATE: November 30th

Objective: Recognize and identify food and clothes. Express preferences. Describe people’s
clothes and food using the right vocabulary and structures, via reading and writing skills.

I.- Look and write the food. Then draw yourself and write ( 1 point each food, 2 points the
drawing – total 12 )

II.- Look at the picture and make sentences in positives and negatives using He likes /
He doesn’t like and the food. ( 2 points each sentence – total 10 )

1.- ______________________________________

2.- ______________________________________

2 3 3.- ______________________________________


5 5.- ______________________________________
Colegio Metodista Concepción
Departamento Idiomas
Miss. Roxana Arenas Kaba

III.- Look at the picture and complete the questions with the correct food. Answer using
Yes, I do / No, I don’t . ( 1 point each question, 0,5 points each answer – total 9 )

1. 2.X 3.X 4.



IV.- Look at the picture. Read, number and colour . ( 1 point each colored person ,
1 point each number – total 10 )
Colegio Metodista Concepción
Departamento Idiomas
Miss. Roxana Arenas Kaba

V.- Read the description in exercise A then draw and colour . Look at the picture in
exercise B then colour and write the description. ( 7 points exercise A , 9 points exercise B
– total 16 )

A. He’s wearing blue jeans, B.______________________________

a yellow jumper and red shoes.



 Important: Points for responsibility in works deliver on time 5 points.

( It will be discounted 1 point for each day of delay)

Horario consultas: Lunes y Miércoles de 18:00 a 20:00 horas.

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