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Howling from the past: historical phylogeography and diversity losses

in European grey wolves
Christophe Dufresnes1,4, Christian Miquel5, Nadège Remollino1,
Research François Biollaz1,6, Nicolas Salamin2,3, Pierre Taberlet5,† and Luca Fumagalli1,†
Cite this article: Dufresnes C, Miquel C, 1
Laboratory for Conservation Biology, Department of Ecology and Evolution, 2Department of Ecology and
Remollino N, Biollaz F, Salamin N, Taberlet P, Evolution, and 3Department of Computational Biology University of Lausanne, Biophore Building, CH-1015
Fumagalli L. 2018 Howling from the past: Lausanne, Switzerland
Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Alfred Denny Building, Western Bank,
historical phylogeography and diversity losses
Sheffield S10 2TN, UK
in European grey wolves. Proc. R. Soc. B 285: 5
Laboratoire d’Écologie Alpine (LECA), UMR5553, BP53, 38041 Grenoble, Cedex 9, France
20181148. Route Pra de Louetse 32, 1968 Mase, Switzerland LF, 0000-0002-6648-2570

Genetic bottlenecks resulting from human-induced population declines make

alarming symbols for the irreversible loss of our natural legacy worldwide. The
Received: 24 May 2018 grey wolf (Canis lupus) is an iconic example of extreme declines driven by
Accepted: 6 July 2018 anthropogenic factors. Here, we assessed the genetic signatures of 150 years
of wolf persecution throughout the Western Palaearctic by high-throughput
mitochondrial DNA sequencing of historical specimens in an unprecedented
spatio-temporal framework. Despite Late Pleistocene bottlenecks, we show
that historical genetic variation had remained high throughout Europe until
Subject Category: the last several hundred years. In Western Europe, where wolves nearly got
Evolution fully exterminated, diversity dramatically collapsed at the turn of the twentieth
century and recolonization from few homogeneous relict populations induced
Subject Areas: drastic shifts of genetic composition. By contrast, little genetic displacement
evolution, genetics, ecology and steady levels of diversity were maintained in Eastern European regions,
where human persecution had lesser effects on wolf demography. By compar-
ing prehistoric, historic and modern patterns of genetic diversity, our study
hence traces the timeframe and the active human role in the decline of the
conservation, Canis lupus, genetic diversity, grey wolf, an emblematic yet controversial animal which symbolizes the
historical DNA, human-driven declines, complex relationship between human societies and nature conservation.
museum specimens

Author for correspondence: 1. Introduction

Luca Fumagalli Genetic variation is the keystone of the adaptive potential of species and an
e-mail: important component of our natural legacy [1,2]. Genetic bottlenecks (i.e. the
loss of genetic variants when populations contract) are one hidden consequence
of the biodiversity crisis worldwide. When conservation efforts pay off, species
recovery and recolonization of former ranges may also reshape the genetic com-
position of populations, with potential detrimental effects such as migration load
(i.e. reduced fitness of migrants due to maladaptation [3]) and expansion load (i.e.
the fixation by drift of slightly deleterious mutations during demographic expan-
sions [4]). Genetically impoverished populations may thus be more susceptible to
extrinsic stresses [5]. Understanding the genetic impacts of past and present popu-
lation dynamics in changing human societies and environments is thus a central

These authors contributed equally to this aspect of conservation research. Moreover, quantifying the irreversible losses of
study. diversity can raise awareness among the institutional stakeholders and the
public opinion towards conservation issues.
Electronic supplementary material is available A wide array of studies has inferred genetic bottlenecks from demographic
analyses based on contemporary samples [6–9], yet with the inherent difficulty
online at
to distinguish between recent, anthropogenic losses of diversity versus long-term
figshare.c.4166597 bottlenecks initiated earlier during the Quaternary. In addition, human-mediated

& 2018 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
extinction events might play a key role in the spatial (re)structur- detected genetic bottlenecks [24]. Dissecting this role thus 2
ing of biodiversity, with important conservation consequences requires a direct measure of the patterns of genetic diversity
[10]. Addressing these issues requires access to initial levels during human persecutions, over a comprehensive geographical
and distribution of genetic diversity from historical collec- and temporal scale, in order to draw general conclusions.
tions, which is challenging due to their low DNA content Here, we provide such comparative spatio-temporal frame-
and quality, and often limited availability. Hence, so far work with an unprecedented resolution by investigating
most studies analysing historical DNA in declining species changes in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) diversity across
have remained restricted to narrow geographical regions Western Palaearctic wolves over two centuries of history. The
and time scales. Yet comprehensive spatio-temporal frame- use of mtDNA, and particularly the hypervariable control
works are necessary to attribute a role of anthropogenic region (CR), allows to capture high levels of polymorphism
pressures and historical declines in shaping present patterns over short sequences (see Material and methods), a prerequisite
of diversity. for informative analyses of degraded DNA from museum-

Proc. R. Soc. B 285: 20181148

Few animals exemplify the contrasted relationship between prepared specimens. Importantly, the CR has been massively
society and nature better than the grey wolf (Canis lupus). used in contemporary wolf population genetics from all over
Formerly the most widely distributed mammal on Earth, its the world (reviewed in [18]), enabling direct comparisons. To
persecution up until the twentieth century has led to extreme this end, we conducted a phylogeographical analysis of past
declines and extinctions over large parts of the Palaearctic and and present wolf populations, combining more than 150
Nearctic [11,12]. However, wolves from the Western Palaearctic museum samples covering an entire zoogeographical region,
went through contrasted histories. The persecution, mainly with metadata from 20 regional studies. We aimed (i) to
due to competition for food resources and cultural prejudice, quantify the original amount of diversity, (ii) to quantify the
was extremely severe in Western Europe, involving hunting/ rate of diversity losses during nineteenth- and twentieth-century
trapping programmes initiated as early as the Middle Ages declines and (iii) to assess changes in genetic composition result-
and ultimately leading to the extirpation from England (six- ing from extinction and recolonization events. In particular, we
teenth century), Scotland (1684), Ireland (1786), Denmark tested whether the contrasted persecution regimes left differen-
(1772), The Netherlands (1869), as well as Germany, Switzerland tial genetic signatures between Western and Central/Eastern
and France (late nineteenth/early twentieth century). The Italian Europe.
population (C. l. italicus) only persisted in narrow Apennine
pockets with as low as hundred surviving individuals [13],
while the Iberian population (C. l. signatus) had its range 2. Results
shrunk down to two areas in the southern and northwest parts We identified 42 haplotypes of the hypervariable mtDNA CR
of the peninsula [11,12]. By contrast, the species faced a more (validated by cloning and/or high-throughput sequencing;
relaxed pressure in Central and Eastern Europe. Despite some see Material and methods) among 155 historical specimens
periods of persecution leading to regional population declines (complemented by an additional 22 published from Finland;
and range contractions, wolves were never extirpated from [20]), covering the nineteenth to early twentieth centuries
Balkanic and Baltic countries. Besides, wolves could easily (figure 1; electronic supplementary material, figure S1). About
migrate from the Russian empire, where hunting programmes half have since vanished: only 22 of these haplotypes remain
remained relatively moderate and populations maintained sus- among 1814 modern wolves analysed in Europe and adjacent
tainable numbers [12]. For instance, the Finnish wolf population regions (figure 1; electronic supplementary material, table S1).
has been under perfusion from the adjacent Russian Karelia. An additional 10 haplotypes found in modern wolves were
As for other large carnivores, cultural changes combined not present in our historical samples. Moreover, only historical
with strong legislative acts are now promoting recovery and haplotypes H3 and H45 matched two of the 19 haplotypes of
expansion across former ranges. The wolf is legally protected prehistoric wolves from the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene
in most countries and has recolonized the Alpine Arc from published in [25] (57 bp, isolated from 24 wolf remains found
the remnant Italian population. In the east, numbers rapidly across the Western Palaearctic; electronic supplementary
increased over the last two decades in the Baltic States, material, figure S2).
Finland and Poland [14,15]. Wolves are now spreading Considering the entire Western Palaearctic, genetic diversity
further west in Sweden and Germany, and are regularly estimates, i.e. haplotype diversity (Hd) and nucleotide diversity
observed in Austria [14 –16]. (p), were overall higher in historical (Hd ¼ 0.94 and p ¼ 0.017,
The important economic and conservation issues associated n ¼ 177) than contemporary samples (Hd ¼ 0.78 and p ¼
with wolf dynamics have stressed the need for programmes of 0.015, n ¼ 1814). Resampling the modern estimates shows
genetic monitoring in most European countries. Modern pat- that these differences are statistically robust and independent
terns of diversity have thus received considerable attention from the uneven sample sizes (table 1; electronic supplemen-
[15,17,18], some of them consistent with local genetic bottle- tary material, figure S3). The trend was further confirmed by
necks [15]. By contrast, despite a few scattered cases (limited analysing each population separately (figure 2; electronic
to Fennoscandia [19,20]), the genetics of European wolf supplementary material, table S1).
populations prior and during their decline has never been Modern wolf populations are highly structured ( pairwise
addressed. Based on genomic analyses of contemporary speci- Fst ¼ 0.50 + 0.30; electronic supplementary material, table S2
mens, several studies reported ancient (Late Pleistocene) loss of and figure S4), in comparison with historical ones (pairwise
genetic variation and long-term demographic declines pre- Fst ¼ 0.24 + 0.17; electronic supplementary material, table
dating modern times by tens of thousands of years [21–23], S2 and figure S3; paired Wilcoxon signed-rank test between
raising questions regarding the actual amount of diversity modern and historical Fst: p , 0.001, n ¼ 45 comparisons).
remaining in wolf populations prior to their recent extirpation, Indeed, most of the major mitochondrial haplogroups used
and, by extension, the role of human persecution in driving the to historically coexist all over Europe (figure 1).
(a) 3
Proc. R. Soc. B 285: 20181148




Figure 1. Mitochondrial haplotype network with the distribution of haplogroups in (a) historical and (b) modern times. Haplotypes (number: haplotype code) only
found in our historical dataset are shown in shaded circles; historical haplotypes also found in modern datasets are shown in plain circles. The sizes of circles
illustrate the relative frequency of each haplotype in the historical dataset. Haplotypes only found in modern datasets from the Western Palaearctic are shown
by squares. Colours represent the main haplogroups composed of closely related haplotypes. Correspondence with the phylogeographical study by Pilot et al.
[17] is provided in electronic supplementary material, figure S1. The historical map plots the distribution of haplogroups based on our dataset (circles with
white strokes, size being proportional to sample sizes; n ¼ 155) and from the data of [20] for Finland (circle with black stroke; n ¼ 22), covering the
1795– 1945 period. Circles annotated with official country codes (see electronic supplementary material, figure S4 for details) indicate specimens where geographical
information was limited to the country of origin. At this time, wolves used to be distributed all over continental Europe. The modern map plots the current
distribution of haplogroups based on published haplotype frequency data from 20 studies using comparable mtDNA sequences (n ¼ 1814; large circles with
black strokes; see Material and methods). Regions where only the haplotype occurrence was reported (but not their relative frequencies) are also shown
(small circles with white strokes). The current range distinguishes areas where wolves always persisted (plain lines and dashed areas) from where the species
became extinct and which have been recently recolonized (dashed lines).
Table 1. Historical and modern diversity indices (haplotype diversity Hd and nucleotide diversity p) computed from all Western Palaearctic wolves and 4
separately for Western and Eastern Europe.
Hd p

historical modern (95% CI) historical modern (95% CI)

overall 0.94 0.78 (0.73– 0.83) 0.017 0.015 (0.014 –0.016)

West 0.90 0.28 (0.17– 0.39) 0.016 0.006 (0.004 –0.008)
East 0.90 0.85 (0.81– 0.88) 0.015 0.016 (0.015 –0.017)
95% confidence intervals (CIs) after 10 000 resampling of the modern dataset (to the sample size of the corresponding historical one) are given.

Proc. R. Soc. B 285: 20181148

(a) all West East we independently analysed (see next sections). Note that
n.s. Scandinavian samples (n ¼ 5 historical and 18 modern
* *
1.0 samples) were not attributed to either region (see Discussion).

0.6 (a) Wolves from Western Europe


0.4 Historical specimens from Western Europe featured highly

diverse mtDNA variation over the entire region (Hd ¼ 0.90
0.2 and p ¼ 0.016) (table 1; electronic supplementary material,
table S1). Modern estimates are significantly lower in
comparison (Hd ¼ 0.28 and p ¼ 0.006; table 1; electronic sup-






plementary material, figure S3). About three-quarters (17 out

of 22) of the original mitotypes vanished from the region.
This is well reflected by population-based comparisons,
which also statistically support a reduction of Hd in modern
(b) 1.0 West Western European wolves (figure 2a; electronic supplementary
East material, table S1). For instance, the Italian wolf population is
nowadays characterized by a largely predominant private hap-
0.6 lotype (H18) and a second rare haplotype (H11), but at least 10

different ones used to occur throughout the country. The same

0.4 is true for France and Switzerland, where 15 and 8 haplotypes
0.2 were, respectively, found, before these populations became
extinct. The genetic bottleneck was less drastic in Iberia,
0 where several CR haplotypes have been maintained (electronic
1800 1820 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940

supplementary material, table S1). Analysis of haplotype

year diversity (Hd) through time revealed a dramatic collapse at
the turn of the twentieth century (from 0.9 down to 0.3), reach-
Figure 2. (a) Comparisons of region-based Hd between historical ing the extremely low diversity levels recorded across
(1795 – 1945) and modern times (after 1990) and (b) haplotype diversity contemporary individuals (figure 2b).
(Hd) over time in Western (blue) and Eastern Europe (red). (a) Comparison Population differentiation across Western Europe appears
between historical and modern estimates were performed with non- lower historically (average pairwise Fst ¼ 0.22 + 0.17; elec-
parametric ANOVAs (10 000 permutations) and were significant for the tronic supplementary material, table S2 and figure S4) than at
whole dataset (n ¼ 10 and 20 historical and modern estimates, respectively; present (average pairwise Fst ¼ 0.53 + 0.43; electronic sup-
p ¼ 0.001) and for Western Europe (n ¼ 4 and 5 historical and modern plementary material, table S2); however, this difference was
estimates, respectively; p ¼ 0.016) but not for Eastern Europe (n ¼ 5 and not significant, potentially due to the little number of compari-
14 historical and modern estimates, respectively; p ¼ 0.095). On the boxplot: sons (paired Wilcoxon signed-rank test between modern and
*p , 0.05, n.s., non-significant. More stringent pairwise comparisons (non- historical Fst: p ¼ 0.40, n ¼ 6 comparisons). For instance, the
parametric paired Wilcoxon signed-rank test) were only significant for the modern C. l. italicus mtDNA private lineage (H18) used to
overall dataset (n ¼ 10 comparisons, p ¼ 0.0020) but not for Western occur in northern France. Historical Iberian wolves carried
(n ¼ 4 comparisons; p ¼ 0.12) and Eastern Europe (n ¼ 5 comparisons, alleles that are not specific to modern C. l. signatus, but were
p ¼ 0.062). (b) Analyses are based on 30 years sliding windows, compu- also present elsewhere (e.g. H1 in France and Switzerland).
ted only for n  5, including samples with accurate date information only Accordingly, pairwise Fst among the historical and modern
(n ¼ 110). Western and Eastern areas are also distinguished by circles and populations are not correlated (Mantel test, p ¼ 0.29), indicat-
triangles, respectively, and temporal series by empty (historical) and plain ing that the genetic relationships between populations have
(modern) symbols. changed.
Moreover, we report strong shifts in the genetic composition
These trends vary between Western Europe (n ¼ 85 his- of these populations. Modern Western European wolves are
torical and 865 modern samples) and Central/Eastern genetically different from the ones originally present (France:
Europe (n ¼ 84 historical and 931 modern samples), which Fst ¼ 0.60; Switzerland: Fst ¼ 0.70; Italy: Fst ¼ 0.73; electronic
supplementary material, table S1 and figure S3). The displace- the decline and recolonization processes; prior to the declines, 5
ment was moderate in Spain, where several C. l. signatus the C. l. italicus mtDNA private lineage was not restricted to
haplotypes persisted (Fst ¼ 0.08). Italy; Iberian wolves killed in the nineteenth century carried
non-‘signatus’ alleles. More generally, contemporary popula-
tions share far less haplotypes than before (due to population
(b) Wolves from Eastern and Central Europe disconnection and lower effective population sizes), resulting
The mitochondrial diversity of Eastern and Central European
in extremely high genetic differentiation.
wolves remained high throughout the past centuries (Hd ¼
By contrast, Eastern and Central European historical speci-
0.90 and p ¼ 0.015; figure 2). Modern estimates were margin-
mens tell a very different story. Their diversity remained high
ally lower (Hd ¼ 0.85) or similar (p ¼ 0.016) (table 1; electronic
throughout the past centuries (figure 2; electronic supplemen-
supplementary material, figure S3). Accordingly, population-
tary material, table S1), and neither their genetic structure nor
based Hd were generally lower in modern than historical popu-
their identity substantially changed. Compared with Western

Proc. R. Soc. B 285: 20181148

lations, but the difference was not significant (figure 2;
Europe, this stability reflects well the relaxed pressure under-
electronic supplementary material, table S1).
gone by the wolf in Central and Eastern Europe. The only
The patterns of differentiation between populations
major change observed in the Finnish population is probably
remained stable between historical and modern datasets,
due to westward migration from Russia to replace wolves
with similar estimates (average pairwise Fst ¼ 0.30 + 0.12
hunted in Finland [20].
prior 1945 versus Fst ¼ 0.32 + 0.22 among modern popu-
Scandinavian samples (here represented by Swedish
lations; paired Wilcoxon signed-rank test: p ¼ 0.19, n ¼ 10
wolves) were independently considered due to their eastern
comparisons Wilcoxon; electronic supplementary material,
phylogeographical connections but Western-like regimes of
table S2 and figure S4) and relationships (significant correlation
eradication. Surprisingly, our historical set of specimens
between historical versus modern pairwise Fst, p ¼ 0.016).
featured high diversity (electronic supplementary material,
Accordingly, little shifts in genetic composition were
table S1), while a previous study documented only a single
generally observed (Poland: Fst ¼ 0.14; Turkey: Fst ¼ 0.21;
haplotype fixed prior to 1945 (n ¼ 33, from 1829 to 1939).
Caucasus: Fst ¼ 0.02; Russia: Fst ¼ 0.02; electronic supplemen-
Different geographical origins of samples may explain such
tary material, table S1 and figure S4). Finland makes an
discrepancy. In contrast to [19], our samples mostly originate
exception, with strong shifts in frequencies between the two
from northern populations (figure 1), which were the last to
main haplotypes H15 and H29 (Fst ¼ 0.39, based on the data
disappear in 1966 (Sweden) and 1976 (Norway). While
from Jansson et al. [20]).
southern populations appeared early-bottlenecked [19], north-
ern ones may then still have featured high effective sizes during
the nineteenth-early twentieth centuries, which would explain
3. Discussion their high historical genetic variation.
Our analyses showed that the genetic diversity of grey wolves The genetic patterns documented in our study thus correlate
from the Western Palaearctic used to be remarkably higher a with the differential pressures faced by Western and Eastern
century ago than it is today (figure 2). In parallel, population European wolf populations. The most persecuted Western
differentiation was lower, indicating better historical connec- European regions suffered strong losses of genetic diversity,
tivity and larger effective sizes. These patterns make clear increased genetic structure as well as profound changes in
genetic signatures of the human persecutions faced by the their genetic nature following recolonization dynamics. By con-
wolf up until the twentieth century at the continental scale trast, Central and Eastern European areas did not experience
and suggest that the Late Pleistocene bottleneck that leads such drastic shifts, presumably as persecutions had lesser effects
to the loss of prehistoric diversity [17,25] was not solely on their demography. These general conclusions are in line with
responsible. Importantly, these signatures remarkably differ contemporary microsatellite data from local populations from
across Western and Central/Eastern Europe, in light of the Iberia and Russian Karelia, which only detected a genetic bottle-
contrasting histories of this controversial species throughout neck in the former [31]. Importantly, given the high diversity
the Old World. maintained throughout Europe less than 150 years ago, we
Before their nearly complete extermination, Western Euro- can clearly rule out the hypothesis of historically low genetic
pean wolves featured highly diverse and private mtDNA variation, a major confounding factor when disentangling
variation, comparable to the rest of the continent (figure 2; elec- human-driven versus biogeographical losses of diversity
tronic supplementary material, table S1). Most of this diversity [32–34]. This aspect is particularly relevant for the wolf, since
rapidly vanished at the turn of the twentieth century, not long recent demographic analyses based on modern samples
before the last wolf packs disappeared from France, Switzer- estimated a long-term decline initiated as early as Late Pleisto-
land, Germany and much of Italy and Iberia. As one would cene, at least 30 000 years ago [21–23], leading to the biased
expect, these severe bottlenecks, detected in present-day conclusion that remnant populations had low diversity to
nuclear data [15,26,27], had far-reaching consequences on the begin with, notably in Italy [24]. Indeed, many prehistoric
genetic composition and structure of modern populations. mtDNA haplotypes [25] had already been lost by the nineteenth
Wolves that recolonized the Western and Central Alps exclu- century (electronic supplementary material, figure S2), but
sively originate from the Italian population (C. l. italicus) that human pressures clearly bottlenecked the remaining diversity,
survived in the Apennines [28,29] and are genetically different over a remarkably short time scale. Hence, by adding a new
from the ones present a century ago (electronic supplementary time point between prehistoric [25] and modern eras [17], our
material, table S1 and figure S3). The Iberian population study provides direct evidence for at least two steps in the
(C. l. signatus), however, retained more diversity [30,31]. Yet, decline of the wolf across Europe: a Late Pleistocene bottleneck,
the mitochondrial identity of these populations appears to be subsequently followed by a rapid, drastic, human-mediated
very recent and partly driven by the strong drift underlying collapse over the last centuries.
Our results are well in line with historical DNA analysis of wolves commonly include overharvesting and poaching, con- 6
34 wolf specimens scattered across North America, where only flicts due to predation on livestock, habitat fragmentation
4 out of 13 mtDNA haplotypes survived among contemporary and generally low public acceptance resulting, in part, from
populations [35]. Declines in genetic diversity over the last cen- lack of knowledge. As such, molecular surveys play a central
turies were observed in other mammals decimated by hunting part in population monitoring and management to improve
and poaching, such as Eurasian beavers [36], sea otters [37], the conservation situation of European wolves [18]. In particu-
Artic foxes [38], brown bears [39,40], Indian tigers [41], black lar, the strong genetic structure in Western Europe is of concern
rhinoceros [42], Guadalupe fur seals [43], northern elephant given the amazing dispersal capabilities of the wolf, emphasiz-
seals [44], Hector’s dolphins [45] and grey whales [46]. In few ing the need for additional efforts to restore connectivity
other cases, diversity was low to begin with, either due to between current populations. Even if, like other large carni-
older bottlenecks or historically poor diversity (e.g. koalas vores, the situation has been improving over the past two
[47]; Tasmanian tigers [48]). Changes in genetic structure decades [14], the economic, political and cultural aspects of

Proc. R. Soc. B 285: 20181148

were also commonly reported (e.g. range retraction has trig- wolf management remain a topic of extreme controversy in
gered population differentiation in alpine chipmunks [49]). most European countries.
Analyses of historical DNA also evidenced reduction of
diversity and/or shifts in genetic composition and structure
among a wide array of other declining animals, including 4. Material and methods
birds [50 – 53], fishes [54] as well as insects [55,56]. In com-
parison to most of these regional studies however, our (a) Genetic analyses of historical specimens
historical phylogeography has the advantage to analyse Bone or skin samples (mostly maxilloturbinal bones, and ear or
fine-scale genetic fluctuations using a large number of histori- foot skin sample from mounted specimens or hides, respectively)
cal samples over an extended biogeographical region and were obtained from a total of 250 grey wolf C. lupus specimens
constitutes one of the most exhaustive spatio-temporal generously provided by 69 European museums and collections
(electronic supplementary material, table S3). With the exception
survey of historical DNA to date. Additionally, all genetic
of one sample dating back to the thirteenth century (stratigraphy-
polymorphisms were validated by cloning and high-
dated), all other samples mainly covered the nineteenth and early
throughput sequencing to cope with post-mortem DNA twentieth centuries (1795 – 1945), when persecution in continental
damage (see Material and methods). Finally, note that our Europe reached its climax. We selected specimens broadly
findings are based on short, maternally transmitted mtDNA originating from the Western Palaearctic region (except North
sequences only, a necessary restriction when dealing with Africa and the Arabian Peninsula), and for which information
highly degraded and low-quantity historical DNA, and on geographical origin and date were available. We also included
patterns of past nuclear diversity in our historical wolves two historical (1938) specimens from the Himalayan wolf
are yet to be documented. (C. l. chanco), a close monophyletic relative of C. l. lupus [58,59],
The discrepancies between wolf historical and modern to be used as outgroup in the phylogenetic analyses (see the
phylogeographical patterns, extreme in Western Europe, raise electronic supplementary material for sample details).
Owing to the low copy number and degraded nature of
interesting questions on what should be considered as a refer-
historical DNA, special precautions to avoid contamination and
ence for conservation guidelines. Should additional efforts be
authenticate results were taken during the whole laboratory pro-
invested to restore the original diversity of Western popu- cedure. DNA extraction and pre-PCR set-up were conducted in a
lations, where modern Eastern lineages used to co-occur? physically separated laboratory exclusively devoted to the analy-
These would involve improving connectivity at the European sis of museum and low DNA-content samples, where amplified
level and/or translocation actions from Eastern European DNA has never been present. In each extraction and PCR-
wolves. At present, the long-range dispersal between the set-up session, a maximum of eight samples (including negative
Balkan and Alpine populations [16,57] represent encouraging blanks) were handled simultaneously in a dedicated Plexiglas
steps towards a natural resilience. More generally, similar hood by personnel wearing disposable protective clothing and
skews are known to have affected several organisms that masks. All equipment used was UV-illuminated several hours
experienced recent and rapid range shifts due to complex prior the extraction and working surfaces where bleach-cleaned
before and after each extraction and PCR-set-up rounds. Bone
decline/recolonization dynamics in response to anthropogenic
samples were processed by removing the exterior layer with a
impacts and climate change (reviewed in [10]). Phylogeogra-
sterile scalpel blade. Samples were subsequently grinded to
phical and conservation inferences based on modern samples powder in a small mortar, which was bleached and exposed to
might thus not tell the whole story. shortwave UV after each use. Skin samples (approx. 1  1 cm)
For the time being, our phylogeography of grey were sliced in small fragments with a sterile scalpel blade,
wolves from the Western Palaearctic makes a comprehensive after removing hairs. DNA was then extracted from bone
continental-wide reference among the rich wolf population powder and skin fragments using the QIAamp DNA Mini
genetic literature, which modern patterns have been reviewed Kit (Qiagen).
and discussed elsewhere [15,17,18] (see electronic supplemen- To facilitate amplification of fragmented DNA, three short
tary material, figure S1 for correspondence of haplogroups (approx. 111, 119 and 225 bp), partially overlapping sequences
with the study of Pilot et al. [17]). Wolf population divisions were amplified, resulting in an approximately 290 bp portion
of the left domain of the mtDNA CR and approximately 27 bp
are commonly based on distribution data [14], which should
of the adjacent Pro-tRNA gene (length excluding primers), with
be complemented by molecular studies, pending adequate
the following primer pairs: L15995 [60]/HW1 (50 -CAAACCA
geographical coverage and sampling schemes [15] as our TTAATGCACGACG-30 ); LW1 (50 -CGTCGTGCATTAATGG
meta-analysis provides for modern mtDNA. Genetic tools are TTTG-30 )/HW2 (50 -TCGAGGCATGGTGATTAAG-30 ); LW1/
essential to apprehend recolonization patterns and the effects H16498 [61]. This highly variable CR portion is the marker of
of population disconnection, to estimate population sizes as choice given that it has been massively used in wolf population
well as to detect hybridization with dogs. Major threats against genetics from all over the world, enabling the inclusion of
previously published data (reviewed in [18]; see the next section). haplogroups, we computed their proportions in the different 7
Amplifications were performed in 25 ml reactions containing geographical regions where such data were available. Corre-
2 mM MgCl2, 0.2 mM of each dNTP, 0.5 mM of each primer, spondences are provided in electronic supplementary material,
200 mg ml21 of bovine serum albumin (Roche), 1 Gold buffer table S4. In total, we could include modern data from 20
(Applied Biosystems), 1 unit AmpliTaq Gold DNA polymerase countries/populations, comprehensively investigated by
(Applied Biosystems) and 10 ml of template. Cycling conditions regional studies [16,19,20,26 – 28,30,64 – 76], representing a total
were: initial denaturation at 958C for 3 min; 55 cycles at 958C for of 1814 modern wolves (electronic supplementary material,
30 s, 548C for 30 s and 728C for 1 min. Between two and seven table S1). Note that such data are mostly commissioned by
independent PCR amplifications were done for each fragment, national authorities in charge of wolf management and are
and only samples with at least two positive amplifications per therefore primarily available and comparable by country,
fragment were retained for subsequent analyses (n ¼ 155). Bone which sometimes do not reflect actual populations. In addition,
samples had a significantly higher rate of successful amplification we also included the published genetic data obtained from
for all three fragments (x 2 (1, n ¼ 252) ¼ 11.27, p , 0.001) than historical samples (nineteenth and twentieth centuries) available

Proc. R. Soc. B 285: 20181148

museum-prepared skins, as expected [62]. for Finland (n ¼ 22) [20].
We followed recommended guidelines for historical sample
DNA sequencing, in particular to account for artefactual vari-
ation stemming from post-mortem DNA damage (e.g.
deamination; [25,63]). An adequate procedure is to sequence (c) Phylogenetic and population genetic analyses
with high coverage products from different replicate PCRs Given the little divergence between CR sequences in wolves, we
using high-throughput sequencing or cloning techniques, true opted for a statistical network to represent relationships between
haplotypes being present in a majority of sequencing reads, as haplotypes, accounting for indel polymorphism (TCS) [77].
opposed to miscodings. We implemented this approach as fol- We also performed maximum-likelihood reconstruction with
lows. First, we sequenced (both directions) two independent PHYML [78], using a HKY þ G þ I model of sequence evolution
PCR replicates for each CR fragment for all of the 155 retained (JMODELTEST [79]), and tested branch support by 1000 bootstrap
specimens, by Sanger technology on an ABI3100 platform replicates. We ran a second phylogenetic tree to compare our CR
(Applied Biosystems), after purification with the QIAquick PCR haplotypes with the prehistoric ones obtained from ancient DNA
Purification kit (Qiagen). Second, we double-verified every of 24 Western Palaearctic wolves dated to the Late Pleistocene/
single haplotype identified in two ways: 454 pyrosequencing Early Holocene (57 bp) [25]. To quantify the genetic displacement
and/or cloning. between modern and historical diversity, we performed a principal
For 454 pyrosequencing, the three PCR primer pairs were component analysis (in PCAGEN,
modified by the addition of specific 5–8 bp tags on the 50 -end to softwares/pcagen.htm) on CR haplotype frequencies for popu-
allow the assignment of sequence reads to the relevant sample. lations defined according to published datasets (usually countries,
After PCR and DNA purification (MinElute PCR purification kit, table 1), with a minimum sample size of five individuals. We further
Qiagen), all amplicons from the different samples were titrated computed pairwise Fst in ARLEQUIN v. 3.5 [80].
using capillary electrophoresis (QIAxcel, Qiagen) and then mixed We used haplotype diversity (Hd) as the main measure of
together, in equimolar concentrations. This mixture underwent genetic variation among European regions and populations for his-
sequencing on a GS FLX or a GS Junior pyrosequencing system torical (before 1945) and modern (after 1990) times. This metric,
(Roche), following manufacturer’s instructions. After identifi- computed as nðn  1Þ 1  i x2i , where n corresponds to the
cation of primers and tags, only sequences with perfect match sample size and xi the frequency of allele i, accounts for the relative
on tags and a maximum of two errors on primers were taken allele frequencies (not only the number of alleles). Importantly, Hd
into account. Then, after removal of primers and tags, haplotypes is the most appropriate for European wolves as they do not show
were inferred from the majority-rule consensus of all different any phylogenetic structure, but rather frequency differences of
454 reads for each sample. The number of reads per amplicon population-specific, yet paraphyletic haplotypes (e.g. Italian and
across the three analysed fragments ranged from 11 to 1581 Iberian lineages). We also computed nucleotide diversity (p),
(308 on average). which accounts for sequence divergence, for each European
For cloning, we amplified again the three CR fragments and region/population in both modern and historical periods. We com-
cloned them with the pGEM-T Easy Vector System (Promega). pared Hd, p and Fst between modern and historical datasets by
For each amplicon, a minimum of eight positive clones were paired, non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank tests; note that
subsequently sequenced (Sanger). results should be taken with caution for Fst given the non-indepen-
In total, the double validation of every haplotype involved dence of pairwise genetic distances between populations.
either two independent rounds of 454 pyrosequencing (74% of Because our modern datasets feature greater sample sizes than
haplotypes) or one round of 454 pyrosequencing plus one the historical ones, we performed a resampling procedure to stat-
round of cloning (26% of haplotypes). istically test differences of Hd and p between epochs. To this
end, we randomly subset the modern datasets with the sample
sizes of the historical ones (10 000 replicates), and compared
whether historical estimates fall within the 95% distribution of
(b) Meta-analysis of existing datasets the resampled modern estimates.
To include data generated in previous studies, we searched for Temporal trends of Hd were calculated by sliding window
correspondence of our CR haplotypes with those published over analyses for historical samples with accurate date information.
the past 20 years in the literature, using the blastn algorithm on We performed separate analyses for Western populations where
sequences available on GenBank. This task is challenged by the persecutions led to total or nearly total extermination of the wolf
different sequence overlap between studies. To account for this, (France, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and Italy; n ¼ 47), and East-
we further downloaded and manually aligned published haplo- ern populations where persecution had lesser demographic effects
types against our sequences, considering them identical if balanced by immigration from the east (Balkanic and Baltic
sequence overlap was greater than 90%. Below this threshold, countries, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania,
we assigned them to collapsed haplotypes or more conserva- Finland, Russia, Turkey and Caucasus; n ¼ 80). The sliding
tively to haplogroups, depending on the analysis. We did not window analyses were performed on 30 years spans, allowing to
include data with sequence overlap less than 50%. Once we have meaningful sample sizes over each span. Only sample sizes
established correspondences between haplotypes and of n  5 were considered.
Data accessibility. Haplotype sequences are deposited in GenBank under Acknowledgements. We warmly thank the numerous museums 8
accession nos MH559214– MH559266. (and museum curators and technicians) and collections from all
Authors’ contributions. L.F. and P.T. designed the study, supervised by across Europe that provided historical samples for this study (detailed
L.F. L.F., C.M., N.R. and F.B. conducted labwork. L.F., C.D. and list available in electronic supplementary material, table S3). We also
N.S. conducted the analyses. C.D. and L.F. drafted the manuscript, thank K. Parker and C. Ossola for help in the laboratory, T. Vincent
which was subsequently improved by all co-authors. for information about museum collections and S. Schmid for useful
Competing interests. We declare we have no competing interests. comments on previous versions of the manuscript.
Funding. This study was funded by the University of Lausanne.


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