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Physical Education (Week 4)

Modified True or false. Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct
and if it is FALSE, change the underlined word to make it correct.

________1. FITT the key factors designing an exercise program that will address
the current fitness level, provide means to overload the body and trigger positive
_________2. Overload Principle means the body adapts to the initial overload, the
overload must be adjusted and increase gradually.
________3. It is important to remember that increasing the workload should be
done one variable at a time to prevent chronic injuries or overtraining.
________4. Physical fitness is an activity that will stimulate the body to adapt and
become stronger. The stimulus has to be appropriate to derive the health benefits
________5. TIME is the duration of an exercise session influenced by the intensity
and the type of activity performed.
________6. Variation Principle is a helpful guide in designing a personalized
fitness program
________7. It is NOT important to provide rest days to allow the body to recover.
Beginners should exercise less frequently as compared to athletes.
________ 8. An exercise that is performed at a high intensity cannot be sustained
for a long period.
_________9. FREQUENCY of an exercise program depends on the current fitness
level and the type of activity performed.
_________10. Adaptation to physical activity occurs gradually and naturally, but
time must be allowed for the regenerate and build is called Recovery Principle.
_________11. If the stimulus is too light, the body will not adapt, and if it is too
hard, it may cause some injuries.
_________12. Running, walking, cycling, swimming, rowing are examples of
stretching activities.
_________13. INTENSITY of an exercise refers to the difficulty level of the
workout. It is important to set a workload that is more challenging than what one is
used to.
________14. FITT variables can be modified occasionally to consistently challenge
the body to become stronger.
________15. Exercise program should be designed to fit the current health
condition of the individual and it should be interesting.

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