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Director Teaching Operations, COUNTRY DIRECTOR

I began my teaching career I’m delighted to see

in Egypt, but also worked in this booklet go out to
Barcelona. After some time you, the teachers in our
in Asia, my new post is based local community. Our
in Madrid: my return finds conferences are now
a challenging educational established in the academic
landscape, one re-shaped by calendar, allowing us to
bilingualism and technology, offer something of value
met by a vibrant community of teachers. It’s to those doing such great work in ELT in
great for us to be involved in these changes: Spain. In striving to improve our services,
working in over 100 countries, we rarely touch we listen attentively to feedback gathered at
as many lives as here. Something that never each event. One theme recurs consistently:
changes, though, is the paramount importance of you, the educators, like us to provide
class teachers and their pursuit of best practice. practical activities to enhance your teaching.
I’ve made a contribution to this booklet – making Now, taking this request to heart, we have
no claims to originality, but Alphabet Shopping produced a booklet for you to keep handy in
(page 4) really engages learners – and I’ve done your staffrooms across Iberia. Every idea here
so knowing our network breathes creativity comes from the vast experience of our team;
and professionalism: 13 centres in Spain helped each activity has been tried and tested in our
with this booklet. Our Royal Charter states our own centres. Personally, it’s a few years since
purpose as the promotion and advancement of I was in class, but old favourites stand the
education. I hope this project helps fulfil some of test of time because they work. Give ‘Shouted
our obligations to friends, teachers, and learners Dictation’ (page 5) a go: I promise the
everywhere. Good luck with the activities – learners will shout for more! My best wishes
there’s something for everyone here, I’m sure. for the coming year.



Every teacher has a warmer or filler that they really like: as an organisation, we have lots, so we
decided to share some with you. In this booklet you’ll find over 30 ideas for warmers and fillers,
all of which have come from a British Council teacher or manager – every one of our teaching
centres in Spain contributed, and we’d like to thank all of them for their efforts.

Of course, in the teaching world there’s no such thing as originality – we use ideas that spread
by word of mouth, or we adapt and change ideas we’ve read about in books. Just to clarify,
then, none of our staff claims authorship or ownership over any of these suggestions, and if
you find them in other books, so much the better – if they’re popular, they must be valid. But
we would like to apologise to anyone who has published any of these ideas before: we have not
knowingly used commercially available materials, and we would have attributed all the activities
to their originators if we could.

We haven’t ordered the activities in any way: we wouldn’t want you to look only in one ‘section’
of the booklet because you are, say, a teacher of adult English. It may be that by flicking
through Primary and Secondary tasks, you find something that you can use, or at least adapt,
to your own context. Be sure to experiment, and you’ll be sure to find your rewards. And what’s
the difference between a warmer and a filler? Very often it’s in how we choose to use tasks:
generally speaking, a warmer is something you do at the start of class to get learners switching
from L1 habits into L2, while a filler is something you use to change pace, vary patterns of
interaction, or use to usefully exploit 10 minutes at the end of class. So try them out, and don’t
be afraid to ask your learners which ones they like.

Martin Goosey Llanos Gomez

ATCM Professional Development Communications Manager
British Council Madrid Young Learners British Council Spain
ALPHABET SHOPPING Teacher “Yes good, next.”
Contributed by: Anna Searle Student 2 follows “I went to market and I
Learning Objective: Recycling irregular bought…” (names item) e.g. a carrot.
past tense (went/bought/found) and revising Teacher “Yes good, next.”
vocabulary around shopping/things we own. Student 3 follows “I went to market and
Age: Any age above Junior, but works best bought …” e.g. dog food.
with teens. Teacher “Yes good, next.”
Level: Elementary Student 4 follows “I went to market and
Interaction: Whole class bought…” e.g. shoes.
Class Time: 10 minutes (can be extended for Teacher “No, sorry, sit down.”
more vocabulary). Student 5 follows “I went to market and
Preparation/Time: None! You can prepare bought …” e.g. some earplugs for my iPod.
some pictures of previously introduced Teacher “Yes good, next.”
vocabulary around things we own, shopping but The theme here is listing in alphabetical order
good to let the students use their own examples the items they say they buy, if a student doesn’t
for a more genuine shopping experience. follow the alphabetical order, they sit down. Most
Procedure: Line up around the room (sitting or groups can guess the theme is alphabetical by
standing, but with teens, it’s good to get them letter G or H, which is good as things to buy gets
standing up to add movement to the warmer). more difficult further down the alphabet! You can
Do not explain the game, other than listen to then continue with the alphabet with the rest of
what I say, and choose an item you want to the class, and invite the students who sat down
buy at market when it is your turn. If you get to stand up and join in again, in alphabetical
it right, you remain standing up, if you get it order until they have all practised the simple
wrong, you will have to sit down. When you phrase and added a vocab item. You can also
have worked out what the theme is, shout out! use this warmer to work on the pronunciation of
Teacher leads with “I went to market and I difficult past tense irregular verbs.
bought…” (name item bought) e.g. an apple. Variations: To add variety, choose different
Student 1 follows “I went to market and I themes for the sequence: instead of
bought…” (names item – see variations below) alphabetic choose only vegetables, or only
e.g. a banana. fruit, or only clothes items. The students need
to work out the theme behind the sequence. mark, add up points, announce winning team.
Another variety is to use other relevant past Restore order or exit discreetly.
tense irregular verbs “I went to the zoo and

saw….” (an alligator), “I went to a party and ALPHABET RACE
met …” (someone from Angola) for countries, Contributed by: Marielisa de la Mata
nationalities, etc. Learning Objective: Lexis, Practice,
Further Commentary: These can get difficult Structures. (High levels – word building; using
further down the alphabet so be ready to suffixes, collocations, etc.)
help out or skip some letters! Age: Primary, Junior, Senior
Level: Any
SHOUTED DICTATION Interaction: A race/Teamwork
Contributed by: Rod Pryde Class Time: As long as it takes : 20 minutes
Learning Objective: To have fun and usually.
practise real-life listening. Preparation/Time: Chalk, board pen, music
Age: Senior, Adult e.g. prepare flipchart, print cut-outs (10
Level: Any minutes).
Interaction: One class in two teams. Procedure: Basically this is an Alphabet
Class Time: About 10 minutes. race which means you put students into two
Preparation/Time: Minimal - just select texts teams and write two sets of the letters of the
and prepare marking guidance. alphabet on different sides of the board that
Procedure: Divide class in two groups (e.g. you want them to practise. Students are sitting
red and blue), then into same-colour pairs, in their places and it is mandatory that they be
then give one of each pair a short dictation sitting when they get passed the piece of chalk
text appropriate to level and recent learning. or IWB pen or they are penalised. Tell them
Next place one of each pair at opposite ends this 2 or 3 times. Then tell students in what
of room. order they’ll run up to the board and that they
Give five or ten minute timeframe. Start must write a word starting with that letter of
dictation one pair to another, all simultaneously the alphabet. I usually start with A and go on to
(shouting). Stop at end of time period. Collect the next letter consecutively. If they can’t think
texts, hand out marking grid, opposite teams of a word with that letter I let them go on to
the next. Start by handing the first 2 students Further Commentary: It may be used with all
the chalk/pen and play the Chihuahua song, ages/levels as students can decide to make
which is the cue to run up to the board. They simple or complicated questions. It can also be
really enjoy it and you can practise all kinds of used for reviewing vocabulary see in class.
lexis, structures, irregular verbs, etc.
Variations: Adapt it to higher levels if you WORDIA WORK
want to; like FCE affixes, collocations, etc. Contributed by: John Liddy
Learning Objective: If connected log on to
TWENTY QUESTIONS http:/ latest word, games /
Contributed by: Leticia López video. Good way of getting students to focus
Learning Objective: Asking questions / on language learning at start of lesson.
Practising short answers Age: All ages depending on word. Teacher
Age: Any can choose word or students can.
Level: Any Level: Any
Interaction: Group work Interaction: Whole class or groups.
Class Time: It’s a filler; maybe at the end of Class Time: 10-15 minutes
the class when they’ve tidied up. Preparation/Time: None except for some
Preparation/Time: None. You only need a basic instructions.
whiteboard and a marker to note down the Procedure: Open Wordia, choose word or
number of questions they make. (Maximum video or game.
20 minutes). Variations: Teacher can prepare word
Procedure: One person in the class thinks of beforehand. Can be used without internet
something (or someone) and the rest of the connection. Use dictionaries if you want.
group has to ask yes/no questions (up to 20 Further Commentary: Helps students to
questions) to guess it. build up vocabulary lists.
Variations: To practise short answers,
the person answering the questions is not PERSONAL SPIDERGRAMS
allowed to say “yes” or “no” and he/she can Contributed by: Justin Hodge
only answer with an appropriate answer. i.e. Learning Objective: Get to know you / Yes /
alternative ways of doing the task. No questions.
Age: Junior + irregular verbs) pass the ball to another
Level: Elementary and above student who has to say a word and pass the
Interaction: Teacher to whole class, then in ball again. The ball can’t be stopped for more

pairs. than 15 seconds.
Class Time: 10-40 minutes Variations: Instead of a ball, students can write
Preparation/Time: 5 minutes words on a piece of paper and pass it round.
Procedure: Write your name in the middle of
the board. Start a spider chart around it with ALIBI
people, places, dates, hobbies, pets, etc. that Contributed by: Richard Pickup
are related to you. Tell students to guess the Learning Objective: Use imagination,
relationships, but you can only answer “yes” elaboration, spontaneous English, past
or “no”. Ask students in pairs to do the same continuous tense.
with fewer people, places, dates, etc. Age: Upper Juniors/Seniors/Adults
Variations: 5-10 people, etc. Level: Intermediate up.
Further Commentary: Useful to tell the class Interaction: Individuals to the whole class.
about yourself. Make sure students have Class Time: 10 minutes.
formed question correctly. Preparation/Time: 1 or 2 minutes to start
PASS THE WORD Procedure:
Contributed by: Silvia Girimonti 1. Students think about what they were doing
Learning Objective: To practise vocabulary last Friday.
Age: Any 2. Ask students to elaborate/make up a
Level: Any strange story.
Interaction: Group work 3. Teacher accuses someone of a murder.
Class Time: 5-15 mins. 4. Students have to give excuse/alibi and
Preparation/Time: Simply select the lexical/ accuse each other.
grammar area you want to practise/revise Variations: Drama – reactions, gasps!
Procedure: Teacher or one student takes Pointing, standing up in surprise/disgust.
a ball (tennis ball for example), says the first Further Commentary: The more elaborate
word/phrase to be revised (for example the excuses/alibis, the better.
Contributed by: Sylvia Pavlakovich Contributed by: Cheryl Kirkland
Learning Objective: To practise fluency Learning Objective: Revise vocabulary and
Age: Junior, Senior, Adult grammatical structures (questions).
Level: Intermediate + Age: Primary/Junior
Interaction: Pairs Level: Beginner and Elementary
Class Time: 10 minutes Interaction: Whole class
Preparation/Time: Print cut-outs: have Class Time: 10 minutes
unusual or funny conversation starters Preparation/Time: Flashcards from course
written on them. book or make your own.
Procedure: Cut-outs have unusual or funny Procedure: One student chooses a flashcard
conversation starters written on them. In pairs, and the class have to guess what it is (e.g. “Is
students take turns to read out their openers. it a rabbit? Can you jump? Have you got an
Their partner has to respond in a convincing way. apple? Do you like cheese?”)
Variations: This exercise can be timed, Variations: Split class into 2/3 groups or in
i.e. 30 seconds to respond or maintain a pairs.
BACKS TO THE BOARD Contributed by: Misa de la Mata
Contributed by: Jenny Dale Learning Objective: Question forms/
Learning Objective: To revise vocabulary Breaking the ice/students revise question
Age: Any forms.
Level: Any Age: Senior
Preparation/Time: None Level: Upper Intermediate
Procedure: Students sit with backs to board Interaction: Pair work
and mime word and team guess it. Students Class Time: 30 minutes
brainstorm words and write them down and Preparation/Time: None (graph up on
then describe them to partner, according to board).
topic being worked on at time. Procedure: Get students to look at board,
Variations: Groups of 2/3 or 4. graph – sequence, order of questions. Then
in pairs must write 6 (interesting questions). etc. You could write ‘Maybe’ in the middle
Interview partner. Follow up: homework: section of the board
writing a profile on partner. (in this case students would only be allowed

Variations: Put example questions on not to jump 3 times, otherwise they might not
cards, pass them around (get an idea of the move at all!)
question). Further Commentary: Good fun. Would
Further Commentary: NOT “What is your need a willing ‘older’ group obviously!
favourite colour?” Arghh!!!
THE JUMPING GAME Contributed by: Rebecca Mercer
Contributed by: Devin Unwin Learning Objective: Spelling previously
Learning Objective: Revision which appeals introduced vocabulary.
to kinaesthetic learners. Age: Young learners mainly, but I’m sure
Age: Primary to young seniors older ones and adults would enjoy it just as
Level: Any much.
Interaction: Teacher to students (whole Level: Any
class). Interaction: Pair work
Class Time: 5-7 minutes Class Time: 10 minutes
Preparation/Time: Yes or no, depending Preparation/Time: Buy a box of toothpicks
on what level it is and what media you’ve / cocktail sticks and prepare a list of +/- 5
chosen. words.
Procedure: Get students to stand in a line/ Procedure: Give out generous bundles of
queue in front of the white board. Write sticks to each pair. Read out a word from list.
‘Yes’ on one side of the board and ‘No’ on Students spell the words on desks using the
the other. Ask students comprehension sticks. Award points for correct spelling and
questions on a previously watched video or speed. The pair with most points wins.
read book. Further Commentary: Demonstrate activity
Variations: Alternatively, at a higher level first for YLs showing them easiest way
you could ask for opinions: “Bull fighting is to form letters. Sticks cannot be broken.
an art form”; “Women cook better than men”, Students must use capitals only.
DIDYA? Instead of doing the activity in groups of two,
Contributed by: John Macmillan it can be turned into a milling activity. Students
Learning Objective: Practise past simple first write a list of activities to ask others, and
questions / Revise leisure activity vocabulary. they keep tally marks to see how many people
Age: Any in the class have done the activity. They
Level: Pre-intermediate then report back the most popular and least
Interaction: Pair work or milling activity with popular activities for that weekend.
whole class.
Class Time: 15 minutes REGISTERS
Preparation/Time: None Contributed by: Sheona Smith
Procedure: Students work in pairs and ask Learning Objective: To create an
their partner yes/no questions to find out appropriate atmosphere for learning; to
about their plans. They note down the activity establish classroom routines and change
they ask, and put a tick or a cross to record over from playground, dining hall, etc.; to
whether their partner did it or not, e.g. “Did revise previously introduced vocabulary and
you… watch TV?”. – “No, I didn’t.” “Did you… promote learner autonomy
wash the dishes?” – “Yes, I did.” Age: Primary (lower age range).
When each student has a list of activities that Level: Beginner upwards
his partner has or hasn’t done, they report to Interaction: Group work
a different partner, or to the class, Class Time: 10-15 minutes
e.g.“Raquel didn’t watch TV at the weekend. Preparation/Time: Flashcards to be used or
She washed the dishes. She didn’t go to the pinned up, register, etc.
cinema…” Procedure: It is essential that the teacher
Variations: This activity can be used to establishes the routine for several classes
drill other structures such as the present before handing over to the students.
continuous – talking about plans for the Stage 1: Have students come in to class,
coming weekend/holiday. leave bags, pencil cases, etc. on desks and
E.g. “Are you… going clubbing this weekend?” come to sit cross-legged in a circle together
You can also use the structure “Have you with teacher. It’s important that the teacher
ever… been to Moscow?” sits at the same height as the students.
Stage 2: Selected student takes the register responsibility to lead the class and the fact
by calling out the names of the students that each student has an opportunity to
and asking them to provide a word from a act as teacher maintains the novelty of the

topic specified by the teacher. Student says activity. It is important that the teacher also
“Today’s topic is Food - Guilllem Sastre”. participates and follows the indications of the
Guillem responds with any food item he can ‘substitute teacher’. This helps to create a
think of. feeling of equality and confidence.
Stage 3: The same student then takes over
the role of teacher following the same routine GUESSING PICTURES
as would the teacher, i.e. holding up the Contributed by: Jennie Gant
flashcards to elicit from students or pointing Learning Objective: To practise asking and
to them if they have been put up round the answering questions about things you did in
room. the past.
Variations: Rather than have students take Age: Any
register, the students can be shown how to Level: From Pre-intermediate up to Advanced
do simple yoga movements, i.e. stretching Interaction: Pair work
arms, legs and rolling shoulders which they Class Time: 10-15 minutes
then go on to lead. Each class a different Preparation/Time: Nothing – all the material
student is selected by moving down the comes from the students (hooray!)
register. Procedure: Ask students to take a pencil and
This activity can also be done at the end of divide a page in their notebooks into four
class to do a plenary type of activity where squares. Then students (keeping their work
students reflect on what they have learned secret and showing nobody) choose a square
and can remember from the lesson. and in it they should draw a picture or a
The exercise type can be changed to something symbol which shows something that they did
more dynamic should the students look tired. yesterday. Give them a minute to think and
Further Commentary: This is a simple but draw (and go around the class whispering
very effective way of getting the children possibilities to anyone stuck for an idea, e.g.
into the right frame of mind for the class. if they did their homework, they could draw a
The students appreciate being given the book and a pen – but no words).
Then ask the students to choose another Finally you say “OK, you may explain now”.
square and draw something to represent Student A can finally tell B about her pictures
something really great they did last month. and then B can talk about his. (Depending

Then another square and another sketch for on the level and type of class, this usually
something they did but they hated last year generates some great conversation, as
and finally the last square is for sketching having tried to work out what the pictures
something to represent the best thing they mean, students are very interested in what
have ever done in their entire lives! they really mean.)
Remind students that there should be no Variations: You can tell students to
words on their page of sketches and allow remember what they hear in the last stage
for a moment of frantic rubbing out. Then and then have students switch partners and
ask students to find a partner. (So you have a tell their new partner all about their previous
room full of pairs – A and B.) Student A should partner’s past, or develop this into a written
take Student B’s pictures and talk to B about piece where names are not mentioned. Put
them, guessing aloud what they might mean. the writings on the wall the next lesson and
(Student B should remain silent and allow A students go around the classroom reading
to guess, however wrong she gets it!) Then them and trying to guess who did what. Or
they switch roles and it’s Student B’s turn to you could use the information you have
look at A’s sketches and have a guess. heard to create a mingle activity for another
You should monitor unobtrusively here – a lesson, where students have to talk to all the
great chance to note down general errors others in the class and find out who has been
which can be worked on later in the lesson. skydiving or who went to a football match
Then ask the class to stop guessing and and hated it….
start asking. Students try to find out what Further Commentary: I first saw an
their partner’s activities really were by asking exercise like this in a training session and
questions to which their partner may only reply I enjoyed doing it myself. I have changed
with a ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’ (i.e. Student A asks “Did you it a little bit and used it a lot. I like this
go to the beach last month?” Student B replies activity as it’s very personalised, with
“No”). Teacher monitors – another chance to all the details coming from the students
see if you need to work on question formulation. themselves and it gives them a chance to
talk about things that happened in their 3. Open the papers and try and guess who
past and ask for details of situations in the got each present.
past of someone else, which is a very usual 4. Check your answers as a group.

type of conversation between friends or 5. Encourage students to ask questions about
new acquaintances; so this type of practise the presents and around this, the holiday too.
should be really useful in preparing our Further Commentary: Works very well if
students for authentic situations they find students write interesting presents on the
themselves in outside of the classroom, too. paper!


Contributed by: Lesley Denham Contributed by: Lesley Denham
Learning Objective: To talk about holidays Learning Objective: Recycle vocabulary
and change chip back to English after the either from a vocabulary list, vocabulary box,
break. or vocabulary from a unit.
Age: Adult/Senior Age: Adult
Level: Any Level: Any
Interaction: Pair or Group work or Individual Interaction: Pair or Group work or Individual.
Class Time: 15-20 minutes depending on Class Time: However long you need while
how much the students get involved in it! another group is finishing an exercise. Also
Preparation/Time: None – you just need to use while waiting for students to arrive for
paper. class.
Procedure: Give each group some paper Preparation/Time: None – you just need
which they tear into the same number of the words form the list/unit/box. It is better if
pieces as there are students in the group. you have the words on card so they can be
1. Each student writes one present they got handed out to students. E.g. prepare flipchart,
over the holiday on their piece of paper. print cut-outs (10 minutes).
Ask them not to put ‘money’ or something Procedure: If you have the words on cards,
very general if possible. then they can be recycled in many ways and
2. Fold the papers and pass them on to the used as a filler or when you need to wait for
next group. groups to finish exercises, etc. Very low tech!
Give each pair/group a pile of words and make sure students have a copy of the words
they can do any of the following: from each term, allow time for groups/pairs
1. Put them face down and take turns to to write a test (having distributed the words

define the words so the other students can among them) for the other pairs/groups.
guess the word on the card. If they don’t This test can be in the form of matching
know the word on the card, they put it definitions, filling in gaps, matching pictures
back and take another. and words, etc., but is written and corrected
2. Put cards face down. One student picks by the students. They then keep a copy of
up a card and makes a sentence using the the tests as a record of the vocabulary.
word. Next student takes a card and has
to continue to make a story building on THE HOMEWORK GRID
the first sentence and incorporating their Contributed by: Mark Bowthorpe
word. This continues. Learning Objective: Review/consolidate
3. One student in teacher role ‘tests’ the homework or classroom exercise.
other students giving definitions of the Age: 10+
words and the others have to say what the Level: Any
word is on the card. Interaction: Individual and group work
4. Put cards face up. Student picks a card Class Time: Up to 30 minutes
and gives a definition. The others decide if Preparation/Time: None – only drawing the
it is correct or not. grid on the whiteboard (or use a pre-boarded
5. Put cards face down and a student picks grid, which would take longer).
up a card and has to mime the meaning so Procedure: For homework or in the previous
the others can guess. class students need to have done a grammar
6. Put cards face down and a student picks or vocabulary exercise and not corrected it.
up a card and has to draw the meaning so Teacher draws a grid of 16 squares on the
the others can guess. board (4 by 4).
7. Put cards face up and students put them in Teacher numbers grid using same numbering
order according to their favourite words. as homework/classwork exercise, e.g. 1a,
Further Commentary: This works well if you 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, etc., so that each square
say goodbye to the words every term. To corresponds to question.
Divide class into 2 or 3 teams. Age: Any
Teams have 5 minutes to compare answers Level: Any
and agree on most likely answer. Teams take Interaction: Pair or group work

it in turns to nominate a question and give Class Time: 10-15 minutes
the correct answer. If the answer is correct, Preparation/Time: Give the students a
the team wins that square on the grid and the template of a bingo grid, for example 3 x 3
next team takes a turn. If the answer is wrong, squares. Dice for variations.
the teacher doesn’t correct and the next team Procedure: Focusing on previously
takes a turn. The objective is for teams to introduced vocabulary or grammar, tell the
win three squares in a row by answering the students to complete the bingo grid, e.g.
corresponding questions correctly. “complete the grid with different types of
Continue until all questions are answered natural disasters” or “complete the grid with
correctly or have a time limit. things you would do if you won the lottery”.
Variations: For a shorter or longer warmer, Once students have completed the grid, read
vary the size of the grid. out different answers. Students cross out
Can be also be done without a previous any of their answers that are read out. Make
task. Just write up questions on the board or the activity competitive by attributing points
provide on a handout. Can be focused on any to teams who cross out a line and then the
area of grammar / vocabulary. Can also be entire box. This variation practises receptive
used with Cambridge exam type materials as and productive skills.
a light-hearted variation on the usual approach, Variations: Students complete the grid and
i.e. alternative ways of doing the task. then number the squares (1 to 9). Roll the
Further Commentary: Give time limits to dice (on the IWB if you have one). Students
keep it snappy. race to raise their hands and shout out their
answers, crossing off the box if it is correct
BINGO GRIDS (if you wish, other groups listen and cross off
Contributed by: Dan Ashton what is said, should they have it). This gives
Learning Objective: Receptive and the students the opportunity of producing
productive revision of previously introduced their answers orally and also allows for even
vocabulary and grammar. participation as teams cannot read out their
answer, for box number 5, for example, if Put students into teams, in a line in front of
they have already done so. the board. The people at the front of the lines
When working with a specific grammar have a fly swatter (or a ruler will do). Teacher

point, such as phrasal verbs or idiomatic describes the word or expression and the
expressions, students can complete the grid, first person to swat the word/phrase gets a
for example, with phrasal verbs beginning point. The team with the most points wins.
with ‘put’. Then students number the boxes Variations: I normally do this with new
1-9. Roll the (IWB) dice. Students race to raise vocabulary but have used it with past simple
their hands and give an example sentence of verbs too (write the past simple verbs on the
the phrasal verb in the box. If their example board but say the infinitives).
is correct, students cross off the box.
Further Commentary: This activity is highly CONVERSATION CIRCLES
adaptable and can be used for all levels and Contributed by: Kevin McLeod
ages. The competitive element encourages Learning Objective: Ice breaker / get to
student participation. The task can be as know you / question forms.
controlled or as free as you want, depending Age: Any
on the level and task objective. Level: Pre-Intermediate upwards
Interaction: Pair work
BOARD SWATTING Class Time: 10-15 minutes
Contributed by: Suzanne Anderson Preparation/Time: Depends on level: could
Learning Objective: To give receptive be 1 minute or less to 5 minutes or more for
practice of new vocabulary (I normally do this lower levels.
activity at the end of the lesson). Procedure: Split class into 2 even numbered
Age: Primary groups and get them to form 2 circles: an
Level: Beginner up inner circle looking outwards and the outer
Interaction: Group work circle looking inwards at the person in the
Class Time: 10 minutes other circle. Students are paired up and
Preparation/Time: 1 minute have to ask and answer a question with
Procedure: Write new lexical items on board their partner. These can be on their learning
(this could be on a prepared IWB flipchart). experience, reason for learning, main problems
with English, tips on how to improve, etc. The teacher can read aloud the definition
or other areas such as get to know your of a catchphrase on the sheet to the class.
classmate, holidays, free time activities, etc. In groups students have a maximum of 10

Teacher has a bell and rings it every couple minutes to explain to their colleagues, or
of minutes to let the outer circle move round guess the meaning of the catchphrases. At
one person so people are working with a new the end of this time the teacher can get some
partner. A couple of minutes with them and class feedback regarding the meanings. The
move on and continue until all pairs have been students now unfold the paper and can read
together. the meanings of the catchphrases with the
Variations: Can follow up with feedback from teacher answering any questions the students
students on interesting info they have heard may have.
and/or from teacher on any mistakes. Variations: At the end of the activity,
Further Commentary: Fun and lots of students can think of some catchphrases
speaking generated. popular in their language, and explain their
meaning to the class. The class or the
CATCHPHRASES teacher may, or may not, be able to think of
Contributed by: Thomas McWhirter an equivalent catchphrase in English.
Learning Objective: To promote deducing Further Commentary:
meaning from common catchphrases. Catchprases
Age: Senior and Adult A catchphrase in its purest form is one that
Level: Upper-intermediate and above has caught on with the public and which
Interaction: Group work might have been first said by an entertainer,
Class Time: 10-15 minutes or which might have developed through
Preparation/Time: To print sheets repeated use. Sometimes they can verge on
(5 minutes) proverbs, others can sound more like slogans
Procedure: Put students into groups of 3 or while others are funny when used in the right
4. Give each student a sheet with 8 common context.
catchphrases. Ask the students to fold the Here are some common catchphrases. Do
paper along the dotted line so that they you know, or can you guess when they might
cannot see the meanings of the catchphrases. be used?
1. The buck stops here. 5. Always the bridesmaid but never the
2. To cry all the way to the bank. bride - Always the runner-up but never
3. Happy as a sandboy. the winner. From a slogan for Listerine

4. Keeping up with the Joneses. mouthwash in the 1920s.
5. Always the bridesmaid but never the bride. 6. It isn’t over till the fat lady sings - A
6. It isn’t over till the fat lady sings. warning not to count your chickens
7. It would be cheap at half the price. until they are hatched. It possibly has
8. There’s life in the old dog yet. something to do with Kate Smith singing
God Bless America at the end of baseball
---- Fold goes here ---- games in the 1930s.
7. It would be cheap at half the price – Very
1. The buck stops here - This is where the reasonable. A slightly nonsensical phrase,
ultimate responsibility lies. Harry S. Truman dating probably from the 19th century.
had these words on a sign on his desk in 8. There’s life in the old dog yet – Said of the
the oval office. unexpected possessor of some power
2. To cry all the way to the bank - To be in when that person is thought to be ‘past
a position to ignore criticism because of it’. It was used as the title of a painting in
your financial position. This expression was 1838 by Sir Edward Landseer.
popularized by Liberace when his reviews
were bad. TIMED TOPICS
3. Happy as a sandboy - Very happy with Contributed by: Greg Gobel
one’s lot. Arising from the expectation Learning Objective: For learners to practice
that boys who used to deliver sand from speaking fluently about topics they are
door to door had a useful job and could be interested in.
contented. Age: Junior, Senior, Adult
4. Keeping up with the Joneses - Striving Level: Pre-intermediate and above
not to be outdone by one’s neighbours. Interaction: Pair work
Comes from the title of a comic strip which Class Time: 10 minutes
appeared in the New York Globe from Preparation/Time: No preparation time
1913-31. Materials: Whiteboard, whiteboard pen, 1 die.
Procedure: Further Commentary: You can do this
1. Put 1,2,3,4,5,6 in a column down the left activity as a warmer, filler, or extra activity at
side of the board. the end of a lesson.

2. Elicit from the students topics that they like You can feed topics into the list if you want a
to talk about with their friends (e.g. football, specific topic (maybe related to the lesson’s
shopping, the weekend, last weekend, theme, or a theme from a recent lesson).
environmental problems, my smartphone’s
apps, etc.). THE LIE GAME
3. Quickly write the first six topics the Contributed by: Frank O’Connor
students say – 1 for each number. Learning Objective: Question Formation
4. Roll the die and tell the students they have Age: Adults or adolescents
1 minute (or 30 seconds, 45 seconds, or Level: Pre-intermediate and higher
up to 2 minutes – vary the time according Interaction: Pairs (or small groups)
to students’ ability/level). Cross out that Class Time: 15 minutes +
topic on the board. Preparation/Time: A few minutes pre-
5. Students talk about the topic with their teaching words/phrases about lying, e.g. tell
partner for the designated time. While a lie, tell the truth, you’re a liar!, a white lie;
students talk to each other, the teacher then talk about when you lie.
monitors and collects mistakes or uses of Procedure: Each student chooses 3
good language and saves these for later. numbers from 1-10 and writes them down
6. Teacher calls “Stop!” and quickly gets secretly. Then give out the questions. In
feedback from a few students. (Ask, “What pairs, students ask and answer the questions
did your partner say about __topic__?”) but they must lie when answering the
7. Do steps 4-6 for a few more topics. numbers they have been chosen. Their
8. Present a few uses of good language partner must guess which answers are
to praise the class. Then board a few untrue. Students can ask as many questions
mistakes for the class to correct. as they like to find out more details, e.g. No.1
Variations: You can feed useful expressions or – “What did you steal? How did you feel?
question forms if you want a specific language When did you do it? Did you get caught? Did
focus in addition to the fluency practice. you do it alone?” Etc.
Variations: You can vary the questions to Preparation/Time: None
suit your group/level. Procedure:
Further Commentary: Called ‘The Lie 1. Ask students how the words are organised

Game’, this is more of a filler than a warmer in a dictionary. You might want to
– probably a bit too long for the latter. I check this concept with the students to
can’t remember where it originated but this check everyone has understood what
a version I’ve adapted, and it’s never failed alphabetical order is.
me in class. Good for the start of the course. 2. Tell students that you are going to play a
Here are the questions: short game as a class in which it is important
1. Have you ever stolen anything? to think about the alphabetical order of
2. Have you ever been to France? words.
3. What’s your favourite kind of weather? 3. Now, tell the students you are thinking
4. Who’s your favourite pop star? of a word and ask them to guess what it
5. Do you like English? is. Tell them they have a limited number
6. How often do you have a shower or bath? of guesses, say 10-12. The students take
7. What’s your favourite football team? turns to guess the mystery word and as
8. Can you play an instrument? they make guesses the teacher writes the
9. What job would you like to do in the future? words in one of two columns on the board.
10. Have you ever cheated in an English The teacher should write them in the left
exam? hand column if the word comes before
the mystery word alphabetically and in the
THE ALPHABET MYSTERY right if it comes after the mystery word.
Contributed by: Aidan Holland
Learning Objective: To revise previously WORDBUILDER GAME
taught lexical sets / To get students thinking Contributed by: Anne Fairfield
in English. Learning Objective: To introduce a topic /
Age: Any To revise vocabulary.
Level: Could be done with most levels. Age: Any
Interaction: Teacher led at whole class level. Level: Any
Class Time: 5-10 minutes Interaction: Team work
Class Time: 5 minutes Level: Intermediate and higher (A2.2+).
Preparation/Time: Teacher divides board Interaction: Normally done in groups but can
in 2 (even better if you have 2 boards or be done in pairs.

an old fashioned blackboard with leaves Class Time: 10-15 minutes
that can be opened and closed) and Preparation/Time: 2 minutes (finding the
writes a word vertically in each half of the best words from the previous lesson/s).
board. Procedure: Teacher puts 3-6 words on the
Procedure: Divide class into 2 teams. board that are typically difficult. Students
Show students the word and, if necessary work in groups to invent a story. Teacher
elicit the theme / topic. One student from circulates to confirm that they are using the
each team, in turn, comes to the board words correctly. Afterwards, volunteers can
and writes a word connected to the theme. read their stories/teacher gives feedback on
The student’s word must include one of words that are still causing trouble or gives
the letters from the teacher’s word. E.g. additional examples.
The theme is ‘Jobs’. The teacher writes the Variations: Students can change groups
word EMPLOYMENT on the board vertically. after inventing a story and they report their
Students have to write the names of jobs stories to the new group.
beginning with ‘E‘ (Engineer), ending in Further Commentary: This exercise works
(judgE), or including any of the letters well with groups that tend to trickle into the
(hairdrEsser), around the vertical word. It is classroom little by little at the beginning of
not necessary to start with the first letter the class period. Latecomers are told to join
(E): students can choose whichever letter groups that have already started.
they want.
WORD STORIES Contributed by: Martin Stanley
Contributed by: Mary Frances Litzler Learning Objective: Get the blood
Learning Objective: Revise previously circulating and tongues loosened.
introduced vocabulary. Age: Any
Age: I do this with adults but it could be done Level: Any
with younger learners (adolescents). Interaction: Teacher-led whole group work.
Class Time: 5-10 mins STRANGE PRESENTS
Preparation/Time: 1 to 2 minutes Contributed by: Jessica Knight
Procedure: Learning Objective: Practising Functions:
1. Get students on their feet and huddle thanking & explaining use of English /
together. Cultural Awareness: ‘British Politeness’.
2. Explain you’re going to call out 2 words, Age: Any
e.g. ‘Dogs’ and ‘Cats’ and that ‘Dogs’ are on Level: A2 and above.
the left-hand side of the room and ‘Cats’ Interaction: Group work
the right. Class Time: 10-15 minutes
3. Explain that students should follow their Preparation/Time: Prepare and cut up
instincts (if you have to spell it out, then papers – 5-10 minutes.
give an example: “Maybe you like cats or Procedure:
have a cat…”) 1. Students sit in a circle and cards with
4. Once students have divided, start strange presents (e.g. a ‘a bucket with a
questioning their choices with provocative hole in it’; ‘the back end of a stage horse
questions or statements: “Come on David, costume’) are dealt out among them.
dogs are stupid!” or “Dogs are more loyal, 2. Teacher explains that today is everybody’s
cats just scratch you!” birthday.
5. Huddle again and repeat with different pair. 3. Students take turns to give their presents
6. Repeat with 2 or 3 pairs. to others who must then: a) thanks them
NB Good pairs include ‘Countryside/City’, profusely, and b) explain why the present
‘Beer/Wine’, ‘Sun/Moon’. is perfect for them.
Variations: It could be tied into the lesson 4. If the other students are convinced they
topic. For example, if the topic is sport then keep the gift. The student with the most
you could have pairs such as ‘Watching/ presents at the end wins.
Playing’, ‘Team sports/Individual Sports’. Variations: Imaginative students can invent
You could get a student or students the presents themselves.
to prepare the game or have them
suggest pairs.
We began this project as a way to present you directly with some practical classroom activities. Now,
in the spirit of mutual respect, we’d like to ask you what yours are. If we receive enough new ideas,
we hope to produce another booklet in time for our own annual teachers’ conference, this year to
be held simultaneously in Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia on Saturday, September 29.
We have two places you can leave your favourite warmer and filler ideas with us:
• Send us a message on our Facebook page:
• Alternatively, you can send us an e-mail directly to:
Many thanks! We look forward to hearing your warmers and fillers, and to seeing you at our
conference in September. Keep visiting our website for information on
professional development opportunities.
Alcalá de Henares ❘ T 91 885 51 56 ❘
Alcobendas ❘ T 91 659 28 79 ❘
Barcelona – Amigó ❘ T 93 241 99 77 ❘
Barcelona – Bonanova ❘ T 93 253 19 00 ❘
Bilbao ❘ T 94 476 36 50 ❘
Las Rozas ❘ T 91 636 18 64 ❘
Madrid Adults ❘ T 91 337 35 01 ❘
Madrid Young Learners ❘ T 91 337 35 93 ❘
Palma de Mallorca ❘ T 97 117 25 50 ❘
Segovia ❘ T 92 143 48 13 ❘
Somosaguas ❘ T 91 337 36 36 ❘
Villaviciosa ❘ T 91 616 13 46 ❘
Valencia ❘ T 96 339 29 80 ❘

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