Penalty Elimination Approach March2020

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Elimination and Penalty Approach

Dr P. Ravinder Reddy
Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering &
Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology

✓ After finding the element stiffness matrix of a given structure

the assemblage of all the discretised stiffnesses are
carried out to get global stiffness matrix for entire structure.
✓ Then the equilibrium equation [K] {q} = {P}is to be solved by
substitution of geometric and loading boundary conditions.
✓ This equation is solved by elimination approach and penalty
Consider the single boundary condition q1 = a1. T
he equilibrium equations are obtained by minimizing  with respect to q,
subject to the boundary condition q1 = a1.
For an n degrees of freedom structure, the potential energy

1 T
 = q Kq − q T p
Then the above matrix is solved by detecting first row and first
column from the original stiffness matrix, then the reduced
matrix is solved using Gaussian elimination method. The
reaction force can be obtained from the Finite Element
equation for node 1.

K11q1 + k12q2 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +k1nqn = P1 + r1

Then the reaction forces becomes

R1 = k11q1 + k12q2 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +k1nqn - P1
Consider the boundary condition q1 = a1, where a1
is known specified displacement along dof 1 of the support.
The penalty approach for handling boundary condition is as
A spring with large stiffness C is used to model the support. One end
of the spring is displacement by an amount of a1 as shown in Figure

Figure 2.3 Spring with a large stiffness

✓The displacement q1 along dof 1 will be
approximately equal to a1, owing to the relatively small
resistance offered by the structure.
✓Consequently, the net extension of the spring is equal
to (q1 - a1).
✓The strain energy in the spring equals
Us =
c q1 − a1 ) 2

Figure 2.3 spring with a large stiffness is used to model the
boundary condition (q1 = a1), then the modified total
potential energy due to spring support becomes

 m = q kq + C (q1 − a1 ) − q P
1 T 1 2 T

2 2
Prob: Referring to figure 2.4 evaluate (a) shape functions f1
and f2 at point ‘P’ (b) The value of the displacement q at
point ‘P’ if q1 = 0.05mm and q2 = 0.25mm. (c) The strain and
Stress of E = 2 x 105 N/mm2
(a)Shape functions at a point P,

f1 =1−
(40 − 20) = 0.6
L (70 − 20)

f2 =
(40 − 20) = 20 = 0.4
L (70 − 20) 50

(b) The value of the displacement at a point ‘P’

u = f1q1 + f2q2
= 0.6 x 0.05 + 0.4 x 0.25 = 0.13 mm
q  1 0.05
 = Bq = − 1 1 1  = − 1 1
1 −3
 = 4 x 10 •= EBq = E = 2 x 105 x 4 x 10-3 = 800 MPa
50 q 2  50 0.25
Thank you

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