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a KT \S y if 2 = i i 2 il ——=>=—=4 = I ——$S Ue | my = = Ei i precedents analysis ny al Thelma ude for Foreword This is my seventh E-book in my architecture student guide series, You can get all my other E-books from the link in @illustrarch page bio, please follow my instagram account to keep updated, | will publish a new E-book every month. | will be happy to recieve your feedbacks and comments. aire) & 50 tips for architecture students | can assume that architecture schools are really different from other disciplines. Whether it is the design education system through studio and research, either in terms of the gap between education in high school students and education related to thinking and analytical thinking in the school of architecture. or some other factors, however, this makes learning process difficult for first graders. So | will write down some tips and suggestions within this article mentioning some stuff that | said about "I wish | knew early”... lam keeping the writing language as friendly as possible, so you can consider the pieces of advice as some tips from an older mate! Let's go! Tiga 1- Sketch: Always travel with your sketchbook, you have to draw every day, even if it is a scratch, it allows you to see the existing objects and lives around you better, | suggest you draw when you see something you like, even if it is not an architectural or non-architectural object, catch it with your pen Work. After entering a beautiful building, you should not only take a picture, but also sketch the kind of lighting there is in the building, the materials used, the layout, the perceptions in the space, etc 2- Read: Try to read in all areas, whether history..Philosophy, psycholo- gy, sociology, music, politics, classical novels, etc. Because the knowledge you will acquire creates a treasure in your brain, the richer the treasure, the richer you will be - in terms of knowl- edge. your brain will use that knowledge to help you project or think. 3- Review projects well: Try to review projects as much as you can, have a look on web- sites such as archdaily every week or less if you can to see how the world develops around you etc, do not only look at render- ings and images, but you read the concept and the architect's approach, see plans, sections, views, and analyze how the build- ing's context, structure, light, circulation, ... etc 4- Establish relationships: Van Gogh was a great artist, but | advise you not to live like him, Vincent unfortunately became famous after his death, our field consists of relationships, try to build strong relationships from different environments, but in the meantime, relation- ships are not enough. you have to be very good that there will be something you will serve, or relationships will be just messag- es of celebration. sesssssssssst 5- Set up a competition group: create a group with 2 or 3 people from the school, whether you have the same or similar architectural thinking, and enter archi- tectural competitions all together, you will learn a lot and it will be nice for your portfolio. 6- Foreign language: In order to benefit from different sources, it is necessary to now English, and maybe also another language beside it so learning languages is very important. If you cannot speak, at least | rec- ommend that you have the ability to read, listen and under- stand. 7- Know the programs well: Rather than being important for work, it is very important to learn programs in our era, because if you have something in mind, you can transfer it to the paper, as if that thing never happened, so master the programs so that you can draw alll you think. 1 OY 8- Travel: There are 100 benefits in traveling 9- Write: Writing your thoughts, opinions, etc ... is a useful and stimulat- ing tool, as well as a useful tool for organizing the flow of ideas in your brain. Writing is a very valuable skill in architecture, which is closely based on the successful communication of design ideas. Summarize . Edit. Repeat. Better articulation often results in a clearer design process. 10- Watch: When you watch different movies, your horizon opens. When you watch the movie, if you do not watch as a normal viewer, and focus on the emotions, architectural spaces, features, colors, compositions, etc. on the stage, watching the movie will be more productive. -_- o™~ wy Ww ae 11- Be open to criticism: Being taken quickly is an enemy of the student, because it hin- ders learning ability. Every person has something to add to you, though it would be practical to criticize you after school! 12- Watch the documentaries: There is a saying that you will have a flower from every garden, having knowledge from different areas both builds your culture and even adds a lot to design. 13- Think: When you design a space, consider the person who will use it. Think as an individual before thinking as a group. You can draw a scenario like what you will experience, how it will feel when you enter. You can think of different people after that. Every type of human will use different places, old uncle, a disa- bled person, a mobile child, a businessman, a worker, etc. Have you ever thought about how to use it? 14- Context: There are design methods such as thinking context, fitting in context or confronting it, or hiding in context, etc. The impor- tant thing is to consider the context and find it by reason. 15- Speak: Improve your speaking skills, if you can sell yourself, you suc- ceed, plan your presentations and rehearse your speech, tell your project like a story, visuals, diagrams and plans etc. tell your project, you can tell you the background of the project and the design problems you see and the solutions you offer. 16 Develop a style: There is a saying that if you want to be a king, you will live as the king lives, how you speak, you will be dressed, how you dress. you need to know how successful architects are taking steps, what you are doing, etc. You may Rnow that it might be useful. And while talking about clothing, think of your own style. Whether it's a clothing style, colorful or some full architects like black, develop a style that will define just who it is. 17- Magazine: Try to follow more than one or more architectural magazines so that you are aware of how the agenda architecture is devel- oping. 18- Digital media: check Useful websites and follow Instagram accounts Like mine for example :D 19- Material: Material knowledge is very important, especially research inno- vative and unfamiliar materials. 20- Meaning: Rethink the meaning of the things around you. Rather than passing through the door, window, roof, abstract, threshold ... etc, you redefine any custom word, for example: when you hear the cultural center, what is the culture and center, what their meaning is, the roots of the words. what was the proto- type..vs you will analyze everything as if you are the first to think of these types of buildings, you will be able to look at the world with a different eye again. 21- Scale: Understand the scale of the world, from the smallest to the largest, You should also know the measurement of the human scale while standing, sitting..etc When you hear one measurement, it should be revived in your mind, you have to know how big/smal it is! ~ ee sik Tt ae -— vin - tit SZ —_ a VA . q\< “wie 22- Observe: Observe and note the movements, behaviors and interac- tions of people on the streets. You are a lot of things. 23- History of Architecture: Understanding architectural history is a must. By learning not only the schemes and architectural features of the buildings, but the holistic context, cultural, political, etc., learning how and why this building was built is more effi- cient and fun, thinking about the people living at that time, turn back 1000 years and start dreaming. <> DS vf 24- Color: Learn color theories <> S wf 25- Don't be afraid to use color: Shall | say something that will surprise you? The original color of the white greek statues, buildings, etc. you saw was not white, it was colored, Do you wonder why? Give a child colored pencils and paper, the child will draw colorful houses when he says to draw the house of his dreams, because the nature of human beings and the nature we are in is colorful, our nature is like this. The buildings we build nowadays are usually easy to go and we color them white, as if we should live a life with- out color! The old buildings, on the other hand, were color- ful, full of life, you feel you breathe, so don't be afraid to use color, make your life beautiful. 26- Improve: The knowledge you get at school is never enough, you have to improve yourself. 27- Get out of the box: There is no bible for architecture, if you think you can do something successful, you can come out of the box outside of the rules, but first you must have a box! That you know what is inside and what is out! Make mistakes as a student so you will learn. If you do something ordinary and guaranteed, you will pass, but those who want to be original have to try to be as origi- nal as necessary. 28- Semiotic: What is Semiotic? Does it have anything to do with archi- tecture? 29- Consider your specialty: You need to think about in which area you will improve yourself, whether it is a project design, an application, a construction site or another branch, according to that, you will have to develop yourself in this field from now on, you should have a flower from every garden, but you must have expertise in one subject. 30- Find your own passion! 31- Remember that you are a human! You must have time for yourself. Remember that we are not robots, we are human, we have to take time for our- selves, there is an Indian proverb: every person is like a house, and the house has 4 rooms, each room needs air, and the rooms are spiritual, family, work, and health, for your soul, You will spare time for your family, work and health so that you live a happy life. Se 32- Judge differently: Before you underestimate something, remember to ask yourself the following question: how could | do better if I were in my own place? It is usually easier to look at things from the outside, it may seem simple unless you get to the bottom of the job, if you did to those who say this or what I could do, then you can answer. 34- No disappointment! Do not be disappointed by the failure, BIG Bjarke Ingels participated in 400 contests a few years ago and won only 25 contests, which means 6 percent success rate! But now he is one of the most successful architects in the world! Did you notice that there is no number 33? After finishing the 50 tips, why don’t you write it yourself? ) 35- Model: Think with large study models. This is how you can im- prove your 3D perception. eS 36- Step by Step: Nietzsche says that those who want to learn to fly one day must first learn to stand, walk, run, climb, and dance! Man cannot fly to fly! He says So you need to go Step by Step, one of our teachers said that there is a learning period until the age of 40! 37- Follow the agenda: Frank Lloyd Wright said that every great architect has to be a perfect poet, who must best represent and describe the agenda of the time and the time he lived. 38- Do what you love: Life is very short, you don't have time to make works you don't like. 39- Be social: The artist can be alone because he needs to be alone sometimes or even all the time, but the architect cannot be alone, because when you design a building, you will not only be designing a building, but you will understand and meet the needs of people. 40- Don’t throw them in the trash: Don't throw away old ideas, recycle them, old sketches and old work pieces can inspire you in the future. 41- Nature: Let nature be your guide. Do not imitate one to one. Un- derstand and learn. > 42- Listen to the critics: There is no single right answer in architecture, but there are many wrong answers! You can learn a lot from pro- jects presented by your classmates, don't miss other criti- cisms, listen and take notes. ot SD XN ~ co _— a Pe a ( “N er 43- Get up early: Start your day as early as possible, Also remember the im- portance of sleep. Working late is not an effective method of working, as it affects the next day's productivi- ty. Get ready for today's workday tomorrow. Distribute the workload evenly and know what you are trying to achieve tomorrow. ot SD XN ~ o — 4 — ao ( ~ or 44- Manage your time well: Don't say you don't have enough time. There is the same number of hours given to Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Helen Keller, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jeffer- son, and Albert Einstein. 45- Take a hobby ARR re @ 46- Attend events: Whenever possible, try to attend seminars, workshops and exhibitions. 47- Don't let your design be pizza! Don't be everything you like in one project unless you want to prepare a pizza! I —___ 48- Tell a story When you tell the project, you will tell it like a story, try not to use sentences like "Sir, | got the entrance from here"! In Ted talks or similar talks, you can listen to how successful architects describe their projects and learn how to have an impressive and engaging speech. 49- Consult your friends: Naturally others can see our mistakes and flaws more than we do. You can consult friends’ ideas, or you can look at the project or drawing directly from the mirror in- stead of looking at it. Do not judge directly after finishing it. Hold it. Relax. Walk. Then you can look back and criticize because at that moment the excitement of doing it will be less. 50- Don't compete! Don't think about competing with other friends, compete with yourself, try to be better than yesterday. Try to be the best version of yourself! That is all for now! Stay tuned for more useful guides and tips Some of my next E-books wil cover topics such as: Sustainability for beginners Computational design for beginners Space planning Inspiration Facades Light in architecture Geometry and architecture and more

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