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Case Study Title : Backyard Gardening During The Pandemic

The Global pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus
2 (SARS-CoV-2) crashed economies and smashed weak health-care systems making
all human life at risk. As the cases of infected people rapidly rise, as well as the death
rate in most of European countries and America, numerous non-developing and
developing countries immediately come up with different mandates to prevent
further spread of the Covid-19 virus. The whole world is now facing a global
pandemic and the race for a vaccine has already started. Lockdowns in places with
numerous infected cases are imposed and panic buying has been seen ever since. 
All Human activities are put into hold and everyone infected or not are all somewhat
in prison in their home or so we thought,

Panic and stress starts to poke the Filipinos during the quarantine days. People are
very cautious to the extent that no one really dares to go out even in the rural areas.
The military and the police forces are all deployed and keenly seen for checkpoints
and security. Every news headline was a bad reality for all of us. Political and
societal issues starts to clash and the tension keeps burning until shutdown of 
ntwork and a new signed law for anto-terrorism. Business has been shut down and
goes bankrupt and the year twenty-twenty has become a bad year for everyone.

Moreover, people start to feel the need to go out and buy some food and other 
necessities. Although some groceries and public markets are now open under
MGCQ. Everything that is being purchased becomes much more expensive than its
normal price which is not good news especially to the individuals that lose their jobs
because of this global Pandemic. Now, more than ever the food security of every
household is at risk of depletion and might experience hunger in the coming days.

However, with the character of resiliency, resourcefulness and creativity of every

Filipino and the age of plantitos and plantitas are now a trend. Filipino start to grow
their own food, welcoming the concept of Backyard agriculture.

Backyard Agriculture or mostly known as backyard gardening is one of the effective

ways to secure food in the household, without going outside that may lead into
being infected by the virus. This  green concept is not new to us especially to an
agricultural based country like the philippines. Growing different kinds of
vegetables doesn’t just save Filipinos from hunger but it also contributes to the
environmental advocacies that environmentalists have been proposing. Backyard
gardening can inspire you to take an interest in the origins of your food and make better
choices about what you put on your plate. When you grow your own food, you savor it
more because of the effort it took to get to the table.

Backyard garden isn’t only for people with a small piece of land, even for urban areas and
those households who don't have spare lands can produce their own food from creative
and innovative ways.

This green movement is one step closer to sustainable development in the midst of
pandemic. It might not directly strengthen our economy and the poor health care
system but this directly affects how we appreciate every little thing we took for
granted. Everyone will be reminded that life should be lived with humility, a strong
faith in our God and resiliency. Personal and environmental development are now
being given attention. The awareness and engagement of environmental
conservation and  environmental - friendly  science and technology projects like
backyard gardening are being developed and being prioritized.

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