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Foreign Literature and Studies

In the study of Robbins describe job satisfaction as a general

attitude toward one’s job, the difference between the amount of

rewards the workers receive and amount they believe they should

receive. According to him a person with high level of job satisfaction

holds positive attitudes toward a job, while a person who is dissatisfied

holds negative attitudes about the job. The determinants of job

satisfaction are mentally challenging work, equitable towards,

supportive working conditions, supportive colleagues, and personally-

job fit.

According to Sukumar “Job Satisfaction among the Employees of

Bank of India in Coimbatore City” revealed that there is no significant

relationship between level of satisfaction and the demographic factors

namely age and experience. There is a significant relationship between

educational attainment and the level of satisfaction.

Also, he discussed the various factors that affecting job

satisfaction as follows: Individuals have certain expectations from their

jobs. If their expectations are met from the jobs, they feel satisfied.

These expectations are based on an individual’s level of education, age

and other factors. Level of education of an individual is a factor which

determines the degree of job satisfaction. For example, several studies

have found negative correlation between the level of education,

particularly higher level of education, and job satisfaction. The possible

reason for this phenomenon may be that highly educated persons have

very high expectations from their jobs which remain unsatisfied. In

their case, Peter’s principle which suggest that every individual tries to

reach his level of incompetence, applies more quickly. Age. Individuals

experience different degree of job satisfaction at different stages of

their life. Job satisfaction is high at initial stage, gets gradually

reduced, starts rising up to certain stage, and finally dips to a low

degree. The possible reasons for this phenomenon are like this. When

individuals join an organization, they may have some unrealistic

assumptions about what they are going to drive from their work.

These assumptions make them more satisfied. However, when these

assumptions fall short of reality, job satisfaction goes down. It starts

rising again as the people start to assess the jobs in right perspective

and correct their assumptions. At the last, particularly at the far end of

the career, job satisfaction goes down because of fear of retirement

and future outcome.

Nature of job:

Nature of job determines job satisfaction which is in the form of

occupation level and job content. Occupation level is the higher level

jobs provide more satisfaction as compared to lower levels. This

happens because high level jobs carry prestige and status in the

society which itself becomes source of satisfaction for the job holders.
For example, professionals derive more satisfaction as compared to

salaried people: factory workers are least satisfied. Job content refers

to the intrinsic value of the job which depends on the requirement of

skills for the performing it, and the degree of responsibility and growth

it offers. A higher content of these factors provides higher satisfaction.

For example, a routine and repetitive lesser satisfaction; the degree of

satisfaction progressively increases in job rotation, job enlargement,

and job, enrichment. Situational variables related to job satisfaction lie

in organizational content – formal and informal. Formal organization

emerges out of the interaction of individuals in the organization. Some

of the important factors which affect job satisfaction are given below:

Working conditions, particularly physical work environment, like

conditions of workplace and associated facilities for performing the job

determine job satisfaction. These work in two ways. First, these

provide means for job performance. Second, provisions of these

conditions affect the individual’s perception about the organization. If

these factors are favorable, individuals experience higher level job

satisfaction. The type of supervision affects job satisfaction as in each

type of supervision; the degree of importance attached to individuals

varies. In employee-oriented supervision, there is more concern for

people which is perceived favorably by them and provides them more

satisfaction. In job and people become secondary. This situation

decreases job satisfaction. Equitable reward, the type of linkage that

is provided between job performance and rewards determines the

degree of job satisfaction. If the reward is perceived to be based on

the job performance and equitable, it offers higher satisfaction. If the

reward is perceived to be based on considerations other than the job

performance, it affects job satisfaction adversely. Opportunity it is true

that individuals seek satisfaction in their jobs in the content of job

nature and work environment but they also attach importance to

opportunities for promotion that these jobs offer. If the present job

offers opportunity of promotion is lacking. It reduces satisfaction.

Individuals work in group either created formally or they develop on

their own to seek emotional satisfaction at the workplace. To the

extent such groups are cohesive; the degree of satisfaction is high. If

the group is not cohesive, job satisfaction is low. In a cohesive group,

people derive satisfaction out their interpersonal interaction and

workplace become satisfying leading to job satisfaction.

In the study of Gupta (2008) conducted in their study that job

satisfaction is an important technique used to motivate the employees

to work harder. It had often said that, “A HAPPY EMPLOYEE IS A

PRODUCTIVE EMPLOYEE.” Job satisfaction is very important because

most of the people spend a more of their life at their work place.

Local Literature and Studies

According to Payos, (2010), management has the responsibility

to ensure productivity among their employees. This is a maintenance

function that includes worker orientation, physical working conditions,

motivation, compensation administration, management-labor relations

among others. A company has the moral obligation to eliminate as

undesirable working conditions as possible. In addition to their moral

and legal obligations to maintain good working conditions, many

companies recognize that there is a relationship between working

conditions and employee satisfaction..

In his article, Borkar (2010) defined job satisfaction as

something that gives the employee motivation to continue with the

job, something that makes him get up in the morning and actually

want to go to work, and something that gives him a rush every time a

new assignment or project comes his way.

Likewise, Kumari, Joshi, and Pandey (2014) said that job

satisfaction describe how content an individual is with his or her job.

The happier people are their job, the more satisfied they are said to

be. Also, job satisfaction depends on number of variables and can only

be sorted at ground level by individual human resource department of

particularly industry. Employees tend to love their job if they believe is

an important attribute of a good job.

Similarly, Anitha (2011) stated that job satisfaction is the

collection of tasks and responsibilities regularly assigned to one

person, while a job is a group of positions, which involves essentially

the same duties, responsibility skill, and knowledge. “Job satisfaction

has some relation with the mental health of the people. It spreads the

goodwill of the organization. Job satisfaction reduces absenteeism,

labor turnover, and accidents. Job satisfaction increases employee’s

morale, productivity, etc. Job satisfaction creates innovative ideas

among the employees. Individuals may become more loyal towards

the organization. Employees will be more satisfied of they get what

they expected, as job satisfaction relates to inner feelings of workers.

Naturally, it is the satisfied worker who shows the maximum

effectiveness and efficiency in his work.

In relation to Achievement, Borkar (2010) said that there are

certain goals that every person has formulated for himself. These

goals have to do with professional growth. A job that provides for

opportunities wherein there is a scope for his goals to be met that

would provide greater job satisfaction than one which forces him to be

stuck in a rut.

Also, Kumari, Joshi, and Pandey (2014) cited that job

satisfaction is the feeling of self-achievement aroused due to

comparison. Sense of achievement generally comes when individuals

compare themselves with their counterpart,

May kasunod pa to (blurred sa picture)

Also, Dean (2011) cited that there’s nothing worse than not

knowing whether or not you are doing a good job. When it comes to

job satisfaction, no news is bad news. Getting negative feedback can

be painful but at least it tells you where improvements can made. On

the other hand positive feedback can make all the difference to how

satisfied people feel.

Relative to work factor, Usop, Askandar, Kadtong, and Usop

(2013) found out that a teacher who’s satisfied with their job is also a

productive one. Furthermore, if the teachers are contented with their

job, they will develop and maintain a high level of performance. The

teaching process, if made more efficient and effective, could produce

high competitive learners.

In like manner, the Society for Human Resource Management

(SHRM, 2012) concludes that the work aspect refers to how

interesting, challenging or exciting an employee’s job is. It can be

difficult for an employee to remain motivated, satisfied and engaged

with their jobs work is not stimulating.

Relatively to responsibility factor, Lim (2011) stated that in

order to increase job satisfaction of employees, the volume of and

distribution of work assignment should be divided equally among


In connection with growth and advancement factor, Borkar

(2010) mentioned that any worker will thrive in an environment that

provides constant challenge. There are needs to be something that

keeps him on the go, constantly having to think and use his thinking

powers and his skills, education, and expertise to reach a solution. A

job that is not monotonous and provides for a challenging environment

that allows an employee to prove herself over and over again leads to

greater job satisfaction.

Similarly, the SHRM (2012) stated that the increased

importance of career advancement opportunities could be attributed to

employees feeling that they’ve mastered the responsibilities of their

current positions and therefore are looking for more challenging

positions within their organization.

Eck (2010) added that each and every manager and/or leader

should know how to and work to make sure they keep their employees

motivated no matter what place those employees are in the company.

Pereda, Pereda, and Fernando (2012) cited that a “pinoy”

manager must study carefully and articulate the intricate social

behavior of people in the organized system. A good manager therefore

must be good leader and a good leader must be good manager as we

cannot separate the two in the effective management of people.

Silva (2010) argued that the tasks of the manager to motivate

the employees are indeed not that easy because each and every

employee have their own needs that tend to motivate them.

According to the research results of the study of Kumari and

Pandey (2011), almost all the respondents are satisfied with the

physical and psychological working condition of the organization, and

only fewer respondents are dissatisfied with the psychological working

condition of the organization.

Similarly, Honrado (2014) stated that the company should

improve a positive work environment. Creating job satisfaction begins

by first providing a positive work environment. Tarktenton states that

to find what motivates people, “you have to find what turns people

on.” This is an important factor in the process. A motivating working

environment require going over and beyond the call of duty and

providing for the needs of the worker.

Borkar (2010) cited that interpersonal and intra-personal

relations with fellow colleagues, management, and other authority

figures also plays a major role in determining the degree of job

satisfaction. If there is mutual respect and regard among employees

and management as well as among employees themselves, it will show

in the quality of work and output. An employee will want to go to work

if he enjoys being with his colleagues and they provide for an

encouraging environment. In short, a good workplace communication,

as opposed to negativity and job stress, can minimize issues that could

arise due to miscommunication or other problems in the workplace.

Similarly, the SHRM (2012) stated that employee’s relationships

with co-workers are important to their success at work. Building allies

across the organization helps employees accomplish their work goals

and their organization’s goals. Forming positive relationship at work

may make the workplace and the act of working itself more enjoyable

and could increase job satisfaction and engagement.

Aziri (2011) stated that there is a considerable impact of the

employees’ perceptions for the nature of his work and the level of

overall job satisfaction. Financial compensation has a great impact of

the overall job satisfaction of employees.

Similarly, Borkar (2010) said that satisfactory salary would be

the most basic factor that leads to taking up a job because it is the

means to an end theory. The employee satisfaction surveys say that

the pay that one gets and the growth pattern of that pay, whether

periodic intervals for an appraisal or employee performance-based

appraisal, will influence the job satisfaction to a great level. If the

employee is happy his pay, it will show in his work by increasing his


In connection, Anitha (2011) cited that most people generalize

that workers are concerned more about pay rather than other factors

that also affects their level of job satisfaction, such as canteen

facilities, bonuses, working conditions, among others. These conditions

are less significant when compared to pay. Employee’s welfare

measures and job security should be given utmost importance so that

employee’s turnover may be restricted.

Lim (2011) stated that there is a need to inform employees of

the existing rules and policies to be able to improve the level

satisfaction on policies and rules of the employees. The employees

should have a copy of policy manual so that his/her actions are in

consonance with the companies’ policy and rules.

Likewise, Honrado (2014) mentioned that organizational policies

and procedures should be developed to increase the employees’ level

of job satisfaction. Also, management programs should be formulated

for the enhancement of the employees’ level of job satisfaction.

Foreign Literature

In study by Susan et al., (2010, a 2009 survey, by the Society

for Human Resource Management (SHRM) looked at 24 factors that

are regularly thought to relate to employee satisfaction. This study

found out that employee identified five factors most important, their

job security, benefits, compensation, opportunities to use skills and

abilities and feeling safe in the work environment. This study provided

research data that defines the factors most important to employees as

one continue to seek to provide a workplace that emphasizes

employee satisfaction as a recruiting and retention tool.

Local Studies

Based on the findings of the study the categories/style of the

firm there is a significant between the socio-demographic

characteristics which include sex, civil status, months/year employed

in the firm and the perception of factors affecting the job satisfaction.

Employees and manager of the firm have significant difference in job

satisfaction needs in the areas of management style, compensation

style and the work environment. Management bias among the

employees is a common problem of the firm. Lack of management to

employee communication is also one of the common problems

regarding the factors affecting their level of satisfaction and the

salaries among the employees are one of the factors that affect their

level of job satisfaction.

Stratified random sampling with proportionate allocation was

used In this study. It consisted 12 samples, which included the

employees and manager of the firm. The socio-demographic

characteristics of the employees are single has 41.7 percent are male

and 58.3 percent are female. Most of the employees are single

(66.7%) and the rest (33.3%) are married. It also shows the

relationship of the perceived job satisfaction needs and the socio-

demographic characteristics of employees in the firm. It is categorized

according to its management style, compensation style, and work

environment of the firm. The result shows that most of the employees

are neutral according to the categories.

Based on the findings of the study the categories/style of the

firm there is a significant between the socio-demographic

characteristics which include sex, civil status, months/year employed

in the firm and the perception of factors affecting the job satisfaction.
Employees and manager of the firm have significant difference in job

satisfaction needs in the areas of Management Style, Compensation

Style and the Work Environment. Management bias among the

employees is a common problem of the firm. Lack of management to

employee communication is also one of the common problems

regarding the factors affecting their level of job satisfaction and the

salaries among the employees are one of the factors that affect their

level of job satisfaction.

Various researchers have contributed their research findings

from organizational set ups, in order to increase employee job
satisfaction and have given various suggestions to boost up
satisfaction level employees should be given advancement
opportunities. Similarly changes in organizational variables, such as
pay scales, employee input in policy development, and work
environment could then be made in an effort to increase organizational
commitment and overall outcome.

A. Work Attributes

A Manager/Department Head with good attitude breeds

motivation within his/her department and/or organization. Motivation

brings increased production, work satisfaction, work and personal

appreciation, personal commitment and personal respect.

A winning attitude is an important part of people’s everyday

lives. The motivation of wanting to do a good job comes from within

the employee. A winning attitude will provide a very favorable work

environment for you and your subordinates. It is well documented and

recognized that individual attitude with proper motivation can be the

deciding factor in the success of a performance as well as the job

satisfaction of the employee. An exhibited winning attitude can be the

deciding factor between success and failure.

B. Interpersonal Relations And Communication

It is important to develop good interpersonal and social skills at

the workplace. Be friendly and cooperative to your colleagues,

respectful to your supervisor, and polite and helpful to customers. If

you get along well with people and they like you, they are more likely

to help you when you need things done fast.

Most experts agree the altering behavior requires consistency.

When you set expectations. Clarify benefits, provide milestones, check

progress regularly, and recognize blunders, people are more likely to

achieve their goals. We contend that the failure of many performance

interventions is due in part to lack of appropriate follow-up strategies.

Even when the employees approach performance initiatives with

enthusiasm, work load increases and old priorities resurface-and so do

old patterns and old behavior. Be careful about only sending messages

that appear to come “from the system.” These are easy to ignore. If

the message appears to come from the program coordinator or an

administrator, it’s slightly harder to ignore. If possible, have managers

send messages to employees. Most systems enable managers to send

a message that is essentially instigated by the system. This is a type

of controlled communication. Another example of controlled

communication is how one company used its e Follow Up program to

initiate its mentoring program. At the start of the relationship, the

program uses a basis template to prompt the mentor to formulate a

questionnaire to learn more about the mentee. Once the mentor

receives the response, he or she can construct an agenda for their first

meeting. This entire initial convention is controlled and prompted by

the system, keeping it focused on specific communications that help

mentee/mentor relationship progress appropriately. Gardner (2005)

Human resources are the people needed to get the job done.

The goal of the managers is to influence which employees they choose.

It is here where they can employ their interpersonal or human relation

skills which involve their ability to work effectively as a team member

and to build cooperative effort in the unit. Communication skills are

important component of interpersonal skills. They form the basis for

sending and receiving messages on the job.

More experts agree that altering behaviors requires consistency.

When you set expectations, clarify benefits, provide milestones, check

progress regularly, and recognize blunders, people are more likely to

achieve their goals somehow perform their jobs at their best


C. Supervisor’s skills
According to Elton Mayo here are traits for a winning attitude of

supervisor : Be optimistic, and positive, be genuinely interested in

others, smile and develop a sense of humor, call people by name,

listen and help others, think before you act create a win-win situation

which is satisfying the employees needs while achieving the

organizational objectives.

Other key conclusion from his studies: (Elton Mayo)

a. Employees have many needs beyond those satisfied by


b. Informal work groups have a powerful influence within the


c. Supervisor-employee human relations affects the quality and

quantity employee output

d. Many employee needs are satisfied of the job

e. Employee relations affect employee performance.

Leaders are not only skilled in the dynamics of planned change

and goal achievement, they also empower others. Without

shared vision there would be no common direction. Without

empowerment of others, there would be no excellence in

performance. Leadership is the simultaneous provision of

direction and empowerment (Salvador, et al, 2010, p.

Scholars who defined leadership has their own understanding of
leadership hence the term has different meanings to different scholars
(Northouse, 2013). In other words, there is no consensus on the
definition of leadership. However, most of the description commonly
agreed upon has similar terms and meaning.

One of the main characteristics of effective leadership is the

ability to influence change and create a drive for transformation, in
other words, leadership could be said to play an influential role in any
organization. Leadership can also be viewed a process where the
leaders envision and share the vision to the organizational members in
addition to setting the tone to influence the workers towards achieving
the vision.

Northouse (2013) defined leadership as a process where an

individual supervises and influence a group of individuals towards
accomplishing a common goal. The “process” in the context of this
definition refers to the exchange process that is between the followers
and the leaders. Influence is one of the critical components of
leadership and without influence, leadership cannot exist.

Leadership could also be defined in terms of organizational

achievement that is, the process of influencing the activities of
employees in an organization towards achieving the desired or target
goals (Yukl, 2010). This definition also comprises of the word process,
influence, group of peoples which are common to all the definitions of
leadership. Also, House (2015) included motivation in the concept of
leadership and defined leadership as the ability of a person to
motivate, influence and help workers to contribute effectively and
efficiently towards the success of the organization.

Another angle from which leadership can be defined is the executing

and evaluating aspects of organizational change. Leaders actively set
the pace and provide the necessary guidelines for the employees to
follow. The definition is concerned with the empowering and decision
making tasks of a leader and usually translates in the actualization of
the organizational goals. Leaders are expected to think innovatively
and promote the discovery of new approaches to solve problems.

According to Anitha (2011) stated that job satisfaction is the

collection of tasks and responsibilities regularly assigned to one
person, while a job is a group of positions, which involves essentially
the duties, responsibility, skill, and knowledge. Job satisfaction has
some relation with the mental health of the people. It spreads the
goodwill of the organization. Job satisfaction reduces the absenteeism,
labor turnover, and accidents. Job satisfaction increases employees
morale, productivity, etc. Job satisfaction creates innovate ideas
among the employees. Individuals may become more loyal towards
the organization. Employees will be more satisfied if they get what
they expected, as job satisfaction relates to inner feelings of workers.
Naturally, it is the satisfied worker who shows the maximum
effectiveness and efficiency in his work.

In relation to the achievement, Borkar (2010) said that there

are certain goals that every person has formulated for himself. These
goal have to do with professional growth. A job that provides for
opportunities wherein there is a scope for his goals to be met that
would provide greater job satisfaction than on which forces him to be
stuck in a rut.

Also, Kumari, Joshi, and Pandley (2014) cited tht job

satisfaction is the feeling of self- achievement aroused due to
Lim (2011) stated that there is a need to inform employees of
existing rules and policies to be able to improve the level satisfaction
on policies and rules of the employees. The employees should have a
copy of policy manual so that his/her actions are in consonance with
the companies and rules.

Likewise, Honrado (2014) mentioned that organizational policies and

procedures should be developed to increase the employees’ job
satisfaction. Also, management programs should be formulated for the
enhancement of the employees’ job satisfaction.

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