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Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica ñ Drug Research, Vol. 70 No. 4 pp.

587ñ596, 2013 ISSN 0001-6837

Polish Pharmaceutical Society




Student Scientific Organisation APEX of Department of General and Transplantation Surgery,


Medical University of Warsaw, Nowogrodzka 59, 02-006 Warszawa, Poland

Department of Gastroenterology and Metabolic Diseases, Medical University of Warsaw,
Banacha 1a, 02-097 Warszawa, Poland
Department of General and Transplantation Surgery, Transplantation Institute,
Medical University of Warsaw, Nowogrodzka 59, 02-006 Warszawa, Poland

Abstract: Diabetes mellitus is one of the main risk factors of fungal infections of oral cavity, lower part of gas-
trointestinal tract, skin, foot, urogenital system and blood. Mycosis is a serious diagnostic and therapeutic prob-
lem and cause of mortality in diabetes. Fungal infections are also an important problem among hemodialysis
patients with diabetes or diabetic patients after pancreas or kidney transplantation This work briefly describes
the etiology, symptoms, diagnosis and ways of prophylaxis and treatment of mycosis in diabetic population.
There is also emphasized the great connection between effective treatment of mycosis and glycemic control.

Keywords: diabetes, fungal infections, antifungal treatment

Diabetes mellitus is a major risk factor for centration of glucose in blood and saliva which can
mycotic infections. The fungal infections are diffi- be treated as a nutrients for fungi (4). The significant
cult diagnostic and therapeutic problems, serious role plays promoting an exaggerated inflammatory
cause of morbidity or mortality in diabetes. The par- response to the periodontal microflora (5). There is
ticularly difficult problem makes up mycosis among also a relationship between the presence of remov-
hemodialysis patients with diabetes and in post- able prostheses or cigarette smoking and higher rate
transplant diabetes after kidney transplantation. of fungal infections by diabetics (6).
Also, the main risk factor for fungal infections is Oral candidiasis include, excepting pseudo-
diabetes with a pre-existing kidney graft in pancreas membranous candidiasis, also: median rhomboid
transplant recipients. Early diagnosis and effective glossitis, athrophic glossitis, denture stomatitis and
treatment plays an important role in proceeding to angular cheilitis (7).
the therapy of mycotic infections. The diagnosis includes examination of the
mouth followed by culturing a swab from the affect-
Diagnostic and therapeutic problems of mycosis ed area (labial and buccal mucosa, hard and soft
in diabetes palate, tongue periodontal tissues or oropharynx)
Oral cavity and sensitivity testing (1, 8).
Diabetes mellitus is a predisposing factor of On the surface of oral cavity occur white
oral candidiasis (opportunistic infection caused by patches. The tongue might be bright red. Other
overgrowth of commensal of the mouth - Candida symptom can be burning sensation in the mouth or
species e.g., the most prevalent Candida albicans), dysphagia (1). Usually, the disease can be also
especially of pseudomembranous candidiasis (1, 2). asymptomatic (9).
Also non-albicans species (Pichia, Trichosporon, Untreated candidiasis can lead to serious, even
Geotichum) can be identified in the oral cavity of fatal, complications or cause chronic hyperplastic
patient with poorly controlled diabetes, being prone candidiasis, known as candidal leukoplakia (1, 10).
to frequent and severe fungal infections (3, 4). The It is also worth mentioning that periodontal
poor glycemic control is associated with a high con- infections can adversely affect glycemic control,

* Corresponding author: e-mail:

588 ANNA PORADZKA et al.

increasing serum glucose level, in people with dia- Lower part of gastrointestinal tract
betes (8). The intestinal tract is an important reservoir for
The incidence of infections can be reduced by many nosocominal organisms e.g., Candida species
appropriate prophylaxis. Very important is patient (15). At the present time, only few studies show evi-
education, avoiding tobacco use, proper glycemic dence that diabetes mellitus is a risk factor for intes-
control and oral hygiene (11). Significant is rinsing tinal Candida colonization (9, 16). It has been
the mouth with the topical antifungal, coating the demonstrated that the frequent of colonization by
whole mucosa with the medicine and holding in the moulds and yeast-like fungi in the intestine of chil-
mouth for a few minutes, after removing the den- dren with diabetes mellitus is higher than in healthy
tures (1). The patient should soak the denture in children. There was a relationship between rate of
0.1% hypochlorite solution or chlorhexidine solu- colonization and HbA1c level. Other studies showed
tion to eliminate the fungi. White vinegar (diluted 1 the presence of Candida albicans strains in diabet-
: 20) can be used twice a week instead of it (12, 13). icís stool (9).
The first line treatment is topical antifungal therapy
ñ polyene antibiotics: nystatin and amphotericin, Skin and its appendages
eventually imidazoles. Topical therapy is advised Diabetes mellitus is strongly associated with
also to patients with need of systemic treatment the development of fungal infections and der-
(intolerance or resistance to local application), matoses connected with skin manifestations. Two
because of possibility of reducing dose and duration third of diabetic subjects have increased frequency
of systemic preparations, to achieve reduction of of infections caused by Candida or dermatophytes
adverse effects and drug interactions. Nystatin and (tinea pedis and onychomycosis) during the course
amphotericin are not absorbed from the gastroin- of the disease process (17-20). Dermatologic prob-
testinal tract (1). lems occur more often in patients with type 2 dia-
Modern medicaments ñ polyene antibiotics betes mellitus, by whom infectious involvement of
alert cell membrane permeability and azoles are the skin is more often (autoimmune skin lesions are
inhibitors of fungal synthesizing enzymes of ergos- more common in type 1 diabetes) (21). The most
terol (1). Recommended drugs include: nystatin, frequent fungal diseases are: tinea pedis (interdigi-
amphotericin and miconazole. First line treatment in talis), onychomycosis, candidal intertrigo and candi-
patients without dentures is amphotericin alone dal vaginitis (22, 23).
(lozenges 10 mg or suspension 100 mg/mL, four Skin colonization and the development of sev-
times a day after meals), or if patient is wearing den- eral skin manifestations in patients with poor
tures ñ amphotericin with nystatin (available as glycemic control and elevated glycosylated hemo-
ointment (100,000 U/g, oral suspension 100,000 globin, who have abnormal carbohydrate metabo-
units/mL or pastilles (100,000 IU)) or miconazoles lism, relative insulin availability, neuron degenera-
(oral gel 20 mg/mL, after meals). The managing tion, deranged collagen production, microvascular
takes three weeks. If the therapy is ineffective, the complications and impaired wound healing, seems to
medications should be replaced. The lozanges of be related to a multitude of skin disorders (17-19, 21,
amphotericin are contraindicated in diabetics 22). In addition, the prevalence of cutaneous disease
because of high sugar content. For that reason also have relation to number of risk factors including age,
nystatin oral rinse and clotrimazole troches should male gender, family history of onychomycosis and
be avoided by diabetes. As alternative, fluonazole intake of immunosuppressive agents (17, 20).
(100 mg/day) and itraconazole (200 mg/day) can be Candida infections can be first presenting sign
prescribed (1, 12-14). In diabetic patients the modi- of undiagnosed diabetes mellitus (6, 17). Fungal
fications to insulin doses are needed for a period of infections in diabetes can provide a portal of entry
oral infection to avoid infection related hyper- into the circulation for bacterial pathogens (17).
glycemia (7). The side effects of nystatin and imida- All infections should be mycologically proven
zole are: nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. The alter- (19).
native in these cases can be clotrimazole and keto- By Candida spp. the medication of choice are
conazole, which are applied in local form. topical antifungal creams with nystatin, clotrimazole
Nowadays, the most important problem is raising or econazole. If topical treatment is ineffective, oral
drug resistance. Sensitivity test results can help in management with fluconazole is the second line treat-
choice of the most effective treatment, however, the ment (17). Very important is predicting microvascu-
mostly common reason of poor response to the lar complications. and the tight control of blood glu-
antibiotic is non-compliance (1, 3, 7, 12). cose (19, 21). Traditional antibiotic - griseofulvin
Clinical aspects of fungal infections in diabetes 589

activity is limited to dermatophytes and is ineffective. amputation (17, 29, 30). Erosion of the nail bed and
The newer management strategy includes: itracona- hyponychium can progress osteomyelitis of under-
zole, terbinafine and fluconazole. Ketoconazole is lying bone (30).
used only in local form, because of hepatotoxicity For diabetic patients possible managing
effect. Itraconasole is administering at a dose of 200 options are: topical therapy, systemic therapy, com-
mg/d for three months or as pulse therapy with 400 bination therapy, and nail removal. Well tolerated
mg/d in two daily doses of 200 mg for one week per and effective are oral antifungal agents: itraconazole
month for three or four months (20, 24-26). and terbinafine in treating onychomycosis caused by
The regiment of drugs depends on culture iden- dermatophytes and traconazole by molds infections.
tification, affected part of body, seriousness of The systemic treating can cause side effects and
infection, earlier management and immune situation drug interactions, especially in diabetic patients.
of the patient (24). Routinely, azoles, terbinafine are Griseofungin (500-1000 mg daily) has a lot of dis-
prescribed. Terbinafine (inhibitor of fungal squalene advantages: narrow spectrum, poor efficacy, incon-
epoxidase) cream and sertaconazole cream is the sistent bioavailability and significant adverse
recommended first line treatment for superficial skin effects. The newer drug are: itraconazole (200 mg
infections. Onychomycosis is an indication for sys- twice daily for 1 week each month, duration: 12
temic antimycotics (for example terbinafine 250 weeks) and terbinafine (250 mg, duration: 12
mg/d for 2-12 weeks). The systemic treatment is weeks). They can be used in continuous or pulse
connected with adverse effects: nausea, abdominal therapy. The possible adverse effects are: gastroin-
pain, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, rash and pruritus testinal disturbances, dizziness, skin rash, pruritis,
(24, 25). In patients with mucormycosis, ampho- and headache. The agents may cause drug interac-
tericin B with debridement is used (21). tions (they are competitive inhibitors of the
Patients with diabetes are at increased risk of cytochrome P-450 3A4 isozyme).(17, 29-31, 34)
mycological infection known as toenail onychomy- According to some authors fluconazole (150-300
cosis. Gender, age and severe nail changes play role mg weekly, duration: 6-18 months) can be effective
in the infections development (17, 27). in therapy of onychomycosis caused by dermato-
Onychodystrophy of several finger nails is a der- phytes and molds (17, 29-31).
matophyte infection caused by three classes of In case, when oral medications are contraindi-
fungi: dermatophytes (Trichophyton sp. e.g., T. gal- cated, the topical therapy (ciclopirox 8% solution) is
linae (zoophilic dermatophyte) (28, 29), Fusarium available, well tolerated and effective treatment
solani (16)), yeast (e.g., Candida albicans) or non- option, with a good penetration of the nail matrix.
dermatophyte molds (30). The adverse event is mild erythema. The medicine
Dystrophic nails look thick, brittle and discol- should be applicated once daily for up to 6 months
ored, often with a yellow shade. The nail plate may (17, 29-31, 34).
be separated from the nail bed (onycholysis).
Characteristic is paronychial inflammation of the Diabetic foot
nail edge surrounding skin. The most severe clinical Fungal foot infection (FFI) is diabetic der-
manifestation of the disease is total dystrophic ony- mopathy which includes the most frequent myco-
chomycosis. Nails can be very painful and make logical infections in the form of both tinea pedis
walking difficult (30). (skin infection) and onychomycosis (nail infection)
Culture test of samples collected from the nail (35, 36). FFI occurs in one-thirds of patients (37)
plate or subungual debris, KOH-prepared direct and increases the risk of developing diabetic foot
microscopy and histopathological examination can syndrome - a major reason of disability and mortal-
verify clinical suspicion of the mycological infec- ity in diabetic subjects, particularly men (29, 34, 35,
tion (28, 30-32). 38). The most common pathogens are: yeast and
Untreated fusarial onychomycosis leads to dermatophytes and the most frequent dermatophyte
serious consequences (33). Vascular insufficiency, is Trichophyton rubrum (39, 40).
impaired wound healing, and compromised Food disorders (non healing ulcers and other
immunologic state predispose to secondary fungal lesions) appears to be secondary to multiple factors,
and bacterial infections (paronychia, cellulitis) (29). including diabetes-inducted impairments in circula-
Diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy and tion and peripheral neuropathy, retinopathy, obesity
sharp edged nails are more likely to cause abrasion and duration of diabetes. This situation, together
injuries, what affect in decreased quality of life and with poor nail grooming, serve as an entry portal for
is a risk factor for other foot disorders and limb infectious organisms (29, 34, 37, 39, 40).
590 ANNA PORADZKA et al.

Sharp, infected nails can injure or even pierce balance between pathological effects and vaginal
the skin. Fissures in the plantar or interdigital skin defense factors (45, 52). To the source of infection
can become an entry side for bacteria, especially cel- belongs: intestinal reservoir, sexual transmission
lulitis infection (39, 41). Diabetics with FFI demon- and vaginal relapse (persisting) (45).
strate decreases of bodily pain, impairment of mental Identification of the type of infection and clas-
health, self-esteem and social functioning, enhancing sification of its degree of severity can assist in the
patients quality of life and often leading to social iso- selection of appropriate therapy. Microscopic exam-
lation (34, 38). Sometimes, it can be difficult to note ination of vaginal secretion and culturing confirm
and recognize foot disorders because of decrease of the diagnosis. There is a possibility of use of PCR
sensation what can result in deep infection. The detection test. In women and adolescent girls with
potential implication is a higher rate of gangrene, recurrent VVC is a glucose tolerance test recom-
diabetic ulcers and an increased incidence of lower mended (45, 53, 54).
extremity amputation (35, 39, 41, 42). VVC can be asymptomatic or can clinically
Clinical symptoms of onychomycosis include manifest with: acute pruritus, cottage-cheese-like
onycholysis, hyperkeratosis, brittleness, paronychial vaginal discharge, vaginal soreness, irritation, vulvar
inflammation, and color change (29). burning, dyspareunia, external dysuria, slight odor,
The diagnosis should be confirmed by fungal erythema and swelling of the labia and vulva (45).
culturing, direct microscopy or histopathologic There is the need for effective antifungal treat-
examination (29, 34, 38). ment with topical azoles or oral ones e.g., itracona-
Regression and recurrence of illness is charac- zole, miconazole, elotrimazole, butoconazole or flu-
terized for treatment of fungal infections. To conazole (44, 45, 53). Oral drugs are more frequent-
improve the efficacy of management there is a need ly associated with systemic toxicity and drug inter-
of appropriate antifungal therapy containing the use actions (55). The response to single dose of flucona-
of oral antifungal agents, topical therapy and zole is reduced by diabetics (53). Important is also
mechanical intervention. Grizeofulvin is connected restricting dietary intake of sugar (45). In otherwise
with number of adverse effects and modest efficacy. healthy women, treatment with an antifungal in not
More effective and safe are itraconazole, terbinafine advised (45, 48).
and fluconazole (29, 34, 36, 38). Preferred and Itraconazole has good efficacy and safety with
effective is topical therapy (ciclopirox) character- C. albicans and other Candida species. Acute vulvo-
ized by lower potential for adverse effects and drug vaginitis can be treated by using itraconazole (cap-
interactions but also by poor penetration and mini- sules 400 mg, single-dose: 200 mg in the morning
mal efficacy. But in the cases, when lunula is and 200 mg in the evening) (44). In the case of lim-
already affected, the topical therapy is not sufficient ited response, the managing should be prolonged to
and systemic agents must be prescribed. The thera- 5-7 days. The common side effect is burning sensa-
py can be improved by using a combination of topi- tion (45).
cal and systemic agents (29, 36, 37). The significant In recurrent vulvovaginal candidosis the induc-
role plays also prevention through inspection, tion course of azole (ketoconazole 100 mg daily,
hygiene, appropriate foot wear, skin care with clotrimazole 500 mg in suppositories, fluconazole
creams or lotions containing 10% urea (39). 150 mg daily) is continued to the time, when patient
is asymptomatic and culture negative. It can take 7-
Urogenital system 14 days. The self-diagnosis and the early initiation
Candida microorganisms are responsible for of empiric topical therapy (500 mg clotrimazole
vulvovaginal candidosis (VVC) (even 25% of vul- intravaginaly). Beside of side effects (gastrointesti-
vovaginal infections). Predominant yeast are nal, hepatotoxicity of ketoconazole), the drug inter-
Candida albicans, Candida glabrata and Candida action with hypoglycemic agents can be essential in
tropicalis (43, 44). The incidence of infection affects diabetic population (45, 55).
70-75% of women. The prevalence is higher in the Only 33% of diabetic women with vulvo-
sexually active, young women.(44-46) Women with vaginitis candidiasis achieve the success in treating
uncontrolled, severe type 2 diabetes are more prone with fluconazole (single dose 150 mg). It is associ-
to be infected.(45, 47-49) Antibiotic use, hyper- ated with high prevalence of C. glabrata in diabetic
glycemia, diabetes type and HbA1c level are recog- population (43, 45, 56). Relatively good efficacy
nized as a cause of VVC (48, 50, 51). follows boric acid (vaginal suppositories, 600 mg
Women carry candida organisms in the vagina daily, duration: 7-14 days). It is well-tolerated.
without symptoms or signs of vaginitis, because of Possible adverse events are: burning sensation and
Clinical aspects of fungal infections in diabetes 591

vestibular erythema. The action way of boracid is adverse event is nephrotoxicity. In resistant patients
unknown, but presumably it destroys the cell wall of and in cases of nephrotoxicity amphotericin B lipid
fungi (43, 46, 49). If there is no response to boric complex (3 mg/kg daily) should be prescribed.
acid, the use of 17% flucytosine or flucytosine with Efficiency of azoles (itraconazole, fluconazole) is
amphotericin B (topical intervaginal cream, dura- not documented. The protocols with additional regi-
tion: 2 weeks) is successful. But the treatment ment of rifampicin or tetracycline arenít recom-
should be not too long because of possibility of mended because of lack of study. Diabetic ketoaci-
resistance. Intravaginal use of flucytosine donít dosis should by immediately corrected (60, 61).
show side effects in comparison with oral or par- Diabetic individuals are more likely to be
enteral form (gastrointestinal and bone marrow tox- infected with angio-invasive, saprophyte, oppor-
icity) (43, 45). tunistic fungal zygomatoses. By diabetics the
Rosenstock et al. reported that diabetic patients rhinocerebral form is especially of high prevalence.
achieve better glycemic control with low rate of The lung and cutaneous involvement are less fre-
hypoglycemia, after adding canagliflozin (inhibitor quent.(63, 64) The incidence of mucormycosis is
of subtype 2 sodium-glucose transport protein, decreasing (65).
which increases urinary glucose excretion) to met- Predisposing factors include: phagocytic dys-
formin therapy. The disadvantage of canagliflozin is function due to neutrophenia, ketoacidosis, neu-
higher rate of genital infections (57). The treatment trophil dysfunction during diabetes and low serum
cause the higher incidence of vulvovaginal adverse pH, which reduce the activity of inflammatory
events in diabetic females (58). The other study response against Rhizopus (63).
showed that there is no influence on urinary tract The episode of sinusitis not responding to
infections (59). short-term antibacterial therapy should be consid-
ered as a zygomatosis. Characteristic for infected
Specific fungal infections tissues is necrosis (63). If the disease concerns
Mucormycosis, considering to be the most lungs, characteristic are: acute pneumonia, fever,
invasive fungal infection, shows increased number cough and pleuric pain (64).
of saprophytic members of the Mucorales. There is Pathological examination and culturing should
significant link between initiated airborne infection be performed to obtain appropriate diagnosis (63, 64).
of upper and lower respiratory tract and the clinical The mortality of diabetic patients with
development of sinusitis, rhinocerebral mucormyco- zygomycosis is 44%. Aggressive surgical treatment
sis, pulmonary infection or even liver and brain can decrease death rate. Management strategies
mucormycosis. Its incidence is closely correlated to includes high-dose amphotericin B (5-6 mg/kg
diabetic ketoacidosis, neutropenia, protein-calorie daily) or posaconasole. Posaconasole has low effi-
malnutrition, and iron overload (60-62). The disease ciency, high risk of drug interactions and must be
can be fatal (61). given peroral. These are the reasons, why it should-
Clinical manifestations include: facial pain or nít be prescribed as first-line therapy. New antifun-
headache and fever. In orbital form orbital cellulo- gal drugs are not active against zygomatosis. There
sis, extraocular muscle paresis, periorbital edema, is also need to control glycemia and acidosis (63).
proptosis, chemosis and blindness are commonly Statins show the activity against a range of
found and in cerebral form the common signs are: Zygomycetes molds (65).
formation of abscesses and necrosis of the frontal Coccidiodomycosis is a fungal infection
lobes. Black, nectotic eschar can be found on the caused by Coccidioides species. The relation of
palate or in the nasal mucosa (21, 60). Facial numb- coccidioidomycosis and glycemia is significant,
ness is frequent and results from infarctions of sen- and thatís why this infection affects patients with
sory nerves such as branches of the fifth cranial diabetes mellitus. The measurement of serum glu-
nerve (21). cose in persons with coccidioidomycosis is recom-
The diagnosis contain: culturing, histological mended to identify patients with increased risk of
examination and MRI (60, 61). severe, complicated infection. The symptoms of
Mucormycosis should be treated aggressively infection disappear spontaneously without medical
by surgical debridement (often repeated every day) treatment (66).
combined with administration of intravenous ampho- Futhermore, high-risk diabetic patients are
tericin B (1 mg/kg daily, 1.5 mg/kg daily by inci- considered to represent predisposing factors, such as
dence of aggressive infection and 0.8-1 mg/kg daily suppression of neutrophil activity, for aspergillosis:
after stabilization of health state). The common cerebral, sino-orbital and pulmonary (67-70).
592 ANNA PORADZKA et al.

Fungemia duration and presence of diabetes mellitus are inde-

The occurrence of the invasive candidiasis like pendent predisposing factors. The uremic patients
candidemia, representing high mortality rate and the with hemodialysis suffer more often from dystrophic
need of long treatment, has been increasing recently nail changes and onychomycosis. Nail diseases in this
(71, 72). It is a common medical condition in disease affect 71.4% of patients. The most frequent
patients with immunosuppressive therapy for organ occurring change is half and half nails. Absence of
transplantation, chemotherapy for malignancy or lunula is also common. Secondary to hypochromic
after surgery treatment. Candidemia incidence is anemia or chronic renal failure brittle nails are
statistically correlated with hyperglycemia. Severe observed. The prevalence of it is also increased
hyperglycemia is considered as important risk factor among immunocompromised patients like diabetics
of serious consequences: increased morbidity, worst (81, 82). Patients with continuous ambulatory peri-
clinical course, longer hospital stay, late complica- toneal dialysis with previous bacterial peritonitis and
tions and mortality (71, 73-77). This invasive muco- antibiotic management demonstrate an increased
sis is due to opportunistic fungal pathogens: yeasts propensity to develop fungal peritonitis (83).
(e.g., Candida albicans), molds (e.g., Aspergillus There is a pressing need to take care of
fumigates) and a broad list of other fungi. In diabet- hemodialysis, diabetic patients nails and foot.
ic population non-albicans Candida is prominent Hemodialysis diabetics should be especially careful-
cause of candidemia. Up to 30% of all patients with ly examined for onychomycosis, because of danger-
candidemia are diabetic individuals (78, 79). ous, serious implications such as erysipelas or
Proliferation of fungi in deep tissues and amputation (81).
organs is associated with disruption of this barrier
due to peripheral vascular disease, neuropathy, Post-transplant diabetes after kidney transplan-
insulin injections, surgery, or insertion of intravas- tation
cular catheter (78). Systemic infectious diseases are the important
Diagnosis depends upon clinical suspicion, cause of morbidity and mortality in renal transplant
isolating and identification of the infecting recipients. Systemic fungal infections occurs in 1-
pathogens by culturing and histopathology (72, 74). 14% after kidney transplantation and the incidence
For patients from high risk groups prophylactic of invasive fungal infections is informed even to
antifungal therapy and strict glycemia control are 1.5%. Recipients are especially prone to Candida
extremely important (78). Recommended, first-line spp. (fungemia, catheter and urinary tract),
treatment is administration of amphotericin B. Aspergillus spp. (lungs and central nervous system),
Undergoing surgical debridement and eradicating Cryptococcus neoformans (lungs and central nerv-
therapy with alternative antifungal agents is pre- ous system) and Zygomatosis infections as a conse-
ferred in case of nonsusceptible to standard azole or quence of immunosuppressive therapy. Patients
polyene therapy (72). with anti-rejection therapy or/and diabetes mellitus
C. glabrata infections demonstrate a high rate are showing an increased propensity to develop fun-
of fluconazole resistance. In such cases, the results gal infection (84-88). Also skin infections (e.g., can-
can be greatly improved by using of amphotericin B didal infections, dermatomycoses, onychomycoses)
or flucytosine. The most proper management for take place more frequently by renal transplant recip-
opportunistic yeast-like fungi (e.g., Trichosporon ients, especially prone were diabetics (89). Early
spp.) is amphotericin B, fluconazole or both of diagnosis combined with appropriate therapy may
them. In infections caused by Geotrichum or prevent local spread and potential systemic dissem-
Rhodotorula, amphotericin B, flucytosine or flu- ination (84, 87, 90).
conazole are mainly used (72, 74). New onset diabetes after transplantation
The recent study have shown the benefit from (NODAT), called also post-transplant diabetes mel-
anidulafungin treatment of candidemia or invasive litus (PTDM) has a high incidence after kidney
candidiosis in critically ill patients with fluconazole transplantation. Risk factors of PTDM are immuno-
resistance (200 mg on the first day and than 100 mg suppression scheme (high doses of tacrolimus and
daily, duration: 10-42 days, intravenous) (80). corticosteroid), age, ethnicity, overweight, obesity,
hepatitis C infection and cytomegalovirus infection.
Mycosis among hemodialysis patients with dia- The prevalence of this complication after solid
betes organ transplant is evaluated from 2 to 53%, and
Hemodialysis patients and diabetics are both at after kidney transplantation 4-25%. PDTA is an
increased risk of developing onychomycosis. Dialysis independent predictor associated with serious com-
Clinical aspects of fungal infections in diabetes 593

plications like infections, cardiovascular disease, link to the donor organ or bloodstream, but donor-
chronic transplant dysfunction and worst graft sur- related transmission occurs infrequently. Most of
vival (91-94). infections occur up to six months after surgery.
Diagnostic procedures include conventional Bladder drainage, accumulation of pancreatic fluid
fungal laboratory diagnosis, enzymatic activity in the peritoneal cavity, vascular graft thrombosis,
tests, serologic tests, molecular diagnosis of samples preoperative peritoneal dialysis, pancreatitis after
from recipients who are highly predisposed to reperfusion, retransplantation, preexisting renal
mycotic infections (84, 95). graft and use of immunossuppresion, type and dura-
The prophylaxis of fungal infections in renal tion of diabetes mellitus are factors which predis-
transplant recipients isnít recommended. The wide- pose transplant patients to developing fungal dis-
ly used fluconazole prophylaxis is associated with eases. The most frequent are: predominating
negative selection of resistant strains. The empirical Candida (risk rate > 45%), Aspergillus and
treatment should be administer in the event of inva- Coccoidoidomycosis or more rare Mucormycosis.
sive fungal infection clinical suspicion. The drugs of The typical infection are: superficial, deep wound,
choice are: amphotericin B, lisosomal amphotericin intraabdominal or urinary tract infection, peritonitis
B, itraconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole or or fungemia. This complications impact significant-
caspofungin. After the results of microbiologic ly risk of graft loss (the function continued in only
examination are known, the choice of proper man- 22%, graft pancreatectomy takes place in > 78% and
agement should be arranged individually and mortality rate is 20%) (99-108).
depends on sensitivity examination, minimal The proper diagnostic tools are: culture and
inhibitory concentration and clinical state of the serology examination, antigen detection, nucleic acid
patient. The high rate of drug resistance is observed, detection, antibody detection, histopathology and
especially to azole agents (fluconazole). The use of radiology (100). Transplant donors control would
echinocandins can be considered (84, 85). reduce the risk of infection transmission (109).
To eradicate fungi and increase graft survival
Pancreas transplant recipients amphotericin B and azoles (fluconazole = 4 weeks)
Patients after solid organ transplantation, are recommended (95, 102, 104). In high risk groups
including simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplan- prophylaxis with fluconazole should be considered.
tation (SPKT) which improves long-term survival of It has been reported to be effective and well tolerat-
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, are predisposed ed. The difficulties due to nonalbicans Candida
to develop fungal infection. The most frequent species, which can be fluconazole resistant, are pos-
pathogens responsible for colonization and infection sible. In this cases other azoles, lipid form of
are: Candida and Cryptococcus neoformans. That is amphotericin B or echinocandins should be pre-
one of most frequent causes of prolonged hospital- scribed (102, 107, 110)..
ization, higher morbidity and mortality rate. To min-
imize the risk of this important complication, flu- CONCLUSION
conazole (C. albicans), voriconazole (non-albicans
species), flucitozine or amphotericin B (e.g., Particular attention must be given to patients
mucormycosis) can be used. The removal of the with diabetes mellitus because of high incidence of
transplanted organ may be necessary if antimycotic fungal infections in this population. Also the diabet-
treatment is unsuccessful (96-99). The use of ic patients during hemodialysis and after pancreas or
amphotericin B causes adverse events (renal and kidney transplantation are more prone to fungal
bone marrow toxicity), which could be reduced with infections. The prevalence of mycosis in diabetics is
antihistamine and anti-inflammatory prophylaxis. a serious mortality cause. The problem may be min-
Saline administration or use of lipid form of ampho- imalized by proper use of prophylaxis and regular
tericin B can reduce renal toxicity. Using of ampho- communication with patient. The restricted sensitiv-
tericin B combined with cyclosporine can lead to ity to popular agents, e.g., fluconazole, should be
acute renal failure. The interaction with the P450 always considered. To avoid treatment-resistance
enzyme system must be considered by fluconazole every case of mycosis must be precisely diagnosed.
(100, 101). The acquaintance with fungi strain, its drug sensi-
Morbidity and mortality in pancreas transplant tivity and minimal inhibitory concentration can
recipients remain high mainly owing of infection, allow to arrange the best agent, dose and length of
especially fungal one with 6-38% rate. Causes con- management and greatly improve the success in
nected with fungal transmission are undetectable or treatment.
594 ANNA PORADZKA et al.

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