Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation On A QFX Series Switch

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JUNIPEr NETWORKS Network Configuration Example Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation on a OFX Series Switch unlenese 201261616 Toprigt@ 20m oniparNewors, ne NOeNioren armas avenue Sunnyvale, Caltornia 02080 use 308-745-2000 iwnwlunipennet “Thisproductncludes the Envoy SNMP Engine, cevelopedtbyEplogve Technology anintegyated Systems Company. Copyright € 1086-7007, logue Technology Corporation Al ight sreserved, Ths rogram and is dacumentation were developed at privateexpense andne part of them sin the pubic domain. “This product includes memory allocation software developed by Mark Moraes, copyright ©1988, 1990, 1008, Univers of Toronto, “This product includes FreeBSO software develo by te Unversity Of Cl fornia, Geretey, ands contributors. lof he documentation and software included thes 4850 and 4 485D-tite Releases is copyrighted bythe Regents ofthe Lnversty of Calforia.Copyrignt © 1979, 1960, 1283, 1296, 1998, 1999, 191, 1992, 1993, 1984, The Regents of he Understy of Calor, lights eserves, CGaceD somware copyright © 1895, he Regents of the Unversity. ll igh eserves. Gate Daemon was orghated anc oevelopen tavEh felese6 30 by Coral Universty ans ts eo aberatars Gates nasa on Kinon's EGP UC Batieley=yauting aaeman (routed), ane OCh2 HELLO euting protocol. Development of Gatednas deen supported in pat by the National Soence Foundation, Portions ofthe GateD oftware eonyrignt ©1086, Regents of tne Unversty af Caifama, all nghteezanves Parians oft GateD software capyiant © 19,0, LS.assocates ‘This product includes software developed by Maker Communications, In. copyright ©1996, 1997, Maker Communications ne Junge Networks, Junos, Stel-Betted Radius NetScreen and SereenOS are registered trademarts of Juniper Networks, nein the United Seates and omer countis. The unipe Networks Logo, the unos logo, an JunesE ae acerais of uniper Networks, ne Al ther tuacemarks service mark, registered vacemarks, or registra service marksare the property ofthe respective Wer. Jurige Networks assumes no responstilty for any inccuracisin this document, riper Networks resenesthe ight te change, moi, tansfer or ctenwise reise tis publestion without renee Products made or slay nicer Networks or comoonents thereof might be covered by one or more the follwing eaten that are ‘oured by or licensed to Juniper Networks: U.S, Patent Nes. $473,599, 5905725, 5909-440, 69205), 6.333650, 4359479, 6406312, 420706, 6.459.579, 6493307, 6538.56, 6536690, 6552.98, 6567902, 6576/86, and 5590785, Network Configuration Example Configuring Muttichassis Link Agaregation on 2 QEX Sees Switch elease123 Copyright € 2012 Juniper Networks, ne Allrahts reserved ‘Theinformatin in his documentis curent as ofthe dateon the tte page. ‘Year 2000NOMCE Juniper Networks hardware and software products are Year 2000 compliant. unas OS has no known tine-‘eated limitations though the yest 2035, However, the NTP application isknown iohave sore efcuityin the year 2030, END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT “The lunpr Networks prosuc hats the subject of his technieal dacumentatian consi of ors ntendes for use wth) Juniper Nanwaris state, Use of surn soTtware is Subect fo Me Terms an conartions of he Ero User License agreement EULA") Poste et httpy/werwiunipernet/support/evia html. By downiceding instaling or using such software, you age fo the ermsard conditions cof that EULA o Copright © 2012, uriper Newer Table of Contents Introduction 20. cceceseceetseeeeeeesstteeteenseseees Advantages of Using Multichassis Link Aggregation Groups. Understanding Multichassis Link Agaregation .......2....020+2 Active-Active Mode .....ceecseeseseverseatertenee ICCP and ICL-PL Failure Handling Multichassis Link Protection Layer 2 Features Supportad ‘Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Guidelines MC-LAG Packet Forwarding MC-LAG Upgrade Guidelines Example: Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation Nounrse0NN LLL Toprigt 20m ripe Newari ne Confguring Mulichasis Link Aggregation cna GFX S w Copright © 2012 riper Networks ne Introduction “This document describes multichassislink aggregation groups (MC-LAGs) between QFX Series switches, identifies the advantages of enabling MC-LAGS, and provides @ step-by-step procedure for configuring MC-LAGS. Advantages of Using Multichassis Link Aggregation Groups Related Documentation ‘A Multichassis Link Aggregation Group (MC-LAG) reduces operational expenses by providing active-active links with a Link Aggrogation Group (LAG), eliminates the need for the Spanning Tree Protacol (STP), and provides faster layer 2 convergence upon link and deviee failures. ‘An MC-LAG adds node-tavel redundancy to the normal ink-level redundancy that LAG provides. An MC-LAG improves network resiliency, which reduces network down time as wel 0s expenses, In data centers, tis dasieable for servers to have redundant connections to the network. You probably want active-active connections along with links from any server to at least ‘two separate switches. ‘An MC-LAG allows you to bond two or more physical linkSinto a logical ink between two ‘switches or between a server anda switch, which improvesnetwork efficiency. ANMC-LAG enables you to load balance traffic on multiple physical links. If a lin fails, the traffic can be forwarded through the other available link and the logical aggregated link remainsin the UP state, + Understanding Multichassis Link Aggregation on page 1 + Example: Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation on page 6 + Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation on page 21 Understanding Multichassis Link Aggregation Layer 2 networks ara increasing in Scale mainly because of technologies Such as Virtualization. Protocol and control mechanisms that limit the disastrous effects of a topology loop in the network are necessary. Spanning Tree Protacol (STP) is the primary solution to this problem because it provides 2 loop-free Layer 2 environment. STP has gone through a number of enhancements and extensions, and although it scales to very large network environments, it still oly provides one active path from ane device to another, regardless of how many actual connections might existin the network. Although STP isa robust and Scalable Solution to redundancy ina Layer 2 network, the single logical link creates two problems: At least half of the available system bandwidth is off-limits to data traffic, and network topologies changes. The Rapid Spanning Tice Protocol (RSTP) reduces the overhead of the rediscavary process and allows a Layer 2 network to reconverge faster, but the delay is still high. Link aggregation (IEEE 802 3ad) solves some of these problems by enabling users to se moze than oné link connection between Switches. All physical connections are Toprigt@ 20m oniparNewors, ne Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation cn a QFx Series Snitch Active-Active Mode ICCP and ICL-PL considered one logical connection. The problem with Standard link agregation is that the connections are point to point. ‘Multichassis link agarogation groups (MC-LAGs) enable a client device to form a logical LAG interface between two MC-LAG peers (QFX3500 devices). An MC-LAG provides redundancy and load balancing between the two MC-LAG paers, multihoming support, anda loop-free Layer 2 network without running the Spanning Tree Protocel (STP). In Junos OS Release 122, MC-LAGs Support only Layer 2 features. Junos OS Release 122 does nat support Layer 3 features. (On one end of an MC-LAG, there san MC-LAG client device, such as @ server, that has ‘one or more physical links ina link aggregation group (LAG). This client device does not need MC-LAG configured. On the atherside of the MC-LAG, there are two MC-LAG peers, Each of the MC-LAG paars has one or more physical links connected to a single cliont device. “The MC-LAG peers use the Interchassis Control Protocol (ICCP) to exchange control information and coordinate with each other to ensure that data tratfic is forwarded property “The Link Aggregation Contol Protacol (LACP) isa subcomponent of the IESE 802.3ad Standard, LACP is usad to discover multiple links from a cliant deviee connacted to an MC-LAG peer. LACP must be configured cn all member links for MC-LAG to work correctly. ‘See Table 1 on page 3 for information about ICP failure scenarios. “The following Sections provide an overview ofthe terms and features associated with MC-LAG: + Active-Active Mode on page? + ICCP end ICL-PL on page2 + Failure Handling on page 3 + Multichassis Link Protection on page 4 + Layer2 Features Supported on page 4 + Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Guidelines on page & + MC-LAG Packet Forwarding on page 5 + MC-LAG Uparade Guidelines on page S In active-active mode, all member links are active on the MC-LAG. In this made, MAC addresses learned on one MC-LAG peer are propagated to the other MC-LAG peer Active-active madaiis the only made supported at this time, ICCF replicates control traffic and forwarding states across the MC-LAG neers and communicates the operational state of the MC-LAG membars. Because ICCP uses TCP/IP to communicate between the peers, the two peers must be connected to each other Copright © 2012, uriper Newer ICCP massages exchange MC-LAG configuration parametersand ensure that both peers use the correct LACP parameters. “The intorchassis link-protection link (ICL-PL) provides racundancy when a link failure (for example, an MC-LAG trunk failure) occurs on one of the active links, The ICL-PL can bbe eithar a 10-Gigabit Ethernat interface or an aggregated Ethainet interface. Youcan configure only one ICL-PL between the two peers, although you can configure multiple MC-LAGS btwean them, Failure Handling Configuring ICCP adjacency over aggregated links mitigates the possibility ofa spit-brain state batween MC-LAG peers. Adcitionally, enalling backup liveness detection allows the poars to detect each other through the keepalive link in the event of a split-brsin state. During. split-brain state, the standby peer brings down local members in the MC-LAG Links by changing the LACP system ID. When the ICCP connection is active, both af the MC-LAG peers use the configured LACP system ID. Ifthe LACP system ID is changed during failures, the Server that is connacted over the MC-LAG removes these links from the aggregated Ethernet bundle. ‘When the ICL-PL is operationally down and the ICCP connections active, the LACP state Cf the links with status control configured as standby is set to standby state, When the LACP state of the links is changad to standby, the server that is connected over the MC-LAG makes those links inactiva and dogs not use them for sending data, Table Ion sage 3 describes the different ICCP failure scenarios, @ NOTE: The en dash means that this item is not applicable. Table 1: ICCP Failure Scenarios ea ee en oe pert cree ee eerrs rere tnrerett ferret erry Downers Not configured LACP system IDis changed to default valve. Down Downer Active LACP system IDis changed to default valve. Downers Inactive No change in LACP system ID up Down - ‘THe LACP state ls set to stancy. MUX tate moves towatting state Split-brain states bring down the MC-LAG link completely ifthe primary peer members are also down for other reasons. The split-brain state is automatically recovered when the ICCP adjacency comes up between the MC-LAG peers. Toprigt@ 20m oniparNewors, ne 3 Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation cn a QFx Series Snitch Multichassis Link Protection ‘Mutlichassis ink protection provides link protaction between the tivo MC-LAG peers hosting an MC-LAG, Ifthe ICCP connection is up and the ICL-PL comes up, the peer configuredas Standby brings up the multichassis aggregated Ethernet (MC-AE) interfaces shared with the peer. Multichassis protection must be configured on each MC-LAG peer that is hosting an MC-LAG. Layer 2 Features Supported “The following Layer 2 features are supported: @ NOTE: Layer’ features are not supported at this time + L2unicast: learning and aging + Learned MAC adresses are propagated across MC-LAG peers forall of the VLANS that are spawned actoss the peers. + Aging of MAC addresses happens when the MAC address is not seen on both of the peers + MAC learnings disabled on the ICL-PL automatically + MAC addresses learned on singla-homad links are propagated across all of the VLANs tht have MC-LAG links as members. + L2 multicast: unknown unicast and IGMP snooping + Flooding happens.n all links across peersif both seershave virtual LAN membership. Only one of the peers forwards traffic on a given MC-LAG link + Known and unknown multicast packets are forwarded across the peers by adding, the ICL-PL port asa multicast router port. | IGMP membership learned on MIC-LAG links is propagated across peers. + During an MC-LAG peer reboot, known multicast traffic is flooded until the IGMP. sneaping states synced with the peer. ‘Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Guidelines + Enable STP globally 'STP might detect local mis-wiring loops within the peer or across MC-LAG peers. STP might not detect network loops introduced by MC-LAG peers. + Disable STP on ICL-PL links; otherwise, it might block ICL-PL ports and disable protection 7 Copright © 2012, uriper Newer + Disable STP on interfaces that are connected to aderegation switches + Do not enable the bridge protocol data unit (BPDU) block on interfaces connected to aggregation switches, For more information about @POU black, se Understanding BPOLI Protection for STP, STP, and MSTE MC-LAG Packet Forwarding To prevent the server from receiving multiple copies from both of the MC-LAG peers, a block-mask is used to prevent forwarding of traffic received on the ICL-PL toward the MC-AE interface. Preventing forwarding of traffic received on the ICL-PL toward the MC-AE interface ensures that a split-horizon for traffic received on MC-LAG links is not forwarded back to the same link on the other peer. The forwarding black mask forgiven MC-LAG link is cleared if al of the local members of the MC-LAG link go dawn an the peer. To achieve fastar convergence, if all local members of the MC-LAG link are down, ‘outbound traffic on the MC-LAG is redirected to the ICL-PL interface on the data plane. MC-LAG Upgrade Guidelines (Upgrade the MC-LAG peers according to the following guidelines. See Upgrading Software on a OFX3500 Switch for exact details on how to perform a Software uparade ona (QFX3500 switch, + Make sure that both nodes of the MC-LAG (nade! and nodeZ) are in active-activestate using the following command on any one of the MC-LAG nodes: userGswitch> showintertaces me-a6id1 user@switch> show interfaces mc-ae id 1 Member Link 300 Current State Machine's State: mcae active state Local Status activecceecce Local State uo Peer Status activecceecee Peer State op Logical Interface 00.0 Topology Type bridge Local State up Peer State up Peer Tp/MCP/Stare ae2.0 up + Upgrade nodel of the MC-LAG. Node 1 being ungraded gets rebooted and al trafficis sent across the available LAG interfaces of node 2, whichis still UP. Any traffic lossis attributed to how quickly the neighbor devices detect the link loss and rehash the flows of the LAG. + Verily that node! is running the software you just installed, Issue the show version command, + Make sure that both nodes of the MC-LAG (node 1 and nade 2) are in active-active state after the reboot of node | + Upgrade nade 2 of the MC-LAG. Toprigt@ 20m oniparNewors, ne Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation cn a QFx Series Snitch Related Documentation Node2 being ungraded gets rebooted and all traficis sent across the available LAG. interfaces of node 1. which is still UP. Any traffic lossis attributed to how quickly the neighbor devices detect the link loss and rehash the flows of the LAG, + Verify that nec 2's running the software you just installed. Issue the show version commana, + Make sure that both nodes of the MC-LAG (nade 1 and node 2) are in active-active state after the node 2 reboot. + Configuring Link Aggregation + Example: Configuring Link Aggregation Between a OFX Series Product and an ‘Aggregation Switch + Example: Configuring Multichassis Link Asregation on page 6 + Verifying the Status of a LAG Interface + Junes® OS Network Interfaces Example: Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation Multichassis link aggregation groups (MC-LAGs) enable a client device to form a logical LAG interface between two QFX3500 switches. An MC-LAG provides redundancy and load balancing between the two QFX3S00 switches, muitihoming Support, anda loop-free Layer 2 network without running Spanning Tree Protocol (STP). MC-LAGS support only Layer 2 forwarding on Junos OS Release 122. “The pears in an MC-LAG use an interchassis control link-pratection link (ICL-PL) to replicate forwarding information across the peers. The Interchassis Control Protocol (ICP) exchanges the control information between two MC-LAG QFX3500 switches. ‘Adgitionally, ICCP propagates the operational state of MC-LAG members through the ICL-PL (On one end of an MC-LAGiis an MC-LAG client device, such aa server, that has one or ‘mote physical links in a link aggregation group (LAG). This client device doas nat need to detect the MC-LAG. On the other side of an MC-LAG are two MC-LAG QFX3500 ‘switches. Each of the QFX3500 switches has one or more physical linkS connected to a single client device. The QFX3500 switches coordinate with each other to ensure that data traffic is forwarded propery + Requirements.on page 7 + Overview on page 7 + Configuration on page 8 + Verification on page 18 + Troubleshooting on page 20 Copright © 2012, uriper Newer Requirements Overview “This examole uses the following harcware and software components: + lunes OS Release 12.2 or later for the QFX Series + Two QFX3500 switches Before you configure an MC-LAG, be sure that you understand how to: + Configure aggregates Ethernet interfaces an a QFX3500 switch. See Example: Configuring Link Aggregation Between a QFX Series Product andan Aggregation Switch. + Configure the Link Agaregation Control Protocol (LACP) on aggregated Ethernet interfaces on a OFX3500 switch. See Example: Configuring Link Agsregation with LACP Botween a OFX Series Product and an Aggregation Switch, In this example, you configure an MC-LAG across two OFX3500 switches, consisting of ‘two aggregated Ethernet interfaces, an interchassis control link-protection link (ICL-PL). ‘multichessis protection ink for the ICL-PL. ICCP for the peers hosting the MC-LAG, and Layer 3 connectivity between MC-LAG peers. Layer 3 connectivity is required for ICCP, Topology “The topology Used in this exarnple consists of twa QFX3500 switches hosting an MC-LAG. “The two QFX3500 switches are connected to a server, Figure Ton page 7 shows the topology of this example Figure 1: Configuring a Multichassis LAG Between Switch A and Switch B Switch A ae0 ‘Switch B Server 1 ‘Table 2 on page & details the topology used in this configuration example Toprigt@ 20m oniparNewors, ne + Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation cn a QFx Series Snitch Table 2: Components of the Topology for Configuring a Multichassis LAG Between Two QFX3500 Switches Hostname eee [ree eae ere Switch A OFX3500 switen 200s configured as an agereeated Ethernet interface. and ie used as an F500 eniten ICL-PL. The following interfaces are part cof a0: xe-0/0/12 and x2-0/0/13Svitch Aand ¥6:0/0/12 and x8-0/0/13 00 Sich 2, ‘els configuedas anMC-LAG, and the following two interfaces are part of al x6-0/0/44.0n Seitch A and 0-0/0/46.0n Switch B Configuration CLIQUIck To avickly configure this examnle, copy the following commands, paste them in a text Configuration file, ernove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match yaur network configuration, and paste the commands into the CLlat the [edit] hierarchy level of Switch A set chassis aggragated-devices ethernet device-count 2 set interfaces xe-0/0/12 ether-options 802 3ad 200 et interfaces x2-0/0/13 ether-options 002 320 220 set interfaces xe-0/0/44 ether-options 602 3ad a6) set interfaces 2€0 unit 0 family ethemet-ewitching port-mode trunk set interfaces 2€0 unit 0 family athernet-switching vian members v500 set interfaces ael aggregated-ether-optionslacp active set interfaces 261 aggrogated-ether-options lacp system-id 00:01:02-03:06-05 setinterfaces 201 aggregated-ether-options lacp edmin-key 3 set interfaces ael aggregated-ether-options mc-ae mc-aesid 3 set interfaces ae] ausresated-ether-options me-ae chassisvid 0 setintertacos 2e1 aggregated -ether-options me-ae mode active-active set interfaces acl aggregated -ether-options me~ae status-contro active set 26] aggregated-ether-options me-ae init-delay-time 240 set interfaces 2e1 unit 0 femily ethernet-switching port-mode trunk set interfaces ae1 unit 0 family ethernet-suitching vian members vi00 set interfaces vian unit 300 family inetadcress get vans vi00 viareic 100 set vane v500 viarvié 500 set viane vS00 (3-interface vian S00 set protocols cep local-ip-addr 33.32 set protocols cep peer 3.3.31 session-esteblishment-hold-time 50 set protocois eco peer 3.3.3. backuc-liveness-datection backup-Peer-I010.20764233 set protocols ccp peer 3.3.31 liveness-dtection minmum-racelve-ntarval 60 set protocols ecp peer 33.31 liveness-detaction tansmit-nterval minimumm-interval 60 set protocols rtp interface 2e0 0 disable set protocols rtp interface 261.0 edge set protocols rtp interface all mode point-to-point set protocols rstp bedu-block-on-edga set mult-chassis mult=chassis-srotection 3331 interface ae “To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them in a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necassary to match your network a Conmigne@ 20 nine configuration, and paste the commands into the CLlat the [edit] hierarchy levelof Switch 5 set chacsis aggragatec-coviees thor set interfaces xe-0/0/12 ether-options 802 3ad ae set interfaces xe-0/0/13 ether-options 202-3ad 260 set interfaces xe-0/0/46 ether-options 802 3ad ael set interfaces 2€0 unit 0 family athernet-switching port-mad trunk set interfaces 260 unit 0 family themet-switching ian members vS00 setinterfacos 261 aggregated-ether-optionslacp active set interfaces ae] aggregated -ether-optionslacp system-id 00.01:02:03:04.05 set interfaces a0] aggrogatad-ather-options lacp admin-kay 3 set interfaces 261 aggregated-ether-options mc-aa mc-ae-id 3 set interfaces ae] aggresated-ather options me-ae chazzie-id1 set interfaces ael aggregated-ether-options mc-ae mode active-active set interfaces 201 aggregated -ether-options me-ve status-control standby set 201 aggregated -ether-options me-ae iit-delay-time 240 set interfaces ae] unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk set interfacas 261 unit 0 family etharnet-switching vian members vi00 set interfaces vian unit 300 family inst address 33.31/26 setviensvi00 viareis 100 set vans vS00 vier-id 500 set vlane v500 (3snterfaee vian 500 set protocols eco localis-addr 33.31 set protocols ecp peer 33.3.2 session-astablishment-hold-time 50 ‘set protocols ccp peer 33.32 backupclivanass-detection backup-peer-p 1020764233, set protocols ecp peer 33.3 2liveness-detection minimum-receive-interval 60 set protocols ecp peer 33.32 liveness-detection transmit-nterval minimuminterval 60 set protocols rtp interface 200.0 disable set protocols rtp interface ae1.0 edge set protocols rstp interface all mode point-to-point set protocols rtp bpdu-block-on-edge set multi-chassis multi-chassic-protection 33.3 2intertace 220 Configuring MC-LAG on Two QFX3500 Switches Step-by-Step To enable multichassis protection link between MC-LAG peers: Procedure “The following example requires you to navigate various levelsin the configuration hierarchy. For information about navigating the CLL see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CL User Guid 1. Configure the number of LAGS on both Switch Aand Switch B [edit chassis] Userwswitché set agaregated-devices ethernet device-count 2 ‘Add member interfaces to the aggregated Ethernet interfaces on bath Switch A and Switch 8. [edit interfaces] userswitch# set xe-0/0/12 ther-options 002 3ad.a60 [edit interfaces) Userdcwitch? satxe-0/0/13 ether-options 602.324 220 [edit Interfaces) Uuserdcwitch# satxe-0/0/44 ether-options 002 3ad a2) [edit interfaces] userdswitch# setxe-0/0/46 ether-options 202 3ad ae1 Configure a trunk interface between Switch A and Switch 8. [edit interfaces) Toprigt@ 20m oniparNewors, ne = Configuring Mulchassis Link Age non a GFX Sercs Sitch Step-by-Step Procedure userswitch# set 260 unit 0 family ethemet-cwitching port-mode trunk 4 Configure a multichassis protection link between Switch A and Switch B. Switch a Leaied userswitcht sat multi-chasslemultichassie-protection 33.3.2 interface 220 Switeh 8 [edie] userswitché set mult-chassis mult-chassis-protection 33.31 interface aso Toenable ICCP: “The following example requires you to navigate various levalsin the configuration hierarchy. For information about navigating the CLI, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User Guide. 1. Configure the local IP address to bein the ICCP connection an Switch A and Switch 5 Switeh A [edit protocols} userdéswitch# set cep localip-addr 33.32 Switch 8 Ledit protocols] usereswitch# set iccp localip-addr 3.3.31 2. Configure the peer IP adaress and minimum receive interval for @ (BFD) session for ICCP on Switch Aand Switch B. Switch A [edit protocols} userdswitchs set cep peer 33.3! veness-detection minimum-receivesnterval 60 Switeh 8 [edit protocols} useréswitch# set icce peer 33.3.2 liveness-detection minimurrecelvesinterval 60 3. Configure the peer IP address and minimum transmit interval for Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) session for ICCP on Switch A and Swi Switch A Ledit protocols} userdswitch# set ccp peer 33.31 Iveness-detection ransmit-interval minimumn-interval 60 Switeh 8 [edit protocols} Userwsii tché saticep peer3.3.32liveness-detection transmit-nterval minimum-intarval 60 4. (Optional) Configure the time during which an ICCP connection must succeed between MC-LAG peers on Switch A and Switch B. Conmigne@ 20 nine Switch A Ledit protocols} userdswitch# set ccp peer 33.3! session-establishment-hold-time 50 Switch 8: [edit protocols} userdswitch# set ccp peer 333.2 session-establishment-hold-time 50 5. (Optional) Configure the backup IF address to be used for backupliveness detection Wad pcs Switeh a: [edit protocols} userdswitch# seticcppser3.33 1backup-livenass-detection backup-peer-ip1020764233 Switch 8 [edit protocols} userdswi tché setieep peer3.3:3 2backup-liveness-detection backup-eeet-ip10.20764232 6. Configure Layer 3 connectivity between the MC-LAG peers on both Switch A and Switch 6 (edit vlans] userswitchi setv500 vian-id 500 (edit vlans) userdswitch# sat v500 (Snterface vian 300 [edie interfaces] Userdswitch# sat 220 unit 0 family ethernet-cwitching port-mede trunk vian mambers vs00 Toprigt@ 20m oniparNewors, ne 7 Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation cn a QFx Series Snitch Step-by-Step Procedure ‘To enable the MC-LAG interface: “The following example requires you to navigate various levalsin the configuration hierarchy. For information about navigating the CLI, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CL User Guide. Enable LACP on the MC-LAG interface on Switch A and Switch 8. veers [edit interfaces] userdswitché setae] aggregated-ether-options lacp activa Specify the same multichassis aggregated Ethernet identification number on both MC-LAG peers on Switch A and Switch 6 [edit interfaces) uscrdswitch# sete] aggregsted-ether-options me-seme-s0-id3 3. Spocify.a unique chassis for the MC-LAG on the MC-LAG peers on Switch Aand Switen 6. Switen A Ledit interfaces] useréswitché setae] aggregated-ether-options me-ae chassisvid O Switeh 8 [edit interfaces) userdswitch# setae] aggragated-ather-options me-ae chassisid? 4. Specify the operating mode of the MC-LAG on both Switch A and Switch B i covacneacneresinsusorastnatn [edit interfaces) userdcwitch? satel ageregates-ether-options me-ae mode active-active 5. Specify the status control for MC-LAG on Switch A and Switch 8. in standby mode. Switch A [edit interfaces) userdswitch# setae] aggregated-ether-options me-ae status-control active Switch 8 edit interfaces] Copright © 2012, uriper Newer useréswitch# setae] aggrogated-other-options mc-ae status-control standby 6. Specify thenumiber of seconds by which the bring-upof the MC-AE interface should be deferred after you reboot Switch A and Switch B [edit interfaces) Uusereswitch# setae] aggregated-sther-options me-aeinit-delay-time 260 7 Specify the same LACP system ID for the MC-LAG on Switch A and Switch B, [edit interfaces] userdswitch# set 261 aggregated-ether-options sep system-1D 00:01:02:03:04:05 8. Specify the same LACP administration key on both Switch A and Switch B. [edit interfaces) Uusereswitch# set 261 aggregated-ether-options lacp admin-key 3 9. Enable a VLANon the MC-LAG an Switch A and Switch 8, [edit interfaces userdswitch# sete] unit 0 family ethernet-switehing port-mode trunk [eaie} userswitché set vians v100 vlan-id100 [edit interfaces] useréswitché setae] unit O family ethernst-switching vian members vi00 Step-by-Step To enabled RSTP: Procedure “The following example requires you to navigate various levalsin the configuration hierarchy For information about navigating the CLI, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User Guide. 1. Enable RSTP globally on all interfaces on Switch A and Switch B. (edie) userdswitch# set protocols rtp intertace all mode point-to-point Disable RSTP on the ICL-PL interfaces on Switch A and Switch & edit] userdswitch# set protocols sto interface 2@0.0 disable 5. Configure the MC-LAG interfaces as edge ports on Switch Aand Switch B. [oaie) userdswitch# set protocols sto imterface 201.0 edge 4 Enable BPDU blocking on all intarfaces excent for the ICL-PL interfaces on Switch Aand Switch 6, [edie] Uuserdswitché set protocols stp bpdu-block-on-edge Display the results of the configuration an Switeh A. chassis £ aggregated-devices [ ethernet £ Toprigt@ 20m oniparNewors, ne = Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation cn a QFx Series Snitch deviee-count 2: : 1 } Interfaces ( xe-0/0/12{ ether-options £ 1802.3ad a€0: : 1 xe-0/0/3{ ether-options { 802 3ad 260: ? 1 xe-O/0/64 £ fetnereptions { ‘802.3ad acl : 1 aco unit 0 { ‘amily ethernet-switching £ pport-mode trunk: vlan { members v500: : 1 1 } sell eggregated-ether-options { lacpt active systom-id 00:01:02:03:04:05, edenin-key 3: 1 me-ae t me-ac-id3; chassis-d 0: mode active-active; status-control active Init-delay-time 240 : 1 unit of ‘amily ethernet-switching { port-made trunk: vant ‘members v100;, } ? 1 1 vlan f unit $00 { w Copright © 2012, uriper Newer family inet { addrass 33.3.2/24: 1 } : 1 protocols { jeep t local-ip-addr3.3.3.2: peer 33311 session-establishment-hold-time 50; backup-tiveness-detection { backup-peer-ip 10.20764.233; 1 Uiveness-detection { ‘minimum-receive-interval 60; ‘wansmit-interval { minimum-intorval 60: : 1 } } stot Interface ae0.0 { disable: 1 Intorfaceael.0 edge: 1 interraee all { ‘mode point-to-point: 1 bbpdu-block-on-edge; } 1 multi-chassis { ‘multi-chassis-protection 33.31 { intertaceae0; : 1 vlans £ loot vlan 100} 1 500 £ wlan-id 500; \Grinterface vlan 500: ? 1 Display the results of the configuration on Switeh 6 chassis £ aggregated-devices [ ethernet £ ‘deviee-count 2; Toprigt@ 20m oniparNewors, ne Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation cn a QFx Series Snitch : : 1 interraces xe-0/0/12{ etner-options { ‘8023ad ae0; } } xe-0/0/3 1 ether-options { ‘8023ad ae0; } 1 xe-0/046 ether-options £ ‘802. 3ad ae! ? 1 aed unit of family ethernet-switching { port-mode trunk: vlan { members v500; : : 1 1 aeit ‘aggregated-ather-options [ lace f active; system-id 00:01:02.03:04:05; edmin-key 3: 1 mode active-active: status-contrl standby; init-delay-time 260 : 1 unitof ‘amily ethernet-switching { pport-made trunk: vlan { members v100; 1 } ? 1 vlan unit 500 £ family inet { i Copright © 2012, uriper Newer address 3.33.24; : 1 } } protocols { fecp t locatip-adar3 3.31 peer3.23.2{ ssession-establishment-hold-time 50: backup-tiveness-detection { bbackup-peer-ip 10.20764.233; } lveness-detection { minimum-receive-interval 60; transmit-interval £ minimuen-intarval 60; ? : 1 } sto Intorfacea00.0 { disable: } Interface ael.0 [ edge: 1 interfaceall { ‘made point-to-point; 1 bbpdu-block-on-edige: 1 } multicchassis { multi-chassis-protection 33.32 { Interfaceae0; } 1 vans £ vi00 { vlan-id 100: 1 v500£ vlan-1d 500; (Ginterface vian.500; } ? Toprigt@ 20m oniparNewors, ne Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation cn a QFx Series Snitch Verification “Toverify that the MC-LAG group has been created and is working properly, perform these tasks: + Verifying That ICP Is Working on Switch A.on page 18 + Verifying That ICCP Is Working on Switch Bon page 18 + Verifying That LACP Is Active on Switch A on page 19) + Verifying That LACP Is Active on Switch Bon page 19 + Verifying That the MC-AE and ICL-PL Interfaces Are Lip on Switch A on page 19 + Verifying That the MC-AE and ICL-PL Interfaces Are Up on Switch B on page 19 + Verifying that MAC Learning Is Occurting on Switch A and Switch B on page 20 Verifying That ICCP Is Working on Switch A Purpose Verify that ICCP is running on Switch A Action fedit] Lurerdawitcht show ieee Redundancy Group Inforsation for peer TCP Connection Established Liveliness Detection : Up Client Application: McswOoPD Client Application: esud Meaning This output shows that the TCP connection between the peers hosting the MC-LAGis up livenass detection is uo, and MCSNOOPD and ESWD client applications are running Verifying That ICCP Is Working on Switch B Purpose Verify that ICCP is running on Switch 8, Action showieep {edied userswitcht show iecp Redundancy Group Inforsation for peer TCP Connection Established Liveliness Detection : Up Client Application: McswOoPD Client Application: esud Meaning This output shows that the TCP connection between the peers hosting the MC-LAGis up livenass detection is uo, and MCSNOOPD and ESWD client applications are running cy Conmigne@ 20 nine Purpose Action Meaning Purpose Action Meaning Purpose Action Meaning Purpose Verifying That LACP Is Active on Switch A Verity that LACP is active.on Switch A (edit) Uuserswitch# show lacp interfaces Aagregated interface: acl LACP stat Role Exp Def Dist Col Syn Aggr Timeout Activity xe-0/0/46 Actor No. NoYes ‘Yes Yes Yes = Fast Active xe-0/0/468 Partner No_No Yes Yes Yes Yes Fast active LACP protocol: Receive State Transeit State Mx State xe-0/0/46 Current Fast periodic Collecting distributing “This output shows thet Switch A is participating in LACP negotiation. Verifying That LACP Is Active on Switch B Verify that LACP is active.on Switch B {edied userswitch# show lacp interfaces Aggregated interface: acl LACP state: Role Exp Def Dist Col Syn Aggr Timeout Activity xe-0/0/44 Actor No No Yes ‘Yes Yes Yes Fast Active xe-0/0/44 Partner No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Fast active LACP protocol: Receive State Transmit State max State xe-0/0/48 Current Fast periodic Collecting distributing “This output shows that Switch Bis participating in LACP negotiation. Vert \@ That the Mc Verify that the MC-AE and ICL-PL interfaces are upon Switch A. \E and ICL-PL Interfaces Are Up on Switch A [edie] Useraswitch# show interfaces me-3 Member Link Dae Gureent State Machine's State: mcae active state Local Status active Local state Pup Peer Statue active Peer state Logical Interface ‘Topology Type Local stave Peer State Peer Ip/mce/seare 2 2:3.3.1 380.0 up “This output shows that the MC-AE interface on Switch Ais up and active. Verifying That the MC-AE and ICL-PL Interfaces Are Up on Switch B Verity that the MC-AE and ICL-PL interfaces are up on Switch B. Toprigt@ 20m oniparNewors, ne 5 Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation cn a QFx Series Snitch Action Meaning Purpose Action Meaning Troubleshooting Problem Solution Related Documentation (edit) Usertswitch# show interfaces me-a8 Member Link el Current State Machine's State: mcae active state Local Status active Local state Pup Peer Status active Peer State Pup Logical Interface ae1.0 Topotoay Type + bridge Local Stave Pup Peer state 2 up Peer Ip/MCr/Seare 2 2:3.3.2 280.0 up ‘This output shows that the MC-AE interface on Switch Bis up and active, Verifying that MAC Learning Is Occurring on Switch A and Switch B Verify that MAC learning is working on Switch A and ®. edit] userdawitcht show athernet-switehing tabla Ethernet-switching table: 10 entries, 4 learned, 0 persistent entries VLAN NAC address Type Age Interfaces 22 . Flood "Al members ve (00:00:5e:00:01:01 static = Roueer 222 (00:10:94:00:00:05 Learn(L) 33 60.0 (HCAE) wee 84:18:88:¢F:aczae Learn(R) 0 aez.0 “The output shows four learned MAC addresses entries. Troubleshooting @ LAG That Is Down “The show interfaces terse command shows that the MC-LAGis down (Check the following: Verify that there is no configuration mismatch, + Verify that all memiber ports are up. Verify that the MC-LAG is part of smily Ethernet switching (Layer 2LAG), + Verify that the MC-LAG member is connected to the correct MC-LAG member at the other end. + Understanding Multichassis Link Aggregation on page 1 Configuring Multichassis Link Agzregation on page 21 a Conmigne@ 20 nine Configuring Multichassis Link Aggregation Multichassis link aggregation groups (MC-LAGs) enable a client device to form a logical LAG interface between two QFX3500 switches. An MC-LAG provides redundancy and load balancing betwean the two QFX3500 switches, muitihoming Support, and.aloop-free Layer2 network without running the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP). At this time, MC-LAGS support only Layer 2 festures. “The MC-LAG switches use the Interchassis Control Protocol (ICCP) to exchange the control information between two MC-LAG QFX3500 switches On oneend of an MC-LAGisan MC-LAG client device, such asa server, that has one or ‘more physical links in a link aggregation group (LAG). This client device doas nat need +o detect the MC-LAG., On the other side of MC-LAG are two MC-LAG QFX3500 switches, Each of the QFX3500 switches has one or more physical link connected toa singleclient device. The QFX2500 switches coordinate with each other to ensure that data traffic is forwarded properiy. @ NOTE: An interface with an alteady configured IP address cannot form part ofthe aggregated Ethemer interface or mutichassis aggregated Ethernet, intertace grove. Perform the following steps on each QFX3500 switch that is hosting an MC-LAG: 1. Specify the same multichassis aggregated Ethemet identification number for the IMC-LAG that the aggregated Etnamet interface belongs to on each QFX3500 switch, [edit interfaces) Useraswitche set a@x aggregated-

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