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Munich RE = Welding Qualifications ASME Section IX — Edition 2019 On 24m — 25" Jan 2020 at Hotel Quality Inn, Meenambakkam, Chennai By Mr. Hiren Dalal (ANIS, AIS, Manager-Coée Services) & Mr. Venkatesan Jayabalan (ANIS, AIS) asta ote He ator (nd) Pre Lis Un 204 Por, Ona Ven Saha its Capen, Sah Roa, Vasa 0000 Gujrat, NDA Prone “90 265200502 - Fax o}oae 20221 ~ Ema eee dahl on Munich RE = RAL pay 0900-0830, Paria Regisition & troduction 730-1000, ASME System Ben Dalat) 1090-1030 ‘Weld Type ize Dla) toa=104s _tea/Cottee toas-11as (Q6-Weidng General Requirements (Venkata) Mas 1230 ‘Aric - Welding General Reqiements (Vestas) 230-0100 (Quest (Ventatesas & Hes Dal) 210n=0120 Lunch Break 0130-0300 Arts I- Welding Procedure Qulifistions (ites Dala) os1s—o430 ‘Aric Il - Welding Pecfermance Quaifstions (Venkatesan) 430-0500 (Qui? (Venkatesan & Hien Dal) baa 0530-1030, Anil IV~ Welding Daa & Aisle V SWS (Hes Dal tom so4s “Ten Colts to4s~1230 (CRO-HFO Reqiements 8 Tbe to Tbe Sheet Quaifientons (Vlas) 1230-0100 ‘Que (ier Dale & Versa) 130-0300 \WPS/POR Wotk Shop (Hen Dall & Venkatesan) manos “Te Colts 0315-0630 WP Werk sop (Venknesan & Hien Daa) 0630-0500, (Que and Q&A (Venkatesan & Hien Dal) 500-0515, Vou of Tanks & Cette Distrbtion Munich RE = | eS ASME Sec 1 PART. PART-3: PART-T: PART-8: PART: PART- PART [ASME Systom Weld Types QG- General Requirements Article |- Welding General Requirements [tile Il- Welding Procedure Qualifications Article Il - Welding Performance Qualifications Artic IV - Welding Data & Article V - SWPS (CRO -HFO Requirements ‘Tube to Tubesheet Qualifications ASME Sec IX 2019 key Changes. WPSIPOR Work Shop ceoccececo ao > 9 ° ° O ° ° ° oO o © Be) 7s PART-1 ASME System ee ee eee c es. 2pspors + Orguriaton ere Hay te ASE Coss 2nspors Sin Overiw sen + 21ay bas rein he Rs fr Conc of Pres Vssos * Cue apna 0 es a no ew tems Seeton Vet Course Layut eine + Pa ibeaicton an ASME Sytem + Pa 2~ Scion Vil Ogezton + Pans sign + Pan Tetrass + Pan? —Faoteton + PatdTesrg& Simone + Pe 10 Onapenie Protection 2nspors a @ mn + na wrt the ASUE Bln Cade Carma in 101 pons the Bote ‘Corercton Coto, 10 Eo =e reco" ASME Secon = Pas Bal + Soethatna he Casas pave oun ce 2 Seto totoy ASME BAPY Code Sections ih + Tne ASME Ble an Presre Vessel Cote cleats te tors ye + Const (Sces , V x&xt) + Reaaneo Senin (Seer LV 8) * Operon Saaion WN * nsession Secon) su at em teen me Copy. lah a 2ysspos ASME BAPV Code Secon BD wore H ‘ imatras (Pers 8. Card) * tinea Conseten (Ovo 12:28) 1 v_Reor Consteton of esta Boles * Vnonesicie xan {Vt Recomendar te Cae a Opto of Hs oles {vi Recomended Gina for Cat Power Boer + vrs Consrstn of Press Vesa (ONS 123) 1 De Weldng. Basra, re Fusr Gulietane {Per Renoead Pare Press Vesele 1X1 Rus or nsec spect of War Power Pant Components {Xi Rls or Cera and Cotnued Senco Tarapot Ts Histor ofthe Construction Cot anense + zoster avenge ears Reteence or Servic) Codes @ woe + Cotes nich ara retrancay th Consn Code * ston 0c Brana or Fusing Qatestons + Manat an fread ye Coratucon Cae, ar ey 6 (ston apecg by erates Operation Codes + Operation Coe prose ecommerce fr opetaton an rsnice ‘mamonann a aca secs + Secon Vi Resrmnded Rule fort Care ane Operon tang oie + Secon Recormented Gucena fr Cre Powe Blts onto pecorino omy, pre 2nspors oe Inspection Code + satan Ru rnseree peta of Nucar Power Pant Congo 1+ An ASME Cover peton reat a ren truce Somes + Popes en regard ia NRC Ste Govern) ASME System 2aspors ‘The Jurstictons: @ won + Adopt aris ASME Coc les by neuen ito uaa Lane + NR ne rags auto ch oes he ule anurans o “Tn Nato Board of Boer ore ns Presere vers! naples * RowoleASNE Goa ow conch mtbe ASE Serion + Oopcthes + nom serinerten andere ool presse vss + Stree arsiclon adonerten + Sandrizd nsec gains + cata eng eprom i! vin be tle on ASME Code hee hesland — Code a Todeperdimd Guid. lin ~ St ermndabily ey 1 ew D Navid beard — chelirnie cal @ 2pspors 4 aud (hy Ose ote ‘Auhorze inspection Azeney (AIA) Zone E PocASME OAL 2016)Par8, an AIAshal be na ole own: * Asati loos does dis neo nee ASHE consrcton ‘Say eg of guy erenert. + Ansara conpay lore repeat props {Us iin Caron prone sure bole and presi vessel rans + Acompany tress proving he par rspocin secs win 2 ‘htt, we Pa overran enon prom Meecon ane ee Currier and inutachers Date + Cure Organon oly een fr parton monn, a Syct pose exon + Mandacrer- Opananon ler» Cateato Autoraton by ASE fr ‘eohia an ASME Corfeaton Wan oocng Cote conlane othe ersten me sangeet 2spos Cote Revlon + Perna 2013 ten ASME Cate Eton Wor puns v3 yas ad ‘ater en) warps sat say + stategn 203, ron Eons pbs evr 2 years wou Acts Esler eed ony *Optenatupen utcaten, + want ah monte 20 Suey + Mandy pan 4 proces sens dea ongoing ace Ein sie ASME Poses ® vein FN 2 on + an min mi cmt i i + Siam rate en nen eg a ie + Ercan count rar or oener Se: + Alcan nepinion, CoteCane nt proce rh he ‘sso snias es alee mis er] 2asro.s @ wma 25/2018 2 Munich RE 3 PART-2 Weld Types ASME Sec IX Ed.2017 - Welding Topics Dna ype a per ASME See Welders Welding Operator etd Joints Categaey (UWS ofASME Se VID) ya1/2020 Wield Joint Types + Ful Penatan Gore lc 2026 + Patt Pnatratin Gove Wels --202205 1 Fle Wels 2082) + sua ven -cw2res + Coren Resists Wel mat Overy ON-216 + Hadad Woe Overey—a-215 + As er ASME Bec long Wel Joris csi ulsons Weld Joint Catogory( Uw of Sec vil Dw.t) HED bee + Reger tein semis! te, | + wccame ins omen ttestn ese set) Tn a eee ree oy Bet celgod covey |Z SHG aerate . sty ny ty tn sie pieeceicin ie = ar rere) as oi 4ya1/2020 y24/2020 Butt Joins (UW) soar 5.2 ASME See VL ‘eos id nresey ae eee a epee, 30° maximum Jortneueen wo members sone prountsy Typo: 1 & 3 Joint (UW. of ASME Sec VI On) “pe $l onto ses srin a ‘teense tb se ‘eyo cepted ot eee Soreatoar =A 8.6.0 NOTE: Single wees buts aro only consiceroe Type t when weed Ina manner ncn ensures the sare Gute nd mests UW 38 ‘pe 3 and imtee seine wiper son or ngin se ne Cn . “Type: 2.4.&5 Joint (UW of ASME Sec Vil CHE) muncnne Dua) wee 2 Becing Rng or Selo lace “Type 67 & 8 Joint (UW of ASME Sec Vl Det) Types ‘Single Ful Filet Lap pes angie vein ayairo20 & so bone Wis layers + singe and ut Bess Les @_ smrn + singe see ayo Wiicing Types: * Classified in Major 4 Types of Welding: ‘+ Machine Welding sgubnect nat hascontos, aan be guts ne war coma aster howling opera recton Thatch gn arlecroe rarely mace Sce Far QM = 4048 Sab eco coon! he Parnes Ouaietors aren he rire wing operations etened end conte yh + Form QW = 448 Sl ees Tmptak Reale ‘reetiont axpo20 Welding Types * Semiautomatic Welding: xc woisns wn ecupnestwtich ets + Th atone fo wns mes conte {For =A Sha be aed a dcimant ine Poa Qaliaions + Automatic Welding: vaing win squpmant nen ters ne waieg |, opment aha te conto ye wali owt + Tra equsment mayer pom ba iadng ang oh wx + Fem G4 = 4848 Sl be sad seca he Pararnace Guestors Questions? 4212020 Munich RE == PART-3 QG-Welding General Requirements PART-4 Article | - Welding General Requirements PART-5 Article Il - Welding Procedure Qualifications PART-6 Article Ill - Welding Performance Qualifications PART-7 Article IV — Welding Data & Article V - SWPS [ASME Section Ik Welding Requirements ~ {An Overview Section IX Welding Requirements a ‘An Overview & nine Reterence Code Section Xie 2 REFERENCE CODE and Is mandatory only tothe ‘extent that tis referenced bya constuction Code (ASME, API ete) [As stated in the "nosso Seton x does nt contain les fo rout ening nor does cofaln ue a cover al ctr ating reduction mateialjing unser al creamstances. /ASME Secon Ix Wekng Requirements — ‘an Overview monic | GD Organization and Use of Section IX Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications Organization and Use of Section IX Invedueton Pat QG- General Reuiromens Jy Pan QW. Wing (eles !-V) Pat OB-Branng (Articles XI-Xv) Par OF Plast Fusing (Arles XX1- XXIV) ‘Aspendces ASME Secon x Welding Resurements~ . ‘An Overview suriene = | Scope — 06-100 (6), () & (e) se (2) Wherein efron Cate, tana a spectcaten ingens ‘eaves tre an ese hen i Secrets oft oan, sancars or opstenen seh ia pansy ore omen to xen ny nn pin on on (6). Cote Cates poms ard mayb ses, egg inte eo ‘Sora by Aste cn Coc Concer sony ra ‘plete Seton ray eed Al iin Code Cas te stele ray bse Code Cats ave ben npr Cots ‘ltavenah at trie Coe Gone wsnrted Me code are uae ened ant useaton rem) 5@ ‘Organization of ASME Code DQ woe Seaton + Go-01 PaxsuteSpateaion WPS, BFS FPS) 1 aa:102. Frente Qualifier Recor (POR) (2c-04 Permanc Gualaion Resa (00-105. vara (26-26. CrapnastonsRessrty 126-26. Galestene Mad to Prove Eaone 106:109 Cehtone [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ An Overview: & Organization of ASME Code seine Section x Part aw weLoINe + Artic ‘Geral Recuremonts + ance Welsng Procedure Guafaton ‘ Artcell-—Weldng Perfomance Quateston sAriceN- Woking Data * AriceV- Standard Wong Procedure ‘Specteatons (SPSS) Organization of ASME Code Section IX Peta: BRAZING + Bele XI (Q8-100)~ Brazing General Requrements + Ail XI (98-200)~ Brazing Procedure Gusfcatons + Ari XI (48-300)- Brazing Perfomance Quactons + Aric XIV (08-400) Branng Data ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview Munich: Organization of ASME Code Section Ix Pan ar. PLASTIC FUSING + Atle XX! (OF-100)~ Plas Fusing General Requeemerts + Ace XX (F200) Fusing Procedure Qulicatons + Arle XXII (F900) ~ Plas Fusion Peormance Qusestons| + Atle XW (F400) ~ Plast Fusing Data Part GF was developed to incorporate Nucear Code Caso N-755 fr ‘he usng of Class 3 ragn Dena Pajettylene (HOPE) sence water Ping a rier poner lots. Organization of ASME Code Section IX APPENDICES *- noe Mendy Apenth 1 -ouiin ti Raguatng Pale Asko aa Wal Lite Ss awe. + Cuacnce an cng Seaton Regament in Oar Coes, Stans ‘Sproesons and Canes Osan + Lo wre a istry Opt Oultes Unter S0 9606-12012 ane IBo teraaao's = [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview monn | Wolng Requremens @ noone + Wola consicton st ASME Code tonsa Nae atl pation Cade NBIC) compan ene ears aerstons ASHE Case conse Pressure ning tne, rte paromes us wee: ang Wang ovis gai uner he eqtemers Sze k ‘uta dosent bye flow + wling Pest Spsteson WPS) + Stand Weng Poste Spetestos (58) + Pose usteston Reco (POR) + Wide: PeomanceQuaiseaton Rear (WP) + Wer tO Lag + wir Contra toa Welding Quaiatons QD none + General Requirements of ling Procecire Ones 2 * QG-01: Wecng Procedure Speceation (WPS) Form awe}: Provides drecton othe wae fo Sepoiing sou wets by ‘ereing al eppleabie wong varabes ar hl quaed ranges _)* 9-102: Procedure Qustteston cord (POR}|Fom QW-483): ” Decianents the obeerved varies appled aug the weldeg procedire quabcaton tc, and recor esis of he required rectanzl ets fe coupon [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘an Overview woe | @ Wedding General ® mone Requirements (QG-108) + Welding Procedure Speifstions (NPS), Weng Procedure ‘aticatn Records (POR) and Welding / Wing Oper: Pesemance Quifistion (NPC) maybe used es pesitied by the ASME Code of Corstuston| + fey were mae in acorsance wt te reqeent ofthe 1962, Eaten or any later Eaion oF Secon + itpey were made in acorsanc wth he requemanis of Secon Eston port 192 Inwheh ofthe requremerts fhe 1862 oF Inter Eien are met + WPS an Wd records meting he above requremrts donot noes be amended to ncude any varies equredby ale Code Eons and Addenda exept as spectogn 420 \eleng Quaieatons mon + Tht ae insures were metal nage ene Pe hve ben eased {oS tren hs Ilse Enon of Soston + Foraranple S182 FO wa maeagred om Pe 88 Gop 216 PN ‘SE Gap ti 00 Aone + Bercivza, Wess ans WR a wore quaes nde pos Ps. may be coraoed a be uted tae be row Pt, xr poe! WS ‘evel oats malas tr we a Pose xsi ate ne i the peice) egal at re reese tenon + Otel toe erga Po. nt be essgd oh sae Pe, [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview Manic Welsing Qualifications @® snes + 0120 provides nies fer preparation and esting of wong qutistin| test coupon er feove wets, depending on “+ Welding tat postions pate (60 Fp. OW-81 3) nung fat 16, horizontal 26, veel 36, overhead 46 + Test pions for pe, se Fla, c401 4 + W130 proves os for preparation and tsng ct woking qualification tee coupon for fle wee, depending on + Welding test postions, nung fa horzot veil, overhead + Pips or lat test coupon (se Fle 4615 and OWS. 8) “Test Weld Positions [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ ‘An Overview atone usone S Production Weld Positions & Tolerance my ly bo Boor eh ve Wena Ge Bel arf and tod (Hayate | nen Welding Qualifications + secon Acad Wing Proce 1 Fan wig aco 3 Hyer an # pres) + ecron, ie boomers dns aerbsam; Sh wlg + nei an Centra ive Fon wing + Tubetotiteteet ling Goran wling 1 Tergeresc wera + Seopa & Ceca wn: Cee + oases eshg| + Hartecng Ove Caron Restart ray ASME Seton Welding Requemens——— ire fn Overview oo inne | Z au" ‘Welding Qualification Testing Dw + vesus ype of mace ets ad exaninatrs ar sects opens ecco (38 1 Gea ane 80) + te Tonos et 2470 + tis (20) + our Ronse xan fT rd UT (ON) Susi (OM e2) 1 Tnetotoeset (28D) + an Barron (2384) + ini Perera earinan (N65) + Reatrce eta (85) + Lane Sea ig pnt OH) +See estng ON) Welding Procedure Qualification maine + Ato Welding Preece Qusienars + Pres dette eutenert fr unhing a lrg Pocotie ‘Souccnon (HPS) + Dezetosprpaan ote WPS Ate Peete CuietonRacrd (rar) + QWa01 recurs eec ena tke apostle fr cuing fe ng Feces obs ud ASME Cate oncacion Organon (26-100) a sein Sacton = manne contact ‘Surly ar ere aes ung oreormnes erty haves ‘Sesoray fr gute cont of hr aeons edn 8 ‘Soreton a esnssers resus IF Cos, Haro oe + Thsreaponably caret mtcorkace rane ote, ec 8 Dowsee marisa vung SHS ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — An Overien ye Y joy WR whe wera Welding Procedure Specifications - WPS (QW-101) see cniaerevaseoussomres meee” ‘Sete eat Ame rd ey Sak wt Ow > wil yee OM > Welding Procedure soins ‘Qualification = (Q¥-200.1(a)) -AWPSis awit qualified welding procedure prepared prove ‘rezten for making proaucton wld o Code esurerarts ‘Toe WPS octet documents may be used to provide rection fhe sider or wn operalert assure complance wi ihe Coe ‘equrements one ps is ertilen , Wn all He parsmallean ——e—=Ci ele TP opveome tx wecncaredl (hen Wes ite pve vou [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ ‘An Overview — assed) fee gare Welding Procedure Quaifcation Transfers + Wisng procedure quileatons ae transferable wiht requacaton rau change monnaranip fhe erganzaton por QG-07 ‘+ The nw owner ake esposibity ete WPSs and POR +The WPSs are eis fet the name fhe new owner + The Quality Contr! Sytem elects the souce ofthe PARS as being the forar over _ bated He Meclaniced Prvent, J anit not ated Hechernie Welding Procedure Qualification * Vrain poses pede oy ae dy wen eee (258 + Thigh ech ett arbi ae fe rcs, any vine sy sree en ware poses + Sip ae pode or peal eee spain ee vrs + conten Reset Ory + Tonge: Bat Wat ingen O2EO nent | @ 2 ‘ASME Seton Weg Reaureent— : fn Overiow mont | @ Welaing Procedure Qualification @ mone + Vsebie ype incu + Ezeenl Variables (26-1051): Coniions in which a canoe, as ‘esartod in ho spectiovaabe, is consered i aetIne Imechanial propre (thera reich toughness) of re a. Before using a procedure specication whose essertalvaties ave been revs and fll oasidethor ualed ange the roca specioton must be requali + Prosar quifzaton recocs maybe changed whan a procedure ‘usieaton et supporting the chang has boen competed, ‘han an esto resin nocetery to cores anes, as ‘ormited bythe sof tie Par appleabl to the mateaining process. ling Procedure Quaicaton @ oon + Exanplos cf Essent! Valles (rocedura) ici * Base material anahe svength + Bectrode materi and curont types + Shot of he weld puddle + Fila mt! vanter mode + Postels Heat Treatnent (PWT) canton [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview mnie | GD ‘Welding Procedure Qualification D suman + Supplamentary Essential (6-105.3: Supplementary eset vanes are cantons which change fc he toutes opers of thor, heat fected zone of base meter. Sopra essontalvaable become cons extol arabes ee in eats where procedure quafieaons requ mughess test Cine ‘When procacir qsif\eaton Soest require the don of tughnoss Med {estoy suplororary exe varies sr ot aplcabe, is atte to ace + exareies * Metacical onsets + Specte hat inputs + Wl puck anchen tected zone (HAZ) properties Welding Procedure Qualifeaton + Nonessena (26-1054): Nonestenal varias ar condtons in hich a change, as described the spec veabls, isnot considered ‘0 afect tne mecnanzal properties ofthe oi. Tose arabes shat be ‘ctressad in ne procesre speciation, sree by OG-10% + Aprocdure specieaton maybe ectoriay eis o change @ ‘onestonisvaabl fal oie of previous ata range, bt (oes notraqura eqialiseton ofthe procedure specstestion. + eee: + Jot design and se of baking + Weld poston 1 Back gouging methods + Wilding tectnques (9, sting weave bead) [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview ech Welding Procedure Qualfation Welding Procedure Qualification + Special Process Variables (26-105 5) (W251) + Speci proses vale are contion tal spony spelt proceso ha are serene Pa that sacrestes hose Processor ihe hese specs pocasses ee used, aly De Sppicble special process varies shal roy. Achange ne [ozeas varies shal requ equation ofthe procedure Feciaton + Special process variables yo * Carroaen eta: wold metal vey + Hard facing weld meta overly + Hard facing sca us * Varabos arose wetin QW.250 Tables secaratly fom the neal vanssie sche as Pott 3% [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ moscnse | Welding Procedure Qualitetion nouns + Temper Bead Procedure Wsng Vibe (2.2604) +The essental variables tinted appy ination othe variales appicabl forthe processes given n QW.250, + When ougmesstestngis he bess fr seceptaee, he supperartary essen! vaabls of QUI250spocabie toe proses beng cused shal pay When these arabes conti ih fr rvide mare siagent tions than those of OVE250, he \aratios shat gover, 16 [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview mae | @ Qovcmanemaaana + nemo tg cant Sect nee toneseneh ota re Z iaieelenesesticoriepy + Nowe ce, woo, scan igen v [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ ‘An Overview Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) + Alappicale weltegvarabies(QW250) are cbsered and ‘documentos + Parameters ee maine within a specfedcotal ange, + Cont anges are sty the welng engine, but maybe Fmted by Section resumen + Wing ouside the cont ange ofthe WPS is an unused conden, + Suoplmentary enon vacables need nt be adeeseed by te WPS when nts tougmessis ret consieraton + Detaeinsructons othe welder may be nleted Contents of WPS (QW!200.1(6)) sine “The competed WPS sal desebe athe essonal, roesserti and ‘ies reed suplemertay orca varies fer ech welang poorer ured nthe WPS, [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview Procedure Qualification Record (POR) + APQRis record the weld data used 0 weld fst coupon. The aie a esos ct vances rected nn tha wetdng of at ‘hupons, Rao contains Be el esl tates pacers + Recorde vale nomaty fl in small ange ofthe acta ‘arabes tat wil be sos production welding + Trecampletad POR shall docu’ al estat ard, when equted ‘Nope asso vale forescy wong process used Grint wetang fhe tes coupon 8 Om- us| 2 ASHE Suton Wing Regent Posen ee rina B Pesitios 19 Procedure Quaiicaton Record (POR) GE) ashe \nwes Por + Allessenal vials (and supplementary essenal variables when rogues) must recorded see QW20020))- + Wing test ruts ae recorded and must meet Seaton I aseptance tari fr qualitston + For ove procssos, surface examinations ad over sonal eng nay be eure slemine wel post chery + Te POR mustbe cared by he Orpenizaton, ear by senate oF ie! means et oth te cusity sytem + APQR maybe uses suppot multiple WPS or mulple POR may be ‘equ suport a single WPS [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ ‘An Overview Mute PaRs Supporting One WPS + 091200209 sows: PR ingle WPS tobe supported by mor than one + Srample POR No.t wih POT + POR No.2 without PHT + These PORS supporta WPS wi and witout PT assuring remaining esertal and appcatie supplemertary essen, ‘sabes ore ental) + A supporting PORE sale Ise on the WPS Single POR Supporting Multple WPSs + clv200219 a lous more tha na WPS oe supped te same POR + ema {cond WPS vag Fe 8 alectode (ssomrg a enaring sear ‘eS tppanneugpomertar easel verano) + Nat en WES mayo 2 ante usd he GIST arg of epstes wlio anes snooty he POR [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview ne | D Interchangeabitty of Welding Procedures + 01.3003 addestes the asgnment of meso F-No. rounigs, permitingitarcnargeatlty of walng procedures btwosn sm rats eslgned ne sane P-Nunber ‘Tha P-Number isan ateptio classy he wllabity of ator snd ssn maleate wih snr web oe sae gourng, minima {he total nanber of wecng procedure qualicatons equred + change nage metas o one having a dfererP-Nuber usuy regres a soparte ad iin welding procedure question (soe aW424) + Amore in-depth asusson of -Numbers found QW420.1 P’No, Listing 2 ASME Seoton X welding Resurements~ fn Overview mune | POR Revisions @ wonk Vout Requaieabon + Esto crctn of perp aroha pared iemsten ened oo aso rng + patente se Cade change vats + Wis recommended nt any abot pagas ofthe Cade replaced by ‘subsequent Eatons or Aasenca be eared to acura te chica ‘ass orrevison oeang weldng procedures + Example: change in mater -No, dessin by aster Coee elon o Adan POR Revisions + PRs may 8 rewrite, but a ister recor hal ays be Iianedaesabin the chan of quaifeston + Never make white-o or pence changosto an original POR, + ways e-centy& POR whan eid seating he dae andreason forroison + Roqualfcaton son necestaryifa change hasbeen msde to an ‘seronin or svlomertary excel varebie ASME Sestion IX Welding Requlements ~ An Overview nent GB) Combination of @ wee Welding Procedures + Ms wong proces maybe corbin one tos alt (eter una seperti cminato) ea Gn 2004 + Dare aig ceates uno tage such 2 WPS destin (Grey neg GTAW ang (0m ig SHAW + Daren oer nese ute ogee uch a3 WPS deosing 12 (tara) hWnd 2m (3th SA (8) + Dare er ad tb ah Use of Qualiied WPS ih in. Combination + vac npn an tay ig WPS nate ny ‘aon orsughemanny exseral esas may beers + E2ch PS may on aa tn he i cf equaled arg of eee “rsuppemontary eta vrais rapes WPS + Quaiicaon args cana races PS apnea iy te contne bean he rage [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview ricnne Separation of Combination WPS: + avon) a emis coninton WS be was api on 8 ‘Shoe ol ated varies nda, uch su Senge eda + cavaonain) 8 (2) ent neue os angst of quis vrais fen 2 + Care eration of he suparing POR fre net vari ct Pecnsrya eae culate ges ae Sle ners Procedure Qualification for Root Welds + W200.) permis root weld process ob quale as a separate wes + Root praceaure quafcaton previsens are tite te he GTAW, SMA, (GMAN, PAW, and SAN welding processes + tes coupon 12 (19m) ick quai or root dapat nba eta ful thehnoss por abe QW451 1) + Tho procedures quate or posting a root upto tic the deposed ‘wed metal nckness nets coupon (er Table GWE. 1) + Rost procera maybe usadin combination wih ary eter used ws [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ ‘An Overview moacnre | ED ‘The Procedure Qualification Test SZ vase + Base metal pectcaton thickness and product form ae selected + The procedure may be apd to: + A specter specie quaifestins er + AnASME accented malar! specileaton, malong It Iorchangesbe for cee\ithotr materi specications assigns toe sae Pe Number (ae 42003) + P-Numbers re dosribed in OME420 | anita in Table QWOB-422 ord Neemancaery Appendix + Procedure arent itd tthe et coupon prod fem, to late ‘ho usual cheico (eee 217), + Process quaietions do nat have pe eametorqaiicaon ranges esse y ‘The Procedure Qualifcation Test + Wing poston ore si sted (0209) + Exe aeiywalaing (QH2148 GW promt cualfcton ‘stim ts etn Sat wlng se sre + Wald yp ett (0072022) * Gece wail ual er rove ae lt wei, ck ols nd some ‘pe wad mae vey ade QS cate). 1+ Fe ot tests cy quilt nd nk wl + Sheting ani see one pen) 6 [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ ‘An Overview arch Re ‘The Procedure Qualification Test rnc + Flier metal ype and spetcaton is eeced + The procodre maybe appied io «speci ier meal for pectc qualeatons, | ‘Tha procedure:may be appl io an ASNE accepted filer tal spasaton mating arceplbi fr inerchangeale ue wh oer flr mtalspacistons fhe sama yp asgned the same F Number for ile meas) ana A-Number (er frous filer metas) + umber are cascred in QWA90 ac etn Table W492 + AcNumber dine wel metal enemy composton for farous ‘er meal end are sted in Table G42 F.Numbers. » [ASME Section IX Welding Requitements — ‘An Overview wet | @ ANumbers ‘The Procedure Qualifeation Test + Consion ot het estan elated + As welded (no PUT) + Pum (aw4o7.) + Bebow lover varstermaton temperate + Above wer vansfomaton perature but slow upper ‘wanstematon temperature + Avove vpervanslomaton temperature + Minna weling temperate + Preheat maintenance temperate = Inept emperatie ntatons (opps) [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ ‘An Overview “The Procedure Quaiffation Test + Sool characte ae oto + Vetage ad cuentanges for rent arcu lactose eta) Ciera AC ot) a ply OC a) s*Transertde (GMAW FAM) + Sse pe eras le of enconeural) + Tene oman proves + seas org oven) + Intalor rps ctonng meted + Bacgouig ett + Sige armutle pases + Singlearmutl sectodes Username sing ony N00) Tensie Test Ba Specimen Requroments + Tense testing i reqired on 8 minimum of wo tenae specmens avers0) ‘+ Fortestcospn cknasses upto tn. (28 mn, afl chess test specie sala used gets couren is ares tan 1 in. (25 ye) hick, mute tense spacmens maybe cut of roughly equal dnensons and tested sepualy ' Acomplate sat of mull et specimens shall repesentone tensa spacmen 2 ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview / Ban -202 mene | Procedure Test Requirements D® wmone (From Table QW48%-1 UScoorey Ute oupon | Tension | Side] face | Root ickree | "font" | Sona | Sore | Bond cohen 6 ac oe ae Tish wena wersoincinenn | 2 | + | 2 | 2 Sn Sanaa ale 2 “i: sie or ae prt (202004 request ane proozeses be chen te ea er Senda roe uid “Types of Tension Tests + Reduces Section Piate(QW51.1) + Reduces Section Pipe (QW51-2 1+ Tamed Specimens (QW4513) + Fur Seaton Pipe (W514) Noein (7 mn 0 or ems ppe tes ceupons may be ested a6 ‘fo az specimen 20 [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview Munich a @ wae ‘Test Specimen Removal and Preparation + Tansveea an longtsinal bods and tense specimen emoval tom lat coupons per Pures QU), (2) anc) + Traneveres bend spacans anatase specimen moval fom pe coupons pe igutes QUES.) nde) + Reduced sacton tens ast spocimon preparation dimensions per igurescne462 8, (end) + Ful secon ei specnen preparation dimension pe coupons por Figue 462.1) + Sie bed specimen preparation dimensions per igute WH4622 + Face an root ranevere bend spcimen preparation dimensions per Figure aes8233) ane lngtucnal bend pecinencmensions ber Figure aveae2.30) ‘Transverse Specimen - Figs. W463, 1(2)8(6) a [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ ‘An Overview nonce Pipe Specimen ~ Fig. aW-463.1(0) tenon Pipe Specimen — Fig OW453-16) vote onsets Presence = sm) and overin eT eo Tiree 32 [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ ‘An Overview on allot 3-5 7 led ae Reduced Section Specimen nee 3 [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview Reduced Section ~ eine Pate [Fig. QW-482.1(2] Reduced Section - Pipe Fig. QW-462.1(b)] Py [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview eine Turned Specimens Reduced Section Tumed ‘Specimen (Fig. QW-462.1(@)} as [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview Full Secton Pipe ‘Specimen [Fig. QW-462.1(0)} eine ‘Tensile Testing 36 [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview Pipe Tensile Testing Broken Tensile Specimen ene ” [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview seine Measuring Devices 38 ASE Section IX Weng Resumes — ' ‘an Overview Muricnse | Matera Tensile Stength Load (ibs) “Area (39.10) uns 24,250bs.—_ UTS = Tre pann 7 SSRs Tension Test Acceptance Criteria, + Por QW-189 1 enentat speinen set demnerat tn stangh + The sce itnum tele sang oftebare meta pa Tale + Whey sir base ata ena, the pets mimo tenie reg of he weaker fh eo base male nina este enen fowcton Cede proves forte Use fl meta Wh we oO temperature svegin than te tase met + Wren sper es a asl est ay sce ound wl srg tes tan de pete ‘rimonese seg eaag — 3 alge [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — An Overview wineries | ‘Test Coupon Failure (QW-202.1) QD worne# + eta flue canbe cetermined as being ust improper esr viedng varies, ros wea 2 naw et cous ar raleng ‘Spprptateadusmres toe varies + tetas not stormed to be ue to improper essential wldng ‘estab, ance tat coupon maybe wees wih the sae eset ables or + adequate test specimen mata romains rom te test erin, {esing canbe repeated on anew specimen to repiace healed Bend Test ‘Specimen Requirements + Bond testing i rege en a misma four bend test specimens fer rocodreguacaton, par Tabla MEAS} {Two face ana uo oe and ae requres ercouronhcknessos less than sain (Orn) + Ethar yo face and vo rot beds oe erase Bence may be used for coupon tknesses between 38 In (10 ry and 314i (18 mm) + Four side band are require for coupon thcineste of 34 in (mm) and grater [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ ‘An Overview woe | @ ‘Types of Bend Tests ®@ wneE + Tanne basto Fi OW462 0 + Longa bend et F-48209 + seed Face Bend (Transverse) cna Prot 8 Pipe i. cede 28m) 6 in (150 mor aig. me) pe Sotegured ay | rat E ty aia JS arhlye tre) pe) Fce-Bond Specimen — Plate and Pipe [ASME Secton x Weldng Requirements — An Overview munich | ED Root Bend (Transverse) ® rmont Pate ripe, W482 3) 1% in. 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Formest materi, th thickness ote ticker member al algo ‘be wt he nto edie GW excep! athe ikea Lnttedi he test coupe or quafcwton ved a thickness of ‘12ineh (8 on) aes + Focmatels in P08, PND, No.2, PANO 43, NO. P.NodS,PoNo 48, PNO49, POST, PNO.S2, Pao.S3, PND fd P06, the tess of th heker members nites ne test coupon for quiiaon uted a knees of ch (8 mm) oF renee 8 [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview worse | BD DissimilarThcknesses - Example No.1 Acumen Heron selqunaa ea eae ubdeperontes nn Dissimiar Thicknosses - Example No2 ‘tga Sesiameeran/soee S&S war 3 [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ ‘An Overview Dissimilar Thicknesses ~ Example No.3 ‘irae eas Welder Performance veer Qualification + sgt ver Pertomane aitsatone + Pres dete ouremens fr uahing Wlées are ng Opes (wpajroms cvisen 8 an848) + Each ranean Ceri Hl) pel fe sperison ane ona sealer peroedy psn rw ty have operand fstpratty an cont Th spot att be Slept Star ‘rpeeton (06-1062 + ingemns to orl on ate wok cna ropa marae oe anes rest at nah uncut wr er ropa ik ‘Sectnens tam the cried nt tate promos of ronda ‘Tornaor ard cto las poed Ye perenne fl ‘esporatiy fr anys we (G0-108.46) ss i) [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ ‘an Overview Rules @ mane Don't Mix Welding Procedure and Performance Requirements ‘Never use rt I (QW200) when quayng Welders Use atl, 0.300 paragraphs pls * Aoplesbie QC-100 paragraphs + Aoploable 9209 persrarhe + Reterencod 400 paragraphs Define a Welder (ne who prerms teat welding (act08) [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ [An Overview Define a Welding Operator Dstt ‘one whe operates machine or oma welding equipment (46-108) Se ua psp mn perms Serres Grabeel acces Purpose of Qualifying @ Welder or Welding Operator? sce + Te demonstrate that son's abit to radu 2 sound jt when using 8 preceaure specicasn. (26-103) + Te ceterine he abit of weir an welding operator to make eure weiss. (2201) 56 ASME Section D ‘An Overview ou Re Ix Welding Requirements = - eda t po fae Or es yeh — wher gue oer, ans By = an ‘The Performance Qualification S nos Test (QW-301) + test coupn is prepared ar welded, an et parameters (ptomance ‘uaicaton varies) ar recorded ‘Welder testing i conducted for eschdesked welding process, ung & usted WPS or WPS, excep athe protest ad posed heat, {Teamantmay be onited + Substttens or te tase metas qui fr wang by the WPS tbe ‘oar perfomance qulitanton sing ae socenl tin ta (udeines of 425 Test postions aff Spe dames een factors er welder perfomance quanto, 2 eet cnsderatenshaus be lien wren felecing nam ts can chedle He wibdig guveriintawe Vig) & berolatt ‘Welding Variables(Table QW-416), BD vmievne Y 37 [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview Essential Variables + ForWhidere see 4350 1+ Forisang Operators ses W380 se. + Perfomance Quliteaten Record only hes essental vases Welder Performance Variables for SMAW 8 GTAW se [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ An Overview o +The delton ofthe backing in sgl welded groove ois + Double welded rove wold ae considered weling wih backing ‘Welding With Backing 39 [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ ‘An Overview Which is Welding With Backing? g oy Nore y {QW.360 - Welding Operator Variables vena AV [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘an Overview nner | Base Metals, Posifons and Pipe Diameters ncn Poston Qualification ‘The elo woe pao 86 pe NPS 6 DN 152) [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ An Overview we @ The elir wees 2690, 446 Pate Poston Qualification ance “Toa wer ole ination 26 pg NPS DN 80) Postion Qualifcaton sich e [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ ‘An Overview manic 3 Position Qualification, BD srnenve ‘Aiea aoe wal eatin etn ate e 26, 36s ste eu el pars on n NPS 1 (08250)? No, ratin a sites. ery FAH) “Tao ai ae not nts pia ibe canst hen hae spelen maw Geom a (00 eat coupon [Minium OD guaed Leshan nQirm| Se weld [Featen@s-Tmn] _tm@sem) ‘owrarem(amm) | 21 (3mm) Nas ey [ASME Section Ix Welding Requirements ~ An Ovecien ne | BD Which is Welding @ Small DQ] sve Diameter Poe’ ior os Performance Vetiieaton Testing +The completed weld est coupon is subjected to sual section (W.3024 8 c184),ftowed by ether mechanical txtea QW3021.. for volumeic examination (atlographe, RT crulrasone, UT] =| (awscz2) « + Alder or Welding Operate Perfomance Qualfaton Records Prepared te document succsstcompieton of welder prormancs ts * Weider Peroance Quacaten Record Fam GM24A), + Woiing Operatr Peformance Qualiicaton Racor (FortTGW4845) 7 [ASME Section Ix Welding Requirements ~ an Ovenfew eo Set ae es Suggested Wed Formats WieldertOperator Records + 26-104 agus inant oman areca otha aut cae a ‘ialeaion rine reco rt be cared ne epnaaton + Geraton ny by sents or oer ese a esrons ne Ceriete Nicore ust Coren Sytem Natenostes instar ANE nan uous Cotes, Secon PAV 284 eee ‘nnn hur yeas ory ce + Noe Pat3~220 The mad af ecating wing annua eee ‘anon prod eal be srbed inne Care's Out ‘Syston Maal an wanes per Pa 3 Tel 1 (ya + Recon musts acest foe Aha nee 1 See Norman Aopen 8 sre Ferns GWE es) ant ‘2b45ta deg Operas) ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — An Overview Performance Qualification Mechanical Tests (QW-452) + 204n4s0%ncontsn-Sicbente P, QVE2 (er + 60-Fourbena tee fn, O48. (0 + Acepane Cth span fa eceag in Sm an eee Is This Satisfactory? Test itera? Tear emanating ‘fomtoedpe? 66 [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ An Overview How Do You Measure This? 6 [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview Munich SE Performance Qualification by Volumetric Examination + Volumes Examination or UT mayb tee eu of mca ang fo setemanoequateaions os erie MGW304 a F908, bas set SAP SAP PAP GTA cer PK mato) a ‘GAA cept at rete RT) weg processes. + Von enaminton mayb sea + alent nen 860 rr) me ela + Presulon weit 60mm in we eng + Oulfeatn np ruta velar exainton oe ere ‘Sumit oe pi (sina aur ngs autor my be teqndoosanoi (16mm) sel Sepang on pie ome) + -ForUfimaatmstbe = inn mm ek percnse124 ie : Dre as mon ‘Wi i Gust és sero Wl tn ssh Sin. ews am RaDIOORAPHC ‘Retoretna pecan NS giurnevon worn ASME Secton IX Wading Requirements — ‘An Overview nine | & Is the Weer Qvoltedorweids 1827 GB) nna ne =e C Welding Operater Qualification by Volumetric NDE (QW-305.1) 4+ Testeogpon:6 inch (150 mm) minimum weer 1+ Feat Production Wel: 3 et (1) minimum weld ength ‘Quacaton on poe require the enite cicunfeence of he pps. (For smal carat pip, need rt excess our consecutiv mace exipons) 1 For, mateal mst » 14 inch 6 me) hick por QW-1812.1 Cs [ASME Section Ix Welding Requirements — ‘an Overview sunicnee SE | GE) Requirements for Radiography D® wore (aw-191.1) + Tei must oe ASME Cace Sesion Arie 2 + Wold regure sgl eons etn epee (0 (ebm fear Tart) + win rset tt agar ‘sie 120 lereon Scion V. Ao? 120) + Aesapance Ctra per cws01122 Requirements for Ultrasonic Examination (awe1s1.2) Mater! must be in (6 mm) er ester + Motnos, procedures and qualfatons must meet ASME Code Secon Varia ‘+ wien Procesire veiled comply with Secon, T18, requires 1+ _UTPorsomal mestbe qusfed to onpoyers Whiten Pracce ‘meeting the equtements of ASME Secon V, Atl. [See T120eapecaly. 1+ AccepenceCiteta per QW-10123 [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview Welder Radiographic Examination ‘Acceptance Criteria + hen using st coupon taser) — OW 1911.22 acetone 122 1 hen quaiing on fet production wade IE 1.23, we eae Welder Ultrasonic Examination Acceptance Criteria + When using ot coupon es assem) = aMet81.2.8 + non quaiying on first reduction welds QW-181.2.4 which roles ska QWI9" 23 n ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ An Overview Welding Operator Volumetric. nich NDE (RT or UT) Acceptance Criteria ‘The sccepanc arta arena come 3s for awed. + Acceptance ete forts sembly ofa rosctn wl” ae tothe a OF, rata rs coon an320 + Immecito Retest row coupons) using same evainaon method * Meu Two consecutive et coupons + Mecarical: Two consecutiv test coupons * Vout NOE on est coup: Two cnsocuv et coupons {WOT 12 nates (300m ona coupon) + Votumotie NDE on prouctn wells: An ado! vic he ‘requ lang or rumba’ of ins ercunferences lhe same oF ‘eneseuve made prosicton wots, * iti length dos nt maet examination standar, ha welder (pert has ale he eos andl procucion wes mad Fir shal be vounetealyexarinedcositely and repaired by ‘quails welsar operator [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview Fealure of Performance Test Coupon). mae * tne test coupon fl to pase he viel exinaton, NDE or rmecharial st requremert the welder may take an immediate ets on te conseazve ee coupe reach pion fl both ‘uti most pass the inepecson alr toring resuterarts (see awae1 4) + Ine animes rete, the weer ay be gen scons ‘suction r race, and ba permite o simpy take anew welng testen sgl et coupon. (See QW.32-4) Sectn Xx does nt ‘mandate amma smount of walning or practice me requ © ‘neat is reqarement Welder Performance Quslfcation (WPQ) + The WPQ documents varies for he wee / operate pafamance uatenton at (QV360 and Table QW-46) (etal desc n ice W) + Unique sete vale ex for eneh weg proces, bt some ‘arabes alo mulipl weldeg processes + Automate snd machine weling operate perfomance vrbes are Feteain a¥380 + Result of requred tats and axainatons are recorded onthe Wa, ‘and qualfcaton anges seigned based on be tet prartars + Weiser OpertoriD marhing are assigned (2201.3) + The WPOie certedby the Mautacurer(0G-108) B ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ ‘An Overview Welder Performance Qualification (WP) Welder Performance ualifcation (WPQ) ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview manera | Welder ID Log @ wusare + Eu ques weiter sage a niu ericson maning 86 sed {sider naa peccon aie (W301 3) + Trawler ceientn main nde on he PO, a its + detfesionmaings shoul rat arses alr wale hslet rolomeno rere aceite sche wet Welder ID Log a ASME Section IX Welaing Requirements ~ ‘an Overview municee | Continuity and Revocation of Qualification (QW-322.1) + 2.32219) -NO wang wih a roca ede te aupeiin a oetet theta orpaneargageraton amy sosronh oe + 2vs22.10) -whan aes spetereesn to aetna 6 make Renewal of Qualifications (aw-s22.2(a)) + Fgura bec nt pt de 2) Grate 1 Any moa iowa, ate oe | Any peation ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview Munich Renewal of Revoked Qualfations (aw-s22.20)) + Requnon pe 201 a OW S02 ege 1+ Asocesh tt este ral utes, 1+ tote questo ot gunsone ewan mec (2215) @_ wsone# ‘Welder Continuity Log [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements ~ ‘An Overview Munich ‘Welding Data oon + Ari 1 contains tated deta tobe apple or quatyingwelng procedures and woe perfomance * Dots ofthe arabes + Thole of water perfomance vals (Table QW) + Paumbers (Tate QWIOS.422 and Append) + Fre (abe OW-432), + Alumbers (Tabi ave) + Qualication thickness its + Procedre (QW461 Tables) + Perermance(QW-452 Tables) + Overay Qualcston Requirements Table W458) Welding Data + Weider Peformance Qualcaton Welding Poston & ameter ints (Mase awso% 9) + Test coupon preparation ifermaton + Tesng equpnentinfomaton + Rocommensed Wiosng Documents -Nenmanéstory Append + WPS (Foe aW-482), + POR (erm av483) + Wa Farms QW-48¢A and QW-4845) + Detintons- General Requrerents, 06-109 & ASME Secon IX Welding Requcements = ‘An Overview maneree i | Standard Welding Procedure aise Specifications (SWPS) + Under rt SINPS may be wed whan te fofoning cantons have + The SPS nes bean aceptd by Secon for Code fabrication an ‘sisted inazpendx + Ari Vequrements er demonstration oft ably propery aro ‘he SPS have bron completes and documenea (V8) +The Manufacturers erosive sins the SWS accepting response fort useln Code fabction NOTE: Alvaiabet for SWS are considred essential and carat bs ‘hanged or quale is voted Thais lated in th “Abaco the cover page of ach SPS, “Typical SWPS Cover Page ASE Scion bg Regus — inowniee Sma | @ ‘Standard Welding Procedure once ‘Specifications (SWPS) + Teng eure or ete denen sero arma ‘Shinar a rat sons oe *Twotend tas coming of + Numa Exmiaon albe apple th same eno treater paromarcesmanstaion ie + Theses prominin i sho sob Mandatory Appenalx E sonnee 'ASME Section IX Welaing Requirements ~ ‘An Overview Monichne SE Suggested Format for 'SWPS Demonstration Standard Welding Procedure ‘Specifications (SWPS) a [ASME Section IX Welding Requirements — ‘An Overview Monichte SE Questions? snc 2 Munich RE = PART- 8 PART-QW, Article- Il and Ill Corrosion Resistant Overlay & Hard Facing Overlay Requirements Corrosion Resistant Weld Overlay & Hard ey Facing Overy ~ASME See ) PS enn —_7 Manichne Topics user + cooson Resta Wo vere (CRO) aang Wk Oey (70) + Reged Tsing tor CRO HEO CRO a Aol Lng Resraon apa UCL of Wein Proce fr UCL of ang Of Congest (CLAD METALS) ot We Hat Tetra Regan per 1 W576 Inks Exarie 21/01/2020 Corrosion Resistant Weld seas Overlay: + Why CRO? * Deposition of ane or more layers of weld metal othe surtace of ‘a base material “To improve the corrosion resistance properties ofthe eutace * Applied ata level above the minimum design thickness as a ‘non-structural component + QW:214 - Describes CRO with size of test coupons, Limits of {ualifcations, Examination & Tests, Test Specimens as per Table QW.453 * Size required: 1S0:m x 160mm, width of weld: 98 mm minimum required, if Pipe used- 160 mm long minimum BD none Corrosion Resistant Weld Overlay: * Required Tests ~ Procedure Qualifications: * Liquid Penetrant Examination as per QW-195 * Macro Examination with 8X Magnification for cracks inthe base metal or the heat affected zone lack of fusion, or other linear defects, (Table QW.453, Note 8) * 3 Hardness readings shall be made after surface conditioning to the minimum thickness specified in the WPS. (Table QW. 483 Note-7) 21/03/2020 Hard Facing Weld Overlay: ears = Corrosion Resistant Weld & Overlay & Hard Facing Overlay: * Note:t To remove samples from as Welded surface * Note:2 To remove from machined surface. + Note:3 To remove from chip drilled atthe weld overlay. 21/01/2020 Corrosion Resistant Weld Overlay & Hard Facing Overlay: locations, typeof tests, number of tests and some acceptance criteria Variables for CRO & HRO for ween GTAW Process ( QW-256.1) 2xyox/2020 Joints In integral Or Weld Metal Overlay iz) ‘Cladding And Applied Linings = (UCL-31 of ASME Sec Vill Div) + Tha weld sal be mate betucen he base meters ser by remoting He tind mates pr lowed te Jn or Byung welé proces et wl ‘Sour th bate mtr eed sche (io Restoration = Barter Layer seep Joints In Integral Or Weld Metal Overlay awn Cladding Ana Applied Linings (UCL-31) + Typical Fite Weld tn clad Plates, Js sa. suopor ~ cies Siig 2101/2000 ao Single Sided Butt Welds ® a Dra hy” GY eae YOM i 2101/2020 WELDING PROCEDURES (UCL-40) ‘Typical Section Of Weld Overlay FalLaye £306 FretLaer-E800 Elect Siag St Cadding Fsitayr—€508. Fetteye- 00 WELDING PROCEDURES (ucL-40) ‘Typical Section Of Weld Overlay FCAW/GMAN. = nl Layer etlaye em ‘SHAW 21yox/2020 WELDING PROCEDURES @ mank (UcL-40) ‘What Is Significant Of Overlap In Weld Overlay? = Oveip of 40 te 60% n SHAW & FCAW rsuts in Les Dison & more ‘wed vray Ticks pe yer er Osten eer W217 JOINING OF COMPOSITE jase (CLAD METALS) + The sent nd roars atte of OV.20 ena ap orc wer ‘foes ned preduson rg th tose mt pen oe ean +The PORS tat spo ih pn fhe WPS be ated net oun rrodewan came, + Fartnconanrentnt nea pron teal, eset vanes 26 4p ww cen eng sab aaron arent vey nora enue Sovran of srg te 2101/2020 Corrosion Resistant Weld Dont Overlay Qualifications + fxampe WPS eats fo make GROIn a1 ek Pater ng + CRO (appa rm sig ERONL + ERIEL (AN? cane ost Ser reba 28m depth We chen votes nes RSE + Sokwi stow 2. minimum CRO thickets oan msm Bikes + Povdetitmaets alate bene, ada Penta Bannan scans "chums ctes ung est Procer bert aise Dr ‘lea 250) 21/01/2020 i eee ea Munich RE = PART- 9 PART-QW, Article- Il and Ill Tube to Tube Sheet Qualifications 22/01/2020 ‘Tube to Tubeshest Qualifications & 24-25 san2000 Article|, 189 Tube to Tubeshect Te Topics + On: -Pocesie Custeten Tats + 0.602 -Petorance Gusto Tes * 30 wing Opera Vries + v.89 Spee vals orTTP OuscatorPreeiee + 8 Spee vrais TT Oulteatere:Peemance Arile |, aW-185—Tube to Tubesheet Tests ‘ivoon steve any veg tapas nese reese + Ios a ed ng eshte tone weg Jb aeogn to oeoa nailer, + Tubaastcorent rg a isn nates Bane leser of 6 Tete oft recat une 2m GO. + Tueheet ean may hve dee wll vy oud as er ein + agua Tests: sual Exernaton Laue Penrart Exton ane 22yon/2020 mon aw-103.1 Procedure auatenton teste + W193.1. Vieual Examination + These sun of ne eel eerie sity thn + Theva at son completa ao be Fe tm vl zak of oy Tetons, nd haw rosso Surng boar tne na + 1931.1 Liga Penetat Exmnaton recta se pafemance ts xan yelper cigs hl sags aceon wen he cura en ery recon ace ‘teint posed nme owe + flea rerio 1 jaar one sions gtr nan 316 (Sr) (Gwar more evo eunednscaore none separa 16.13 Ieee espe sc) (2W-1991- Procedure Qualifestion Teste + QW-198.1.3 Macro Examination + Tp abe sera tah ect ber + Thwfer nosed Sroco alse estat an eens esutbeort {D5 8 Gat detnten of ews an hearted ane 22/01/2020 (001-199. Procedure Qualifiestion Tests + is owen tx 20% net ce esc {a mim lak eb rns ease ye 8609 [Bymocrecirs {arent wa at eS nn awe193.4 rocedure Qulifeation Tests + v:1934 procedure auatestin Spocinens 5 SotnVabis in Ti a 2681 and GW 280 Each woting process [= ane} salon oped nd docimene n POR Record 22/01/2020 pos ee D ae 42 ow Geld (2-193. Perormance Qualiieation Tests + w-102.2 Performance Quliftestion Specimens. * Mina tf nop owen tert wie eet e32 + Thera mea hee ape posse queston 88.1) tetotone, nine tog ction reguremens rd ecto: (a) Tre eseertt ass nOML8T 2a ey. (2) Exel eeravcecsifeten vrs apse fr ach wong Prec ainGW 38 (Woe) GHG (Marg Cotas) cal abo ‘heed naan 9 he artes To M88. (Posts noxrestantmay be oie Secon 0 are 1.2022 Destress Tes Coven + au.isa2Partomance Queaton Specimens. + Both Vai tables alow salle ape and documented In WPO ‘oner & owes ‘ar. (Weer Varies) 22/03/2020 ASME Sec IX Ed 2019 Changes 22/01/2020 PART- 10 ASME Section IX Ed 2019 Key Changes Overview 24 ~ 26 Jan 2020 Hiren Dalal / Venkatesan Jayabalan Topics + QG-101,06-102 & QG-104 General Requirements + 6-106 Welding Engineer Qualifications + QW-191 NDE Personne! Qualifications + QW-200.2 Weld Thickness Clarifications + QW-202.2 Diesimilar Base Metal Thickness Clarifications + QW-300.1 Welder! Operator Continuity Date + New Interpret Section IX - QG-101, A6-102, 6-108 smnicnre Reference tothe Authored Inspector Removed — +The current rules require welding, brazing, and fusing qualification documentation to be ‘made accessible to the Authorized Inspector. + Since Section IX is a reference code used by many standards that do not use an ‘Ahorized Ingpector, this was deemed not appropriate language, + As. result, reference to the Authorized Inspector throughout Section IX was removed and replaced with language in QG-101, QG-102, and QG-104. + Code Additions + 06-101 "Procedure specifications shal be avaliable for raference and review at the fabrication ste” + ae-102— + "The POR shall be available for review.” + 26-104 — erformance qualification records shall be avaliable for review:* _ Zetded Requirements for Supervisory Personnel Munich ne QG-106 ee wa In response to several inques canoeing the qualifications of hose cee onstuzarn ReSPOEBLTY oy who provide the “complete supervision Se ard conto of naval that on tet coupons for procedure and personne uations, 26-100 was reves to ‘eauie thatthe invite who prove supervision and contrel over personnel who jin qualification coupons be shown by te organization to be qualified, “tennant ea tained or experienced to perform the boi oversight ASME Sec IX,QG-106, BD sunesne Organizational Responsibility = QG-106 Organizational Responsibility for Supervisory Personnel + Personnel shall be designated by the organization with responsibilty for certifying Welding qualification documents + Personnel has satisfactory evel of competence in accordance with the organization's quality program. + Personnel shall be qualified by education, experience, or training + Knowledge of the requirements of ASME Sec IX for the qualification of procedures andlor joining personnel + Knowledge of the organization's quality program + The scope, complexity, or special nature of the activities to which oversight is to be provided. + Objective evidence shall be maintained ASME Sec IX,QG-107, Ownership G2). muncne = Transfers = QG-107 Ownership Transfers + The Quality Control System or Quality Assurance Program of eaca organization shall deseribe the effective operational control and authority for technical direction of welding, + The new owner(s) takes responsibility for the procedure specificaions and performance qualification records. + The POR identify the name of the new owner(s) prior to use. +The original source of the PORs, procedure specifications, and performance {qualification records as being from the original qualifying organizetion. Section Ik Article, OW-101.8 BD svinne = ‘The rules in QW.191 were rewrtlen to address the qualification of personnel for both Radiographic and Utrasonic Examination within Section IX. ‘Anew paragraph QW-191.4 was created to address the requirements for RT and UT Personnel Qualifeaion \Whare Section IX was silent bofore, itis now made clear that RT Persornel performing ‘work to Section X must be qualified and certified in accordance withthe rules of Section V, Arle 1, (QW.191.4 Personne! Qualietions and Cetiteatons. (@)Al persone! prteming volumatic examinations fr walter and wong aperator ‘Ualicaon sal be qualified ard caried i accordance wit th erpioyers writen rates (2) The employer writen pacts fer qualitcaton and cretion of erainaton ersonna sha moet a ppleabie requvemans of ASME SactonV Aref {6) nen he wots beg examined so proauchon wal the examiner mayb uated and aries inaesorance ith te requvement of he relrening code aca atrnatve ‘a roquvomorts of Pi pargraph. ‘Section IX Article I, QW-200.2(b) BD snnicrneS Contents of the POR = Im QW-200.2(0) t states thal the approximate weld deposi thickness is required o be recorded on the POR. It has always been the intent that this thickness exclude weld reinforcement ‘Some code users didn't see explict language prohibiting this practice to cheat on the thickness qualified so “excluding wel reinforcement” was added to tis paragraph een Seaton Secon 1X Atl Il, 202-2 niche Dissimilar Thickness Test Coupon + QW-202.2 was revised to address the rules for qualification limits when joining @ test coupon of dissimilar thickness, + The new rules will say that “T” base metal thickness qualified in eccordance with {QW-451 shall be determined individually for each base meta in he test coupon. + When there is a tapered thickness transition in the test coupon inthe thicker member, the qualified thickness shall be based for that material on the thickness (of the material adjacent to the toe of the weld at the thinnest end of the transition. “+ Tensile and bends may be machined to the thickness required for the thinner base metal prior to testing Section 1<— Article, C¥-202.2 BD nvicrne S Dissinlar Thickness Test Coupon = ‘Section 1X — Arte Il, QW.900.1 BD sraneneeS Continuity Timeframe : + Ithas always been unclear as to when the welderioperator continuity begins. + Does it begin on the date the welder or operator completes the weld coupon? + Ordoes it begin on the date that the Organization certifies the WPQ, which could be on a different date from the date of welding? + Depending on thé urgericy to complete the required testing cr documentation, weeks and even months could go by before the WPQ is certified + Acode change was made adding a new paragraph to QW-300.1, which clarifies that the date of welding isthe starting date for continuity. “+ This assumes that the weld undergoes the required testing and acceptable results are obtained and the WPQ filed out and certified, Seton 1X ~ Artie 1V, aW-408.20 @® mane Sven Procedure Ovalteaton PN : + QW-403.20 is a procedure essential variable that controls the P-No when ‘welding overlay. The current words in QW-403.20, which is an essential variable for P-No when welding overlay are more stringent than the rules for groove and fllet welds in QW-403.11 and QW-424 without technical basis. + Asa result, this paragraph was revised to relax the requirements to align better with QW-403.11 and QW-424, + With this change, qualification on @ P-No 5A or lower grade will also qualify the lower P-No's. Nota: This only applies when the chemical compostion is not specified on the WPS. Munich re = * QW-193 Tube to Tube sheet Procedure Qualifications + Procedure Quaifeaton Vaabes added in Table W280 + QW-27 Tube to Tube sheet Performance Qualifiestions 7 + Performance Quaifations Variables added in Table QW -288 + Note: While using above Table, Please refer to the Errata published by ASME. ASME Sec IX — New Interpretations ‘Section x Interpretation BPV IX-417-10 oes Standard Designation: BPV Section Pc EdtiowAddenda:. 2015 ParalFigsTableNo: Mandatory Appendix E ‘Subject Deseription: SC IX: Appenix E - Valiy of Reatimed AWS SWPSs Date Issued: 031092017 Record Number: 16-2283, uoston: [May an ection ofan AWS Standard Welding Procedure Specifcation (SWPS),vhich shows a mation date oer than that shown under “Designo” in Mandatory Appe ix E, De Used under the requirements of ASME Section IX, arte V? Reply: Yes niche S ASME Sec IX — New Interpretations = ‘Section IX interpretation - Beviet825 BD suncrne Standard Designation: BPY Secton 1 Edtion/Addenda 2017 raJFig/Table No: QG-106.1, 06-1082 Subject Description: SC Ix; Q6-106.1- Requirement of ASME Certfcate of Authorization Date sued: 08032018 Record Number: 17-1964 ueston: ‘Are the organizations and companies referenced In QG-106.1 required o have ASME Centheates of Authorization? Reply: No oe ASME Sec IX - New Interpretations & ae ‘Section x Interpretation BPVIX-17-48 Standard Designation: BPY Secton 1 Edtlon/Addonda: 2015 raJFigiTable No: W:251.2 ‘Subject Deseription: SC IX; QW-281.2- Supplementary Essentials Datelssued: 087242017 Record Number: 17-263, ‘Background: A POR is run respecting supplementary essential variables for toughness spplcatons ‘Question (1): Can a WPS be writen fornontoughness applications? Reply (1): Yes. {Question (2): For nan-toughness applications can supplementary essential vaiabies that may be adoressod inthe WPS be violated? Reply (2): No. ASME Sec IX Ed 2019 Changes ° oO Munich RE = & PART- 11 ASME Section IX WPS/PQR Workshop WPS / PAR Preparation as per ASME Sec IX Fin Dd ean yet — munich SE set Topics + Ws Propartion(SUAN Proce) = Overview + Anaya ach Eston Varies + toyz Non Een Vales Pa Preparation (MAW Proce + pony ach Enrol aries 22/01/2020 WPS Preparation ~ SMAW Process * Article I * ow253, ' SMAW Process i a : 4 WPS Preparation:(SMAW Process) Non Impact Test + Fantom Non Mandan Agen -8 ma esos or 22/01/2020 WPS Proparation:(SMAW Process) @®) una l” Non impact Test ~ + Bate Metae (2-403) WPS Preparation:(SMAW Process) GE) naneei®” Non Impact Tost ~ 22/01/2020, Non Impact Test + Portions (e408) WPS Preparation:(SMAW Process) =) Atte show WPS Preparation:(SMAW Process) Non Impact Test + Prohoat (406) _ recurs postin 0 {ebe0¢ Hane ee 22/01/2020 WPS Preparation:(SMAW Process) @®) tuncsae Non Impact Test : + Post weld Heat Treatment (QW-407) | WPS Prepat Non Impact Test + letiat Characteristics (QW-408) Ssemaeeme jon:{SMAW Process) GE) — suninse 22/01/2020 WPS Proparation:(SMAW Process) G2) anus Non Impact Test + Techniaye (QW-409), WPS Preparation:(SMAW Process) (= Non Impact Test sancnee In Table and approval Stat In WPS 22/03/2020 'WPQ Preparation:(SMAW Process) + Ail = wing aunts ‘onteaton) = + 350 > Wong + rae - wou Bang {Pog Uhl snreentn nnn ne (rlds. oube-weded grove welds toate, * Qvs03-16:Actange inthe pipe eater bayer he (uaied ava 22/01/2020 WPA Preparation:(SMAW Process) Nummer: (QW-403:18) A change om ene P.Nunboro ay other Number oto basa mea ited Table QWIOB-22ercpt permitted in QW42 WPQ Preparation:(SMAW Process) ~ nie £ Nuinser:(QW-40615) A change tom one F-Numberin Tale {E22 ony one Fume 32 perited by Tabe OW 233, 22/01/2000 ® sorte WPA Preparation:(SMAW Process) Thickness: (QW-404.30) A change n dposted weld stl beyond tet quattedn accordance wih QW-452 Position: (QW-408.1& (QW 30.1) The ation of other wong postions an ose aeady quate wil ecto Tab QW-A61.9 Progression: (QV-408.3) Achanga om upward o downto ‘om downto warn prerestion spite any passa us WPQ Preparation:(SMAW Process) ~~ + Type and Number of testing + Visual Examination mandatory as per QW-194 + Volumetric NOE RT or UT as per QW 191 or Mechanical testing a per QW 2021 22/01/2020 oN 2 sosoe ‘PRESSURE EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY (08-4) PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD (POR) [ACEORDING TO ASME CODESEC. Soba neat sear sis sane enone 96 a a agehae TT even Naor Page of ‘PRESSURE EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY ‘Oh/-s83 PROCEDURE QUALIFATION RECORD (POR) ACEOROING TO ASMECODHSECIX SS =e | ts SEE et as uueraesiowe eatseaecny: v9 Ce Cremona pi OTN Sta toate Page? 03 FaRNO WELDER NAME. WELDER PRESSURE EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY (QW:483 PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD (POR) ACCORDING TO ASME CODE SEC-X Eaion2017 poxwaprestpats Pecmgaan ceasane PEMCPWAS REV.A cura Fier Me Ey ach Nowe: MaIT 259 BrandiNenes Speco E sof Themel proces No Un Tarde Wie Ta Tog Layers currant | vatage | spentin |! ierpas “ype see a satin “rmp_| [eeqeond e701 | 28mm | —levaw is [2 me |[ Na [noe bebeqund —e7o1e | 315mm ewaw | von | a0 0 [wa [179] [euquen| e718 | aismm | swaw | we [2 20 [va [iso bese a Fal weld Fund Sac As par QW 196 Boek Gauging about begging tne frome Fae 3 PRESSURE EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY ce Sieraticnae

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