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ARGUS RADAR Quick Reference Card fe Helm or Parallel Own Ship AIS Symbol Re Antenna Index i Position Ref. Status/Setup Display Presentation ransceiver Sta Range Rings | E ete Vector Tim Sea/Ground PPI Centre Audio Alarm Stabilization On/Off Status On/Off Ew ARGUS RADAR Quick Reference Card Video processing adjustment sequence + Sea clutter reduction ‘Manual anti-sea clutter: Select this method ‘when the sea clutter extension is symmetrical with almost the sarne intensity in every dection Select the actual sea state on the AntSea Clutter Control bar and increase or decrease the control until clutter’ residuals re comparable to the receiver noise level ‘Auto anti-sea clutter: Select this method in restricted areas or when the sea state is changing abrupt in diferent directions, Select auto from the Ant-Sea Clutter control bar lst + Rain clutter reduction ‘Manual ant-rain clutter: Select this method when you want to optimize land detection and rain reduction. Adjust the Arti-Rain cortrol bar Until the rain cutter level becomes comparable tonose with land reflections stl visible. ‘Auto ant-rain clutter: Select this method in heavy rain when it not possible to discern between rain, sea and land clutter “Transmitted pulse “Transmitted pulse is controlled by the range scale and the Power Boost setting, *Gain Adjustment ‘Manual: Adjust the evel untilonly afew speckles of noise are visible. n clutter conditions, adjust to reduce the fae echoes after the clutter has been suppressed by antisea and anti rain controls. tis preferable to adjust the gain manually in heavy clutter conditions. ‘Auto: Gains automaticaly changed until the ‘optimal detection level on nose i reached. It will automatically dsplay some speckles of noise, not tolose any targets LR. and Sweep to Sweep Correlation Interference Rejection is lays enabled in the default setup. Use sweep/sweep correlation to completely dean up the picture from very strong Interferences. Select Target enhancement to increase dimensions of small echoes, + Scan to scan correlation Select this video processing when an addtional reduction of interference is needed and to ‘completely clean up the canned picture from sea clutter residual, Warning: Fast approaching targets can be cancelled depending on SC/SC level (2 oF 3) Target size and speed ‘Auto Sea/Rain (available only if Advanced Video Processing isenabled) \When the function ison, preset clutter femoval strategy can be selected forthe appropriate scenatio, Options avallable ae: Open Sea, Coast, Heavy Rain, Light RainvHarbour ‘Adjust the intervention with the same progress bar. Gan progress bars not working (except in Heavy Rain) and ant rain clutter is always set to ‘Auto Ran, [icerrs seeder e MEEe = «sped Sure Menu + xR trite Men Standrd Seeet the speed source. ‘= TARX and Interswitch Menu (Optional) Select the rader transceiver. Enable Power Boost, enbicnaortnalOet inetpecteonganionwichsonyaalile Feromonce onto In wide screen made, has the characteristics of being able to combine upto four signal from ‘TARY transceivers with different antennas. Select Navigation or Docking presentation + Orientation and Motion Mode Menu Select the Orientation and Motion modes ‘of the PPI presentation ee ‘Activate ERBL1 or 2. Reset ERBL in Center postion. Change True or Relative modes and geo/own ship reference, += Graphic Symbols Menu Enable Target Tracks, Al, Navigation symbols. Set ‘and control paral! indexes. Enable own ship outline and AIS names/cll ign. =BtanceSetngs Mena Personal Settings ting the brilliance of various display elements. Setekanatreoptonsforterndardipuy, Strate lane of vats sy Antares PB nfo Men Configure the 3 Programmable Function Display Main Processing Board information Push buttons. lifetime, Serial Number and PCB monitored signals + Configuration sharing menu Synchronization system parameters + User control settings menu Up to 5 user settings can be stored and recalled. ‘These settings can be selected for preconfigured video processing, + ECDIS Menu (Optional) When the units configured to be connected to an ECD, 2 new button will be avaliable in the lower part ofthe main menu. Tis menu only apples to network ECDIS systems. + Radar Configuration Service Technician Menu: Entering this menu, a new window requesting a pass: word wil be displayed, ‘Tracking Menu AS Interface enable. Minimum Safety Settings. ‘Anchor watch enable. AIS and TT list for fast selection. Configure AS Fitering and overflow pity lS Alarm disable checkboxes, + Video Maps Menu ‘Open, create, delete and transfer a map with an ‘external mass storage device + Day color ‘Tgaling this button, the operator can quickly ‘adjust the Monitor background colour The selection is between Night and Day options. ‘The Night PP! background colours very much ‘darker than the Day setting + System Version Menu Installad Software version (Version standard) + Default Control Settings When pressing this button al settings wil return todefault settings, *Conning tasks menu This button is only avaliable for the wide screen system. inthis mode, the operator can configure the avalable areas on the System Data Area Section, entering the tasks to be set into the dedicated areas *“TXRX Data Menu Display Transceiver status and Operating mers * Waypoints Data Menu Display waypoints’ geographic postion of the route in the radar presentation, AIS Targets Selection List + Radar Targets selection list Display received AIS. ene te Target cued Teh betirond select AS byShip BY humber Kenge or safety Nome orange dita? paameters CPAVTCPA) by Shin Name or Range distance Min Safety Thisisa function for Radar targets and AIS which allows visualising and setting the threshold of PA and TCPA that defines when a target will be considered dangerous. Select data source (AIS or TT) *Conning task Configuration list Avaliable tasks + Anch Watch “The Anchor Watch isa Radar “Target only function, and itcen be sed when Own Ships at anchor and it's needed to monitor ift ‘moves excessively from ts original position, * Guard Zone Menu Setup for upto four quard/auto: acquisition rings ‘Trial Manoeuvre Menu Simulate ship manoeuvre according specif speed and course parameters + Map Editing Menu Build a map composed by lines, texts and symbols with selectable colors. ‘Tracking Data Fusion Menu Enable TT/AIS Assocation, Configure Association conditions. Select data source (AIS or TT). ‘Auto Acquire Zone Menu ‘Setup for the own ship's auto- ‘acquistion zone, + USBStorage Menu ‘Transfer a map with an extemal USE mass storage device. Brg Eire Eas ‘Alert List ‘The alerts inthe “ALERT LIST” window begin to ash, showing the time at Which the alert occurred. Once an alert situation has been triggered, it can bbe acknowledged by clicking on it Tacit Function Hep ne Hoenn Preset deo Pcesing Arie Cater Conto a BiB Scar scanCoaion Range Scale Control/Status Alarm List Interference Rejection Settings ‘Anti-Rain Control Bar Gain Control Bar (Relative) Past Postion Control Echo Tals Track/PP| Mode + Alerts History List ‘Alerts Histor List with time event. The list displays the latest 100 messages, Control Icons Helm or Antenna Position Distance Reference. Automatically set to Radar antenna when helm position is not available AIS Fitering On/Off Filtering type is indicated next to the funnel ‘AIS Data Association On/Off rh Disabled AS Lost Alarm (A) | ance Disabled Als Danger Auto-activation iad sexsauaanivecitsaaatsn Parallel index status/setup Presentation Reset (off center) PPI Symbols Summary AIS Activated Target with seeded hainctid i valid heading information 074 | RADAR Tracked target in Initial ‘Anchor Watch Reference Sseenee Sor [state Ae Target ANS Danger Target RADAR Tracked targetin : leoeune TJ ratmanceue in execution TH | astosetarger fo! RADAR Tracked target in Dato x Radar Target Training in AS Targetiin Data Request (O4 |Request stare execution state RADAR Target Dangerous ; ANS Aton O |fge ANS Sleeping Target (Aid To Navigation) a RADAR Tracked target in Lost Ais ActatedTargewithno | 674, | vitual as Aton state vali hescing nformaton | *« TF 4? (ad Ta Navgaton AIS Search And Rescue Transponder

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