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Department of computer Sciences

COMSATS University Islamabad

Abbottabad campus.

Assignment # 4
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Program & Section:

BS (CS), Section (5A)


In democratic societies, political parties play a significant role in articulating citizens’ aspirations after
gaining support and electoral mandate given by people and general public. How do you define a
political party? Name few major political parties that exist in Pakistan. Furthermore, in your viewpoint
what are the certain problems that almost every political party face for carrying out their mandate
effectively and what is the way forward to restructure the political party systems as the main feature
& characteristics of a good political system?

Political Party:
Political party is group of people that have the identical ideology, otherwise have the same
political positions, and field applicants for elections, in attempt to get elected and thereby
instrument the party's agenda.

Popular Political party Names:

1: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf.

Founded on 25 April 1996 in Lahore by Imran Khan

Currently ruling party

2: Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan

Founded on 26 August 1941 in British India

1947,1672 year ago in Pakistan Now led by Siraj ul Haq

3: Pakistan Muslim League – N

Founded in year 1988 by Fida Mohmammad Khan

And later it was led by Nawaz Shrif

4: Pakistan People's Party.

Founded in 1973 by Zalfiqar Ali Butto

Currently led by Bilawal Butto Zardari

5; Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT)

Founded on 25 May 1989 and led by Tahir ul Qadari

The Problems of Political Parties

Almost all the political parties currently face certain problems that are first is the lack of equality
within the party structure. Secondly they are pensive with the sole independent of grabbing
power. They have failed to inspire the growth of alternate leadership. Thirdly all most all of our
parties lack a clear party-political vision. Corruption has eaten into the heart of the society, a
society that has few resources and great development demands. Thus they have indifferent the
citizens from political sharing and participation

Political Pressure group:

Developing country like Pakistan there are many pressure groups such as the religious
groups, the business groups or the military they work against the government when their interest
is not being served by doing protest or putting pressure internally this also effects the mandate of
the government in a negative manner.

Absence of Inner Democracy

All major political parties are accused of democratic malpractices. Their leaders appoint
themselves as life chairpersons. Heirs are groomed to take over their father's mantle. Party
positions are distributed at a price to favorites .A some exemptions, political parties in Pakistan
have never held elections within their ranks. Repeatedly, influential politicians pursued and
fortified significant positions in key parties on the basis of recommendations. Heads of the chief
political parties are selected by their so called working commissions or Central Boards, which
again encompass non-elected chosen members.

Law and order conditions:

The problem which is faced by the ruling party in Pakistan is bad conditions of law and order
over the past few years we have seen many terror attacks due to which many people lost their
Absence of Building Up of Leaders
Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto leaders of the two mainstream parties, never invigorated the
development of alternative leadership in their parties. The parties in Pakistan do not build
politicians from workers to leaders, from low-ranking to high-ranking public activists and from
weak to powerful decision makers, commanding a progressively expanding jurisdictional
territory. Hence these parties face a problem in mobilizing their disenchanted workers who seem
to be in no mood to make sacrifices for the leadership.
Corruption and Lack of Accountability:

The political leaders focus on personal or vested interests instead of national interests. They have
always tried to achieve their vested interests in the garb of politics. They have never respected
the norms of democracy. That’s why our country has failed to develop healthy political
institutions and lasting democracy. After the October 1999 military coup, many analysts
described the two major political parties of Pakistan as “corrupt, incompetent, unpopular and
highly damaging to the welfare of the people in Pakistan” and observed that it was plutocracy
which was ripping millions of rupees away from the public exchequer. Such charges of
corruption against the party leadership further strengthened the feeling of alienation among the
people. Political parties’ funding in Pakistan remains an unanswered question.

Resistance parties:
In a democratic country a ruling cannot party cannot always rule freely mainly because of the
opposition party if their interest is not being served in any way they make it hard for the
government to practice their political power freely.

Way forward to restructure the political party systems

Political party need following thing to forward the political party system

Citizen's Participation:

The political parties can courage to play a significant role only if they succeed in gathering the
masses around them. There are infrequently any membership campaigns accompanied by the
parties. Even those who joined them on one or the other pretext have been demoralized .Part of
the problematic lies in the internal working of these parties which does not deliver a sense of
contribution to the members.

Mutual Understanding between political party:

Pakistan’s political parties absence mutual trust and thoughtful .The culture of political dialogue
has never taken roots in Pakistan. It was only in 1977 that the two competing political parties
entered a process of negotiations. Today, only circumstances have brought the Pakistan People’s
Party and the Muslim League together into the Alliance for the Restoration of Democracy.
Mainstream as well the ethnic-regional parties, lack internal debate over policy alternatives.
Their priorities and preferences are not an outcome of household debates and discussion. Instead,
they are identified with their leaders.

Characteristics And feature of Good political party

 The government should implement the laws effectively in order to maintain the law and order
situation in Pakistan
 Political parties have some degree of organization, discipline and permanence.
 The ruling party should maintain good relations with the opposition parties in order to carry out
their mandate effectively.
 They seek to achieve their objective through constitutional means.
 The political parties aim at safeguard and promoting national interest.
 The primary aim of every political party is to attain political power as a means to achieve their
 Every political parties have agenda when we will come to the power to resolve their issue to
fulfill their promises

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