10 Points To Find More Time and Get Things Done

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Welcome to The Cheerful Mind’s Have More Fun,

Get Stuff Done Checklist!

Here are my Top 10 tips to create more time in your day to do the things you love!
These are all things I personally do to get things done. By implementing these
strategies into your life (feel free to tweak them in a way that works for you!), you
will feel less overwhelm and over-commitment, and have WAY MORE FUN!

Set aside 30 minutes at the start of each week looking at what you
need to accomplish over the next two weeks. Make a list of any subtasks that
are necessary for any scheduled appointments or meetings you may have in
that time frame, and set aside time on your calendar to complete those tasks.

Start every morning by setting intentions of 1-3 things that you really
want to accomplish that day. Focus on completing those before you tackle
any other items on your to-do list!

Take a 10 minute break during each hour of work. (Ideally, you can
set a 25 minute timer to do focused work (i.e. pomodoro), and take a 5
minute break, or a 50 minute timer for larger tasks with a 10 minute break).
During your break, get up and take a walk, drink some water, or have
a mini-dance party.

Choose up to three short blocks of time in your day to check your

email inbox/ social media each day (for example, I have three 30-minute
blocks of time scheduled into my calendar for checking email and social
media). Shut down these programs anytime you’re doing focused work.
Create a separate email address specifically for newsletters from
companies or vendors, or use a program like unroll.me to keep spam and
non-urgent emails permanently out of your inbox. If you have been ignoring
certain emails for over a month, it’s time to unsubscribe.

Write down the list of your “time- suckers.” These are things that are
inefficient, distract you, or piss you off! (These can be as simple as social
media, or as complex as a draining relationship. And if you’re complaining
about something, that’s a time-sucker!) Take some time to brainstorm ideas
on how you can either delegate or release those time-suckers so you can
focus on more important things.

Find an accountability partner (or a small accountability group).

Leverage those relationships to push yourself to keep moving forward, and
know that you’re not doing it alone!

Identify your most ideal time to go to bed. Give yourself a reward if

you can get to sleep on time at least 4 times in a week. As much as possible,
do NOT take your computer or any work with you into your bedroom!

End every day reflecting on 1- 3 great things that happened during

your day. More if possible!

Identify your top 3 values, and at the end of each week, reflect on how
you honored them!

ENJOY! Hope this is helpful in streamlining your days and having more fun!

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