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Homes Take Exam #2

1. What is the difference between improvement of the soil behavior using Geosynthetics material,
stabilized by cement or lime and compaction? Improvement of the soil (apart from compaction)
is carried out either by means of chemicals such as cement or lime or other chemicals or by using

2. Discuss the following points in detail with example:

i. What are Geosynthetics?

ii. Why would we want to use them?

iii. When can we use them?

iv. Where can we use them?

v. How can we use them?

vi. Who produce Geosynthetics?

3. What is reinforced earth? Discuss in detail with examples of different geosynthetics.

4. Discuss different types GEOSYNTHETICS and their applications and limitation.

i. Geotextiles (Knitted, Nonwoven, Woven)

ii. Geogrid (Bonded, Extruded, Knitted, Woven)

iii. Geomembrane (Bituminous, Elastomeric, Plastomeric)

iv. Geonets

v. Geosynthetics Clay Liner

vi. Geocomposite drains (PVD, Geonets or Geospacers)

vii. Geopipes

viii. EPS Geofoam

ix. Geocell

x. Geocomposite

xi. Bamboo

xii. Gabion

Submission date & time 30 Dec 2020 before 6:00 PM.

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