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Câu 6: Economic achievements

1. High living standard

- The everage annual Family income: 27700 dollars.
2. The world’s leading producer
- Remains the WLP of goods and services.
- Electrical energy, gas, paper, chemical, automobiles,…
3. Foreign trade
- The W largert importer and exporter
- WL of agricultural product, machinery, automobile, aircraft,
4. Agriculture
- Technological advancement has accelerated changes in American
- Farming nowaday is highly mechanized requring a huge investment .
- Concentrate into fewer hands as large scale specialized farm replace
small familly farms.
5. Entrepreneur
- Develop rapidly
- Create job for people than larger coporation.
6. Labor union
- Increase overtime pay, paid vacation,night work, heath insurance
câu 7: The US bicameral legislation
1. The term: bicameral legislation refers to any law making body of
government that consist of 2 separate house of chambers. In the US,
they are House of Representative and The Senate that make up the US
2. Law makers from all of the state are elected to serve in the HR. there
are 435 representatives in the house.each r is elected for 2 years term.
The senate is smaller of the 2 bodies. Each state has 2 senator 6 years.
Enforces an effective system of checks and balances
Prevent the enactment of laws unfairly impacting or favouring
certain factions of the government or other people.
3. How a bill become law.
- Begins as a bill. Once a bill is introduced, it’s sent to the appropriate
- The members study the laws, then send it to the Senate or House
wwhere it waas first introduced. After a debate, the bill is voted on.
If it passed, It is sent to the other house and goes through a similar
- The senate can also reject the law proposed by the house or add
amandments. If it happens, a conference committee made up of
members of 2 houses tries to wwork out a compromise,
- If both side agree on the new version, it is sent to the President for
his signature. At this point, a bill becomes a law.

Cau 8.
1. The US is a representative democracy. All goverment power rests
ultimately with the people who direct policies by voting the
representatives. All public official odd the nation have to protect
the democratic interests of the people and goverment.
2. The government concept of separation of power ensures that no
single person or branch becomes too powerful.
3. In American government, 3 powers of 3 branches are:
- Legislative branch: making law
- Executive branch: implements and enforces the laws enacted by the
legislative branch
- Judicial branch: determine whether laws of congress or actions of
the president violate the Constitution.
4. The divusion of government powers among 3 separate but equal
branches provides for a system of checks and balances. Each
branch limits or checks the power of the other branch.
- The President can veto the laws passed by the LB, but LB can overide
the presidental Vetos with a 2/3 votes of both 2 houses.
- The supreme court can nullify the laws passed by the congress by
rulling them to be unconstitutonal.
- Howerver, the supreme court’s power is balanced by the fact that
it’s presiding judges are appointed by the President with the
approval of the Senate
By mean of…., no branch of government has superior power.

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