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Quarter & Week: Quarter;3 Week;1-5

Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

Learning Activity Sheet No. 1 Topic: Discrete and continuous random variables
Learning Competency with Code:
1. illustrates a random variable (discrete and continuous) - M11/12SP-IIIa-1
2. distinguishes between a discrete and a continuous random variable - M11/12SP-IIIa-2
3. finds the possible values of a random variable - M11/12SP-IIIa-3
4. illustrates a probability distribution for a discrete random variable and its properties - M11/12SP-IIIa-4
5. computes probabilities corresponding to a given random variable - Week 2 M11/12SP-IIIa-6
6. illustrates the mean and variance of a discrete random variable - M11/12SP-IIIb-1
7. calculates the mean and the variance of a discrete random variable - M11/12SP-IIIb-2
8. interprets the mean and the variance of a discrete random variable - Week 3 M11/12SP-IIIb-3
9. solves problems involving mean and variance of probability distributions - M11/12SP-IIIb-4
Topic Background Information/Concepts Notes (Briefly discuss the lesson/topic. Whenever possible, cite
examples, illustrations, etc.

Discrete and Continuous Random Variables 

The word discrete means countable. For example, the number of students in a class is countable, or
discrete. The value could be 2, 24, 34, or 135 students, but it cannot be 2332 or 12.23 students. The cost of
a loaf of bread is also discrete; it could be $3.17, for example, where we are counting dollars and cents, but
it cannot include fractions of a cent.
On the other hand, if we are measuring the tire pressure in an automobile, we are dealing with a continuous
random variable. The air pressure can take values from 0 psi to some large amount that would cause the tire
to burst. Another example is the height of your fellow students in your classroom. The values could be
anywhere from, say, 4.5 feet to 7.2 feet. In general, quantities such as pressure, height, mass, weight,
density, volume, temperature, and distance are examples of continuous random variables. Discrete random
variables would usually come from counting, say, the number of chickens in a coop, the number of passing
scores on an exam, or the number of voters who showed up to the polls.

Between any two values of a continuous random variable, there are an infinite number of other valid values.
This is not the case for discrete random variables, because between any two discrete values, there is an
integer number (0, 1, 2, ...) of valid values. Discrete random variables are considered countable values,
since you could count a whole number of them. In this chapter, we will only describe and discuss discrete
random variables and the aspects that make them important for the study of statistics.

Random Variables
In real life, most of our observations are in the form of numerical data that are the observed values of what
are called random variables. In this chapter, we will study random variables and learn how to find
probabilities of specific numerical outcomes.

The number of cars in a parking lot, the average daily rainfall in inches, the number of defective tires in a
production line, and the weight in kilograms of an African elephant cub are all examples of quantitative

If we let X represent a quantitative variable that can be measured or observed, then we will be interested in
finding the numerical value of this quantitative variable. A random variable is a function that maps the
elements of the sample space to a set of numbers.
Looking at Different Types of Random Variables
Three voters are asked whether they are in favor of building a charter school in a certain district. Each
voter’s response is recorded as 'Yes (Y)' or 'No (N)'. What are the random variables that could be of interest
in this experiment?
As you may notice, the simple events in this experiment are not numerical in nature, since each outcome is
either a 'Yes' or a 'No'. However, one random variable of interest is the number of voters who are in favor of
building the school.

The table below shows all the possible outcomes from a sample of three voters. Notice that we assigned 3
to the first simple event (3 'Yes' votes), 2 to the second (2 'Yes' votes), 1 to the third (1 'Yes' vote), and 0 to
the fourth (0 'Yes' votes).

Figure: Possible outcomes of the random variable in this example from three voters.

In the light of this example, what do we mean by random variable? The adjective 'random' means that the
experiment may result in one of several possible values of the variable. For example, if the experiment is to
count the number of customers who use the drive-up window in a fast-food restaurant between the hours of
8 AM and 11 AM, the random variable here is the number of customers who drive up within this time interval.
This number varies from day to day, depending on random phenomena, such as today’s weather, among
other things. Thus, we say that the possible values of this random variable range from 0 to the maximum
number that the restaurant can handle.

There are two types of random variables−discrete and continuous. Random variables that can assume only
a countable number of values are called discrete. Random variables that can take on any of the countless
number of values in an interval are called continuous.

Examples of Discrete Random Variables

The following are examples of discrete random variables:

 The number of cars sold by a car dealer in one month

 The number of students who were protesting the tuition increase last semester

 The number of applicants who have applied for a vacant position at a company

 The number of typographical errors in a rough draft of a book

For each of these, if the variable is X, then x=0,1,2,3,…. Note that X can become very large. (In statistics,
when we are talking about the random variable itself, we write the variable in uppercase, and when we are
talking about the values of the random variable, we write the variable in lowercase.)
Examples of Continuous Random Variables
The following are examples of continuous random variables:

 The length of time it takes a truck driver to go from New York City to Miami

 The depth of drilling to find oil

 The weight of a truck in a truck-weighing station

 The amount of water in a 12-ounce bottle

For each of these, if the variable is X, then x>0 and less than some maximum value possible, but it
can take on any value within this range.


The probability distribution of a discrete random variable X is a list of each possible value of X together with
the probability that X takes that value in one trial of the experiment.

The probabilities in the probability distribution of a random variable X must satisfy the following two

1. Each probability P(x)P(x) must be between 0 and 1: 0≤P(x)≤1.0≤P(x)≤1.

2. The sum of all the probabilities is 1: ΣP(x)=1.ΣP(x)=1


A fair coin is tossed twice. Let X be the number of heads that are observed.

a. Construct the probability distribution of X.

b. Find the probability that at least one head is observed.

A pair of fair dice is rolled. Let X denote the sum of the number of dots on the top faces.

a. Construct the probability distribution of X.

b. Find P(X ≥ 9).
c. Find the probability that X takes an even value.

The sample space of equally likely outcomes is
The Mean and Standard Deviation of a Discrete Random Variable

The mean (also called the expected value) of a discrete random variable X is the number

μ=E(X)=Σx P(x)μ=E(X)=Σx P(x)

The mean of a random variable may be interpreted as the average of the values assumed by the random
variable in repeated trials of the experiment.


Detailed Instructions/Direction
Solve the following problems below and show your complete solutions.
1. USA Today reported that approximately 25% of all state prison inmates released on parole become
repeat offenders while on parole. Suppose the parole board is examining five prisoners up for parole.
Let x = number of prisoners out of five parole who become repeat offenders, and their corresponding

a. What is the probability that one or more of the five parolees will be repeat offenders? How does
this number relate to the probability that none of the parolees will be repeat offenders?
b. Find the probability that two or more of the five parolees will be repeat offenders.
c. Find the probability that two or less of the five parolees will be repeat offenders.
d. Compute the mean number of repeat offenders.
e. Compute the standard deviation of the number of repeat offenders.
2. A die is rolled. A player wins 100 if the number on the die is even otherwise losses the same amount.
a. Find the probability of his winning
b. finds the probability of losing the money in the game
c. What is the expected amount the player will win every game?
d. interprets the result in letter c.

Guide Questions (when necessary)

What is/are the difficulties that you encounter in this activity?

Core Values/Values Integration:
Competence and Commitment
Rubrics for Scoring (when necessary):
Answer Key/Model:
Learning Activity Sheet No. 2 Topic: Normal random variables
Learning Competency with Code:
1. illustrates a normal random variable and its characteristics - M11/12SP-IIIc-1
2. identifies regions under the normal curve corresponding to different standard normal values -
3. converts a normal random variable to a standard normal variable and vice versa - M11/12SP-IIIc-4
4. computes probabilities and percentiles using the standard normal table - M11/12SP-IIIc-d-1
5. illustrates random sampling - M11/12SP-IIId-2
6. distinguishes between parameter and statistic. M11/12SP-IIId-3
7. identifies sampling distributions of statistics (sample mean) - M11/12SP-IIId-4
Topic Background Information/Concepts Notes (Briefly discuss the lesson/topic.
standard normal random variable
 is a normally distributed 
random variable
 with mean μ=0μ=0 and 
standard deviation
 σ=1σ=1. It will always be denoted by the letter Z.


density function
 for a 
standard normal random variable
 is shown in Figure 5.2.1.
Figure 5.2.1: Density Curve for
a Standard Normal Random Variable

To compute probabilities for ZZ we will not work with its 

density function
 directly but instead read probabilities out of Figure The tables are tables
of cumulative probabilities; their entries are probabilities of the form P(Z<z). The use of the tables
will be explained by the following series of examples.
Example 5.2.1

Find the probabilities indicated, whereas always Z denotes a 

standard normal random variable

1. P(Z<1.48)
2. P(Z<−0.25)


1. Figure 5.2.3 shows how this probability is read directly from the table without any
computation required. The digits in the ones and tenths places of 1.481.48, namely are used
to select the appropriate row of the table; the hundredths part of 1.481.48, namely 0.08, is
used to select the appropriate column of the table. The four decimal place number in the
interior of the table that lies in the intersection of the row and column selected, 0.9306, is the
probability sought:
P(Z<1.48)=0.9306 (5.2.1)
Figure Computing Probabilities Using the Cumulative Table
2. The minus sign in −0.25 makes no difference in the procedure; the table is used in exactly
the same way as in part (a): the probability sought is the number that is in the intersection of
the row with heading −0.2 and the column with heading 0.050.05, the number 0.40130.4013.
Thus P(Z<−0.25)=0.4013

Find the probabilities indicated.

1. P(Z>1.60)P
2. P(Z>−1.02)


1. Because the events Z>1.60 and Z≤1.60 are complements, the Probability Rule for

Complements implies that
Since inclusion of the endpoint makes no difference for the 
random variable
 Z, P(Z≤1.60)=P(Z<1.60)=P(Z<1.60), which we know how to find from the table in Figure 5.2.2
The number in the row with heading 1.6 and in the column with heading 0.00 is 0.9452.
Thus P(Z<1.60)=0.9452 so
Figure illustrates the ideas geometrically. Since the total area under the curve
is 1 and the area of the region to the left of 1.6 is (from the table) 0.9452, the area of the
region to the right of 1.60 must be 1−0.9452=0.0548

Figure 5.2.4: Computing a
Probability for a Right Half-Line
2. The minus sign in −1.02 makes no difference in the procedure; the table is used in exactly
the same way as in part (a). The number in the intersection of the row with heading −1.0 and
the column with heading 0.02 is 0.1539. This means that P(Z<−1.02)=0.1539. Hence
Problem 1

Molly earned a score of 940 on a national achievement test. The mean test score was 850 with a
standard deviation of 100. What proportion of students had a higher score than Molly? (Assume
that test scores are normally distributed.)

(A) 0.10
(B) 0.18
(C) 0.50
(D) 0.82
(E) 0.90


The correct answer is B. As part of the solution to this problem, we assume that test scores are
normally distributed. In this way, we use the normal distribution to model the distribution of test
scores in the real world. Given an assumption of normality, the solution involves three steps.

 First, we transform Molly's test score into a z-score, using the z-score transformation

z = (X - μ) / σ = (940 - 850) / 100 = 0.90

 Then, using the standard normal distribution table, we find the cumulative probability
associated with the z-score. In this case, we find P(Z < 0.90) = 0.8159.

 Therefore, the P(Z > 0.90) = 1 - P(Z < 0.90) = 1 - 0.8159 = 0.1841.

Thus, we estimate that 18.41 percent of the students tested had a higher score than Molly.

6.2 The Sampling Distribution of the Sample Mean

The Central Limit Theorem

In Note 6.5 "Example 1" in Section 6.1 "The Mean and Standard Deviation of the Sample Mean" we
constructed the probability distribution of the sample mean for samples of size two drawn from the
population of four rowers. The probability distribution is:
A parameter is a number that describes a population. A statistic is a number that we calculate from a

Let’s use this new vocabulary to rephrase what we already know at this point:

 When we do inference, the parameter is not known because it is impossible or impractical to gather
data from everyone in the population. (Note: In each example on this page, we assumed we knew the
parameter so that we could investigate how statistics relate to the parameter. This is the first step in
creating a probability model. However, when we do inference, we use a statistic to draw a conclusion
about an unknown parameter.)
 We make an inference about the population parameter on the basis of a sample statistic.
 Statistics from samples vary.

In this course, if the variable is categorical, the parameter and the statistic are both proportions. If the
variable is quantitative, the parameter and statistic are both means.

From our first example:

 Parameter: A population proportion. For this population of students at a small college, 0.60 are
eligible for financial aid.
 Statistics: Sample proportions that vary. In the example, 0.75, 0.625, and 0.375 are all statistics that
describe the proportion eligible for financial aid in a sample of 8 students.

From our second example:

 Parameter: A population mean. For this population of students at a small college, the mean amount
of financial aid is $1,500.
 Statistics: Sample means that vary. In the example, $2,087.50, $1,325.00, and $687.50 are all
statistics that describe the mean amount of financial aid received by a sample of 8 students.
Detailed Instructions/Directions:
Solve the following problems and show your solutions
1. If a set of grades in a statistics examination is approximately normally distributed with a mean of 74
and a standard deviation of 7.9, find the probability that a student received grades between 75 and
2. If the weights of 600 students are normally distributed with a mean of 50 kilograms and a standard
deviation of 4 kilograms,
a, Determine the percentage of students with weights lower than 55 kilograms
b, How many students have weights exceeding 52 kilograms?
3. In the previous midterm examination in algebra; a total of 160 students took the said examination. If
their scores are normally distributed with mean of 22 and a standard deviation of 5. Find the following
a, Proportion of students who obtain a score between 24 – 30
b, Proportion of students whose scores are greater than 30.
C, If your teacher wishes to give a 1.0 grade of those students obtain a score in the 90th percentile,
what is the minimum score?
4. Consider a population of four values (3, 4, 8, 9).
a. Find the population mean.
b. Find the population variance.
c. Find the population standard deviation.
d. Find all the possible samples of size 2 which can be drawn with replacement from this
Guide Questions (when necessary)
What is/are the difficulties that you encounter in this activity?
Core Values/Values Integration:
Rubrics for Scoring (when necessary):

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher/s Subject Coordinator

Reviewed and recommended by: Approved by:


Academic Coordinator Principal

Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

INSTRUCTIONS: Solve the following problems below and show your complete solutions.
1. USA Today reported that approximately 25% of all state prison inmates released on parole become
repeat offenders while on parole. Suppose the parole board is examining five prisoners up for parole.
Let x = number of prisoners out of five parole who become repeat offenders, and their corresponding

a. What is the probability that one or more of the five parolees will be repeat offenders? How does
this number relate to the probability that none of the parolees will be repeat offenders?

b. Find the probability that two or more of the five parolees will be repeat offenders.

c. Find the probability that two or less of the five parolees will be repeat offenders.

d. Compute the mean number of repeat offenders.

e. Compute the standard deviation of the number of repeat offenders.

2. A die is rolled. A player wins 100 if the number on the die is even otherwise losses the same amount.
a. Find the probability of his winning

b, finds the probability of losing the money in the game

c, What is the expected amount the player will win every game?

d. interprets the result in letter c.

Parent Name and Signature Date Submitted


Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

INSTRUCTIONS: For items 1-5 find the period of deferral in each of the following deferred annuity problem
(one way to find the period of deferral is to count the number of artificial payments), and for items 6-8 Answer
the following problems completely.
1. If a set of grades in a statistics examination is approximately normally distributed with a mean of
74 and a standard deviation of 7.9, find the probability that a student received grades between 75 and

2. If the weights of 600 students are normally distributed with a mean of 50 kilograms and a
standard deviation of 4 kilograms,
a, Determine the percentage of students with weights lower than 55 kilograms

b, How many students have weights exceeding 52 kilograms?

3. In the previous midterm examination in algebra; a total of 160 students took the said
examination. If their scores are normally distributed with mean of 22 and a standard deviation of 5. Find
the following
a, Proportion of students who obtain a score between 24 – 30

b, Proportion of students whose scores are greater than 30.

C, If your teacher wishes to give a 1.0 grade of those students obtain a score in the 90th percentile,
what is the minimum score?

c. Consider a population of four values (3, 4, 8, 9).

e. Find the population mean.

f. Find the population variance.

g. Find the population standard deviation.

Find all the possible samples of size 2 which can be drawn with replacement from this population.
a. Find the mean of the sampling distribution of means.

b. Find the variance of the sampling distribution of means.

c. Find the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of means.

Parent Name and Signature Date Submitted

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