Ass.13 CPCLJ2 OLM10 Esternon, Mariel

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Esternon, Mariel Q.

Mr. Mabutol, Mark Ryan M.

Ass. #13
These questions are based on information provided in the text; the student must have
read it in order to answer the question.

1. Give five examples of crimes against honor.

· Article 353 - Libel

· Article 358 - Slander

· Article 359 - Slander by Deed

· Article 363 - Incriminating Innocent Persons

· Article 364 - Intriguing against Honor

2. What are the elements of libel?

a) That there must be an imputation of crime, or of a vice or defect, real or imaginary, or
any act, omission, condition, status, or circumstances;
b) That the imputation must be made publicly;
c) That it must be malicious;
d) That the imputation must be directed at a natural or juridical person, or one who is
e) That the imputation must tend to cause the dishonor, discredit or contempt of the
person defamed.

3. What are the elements of slander by deed?

a) That the offender performs any act not included in any other crime against honor;
b) That such act is performed in the presence of other person or persons;
c) That such act casts dishonor, discredit or contempt upon the offended party.

4. What are the elements of incriminating innocent persons?

a) That the offender performs an act;
b) That by such an act, he incriminates or imputes to an innocent person the
commission of a crime;
c) That such act does not constitute perjury.

5. What are the elements of intriguing against honor?

a) That the offender disseminates any intrigue; and
b) That its principal purpose is to blemish the honor or reputation of a person.

6. A spat on the face of B in the presence of C, the girlfriend of B. What crime did A
- A was guilty by Article 359 Slander by Deed he didn't just engage a fight with B but
degraded or dishonor B infront of his girlfriend. Why not talk about it calmly and quietly
than engage a fight, involved someone else, and make a scene like that? A doesn't
know how to respect by doing that and A might go to jail because he/she didn't think of
what his/her doing.

7. A is spreading gossips that B (a hunk) is wearing a woman’s clothes at night for the
purpose of alienating the latter’s friendships with C. What crime has A committed, if
- Article 364 Intriguing against Honor was the crime A executed because of purposely
spreading of gossips that will make C distance to B. By doing it C's reputation will be
bad to everyone who knows C most especially to B because he/she are friends to C. It
will make a huge impact and disadvantage to C if A keeps that going.

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