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Food Hydrocolloids 77 (2018) 636e645

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Gelation behaviors of denaturated pea albumin and globulin fractions

during transglutaminase treatment
mi Saurel a, *
Attaf Djoullah a, b, Florence Husson a, Re
Univ. Bourgogne Franche-Comte, AgroSup Dijon, PAM UMR A 02.102, F-21000 Dijon, France
epartement de technologie alimentaire, Unit
e de Recherche et D
eveloppement de l’Intendance, 16000 Alger, Algeria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The behavior of pea albumins (Alb) and globulins (Glob) in a denatured state toward microbial trans-
Received 29 June 2017 glutaminase (MTGase) treatment was studied by SDS-PAGE analysis, free amine group determination,
Received in revised form dynamic rheology and confocal laser scanning microscopy. The denaturation of pea proteins by chemical
1 November 2017
reduction with dithiothreitol (DTT) or by thermal treatment at 80  C enhanced the enzymatic cross-
Accepted 3 November 2017
Available online 6 November 2017
linking degree of both protein isolates with greater crosslinking for the Glob fraction. The chemical
denaturation affected preferentially the participation in crosslinking reaction of legumin acid subunits
(40 kDa) for Glob sample and albumin polypeptides PA2 (26 kDa) for Alb sample, whereas the heat
Pea protein
treatment led to complete polymerization of 55, 35 and 30 kDa vicilin polypeptides for pea globulins as
Albumins shown by SDS-PAGE analysis. Up to 10 wt% concentration, the Alb fraction was not able to form MTGase
Globulins crosslinked gels whatever the initial native or denaturated state. Compared to the native state, chemical
Transglutaminase and thermal denaturation of Glob fraction before enzymatic treatment led to the formation of weaker
Gelation and stronger viscoelastic gels respectively. These contradictory results indicated that the enzymatic
Denaturation crosslinking reaction is highly related to polypeptides composition and conformation of proteins and the
use of denaturation as a strategy to enhance gel forming properties by transglutaminase treatment has to
be used with caution in the case of plant proteins.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction required. Highly elastic and irreversible gels can be obtained by the
use of Tgase with different protein substrates, even at relatively low
Transglutaminase (TGase; E.C. is an enzyme that cata- concentrations (Motoki & Kumazawa, 2000). The most traditional
lyzes acyl-transfer reactions through the transfer of g-carboxamide applications concern reconstituted meat or fish foodstuffs, dairy
groups (acyl donor) of glutamine (Gln) residues to free amino gels, bread or baked pastry products and soy-derived products such
groups (acyl acceptor). In proteins, the ε-amino groups of lysine as tofu, where the crosslinking of proteins makes it possible to
(Lys) residues act as acyl acceptors and lead to the formation of favorably influence the texture of the final products (Kieliszek &
intra- and inter-molecular ε-(g-glutamyl)-lysine (G-L) cross-links Misiewicz, 2014).
(Djoullah et al., 2015b). Transglutaminase of microbial origin The main condition for a protein to be a good substrate for TGase
(MTGase) is the more used source in the food industry as it is is to have enough accessible Gln and Lys residues (De Jong &
available in commercial preparations (Kieliszek & Misiewicz, 2014). Koppelman, 2002). This depends, on the one hand, on the pri-
As a consequence of TGase-induced crosslinking, the functional and mary structure of the protein which defines quantitatively the
textural properties of food proteins, such as thermal stability, water composition of the protein in these two amino acids and on the
retention, solubility, interfacial and gelling properties, can be other hand on the conformation of the protein (ternary and qua-
improved to open a wide range of applications (Gaspar & de Go  es- ternary structures) which represents a limiting factor to the
Favoni, 2015). The generation of G-L isopeptide bonds has a pre- accessibility of TGase to these two reactive groups. Another
dominant role in the gel formation where stable protein network is important factor influencing this enzymatic reaction is the neigh-
borhood distance between the two residues (Jaros, Partschefeld,
Henle, & Rohm, 2006). Indeed, if the two residues belong to the
* Corresponding author. same protein molecule, the transglutaminase can form
E-mail address: (R. Saurel).
0268-005X/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Djoullah et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 77 (2018) 636e645 637

intramolecular G-L bond if the Gln and the Lys are sufficiently close also true for pea proteins which are interesting alternative candi-
to each other. In the case of intermolecular bonds, i.e. binding be- dates to soybean proteins for such application Recent studies have
tween two distinct proteins, steric hindrance or repulsive in- reported the effect of transglutaminase on pea protein gel forma-
teractions between proteins may limit the proximity of the two tion from native and/or commercial pea protein isolates (Schafer,
residues thus preventing the enzymatic reaction. Zacherl, Engel, Neidhart, & Carle, 2007; Shand, Ya, Pietrasik, &
Among protein sources, casein, myosin and soybean glycinin Wanasundara, 2008; Sun & Arntfield, 2011). In these studies the
were evaluated as excellent candidates for MTGase because of their link between pea globulin denaturation and gel forming properties
richness in Gln and Lys residues (De Jong & Koppelman, 2002; De upon transglutaminase treatment had never been established. So in
Jong, Wijngaards, Boumans, Koppelman, & Hessing, 2001; Jaros the present paper, we propose to elucidate this relation by taking
et al., 2006). Their Gln and Lys residues, in contrast to those of b- into account the effect of enzymatic crosslinking on constitutive
lactoglobulin or bovine serum albumin, appeared to be easily polypeptides of pea proteins after their chemical reduction or heat
accessible for MTGase and sufficiently close to each other for denaturation.
enzymatic catalysis. It is possible to improve the susceptibility of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) proteins representing 20e30% of total dry
proteins to the enzymatic treatment. The principle is based on the pea seeds, are mainly composed of 50e60% globulins and 15e25%
destabilization of the protein in order to unfold the structure thus albumins (Boye, Zare, & Pletch, 2010). Pea globulins (Glob) are salt-
allowing a better exposure of the Gln and Lys residues to the TGase extractible proteins and are composed of the two major groups of
to catalyze the reaction. Several strategies have been exploited in legumin-type (11S) and vicilin-type (7S) families. Legumin has
the literature to improve crosslinking efficiency: e.g. pH variation, been described as a hexameric protein of between 360 and
use of reducing agents, enzymatic hydrolysis by protease or ther- 400 kDa. Each monomer consists of a 40 kDa acidic subunit and a
mal denaturation. 20 kDa basic subunit linked by a disulfide bond (Croy, Gatehouse,
In the case of whey proteins, variation in pH may affect the Evans, & Boulter, 1980a). Vicilin is a trimer of approximately
structure of the protein and make it partially unfolded and thus 160e200 kDa. Vicilins consist of ~50 kDa primarily subunit and
more susceptible to enzymatic treatment (Eissa, Bisram, & Khan, different polypeptidic subunits of 30e35 and 13e20 kDa resulting
2004). The reducing electrophoretic profile of the whey proteins from post-transductional processing (Croy, Gatehouse, Evans, &
at pH 8 treated with MTGase showed that the migration bands Boulter, 1980b). A third major storage protein, convicilin (7S), has
were less intense than those treated at pH 6 and 7, in particular for a subunit of ~71 kDa and a molecular weight of 210e290 kDa in its
b-lactoglobulin; this accounted for the formation of a greater trimeric native form (Croy, Gatehouse, Tyler, & Boulter, 1980). The
number of high molecular weight aggregates by covalent bonds albumin fractions (Alb; 2S) are water-soluble proteins including
initiated by MTGase. two major components richer in sulfur amino acids and lysine than
In its native state, the folded structure of b-lactoglobulin is pea Glob (Croy, Hoque, Gatehouse, & Boulter, 1984). The most
stabilized by two disulfide bridges, which limits the crosslinking abundant component is the albumin protein (PA2), a homodimer of
between protein molecules by MTGase (Eissa & Khan, 2006). It has two polypeptides of approximately 25e26 kDa linked with non
thus been shown that in the presence of a reducing chemical agent specific interactions. The second component is the low molecular
such as dithiothreitol (DTT) (10 mM) whose role is to break the weight albumin protein (PA1) containing two polypeptides of
protein-stabilizing disulfide bridges, the enzymatic reaction was approximately 4 and 6 kDa. Lipoxygenases, glycosidases, protease
markedly improved compared to the native sample (De Jong & inhibitors, and lectins present in less quantity also belong to the
Koppelman, 2002). However, since DTT is not allowed in the food albumin fraction (Be rot, Le Goff, Foucault, & Quillien, 2007).
industry, other reducing agents have been tested. Sodium sulphite In a previous paper we evaluated the influence of the operating
and cysteine improved enzymatic cross-linking of b-lactoglobulin conditions on the cross-linking yield by the MTGase of the Alb and
by MTGase, but to a lesser degree than DTT. Glob fractions of pea protein in the native state (Djoullah,
Another means used to improve the susceptibility of proteins to Djemaoune, Husson, & Saurel, 2015a). Alb fractions had never
enzymatic treatment is the use of chelating agents such as ethyl- been considered in previous studies concerning enzymatic cross-
enediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). The latter was used to improve linking of pea protein. It was determined that a temperature of
the crosslinking of a-lactalbumin by eliminating the calcium (cal- 40  C, pH 7, activity of 20 MTGase units/g protein, 20 mM NaCl ionic
cium bridge) stabilizing the structure of this protein (Jaros et al., strength and 2 h incubation time constituted parameters offering a
2006). good compromise between high crosslinking level and stability of
Partial hydrolysis of proteins by proteolytic enzymes caused an enzymatic activity. Compared to the behavior of soy protein (Gan,
increase in the degree of crosslinking as shown for soy proteins Cheng, & Easa, 2009), it was concluded that native albumin and
(Walsh, Cleary, McCarthy, Murphy, & FitzGerald, 2003). The partial pea globulin are classified as poor and medium substrates respec-
cleavage of the amino acids following proteolysis makes it possible tively for MTGase, despite their amino acid composition rich in
to alter the compact structure of the proteins and thus to better lysine and glutamine. It was concluded that the structure and
expose the Gln and Lys residues to the MTGase. conformation of the proteins play a decisive role and their dena-
Finally, an alternative to the chemical modification of structured turation would allow a better accessibility of the enzyme to the
proteins is thermal denaturation. Indeed, heat treatment de- lysine and glutamine residues, thus improving the yield of
stabilizes the structure of b-lactoglobulin and thus makes the Gln crosslinking.
and Lys residues more accessible to MTGase (De Jong & Koppelman, In this new work, our objective was to understand the effect of
2002). chemical (reducing treatment by DTT) and physical (heat treat-
To our knowledge a few studies reported the improvement of ment) denaturation of the Alb and Glob fractions of pea proteins on
TGase-induced crosslinking by the application of chemical or the enzymatic reaction by MTGase involving the different poly-
thermal pretreatments on plant proteins in relation to their gelling peptides constituting these fractions. This enables us to establish as
properties. The gelation induced by the enzymatic treatment of soy novel findings a link between enzymatic crosslinking effect at the
proteins is generally carried out on freshly extracted proteins molecular level and gel forming properties of denaturated pea
without major denaturation or alternatively on commercial isolates proteins. For this reason, the resulting rheological and structural
whose denaturation state is not controlled (Dube, Scha €fer, properties of the formed protein networks were also investigated
Neidhart, & Carle, 2007; Gaspar & de Go  es-Favoni, 2015). This is by comparison to the native fractions previously studied.
638 A. Djoullah et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 77 (2018) 636e645

2. Material and methods samples in the concentration range from 1 to 10 wt% were treated
in duplicate using 20 units of MTGase/g protein at pH 7 and an
2.1. Materials incubation time of 10 h at 40  C. The lowest concentration at which
the sample was stable (not flowing) to tube inversion was consid-
Pea flour from smooth yellow peas (P. sativum L.) was provided ered as the minimum gelling concentration.
by Roquette SA (Lestrem, France). A Ca2þ-independent microbial Changes in viscoelastic properties under isothermal conditions
transglutaminase (MTGase) derived from Streptoverticillium (40  C) of the protein samples upon enzymatic treatment were
mobaraense was provided by Ajinomoto Foods Europe SAS, France. evaluated with a controlled-stress rheometer (SR-5 Rheometric
The enzyme preparation (Activia® WM) consists in 99% maltodex- Scientific - Piscataway, NJ, USA), using parallel plate-plate geometry
trin and 1% active enzyme with a MTGase activity of 100 units per (25 mm diameter) and a Peltier temperature unit. The protein
gram. All chemicals of analytical grade were obtained from VWR samples (1.5 ml) at 10 wt% concentration were introduced with an
International SAS, Fontenay-sous-Bois, France and SigmaeAldrich. amount of enzyme preparation corresponding to 20 units of
MTGase/g protein into Ependorf tubes (2 ml). Each mixture was
2.2. Methods rapidly vortexed (1 min) to disperse MTGase, centrifuged
(1000  g, 1 min) to remove air bubbles, and then 1 ml was
2.2.1. Protein extraction and purification deposited on the lower plate of the rheometer and then the upper
Pea albumin (Alb) and globulin (Glob) fractions were extracted plate was lowered till the gap width was 1 mm. To prevent any
from pea flour at a laboratory scale with the same procedure evaporation during experiment, mineral oil was deposited gently
adapted from Cre vieu, Be
rot, and Gueguen (1996) as described in on the edges of the sample to minimize water evaporation during
our previous paper (Djoullah et al., 2015a). Defatted and desalted measurements. The measurements were carried out at imposed
protein powders were obtained after freeze-drying. The low oscillatory stress (0.5e2 Pa) at an oscillation frequency of 1 rad/s.
denaturated Alb and Glob protein powders contained approxi- These parameters allowed measurements within the linear visco-
mately 3.5% water, and 90 and 93% protein on a dry weight basis elastic region, as determined from preliminary stress-sweep tests
respectively with a low content of lipid (<0.8%) (Djoullah et al., (0.06e12 Pa) on protein gels. The evolution of the storage (G0 ) and
2015a). Pea Glob in this study was composed of 25% legumin, 65% loss (G00 ) moduli was recorded as a function of time (kinetics) and
vicilins and 10% convicilin as previously determined by densitom- frequency (mechanical spectrum) using the RSI Orchestrator soft-
etry after electrophoresis of the native Glob sample (Djoullah et al., ware Version (V.6.5.8).
2.2.5. Gel microstructure by confocal laser scanning microscopy
2.2.2. Thermal and chemical pre-denaturations of Alb and Glob (CLSM)
fractions Solutions at 10 wt% of native and denatured pea protein frac-
Glob and Alb solutions were prepared in phosphate buffer tions prepared as above described were non-covalently labeled
(50 mM, pH 7) at the desired concentrations. After one hour stirring prior to enzymatic incubation. Twenty ml of an aqueous solution of
at ambient temperature, the protein solutions were separated into rhodamine B isothiocyanate (RITC, 1 mg/ml) was added to 2 ml
three distinct samples. The first sample was thermally denatured protein solution followed by stirring in dark at 4  C for at least 1 h.
(heating 80  C for 1 h with a heating and cooling ramp of 1  C/min). RITC binds to free amine groups of protein through hydrophobic
The second part was chemically denatured by incubation with interactions. An amount of enzyme corresponding to 20 units of
20 mM DTT overnight at room temperature. The third sample was MTGase/g protein, was added and dispersed in the labeled protein
the native control without pretreatment. All mixtures were pre- solutions. The mixture was centrifuged (1000  g, 1 min) to remove
pared at low ionic strength (20 mM NaCl) so as to avoid possible air bubbles and incubated at 40  C for a 12 h period. The formed gels
overaggregation of proteins by charge screening. were then unmolded and a fine cut (<1 mm) was deposited on a
slide for microscopic observation. The apparatus used to examine
2.2.3. MTGase treatment and crosslinking quantification the microstructure of the formed gels was a confocal laser scanning
Native and chemically or thermally denatured protein solutions microscope (Nikon, Eclipse TE-2000) in fluorescence mode. The
from the Alb and Glob fractions were incubated with 20 units of light source was a neon-argon laser beam and the objective lens
MTGase/g protein at 40  C and pH 7 at different incubation times. used had a magnification of 20. The emission and excitation
At time intervals from 10 to 300 min, the reaction was stopped by wavelengths were 543 nm and between 560 and 590 nm, respec-
heating the solutions at 90  C for 5 min. In parallel for each tively. The acquisition of the images was done in “.JPEG” format
experiment, control samples were submitted to the same treat- with a resolution of 512  512 pixels.
ments in the absence of MTGase. After cooling at room tempera-
ture, the samples were frozen, freeze-dryed and then analyzed by 3. Results and discussion
SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions and by the O-phthaldialde-
hyde (OPA) spectrophotometric method as described in our pre- 3.1. Effect of denaturation on protein crosslinking by MTGase
vious paper (Djoullah et al., 2015a). The SDS-PAGE profiles were
analyzed in duplicate to determine qualitatively which poly- Fig. 1 shows the SDS-PAGE profiles of the globulin samples un-
peptides derived from the protein fractions provided substrates for der reducing conditions: (a) native Glob fraction (Globnat), (b) de-
enzymatic crosslinking. The OPA method allowed determination of natured Glob fraction with DTT (Globdtt) and (c) thermally
the free amino group content of the samples over time and calcu- denatured Glob fraction (Globther), treated with 20 units of
lation of the degree of enzymatic crosslinking expressed in %. MTGase/g protein at 40  C and pH 7 at different incubation times.
All the electrophoretic patterns of the MTGase-treated samples
2.2.4. Minimum gelling concentration and gel rheology showed non migrating protein fractions (>200 kDa) at the top of
The determination of the minimum gelling concentration by the gel with respect to their control (lanes T). This is due to the
MTGase (MGCEz) was performed for the native and denatured pea presence of high molecular weight aggregates formed as a result of
protein samples (Alb, Glob) by a test-tube-inversion method as intermolecular bonds catalyzed by MTGase. Some migrating bands
described in a previous work (Djoullah et al., 2015a). The protein faded over time indicating their progressive participation in the
A. Djoullah et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 77 (2018) 636e645 639

Fig. 1. SDS-PAGE profiles of Glob fraction samples at concentration of 1 wt% incubated with 20 units of MTGase/g protein at 40  C and pH 7 at different incubation times (lanes 10 to
300 in min): (a) native Glob fraction: Globnat, (b) DTT treated Glob fraction: Globdtt and (c) thermally denaturated Glob fraction: Globther. M: molecular weight markers (kDa); T:
control samples incubated 300 min without MTGase. CV: convicilin; V: polypeptides of vicilin; La: acid polypeptide of legumin acid; Lb: basic polypeptide of legumin.

network formed by enzymatic crosslinking. (a)

The SDS-PAGE profile of the Globnat sample (Fig. 1a) showed that
the bands most concerned by cross-linking corresponded mainly to
Glob nat Glob dƩ Glob ther
subunits of convicilin (71 kDa), acidic legumin (La, 40 kDa) and to a
lesser extent vicilins of 55, 50 and 35 kDa. When the disulphide
bridges in the globulin fraction have been reduced by DTT (Globdtt)
as pretreatment, the electrophoretic profile was close to that of
Crosslinking yield (%)

Globnat sample except for the La band (40 kDa) which disappeared
almost totally beyond 1 h of treatment (Fig. 1b). It may be hy-
pothesized that the loss of protein structure by the chemical
treatment gave MTGase more access to dissociated reactive sub-
units like La. On the other hand, the thermal denaturation signifi-
cantly improved the crosslinking of the globulin fraction (Globther),
which has essentially resulted in the almost total disappearance of
the 55, 35 and 30 kDa vicilin polypeptide bands within the first 0(b) 60 120 180 240 300
hour of incubation (Fig. 1c). Time (min)
Under these chemical and thermal denaturation conditions, the
enzymatic treatment appeared to have little or no effect on the
33 kDa vicilin and Lb legumin polypeptides, which was also (b)
observed for the native globulin sample. Such behavior had already
been evidenced for pea 11S legumin (Larre, Chiarello, Dudek,
Chenu, & Gueguen, 1993). Alb nat Alb dƩ Alb ther
In order to better account for the effect of chemical or thermal 100
denaturation on the enzymatic reaction, the crosslinking yields for 90
the Globdtt and Globther samples were calculated on the basis of the 80
Crosslinking yield (%)

free amines evolution during 5 h of enzymatic reaction, assayed by 70

the OPA method. These yields are shown in Fig. 2a. The crosslinking 60
kinetics for the Globnat sample already recorded in our previous 50
work was added on the graph for comparison (Djoullah et al., 40
2015a). 30
The degree of crosslinking increased strongly during the first
hour of incubation for the three samples and plateaued after 2 h of
treatment. The cross-linking percentage reached final values of 27,
0 60 120 180 240 300
37 and 74% for the Globnat, Globdtt and Globther samples respec- Time (min)
tively. Otherwise the crosslinking rate for the Globther sample was
significantly higher than that for the Globnat and Globdtt samples Fig. 2. Evolution of crosslinking yields of native, DTT or thermally treated Glob (a) and
(Fig. 2a). Indeed the percentage of crosslinking for the Globther Alb (b) samples incubated with 20 units of MTGase/g protein at 40  C and pH 7 during
5 h. The protein concentration was 1 wt% in all samples. Globnat and Albnat data were
sample reached 50% at 10 min treatment versus 7 and 11% for the
reproduced from Djoullah et al. (2015a,b).
Globnat and Globdtt samples respectively. This effect can be related
to the early participation of vicilin polypeptides (55, 35 and 30 kDa)
to the protein crosslinking as observed on SDS PAGE profiles when The effect of chemical and thermal denaturation on the evo-
thermal denaturation was applied (Fig. 1c). lution of the SDS-PAGE profile of the Alb fraction during the
640 A. Djoullah et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 77 (2018) 636e645

enzymatic crosslinking is shown in Fig. 3. The enzymatic treat- 3- and 4-folds with the DTT treatment and the heat treatment
ment applied to the albumin fraction at the native state (Albnat), respectively.
treated by DTT (Albdtt) and thermally denatured (Albther) resulted
in the formation of high molecular weight molecules that 3.2. Effect of pretreatment on protein gelling properties
remained trapped at the top of the gel with the appearance of
smearing, which intensified with the incubation time indicating The determination of the minimum gelling concentration by
the development of the enzymatic reaction. For the three MTGase crosslinking (MGCEz) for the chemically or thermally de-
considered Alb samples (Fig. 3), the traces of globulins contami- natured Glob and Alb fractions is shown in Fig. 4.
nating the total albumin fraction followed the same behavior as in The albumin fraction was not able to form gel after thermal or
the case of Glob fraction alone (Fig. 1) excepted for the La subunit chemical denaturation in the applied concentration range and
(40 kDa), which disappeared immediately after the first minutes under current enzymatic treatment conditions (Fig. 4b and d). This
of enzymatic treatment. The major polypeptide of albumin (PA2), was also observed in our previous work for the native protein
representing about 70% total protein in Alb fraction (Djoullah counterpart (Djoullah et al., 2015a). The gels formed observed in
et al., 2015a), remained less sensitive to MTGase as none or Fig. 4d from 4% concentration resulted directly from the heat pre-
incomplete disappearance of the characteristic band at 26 kDa was treatment, without the action of MTGase as no enzyme quantity
observed. Nevertheless chemical denaturation by DTT or thermal could be practically added in this case. Despite the increase in re-
denaturation seemed to increase the effect of MTGase on this action yield even after chemical denaturation with DTT, the for-
fraction. mation of a continuous gel was not observed for the Alb fraction. In
The crosslinking yields corresponding to the three samples of the current experimental conditions it could be assumed that the
albumins are shown in Fig. 2b. The crosslinking degree values formation of intramolecular G-L bonds would occur preferentially
plateaued at 12.5, 40 and 53% after 60 min of treatment for the at the expense of intermolecular bonds as reported elsewhere for
Albnat, Albdtt and Albther samples respectively. The denaturation of the major Alb fraction (Djoullah, Krechiche, Husson, & Saurel,
the albumin fraction improved the crosslinking efficiency by about 2016).

Fig. 3. SDS-PAGE profiles of Alb fraction samples at concentration of 1 wt% incubated with 20 units of MTGase/g protein at 40  C and pH 7 at different incubation times (lanes 10 to
300 in min): (a) native Alb fraction: Albnat, (b) DTT treated Alb fraction: Albdtt and (c) thermally denaturated Alb fraction: Albther. M: molecular weight markers (kDa); T: control
samples incubated 300 min without MTGase. LP: lipoxygenase; CV: convicilin; V: vicilin polypeptide; La: acid polypeptide of legumin; PA2: major polypeptide of albumin fraction.

Fig. 4. Minimum gelling concentration determination for Globdtt (a), Albdtt (b), Globther (c) and Albther (d) samples treated with 20 MTGase units/g protein at 40  C and pH 7.
A. Djoullah et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 77 (2018) 636e645 641

The MGCEz values observed for Globdtt and Globther samples should be noted that the protein concentration was fixed above the
were 8% and 3% respectively (Fig. 4a and c). A 6% MGCEz value has MGCEz value (8 wt%) of the DTT treated Glob sample and below the
been found in a previous work for the native globulin sample critical thermal gelation concentrations for Globther sample deter-
prepared in the same experimental conditions (Djoullah et al., mined at 12 wt% (data not shown).
2015a). The decrease in the MGCEz value after thermal denatur- All samples showed a gel formation profile, except for the
ation of protein was consistent with the corresponding increase in Globther control sample, incubated under the same conditions
crosslinking efficiency assigned to the higher involvement of vicilin without addition of MTGase, which showed practically constant
polypeptides during the enzymatic reaction as mentioned above moduli throughout the analysis with G” > G’. This indicated that the
(Figs. 1 and 2). gelation of the studied samples was induced only by the trans-
On the other hand, the increase in MGCEz after chemical dena- glutaminase catalyzed enzymatic reaction. Thermal pre-
turation is an unexpected result. Indeed, after denaturation of the denaturation as well as incubation at 40  C did not participate
Glob fraction by DTT, the crosslinking efficiency was improved directly in the gelling process.
compared to the native globulin fraction (Fig. 2a). This effect was The gelation of Globnat with MTGase showed a gel point (Gp)
attributed to the dissociated 40 kDa acid legumin subunit which after 46 min of incubation (Fig. 5), followed by a rapid increase of G’
was more consumed by the enzymatic reaction as observed in the until a plateau was reached at a final average value of 1000 Pa after
corresponding electrophoretic profiles (Fig. 1). Indeed it could be 6 h treatment.
expected that an increase in the degree of crosslinking would cause The chemical or thermal denaturation of the Glob fraction,
a decrease in MGCEz. A characterization of the viscoelastic proper- considerably affected the gelation kinetics as well as the final gel
ties as well as the microstructure of the gels were necessary in strength. Thermal denaturation (Globther) led to an acceleration of
order to better understand and explain these contradictory results. the gelling kinetics with a stronger gel (3000 Pa) than that obtained
The gelation kinetics by enzymatic crosslinking of pea globulins for Globnat (1000 Pa). No gel point could be observed in this case as
was monitored by low amplitude oscillatory rheology. In dynamic gelation was initiated very rapidly during sample preparation and
rheology mode a sol-gel transition is signified by the crossover of the storage modulus G0 was greater than the loss modulus G00 at the
the G’ (storage) and G” (loss) moduli at the gel point (Gp) where beginning of rheological analysis. These results were in agreement
tan d ¼ G”/G’ ¼ 1, followed by a marked increase of G0 , indicative of with the data obtained previously for electrophoresis, degree of
a reinforcement of the formed network. The material thus passes crosslinking as well as minimum gelling concentration indicating
from a liquid/viscous state with G” > G0 to a dominant elastic state higher gel forming capacity due to enhanced enzymatic protein
from Gp with G’ >> G’’. The system reaches an equilibrium when crosslinking.
the two moduli are practically stable, generally fluctuating within Unlike thermal denaturation, the chemical change of protein
±10% around an average value. This is recorded as the final elasticity structure by DTT for the Glob fraction slowed down the gel kinetics
value of the gel. and reduced the final gel strength (400 Pa) with respects to the
Fig. 5 shows the evolution of the G’ and G” moduli during other enzymatically treated samples. The Gp was observed at
enzymatic incubation (20 units of MTGase/g protein, pH 7, 40  C) of 68 min and the storage modulus value plateaued beyond 7 h of
Globnat, Globdtt and Globther samples at a 10 wt% concentration. It enzymatic reaction, therefore later than for the Globnat and Globth

Fig. 5. Evolution of storage (G0 ) and loss (G00 ) moduli with time for Globnat, Globdtt and Globther samples incubated in the presence of 20 units of MTGase/g protein at pH 7 and 40  C.
The protein concentration wass 10 wt% for all samples.
642 A. Djoullah et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 77 (2018) 636e645

G' Glob nat G' Glob d G' Glob ther

10000 G'' Glob nat G'' Glob d G'' Glob ther

G', G'' (Pa)


0.01 0.1 1 10
Frequence (Hz)

Fig. 6. Mechanical spectra (G0 , G00 as a function of oscillatory frequency) of MTGase-induced gels from Globnat, Globdtt et Globther samples at the end of gelation at 40  C.

samples. This result reinforced the previous observation for CMGEz, treatment are shown in Figs. 7 and 8 for the Alb and Glob fractions
which increased by 6e8 wt % for the Globnat fraction and the Globdtt respectively. The enzymatic treatment conditions were 20 units of
fraction respectively (Fig. 4). This tendency to form gels with more MTGase/g protein at pH 7, 40  C and 10 wt% protein concentration
difficulty was contradictory with the increase in the reaction yield in presence of RITC.
(Fig. 2). Before enzymatic treatment, the protein solutions of Albnat and
The mechanical spectra of the studied systems, i.e. variation Albdtt (controls) showed an uniformly distributed fluorescence in
curves of G’ and G” as a function of the oscillatory frequency are the medium. No continuous protein network were formed at this
presented in Fig. 6. The experimental data were recorded at the end stage (Fig. 7). Thermal pre-denaturation, on the other hand, led to
of the enzymatic treatment (10 h) at 40  C. the formation of a characteristic gel having a smooth structure with
Whatever the system, G0 was always greater than G00 and the the formation of a very thin and homogeneous network, which
two moduli had little dependence to oscillatory frequency, with the prevented further enzymatic treatment. After the treatment with
exception of the Globdtt sample where G0 and G00 were relatively MTGase, the Albnat fraction exhibited a heterogeneous distribution
dependent at low frequencies. The Globther sample had the highest of the fluorescence in the form of stranded protein particles or
G0 and G00 values, followed by the Globnat sample (Fig. 6). Similarly, aggregates. The non gelling property of the native albumin fraction
the tan d values of the Globnat and Globther samples were more was also confirmed for the Albdtt sample which developed a more
stable than that of the Globdtt sample (data not shown). The mean granular discontinuous structure with larger sized aggregates than
values of tan d were 0.05, 0.12 and 0.03 for Globnat, Globdtt and for the Albnat sample. This result showed that even if no gel has
Globther samples respectively. In practice, tan d is a valuable indi- been formed for the two latter samples, intermolecular covalent
cator of the boundary between the elastic and viscous domain. If bonds resulting from enzymatic reaction in addition to supposedly
the value of tan d < 1 (tan d ¼ 1 for the gel point), the sample has a dominant intramolecular bonds could be responsible for the for-
more elastic than viscous behavior and the smaller tan d is (G’ >> mation of protein clusters.
G00 ) the stronger the gel. According to Clark and Ross-Murphy The Globnat and Globdtt solutions (Fig. 8) had the same micro-
(1987), a “strong” or “true” gel is a gel having G0 and G” dynamic structure aspect as that of the Alb fraction in solution (Fig. 7). Ho-
moduli little dependent on the oscillatory frequency with mogenous protein suspensions could be observed prior to
G’ > 10 G’’ (tan d < 0.1). Otherwise, the gel is considered as “weak”. enzymatic treatment. On the other hand, the micrograph for the
Based on the definition of Clark and Ross-Murphy (1987), the gels thermal denaturated Glob sample showed a dense aggregated state
for Globnat and Globther samples were considered as strong elastic and the incipient formation of a protein network.
gels while a weak gel corresponded to the Globdtt sample. More- Characteristic gel microstructure was observed for all the pea
over, as the viscoelastic parameters were independent from oscil- globulin samples after MTGase treatment. The enzymatic reaction
latory frequency, the gels could be designated as chemical gels of the Globnat fraction resulted in the formation of protein network
characterized by prevalent covalent intermolecular bonds which is with a coarse structure, characterized by dark areas of heteroge-
consistent with the enzymatic crosslinking effect. neous sizes. The structure of the Globdtt sample after enzymatic
crosslinking revealed compact small protein fragments dispersed in
a relatively homogeneous continuous phase with reduced contrast.
3.3. Gel microstructure by CLSM
The Globther sample after enzymatic treatment presented the most
gel homogeneous structure. The dark areas were reduced and the
In order to clarify differences in the gelation properties between
connectivity between the particles was improved. This observation
pea protein samples, the microstructure of gels formed by enzy-
was in agreement with the rheological data showing the
matic treatment was observed by confocal laser scanning micro-
improvement of the gelling properties in the case of a prior heat
scopy (CLSM). The microscopic observations of the studied native
treatment of the globulin fractions.
and denatured protein systems before and after enzymatic
A. Djoullah et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 77 (2018) 636e645 643

Fig. 7. CLSM micrographs of Albnat, Albdtt et Albther samples without (control) and with MTGase treatment with 20 units of MTGase/g protein at pH 7 and 40  C (scale bar ¼ 100 mm).
The protein concentration was 10 wt% for all samples.

Fig. 8. CLSM micrographs of Globnat, Globdtt et Globther samples without (control) and with MTGase treatment with 20 units of MTGase/g protein at pH 7 and 40  C (scale
bar ¼ 100 mm). The protein concentration was 10 wt% for all samples.

3.4. Discussion stabilize some gobular proteins. The chemical denaturation of al-
bumin, a protein rich in sulfur-containing amino acids (Croy et al.,
DTT is a reducing agent able to break the disulfide bridges that 1984) by DTT, would lead to unfolding of the native structure and
644 A. Djoullah et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 77 (2018) 636e645

to better accessibility of the MTGase to the glutamine and lysine Thermal denaturation of the Glob fraction led to an aggregated
residues. The crosslinking efficiency is thus improved (~2-folds state due to the predominantly noncovalent interactions generated
relatively to the native counterpart) without substantially by the exposition of the hydrophobic groups following the
affecting the electrophoretic profile of the majority polypeptide unfolding of pea proteins by heat denaturation (Mession, Sok,
PA2 (26 kDa) of the Alb fraction (Fig. 3). This revealed that a large Assifaoui, & Saurel, 2013). At this stage, the heat treatment did
part of the bonds formed between the glutamine and lysine resi- not cause gelation even at high protein concentrations (<12%). This
dues are of intramolecular type, i.e. belonging to the same mole- can be explained by the repulsive forces existing between thermal
cule. The feature of the PA2 polypeptide (26 kDa) to form aggregates at the working pH (pH 7) away from the isoelectric point
intramolecular bonds has already been described in a previous of globulins (pH 4e6) and at low salt concentration in solution
work of our group (Djoullah et al., 2016). Furthermore, analysis of (Djoullah et al., 2015a).
the CLSM microstructure of the albumin fraction treated with the The enzymatic treatment of the thermally denaturated Glob
reducing agent DTT (Fig. 7) displayed the formation of small ag- fraction led to an acceleration of the gelation kinetics with a final
gregates through the possible contribution of intermolecular gel strength 3-folds higher than that obtained for its native coun-
bonds, which would remain minor compared to intramolecular terpart. This improvement in gelling properties was consistent with
bonds as no gel has been formed. The hypothesis of the formation the concomitant increase in crosslinking efficiency and was
of intramolecular G-L bonds, probably ascribed to the vicinity of attributed mainly to vicilin polypeptides (30, 35 and 50 kDa) which,
reactive groups within the albumin monomers, was also confirmed after thermal denaturation, effectively participated in the formed
in the case of the pre-heated albumin fraction. The reaction yield protein network (Fig. 1). The unfolding of globular proteins by
was enhanced, but the initial thermal gelation of the Alb samples at thermal effect allowed better exposition of glutamine and lysine
low protein concentration (>3%) prevented any evaluation of residues as reported elsewhere for whey protein (Eissa & Khan,
MTGase action. 2006; Gauche, Barreto, & Bordignon-Luiz, 2010). Thus better con-
In the case of pea globulins, only legumin molecules can be nectivity between aggregates via G-L bonds resulted in a compact
affected by the DTT treatment, as vicilins are sulfur-free proteins and homogeneous gel structure for pea globulins (Fig. 8). At the
(Croy et al., 1980b). Denaturation of the legumins with DTT led to same time, the La (40 kDa) polypeptides appeared to be less
the separation of the acid (La, 40 kDa) and basic (Lb, 20 kDa) affected by enzymatic treatment than vicilin polypeptides whereas
polypeptides from the constitutive protein monomers modifying the Lb (20 kDa) polypeptides were still not involved in the enzy-
substantially the hexameric native structure of this molecule. In matic reaction (Fig. 1). The reassociation of the legumin acid sub-
this new conformation, the glutamine and lysine residues of acid La units via disulfide bridge exchanges during the formation of
subunit would be better exposed to MTGase as revealed by the thermal aggregates of globulins (Mession et al., 2013) could restrict
disappearance of the band of this polypeptide in the electropho- the accessibility of the enzyme to the glutamine and lysine residues
retic profile since it was consumed by the enzymatic reaction, of these polypeptides, despite the loss of legumin structure. How-
conversely to the basic Lb subunit. Thus, the overall reaction yield ever, the overall effect of thermal pre-denaturation on MTGase
for the DTT-treated Glob fraction improved comparatively to that action remained drived by vicilin behavior, which accounted for
for the native Glob fraction (Fig. 2). Nevertheless, native legumins about two-thirds of the protein content in the present isolated Glob
participated in the enzymatic reaction through 360 kDa hexamers, fraction.
whereas the chemically denatured legumins participated in the
reaction though 40 kDa polypeptides. The destabilization of the 4. Conclusion
oligomeric structure of legumin by DTT would lead to the formation
of smaller cross-linked aggregates forming a thinner structure The behavior of pea protein isolated fractions upon trans-
network than for the native protein (Fig. 8). At the gel state the glutaminase treatment was investigated after chemical reduction
protein network would be less continuous and would have fewer or heat treatment.
junction points. The non-participation of the Lb polypeptide in This study showed that albumin fraction is not a good candidate
crosslinking reaction for the Globdtt fraction delayed the gelation for gelation by enzymatic treatment even in the denatured state
kinetics and weakened the formed network (Figs. 1 and 5) by which was never demonstrated before this study. Although the
comparison to the Globnat fraction. This would explain the con- reaction yield increased due to improved accessibility to the lysine
tradictory results between increased reaction yield on the one hand and glutamine groups of the protein, formation of intramolecular
and higher MGCEz value and reduced final gel strength on the other bonds appeared to dominate the behavior of the albumin fraction.
hand for the Globdtt sample. Even at high protein concentrations, this effect led to the genera-
The effect of chemical denaturation by DTT on enzymatic tion of isolated protein aggregates rather than to gelation. The
crosslinking by MTGase has already been studied on b-lactoglob- enzymatic treatment of the native globulin fraction resulted in the
ulin by Eissa and Khan (2006). These authors observed an formation of a strong and elastic chemical gel which improved
improvement in the rheological properties of pre-denatured pro- considerably with thermal pre-denaturation. As new findings, this
tein compared to its native state, which was not the case with the was attributed to an enhanced participation of the majority vicilin
Globdtt fraction in the present work. This difference is related to the subunits in the enzymatic reaction. On the other hand, the loss of
structure of the two proteins. Indeed, b-lactoglobulin is a globular the oligomeric structure of legumin after chemical denaturation,
protein whose structure is stabilized by two disulfide bridges despite the improvement of the reaction efficiency, substantially
(Nicolai, Britten, & Schmitt, 2011). The destruction of these covalent weakened the gel and increased the minimum gelling concentra-
bonds by DTT unfolds the protein without modifying its monomeric tion, which was a contradictory effect not commonly observed for
primary structure (18 kDa), allowing better accessibility of MTGase other proteins such as whey proteins.
to the glutamine and lysine residues, resulting in enhanced enzy- The composition of the protein isolate, but also the structure
matic crosslinking. On the other hand, the chemical dissociation of and conformation of the protein, play important roles in the
pea globulins into isolated polypeptides despite the improvement enzymatic reaction with transglutaminase. Regarding our results,
in crosslinking efficiency modified the structure of the resulting protein denaturation is not always an effective way to improve the
gels and affected unfavorably their rheological properties as gelling pathway of plant proteins. The behavior of a protein mixture
already explained. containing the two pea protein fractions as substrates for MTGase
A. Djoullah et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 77 (2018) 636e645 645

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Monitoring of transglutaminase crosslinking reaction by 1H NMR spectroscopy

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