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Chapter 1

The Problem and It’s Background


Churro is a popular dish mostly around the world. Churro is a sweet snack
made out of fried dough pastry coated with sugar or cinnamon. The name Churro took
its name The Churra Sheep, since it resembled this animal’s horns. Thus fried dough
pastry originated from Spain and Portugal and is known in Latin – America countries
and the Philippines as a snack. The snack can be filled with chocolates and other types
of sweeteners.

According to Wikipedia, one theory suggests they were brought to Europe

from China by the Portuguese. That sailed for the orient and as they returned from Ming
– dynasty to Portugal. They brought along with them new culinary techniques, including
altering dough for youtiao. Another theory from the new web is that Churro was made
by Spanish shepherds, to substitute for fresh bakery goods. Churro paste was easy to
make and fry in an open fire in the mountains, where shepherds spend most of their

In Spain, Churros can either be thin (and sometimes knotted) or long and
thick, where they are known as porras in some regions. They are normally eaten for
breakfast dipped in Champurrado, hot chocolate, dulce de leche or café con leche.

Background of the Study

The Researchers chose to innovate the food product churros to introduce

to the Filipinos with a twist. Because the Researchers introduce it to Filipinos so they
chooses what would be the best dip partner of churros that fits the taste of the Filipinos.
Instead of chocolate dip the Researches wants to partner it with Filipino vibe of dip. The
Researchers chooses this topic because they want to have something new.
The Researchers chose churros because they found out the food churros
is not likely popular in the Philippines. Churros is limited in the country of Philippines,
and some of the restaurant their churros is partner only with chocolate dip. So the
Researchers decided to make different kinds of dip of churros.

Theoretical Framework

Figure 1.0 Structural Change in the Food Industry, Klaus Grunert (1995)
The text serves a dual purpose. It is intended as a review of the literature
on the determinants of innovation and innovativeness and their impact on business
performance, with a special view to the food industry. As such, it stands alone and can
be read by itself. But it also serves as the theoretical framework for a series of case
studies conducted by the members of the subgroup, which are currently underway.
These case studies, interpreted on the background of the concepts detailed in this
paper, will allow the derivation of a more detailed framework for the analysis of
innovation in the food industry, which will then be amenable to quantitative analysis.

R&D (Research and Development)

Innovative activities undertaken by corporations or governments in

developing new services or products, or improving existing services or products.

Market Orientation.

Is a business philosophy where the focus is on identifying customer needs

or wants and meeting.

Innovation Innovativeness.

Which is something characterising a particular project, and

innovativeness, which characterises a company as a whole.

Customer Acceptance.

The process by which an assessment is made of whether it is sensible (or

not) to do business with a particular customer or prospect.

Is the process of carrying out or accomplishing an action, task or function.







Figure 1.1 Theoretical Framework Of Churros & Halo-Halo Innovation

Brainstorming an Idea for a Product

The framework starts with brainstorming a product that can be innovated.

Discovering an Innovative Idea for Old Food

The researchers also took mind different and various and various ways to
innovate the product.

Observing to International Delicacies for Innovation

They found a product called churros who in other countries is very well-
known whilst the Researchers’ country didn’t really pay heed to them.

Experimentation & Production

They have decided to mix the churro with a local delicacy which is known
their local nation as Halo-halo. A dessert that is beloved by their fellow natives.

Implementing Surveys & Interview

The Researchers implementing surveys & interview by giving the product

as a freebies to the customers.

Analysis of Feedback & Results

Compiling the data the Researchers begin analyzing results and compiling
them into charts and graphs.

Stating Conclusion

This stage wherein the researchers finally ended the research and come
up with the conclusion.
Statement of the Problem

1. Does the combination of churros and Halo-Halo an innovative idea?

2. Is the food innovated product delicious?

3. Does this innovation of churros acceptable to the food community?

4. Is it an eye-catching product to the Filipino people?

5. Does the product fits to different age group?


1. What was the study all about?

The study I s all about innovating the food product churros but with a twist.
Because we find out churros is only dipped in chocolate so we want to make unique
flavors of dipped that churros is in for the taste of Filipino Instead of melted chocolate
they consider Filipino style dip like mangoes to be partner with churros.

2. Where was the study conducted?

The researchers conducted their research in an area local to them, it had

enough population to select and rather candidates for their research.

3. Why did the researcher conduct the study?

The researchers conducted the study because churros is a popular food

in other countries especially in Spain, so they decided to innovate the product by adding
Filipino vibes to the dip and popularized it in the Philippines mainly in the said location.

4. Who will benefit the study?

The beneficiaries of this study are foodie people because, the
beneficiaries of this study would be the people who loves to try and eat different kinds of
cultures mixed with it. Next would be the business men who wish to make something
new on the market, the third would be the future researcher who wish to do the same

Conceptual Framework


 Brainstorming an  A PROPOSED
 R&D Idea for a Product INNOVATION OF
 Market Orientation  Discovering an FOOD PRODUCT
 Innovation Innovative Idea for ACCUSTOMING
Innovativeness Old Food CHURROS WITH
 Customer  Observing to THE FAMOUS
Acceptance International FILIPINO HALO-
 Performance Delicacies for HALO
 Experimentation &
 Implementing
Surveys &
 Analysis of
Feedback &
 Stating Conclusion

Figure 2.0 Conceptual Framework

Input - includes the actions taken in order to gather the needed

information of the study. It consists of R&D, Market Orientation, Innovation
Innovativeness, Customer Acceptance and Performance.
Process – this portion addresses the following processes namely,
Brainstorming an Idea for a Product, Discovering an Innovative Idea for Old Food,
Observing to International Delicacies for Innovation, Experimentation & Production,
Implementing Surveys & Interview, Analysis of Feedback & Results, Stating Conclusion

Output – incorporates the result of the processes made from the previous
stages and came up with the study entitled “ A Proposed Innovation of Food Product
Accustoming Churros with the famous Filipino Halo-Halo”

Significance of the Study

The outcome of the study will be a great benefit to the following:

Cafes and Restaurants.

The findings of this study will be beneficial to the owners of cafes and
restaurants.They can add this recipe to their menus and introduce a new flavor of
churros which is the famous Filipino halo-halo.

They will taste the new product, churros with halo-halo, which will be the
key to the tastes of the Filipinos.

Future Researchers.

This research will be used as a reference for the future researchers who
would plan to make any connected study researches.

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