H. Houston Merritt Lecture Primary Progressive Aphasia and The Language Network: The 2013

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Primary progressive aphasia and the language network: The 2013

H. Houston Merritt Lecture

M.-Marsel Mesulam
Neurology 2013;81;456-462
DOI 10.1212/WNL.0b013e31829d87df

This information is current as of July 29, 2013

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Primary progressive aphasia and the

language network
The 2013 H. Houston Merritt Lecture

M.-Marsel Mesulam, MD ABSTRACT

Objective: Review of clinical and biological features of primary progressive aphasia (PPA).
Correspondence to Results and conclusions: The PPA syndrome arises when language-dominant (usually left)
Dr. Mesulam: hemisphere becomes the principal target of neurodegeneration. Depending on the distribution
of neuronal loss within the language network, agrammatic (PPA-G), logopenic (PPA-L), and semantic
(PPA-S) subtypes are identified. The most common underlying neuropathology is frontotemporal
degeneration with tauopathy in PPA-G, frontotemporal degeneration with TDP-43 proteinopathy
in PPA-S, and Alzheimer pathology in PPA-L. When Alzheimer pathology is detected, the neurofibril-
lary tangles show lower entorhinal-to-neocortical ratios and greater leftward asymmetry in PPA than
in the typical amnestic dementia of Alzheimer disease. The e4 allele of APOE, a major risk factor for
Alzheimer pathology in amnestic dementias, is not a risk factor for Alzheimer pathology in PPA.
These observations indicate that Alzheimer disease has biological variants with distinct patterns of
lesion distribution and perhaps also molecular background. The selective vulnerability of the lan-
guage network in PPA is likely to reflect complex interactions between factors that determine the
type of histopathology, on one hand, and those that influence the resilience of the language network,
on the other. A history of learning disability, including dyslexia, is emerging as one of the potential
factors in this second group of determinants. Patient care in PPA should be individualized so that
speech therapy can address the specific type of language impairment while pharmacologic therapy
is directed to the underlying disease process. Neurologyâ 2013;81:456–462

AD 5 Alzheimer disease; ATL 5 anterior temporal lobe; bvFTD 5 behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia; CBDp 5
corticobasal degeneration pathology; CVA 5 cerebrovascular accidents; FTLD-TAU 5 frontotemporal lobar degeneration
with tauopathy; FTLD-TDP 5 frontotemporal lobar degeneration characterized by abnormal precipitates of the transactive
response DNA binding protein TDP-43; IFG 5 inferior frontal gyrus; NFT 5 neurofibrillary tangles; PPA 5 primary progressive
aphasia; PPA-G 5 agrammatic subtype of primary progressive aphasia; PPA-L 5 logopenic subtype of primary progressive
aphasia; PPA-S 5 semantic subtype of primary progressive aphasia; PSPp 5 progressive supranuclear palsy pathology;
TPJ 5 temporoparietal junction.

Not long ago, the terms dementia and Alzheimer disease (AD) were used synonymously, and
memory loss was considered an inevitable feature of dementia. This is no longer the prevailing
opinion. We now know that there are multiple neurodegenerative entities that can cause demen-
tias without Alzheimer pathology or memory loss. Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is one of
the syndromes that led to this broadening of concepts related to dementia specifically and cor-
tical neurodegeneration in general.1
The PPA syndrome is diagnosed when 3 criteria are met. First, the patient should have the
insidious onset and gradual progression of a language impairment (i.e., aphasia) manifested by
deficits in word finding, word usage, word comprehension, or sentence construction. Second,
the aphasia should initially arise as the most salient (i.e., primary) impairment and should con-
stitute the principal factor underlying the disruption of daily living activities. Third, diagnostic
testing should point to a neurodegenerative, and therefore progressive, process as the only under-
lying cause.2 Patients with salient initial impairments in other cognitive domains but who also
happen to have aphasic disturbances, or those who display speech impairments without aphasia,
do not qualify for the diagnosis of PPA.
From the Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease Center, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL.
Go to Neurology.org for full disclosures. Funding information and disclosures deemed relevant by the author, if any, are provided at the end of the article.

456 © 2013 American Academy of Neurology

According to evidence gathered from multiple by its anatomical predilection for the language network
autopsy series, approximately 30% of patients with of the brain.
PPA are found to have the neuropathology of fronto- The most characteristic anatomical hallmark of
temporal lobar degeneration with tauopathy (FTLD- PPA is the greater atrophy of the language-dominant
TAU), while an additional 30% have a different form left hemisphere (figure 1A). The asymmetry can be
of FTLD characterized by abnormal precipitates of quite pronounced and the right side of the brain may
the transactive response DNA binding protein initially appear to be intact. Within the left hemisphere,
TDP-43 (FTLD-TDP). The remaining 40% of peak atrophy sites extend into all major components of
patients display Alzheimer pathology with the charac- the language network, including the inferior frontal
teristic b-amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles gyrus (IFG), the superior temporal gyrus (STG), the
(NFT). This heterogeneity shows that the clinical spec- temporoparietal junction (TPJ), and anterolateral tem-
ificity of the PPA syndrome is not determined by the poral cortex (ATL). In patients whose structural scans
histopathology of the neurodegeneration but, rather, are normal at the time of symptom onset, SPECT or
PET scans may show decreased blood flow and metab-
olism in language-related areas of the left hemisphere.
However, MRI, CT, and even PET scans at such early
Figure 1 Quantitative map of peak atrophy sites in primary progressive aphasia
stages may be completely normal and may lead the
clinician to attribute the symptoms to anxiety or other
non-neurologic factors.3 In approximately 40% of
left-handers, language dominance is located in the right
hemisphere. In such individuals PPA arises on a back-
ground of asymmetrical atrophy of the right hemi-
sphere.4 Age at symptom onset in PPA is most
commonly in the 50s and early 60s, with a generally
even representation of men and women.
The patterns of language impairment in PPA vary
from patient to patient in a manner that reflects the
anatomical distribution of peak atrophy sites. In con-
trast to cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), where cortical
and white matter components of the core lesion site are
both abruptly and completely destroyed, many neuro-
degenerative diseases start by causing a gradual and par-
tial loss of neurons and leave the underlying white
matter relatively intact. The indolent pace of neuronal
attrition is also likely to allow substantial synaptic reor-
ganization within the affected neurocognitive network
even as the disease progresses. Using the metaphor of
a circuit board, cerebrovascular lesions can be said to
pull the plug on the network constituents at the core
lesion site whereas neurodegeneration can be said to
induce a short circuit that is slowly propagated through-
out the affected network. These are some of the reasons
why the aphasia patterns identified by CVA-based clas-
sic aphasiology do not quite fit the clinical patterns that
emerge in PPA.
All maps were generated with the FreeSurfer software by comparing cortical thickness in According to current practice, the language impair-
patients with primary progressive aphasia (PPA) to 27 controls. All patients and controls
were right-handed. Peak atrophy sites (significant at conservative false discovery rate
ment in PPA is classified into one of 3 principal pat-
thresholds of 0.01–0.015) are displayed in red and yellow. (A) Quantitative map shows pro- terns: agrammatic, logopenic, and semantic.3,5 The
nounced asymmetry of atrophy in a combined group of 16 patients with PPA with all aphasia core feature of the agrammatic subtype (PPA-G) is a
subtypes consecutively enrolled in a longitudinal study.29 (B) Left hemisphere peak atrophy distortion of word and sentence construction as man-
sites in a group of 4 patients with the agrammatic subtype of PPA (PPA-G). (C) Left hemi-
sphere peak atrophy sites in 7 patients with the logopenic subtype of PPA (PPA-L). (D) Peak
ifested by abnormal word order (syntax), distorted use
atrophy site in a 61-year-old woman with the semantic subtype of PPA (PPA-S). At the time of word endings, misuse of pronouns, and a paucity of
of this scan, she had been symptomatic for 2 years and correctly answered only 7% of items small grammatical words such as articles and preposi-
in a test of object naming and 28% of items in a test of word association. Neurologically
tions. In mild cases, these abnormalities may only
intact controls performed both tasks with virtually no errors. B and C are reproduced from
Mesulam et al.6 and D from Mesulam et al.,7 with permission. ATL 5 anterior temporal lobe; emerge in writing samples. Most agrammatic patients
IFG 5 inferior frontal gyrus; STG 5 superior temporal gyrus; TPJ 5 temporoparietal junction. will also have abnormal sentence repetition and low

Neurology 81 July 30, 2013 457

fluency, as if every word required extra effort to be The anatomy of atrophy in PPA-S challenges cur-
retrieved and produced, even in the absence of any rent concepts related to the neurology of language.
dysarthria. Word comprehension is spared but gram- The standard model of language revolves around
matically complex sentences may fail to be deciphered. the Broca area in the IFG, Wernicke area in the
The most distinctive anatomical feature of PPA-G is TPJ, and their interconnections through the arcuate
the presence of peak atrophy sites within the left IFG, fasciculus. This standard model does not even mention
where the Broca area is located (figure 1B). the ATL. Considering the severe word comprehension
The logopenic subtype (PPA-L) is characterized and naming impairments of patients with PPA-S with
by intermittent interruptions of fluency on a back- peak atrophy sites confined to the left ATL (figure
ground of intact grammar and comprehension. 1D), it is difficult to escape the conclusion that this
The patient may appear perfectly fluent if allowed area plays a critical role in language function. The
to engage in small talk and generalities but starts to clinicoanatomical correlations in PPA-S suggest that
display frequent word-finding hesitations when the standard model is incomplete and that the left
access to specific terms and infrequently used words ATL should be inserted into the language network as
becomes necessary. Many patients will circumvent a third major hub with a critical role in word compre-
these retrieval blocks through circumlocutions but a hension and object naming. This relationship, although
careful listener will detect a pervasive simplification implied by observations on patients with temporal lobe
and superficiality of output. Object naming impair- epilepsy,8,9 seems to have eluded 150 years of aphasiol-
ments (anomia), based on word retrieval failures, ogy, presumably because the ATL is relatively immune
are usually present and may elicit phonologic para- to focal CVAs.
phasias. Abnormal repetition has been included as a Accurate clinical classification of PPA increases the
necessary criterion for the research-based diagnosis precision with which the clinician can predict the
of this subtype.5 However, this feature can be so nature of the underlying pathology. The most consis-
mild that its inclusion as a core criterion may need tent relationship is seen in PPA-S, where at least
further evaluation.3,6 The distinctive anatomical 80% of patients will be found at autopsy to have
pattern in PPA-L is one where the atrophy is much FTLD-TDP pathology of type C.10,11 The clinical
more pronounced in the posterior than anterior identification of PPA-S will therefore signal a very
parts of the language network. Peak atrophy sites low probability of Alzheimer pathology and, there-
include the TPJ where the inferior parietal lobule fore, little justification for prescribing Alzheimer
abuts the posterior parts of the superior and middle drugs such as cholinesterase inhibitors or meman-
temporal gyri (figure 1C). tine.12 The situation is more complex in the other
The core features of the semantic subtype (PPA-S) 2 subtypes. In PPA-G, the majority of patients have
include profound impairments of object naming and FTLD-TAU, as manifested by Pick bodies, cortico-
word comprehension on a background of preserved basal degeneration pathology (CBDp), or progressive
fluency, repetition, and grammar. Initially, the rela- supranuclear palsy pathology (PSPp). The latter
tively preserved ability to understand conventional 2 terms are extremely confusing since they are being
sentences contrasts sharply with severe deficits in used to denote the species of tauopathy rather than
understanding nouns that denote concrete entities, the clinical syndrome of the same name. In fact, many
especially animals, fruits, and vegetables. For example, of the PPA-G patients with CBDp and PSPp at
a patient who appropriately answers questions such as autopsy will have had very few, if any, of the clinical
“Why should virtuous people be rewarded?” will react features associated with syndromic CBD or PSP.
to words such as “lion,” “lemon,” or “pumpkin” as if According to the ongoing autopsy series of the North-
they belonged to an unknown language. Initial com- western ADC Brain Bank, approximately 60% of
prehension and naming impairments display the phe- patients with PPA-G have FTLD-TAU, with the
nomenon of taxonomic interference whereby words remaining having Alzheimer pathology or FTLD-TDP
are understood and objects named at a generic but of type A. The pattern is completely different in PPA-L,
not specific level of meaning.7 An analogous impair- where approximately 60% of patients have Alzheimer
ment at the stage of translating thoughts into words pathology and the remainder FTLD-TAU or FTLD-
leads to the semantic paraphasias and vagueness of TDP of type A.
speech content. At the very early stages, PPA-S may Within the same PPA subtype, patients with and
present as an isolated but severe anomia. As the disease without Alzheimer pathology are clinically indistin-
progresses, the comprehension impairment extends to guishable; they both have asymmetric atrophy, progress-
all word classes and sentences. The distinctive peak ive aphasia, and relative preservation of memory for
atrophy sites in PPA-S are concentrated within the recent events. The questions of differential diagnosis
anterior temporal lobe (ATL) of the left hemisphere in these patients can be addressed with the help of bio-
(figure 1D). markers such as amyloid imaging and determinations

458 Neurology 81 July 30, 2013

of phospho-tau and b-amyloid in the CSF. A positive a negative amyloid scan with normal CSF b-amyloid
amyloid scan with PET on a background of high and phospho-tau excludes Alzheimer pathology with a
phospho-tau and low b-amyloid in the CSF signals great deal of certainty. Patients will frequently ask
a very high likelihood of Alzheimer pathology, while whether the diagnosis is PPA or AD. The clinician
needs to state that it can be both, and then explain
that in this context the term PPA refers to the clinical
Figure 2 Quantitative analysis of neurofibrillary tangles in amnestic and features experienced by the patient while the term Alz-
aphasic forms of Alzheimer pathology
heimer refers to the nature of the microscopic changes
that damage the language-related parts of the brain.
The Alzheimer pathology in PPA has distinctive
features that set it apart from the Alzheimer pathology
seen in patients with the more typical amnestic phe-
notype that characterizes the vast majority of late-
onset dementias. In the amnestic manifestations of
Alzheimer pathology, the NFT do not display consis-
tent hemispheric asymmetry. They are also most
numerous within structures critical for episodic memory
such as the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex. The
pattern is quite different in patients with PPA with
autopsy-proven Alzheimer pathology.13 In such patients,
the NFT display higher neocortical-to-entorhinal ratios
and also significantly higher numbers in the language-
related cortices of the left hemisphere than in analogous
regions on the right (figure 2). Moreover, the e4
allele of APOE, the most important risk factor for
typical amnestic forms of AD, does not appear to
be a risk factor for Alzheimer pathology in PPA
(figure 3).13 These lines of evidence reinforce the
view that AD is not uniform and that it has biolog-
ically distinct variants, each with its own pattern of
NFT distribution and corresponding phenotype.
Other such variants have been associated with fron-
tal-type dementias, posterior cortical atrophy syn-
dromes, and corticobasal syndromes.14–17 Whether
these additional variants of Alzheimer pathology
will also display distinctive patterns of APOE allele
frequencies remains to be determined. From a prac-
tical point of view, the failure to recognize such
atypical clinical presentations promotes the unwar-
ranted categorical exclusion of patients with PPA
from clinical trials related to AD.
In contrast to the NFT, amyloid plaques did not
reveal differential distributions in amnestic vs aphasic
patients with Alzheimer pathology.13 This finding is
in keeping with results of PET imaging in PPA,
which show that amyloid positivity tends to be sym-
The counting was done with the methods of unbiased stereology. (A) Neurofibrillary tangles
(NFT) in a patient with symptom onset at age 54 years and a clinical picture characterized
metrically distributed despite the asymmetry of the
by salient memory loss typical of an amnestic dementia. The NFT count is much higher in en- neurodegeneration.18 While b-amyloid may well play
torhinal cortex, an area critical for memory, than in neocortical regions that are critical for lan- an important role in the evolution of Alzheimer
guage. (B) NFT in a patient with symptom onset at age 56 years and a clinical picture of the pathology, these observations reinforce the view that
logopenic subtype of primary progressive aphasia (PPA-L). The NFT pattern is completely dif-
ferent. There are more NFT in language-related areas such as the superior temporal gyrus and
the clinical impairments experienced by the patient
the temporoparietal junction than in entorhinal cortex. Not all cases show this neocortical pre- ultimately reflect the distribution of the NFT rather
dominance. As a group, however, PPA patients with Alzheimer pathology have higher neocor- than the distribution of the amyloid plaques.
tical-to-entorhinal ratios of NFT. There is also an asymmetrical distribution, with the language-
In the vast majority of cases, PPA arises sporadi-
dominant left hemisphere showing greater numbers. The data for these graphs come from a
study by Gefen et al.13 In this study, the TPJ counts were obtained in the inferior parietal lobule. cally. However, PPA has also been described in families
ENTO 5 entorhinal cortex; STG 5 superior temporal gyrus; TPJ 5 temporoparietal juncture. with mutations in genes for PS1, MAPT, C9orf72,

Neurology 81 July 30, 2013 459

The concentration of developmental language disabil-
Figure 3 APOE e4 allele frequencies
ities in some of the families reported in this study was
quite striking. One of the PPA probands, who had a
personal history of delayed reading skills, reported
that 3 of his children and both granddaughters were
dyslexic, although highly successful in their chosen
adult careers. Another PPA proband, who denied a
personal history of learning disability, reported that
all 5 of his siblings had difficulties with learning to
read or spell. These observations have collectively
generated the speculation that PPA may reflect the
tardive manifestation of a genetic or acquired vulner-
ability of the language network that stays compen-
sated during most of adulthood but that becomes a
locus of least resistance for the expression of an inde-
pendently arising neurodegenerative disease. In other
individuals with different vulnerabilities, the same
neurodegenerative process would be expected to lead
The e4 allele frequency in patients with an amnestic dementia of the Alzheimer type
(ADAT) who also had autopsy-proven Alzheimer pathology (AP) was significantly higher
to different distributions of peak neuronal damage
than in controls (14.4% vs 50%, p 5 0.009). However, the e4 allele frequency in patients and to their corresponding phenotypes. Such tardive
with primary progressive aphasia (PPA) who had AP at autopsy (21.4%) did not differ from manifestations of remote vulnerabilities are not unknown
control values (p 5 0.44). The data come from a study by Gefen at al.13
in neurology. For example, patients with a history of
poliomyelitis may experience the re-emergence of
and especially GRN.19–21 In 2 kindreds, PPA emerged weakness that had recovered from the remote attack
as the uniform phenotype for all siblings (3/4 in the while others with recovered childhood hemiplegia may
PPA1 family and 2/3 in the PPA2 family) who were later in life experience a progressive hemiparkinsonism
shown to have GRN mutations.22 Affected members on the side of the recovered weakness.24,25
who came to autopsy had FTLD-TDP pathology of Gradual intensification of the impairments is the
type A. The initial expectation that such kindreds with hallmark of PPA.26–28 Each clinical subtype displays a
uniform genotype–phenotype relationships would help somewhat different progression trajectory. In PPA-S,
to clarify the putative molecular mechanisms underly- the extension of ATL atrophy into the anterior insula,
ing the selective vulnerability of the language network posterior orbitofrontal cortex, and contralateral ATL
in PPA had to be abandoned as it became clear that may lead to the emergence of anomalous behaviors
practically identical GRN mutations can also lead to characteristic of frontotemporal syndromes (figure 5).
the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia In PPA-G, the spread of atrophy to motor areas and
(bvFTD), a syndrome where behavior and personality basal ganglia may lead to the emergence of movement
rather than language undergo progressive dissolution. disorders characteristic of CBD and PSP syndromes.
This indeterminacy of the relationship between The trajectory of PPA-L is the most variable. In some
genotype and phenotype supports the conclusion that patients, additional IFG atrophy leads to the emergence
the patterns of selective vulnerability in neurodegen- of features characteristic of PPA-G. In others, the
erations are likely to reflect complex interactions spread of atrophy into additional parts of the temporal
between molecular factors that define the nature of lobe leads to word comprehension and memory
the histopathology and individual factors that influ- impairments.
ence its preferential distribution. The individual Patient care in PPA can be divided into sympto-
factors participating in these interactions could be matic and etiologic components. The symptomatic
rooted in genetic, developmental, or acquired phe- approach starts with an evaluation by a knowledge-
nomena. For example, mild developmental anomalies able speech therapist who can work with the patient
and early acquired lesions of the left hemisphere have and family to maximize communicative effectiveness
been reported in patients who had experienced no and who can also assess the potential usefulness of
language impairment during most of adulthood but assistive software and hardware. The etiologic compo-
who then developed PPA in later life.19 Furthermore, nent of patient care revolves around the judicious use
a history of learning disability, including develop- of clinical subtyping and biomarker information to
mental dyslexia, was found to be significantly more surmise the nature of the underlying disease process.
frequent in patients with PPA and their first-degree Based on this information, the clinician can decide
relatives than in patients with the typical amnestic whether to use Alzheimer medications or to channel
dementia of AD or the bvFTD syndrome (figure 4).23 the patient into clinical trials relevant to AD or FTLD.

460 Neurology 81 July 30, 2013

The field of PPA is clearly witnessing considerable
Figure 4 Learning disability frequencies in primary progressive aphasia
progress in diagnostic accuracy, clinical characterization,
differential diagnosis, and clinicopathologic correlation.
Much additional work, however, remains to be done
to identify more creative interventions aimed at the clin-
ical symptoms as well as more effective therapeutic
agents aimed at the underlying disease process. These
are challenges that PPA shares with nearly all other neu-
rodegenerative syndromes. While these challenges are
being addressed, PPA will continue to offer unique
opportunities for exploring the neurobiology of lan-
guage on one hand and the molecular basis of selective
vulnerability to neurodegeneration on the other.

Sandra Weintraub, PhD, Emily Rogalski, PhD, Cynthia Thompson, PhD,
Changiz Geula, PhD, Eileen Bigio, MD, Christina Wieneke, and Tamar Ge-
The data for this graph come from Rogalski et al.,23 who found that the frequency of learning fen made major contributions to the work summarized in this lecture.
disability (LD) was higher in patients with primary progressive aphasia (PPA) and their first-
degree relatives that in the other groups (p , 0.001). ADAT 5 amnestic dementia of the
Alzheimer type; bvFTD 5 behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia; NC 5 normal STUDY FUNDING
control. Supported by DC008552 from the National Institute on Deafness and
Communication Disorders and AG13854 (Alzheimer Disease Center)
from the National Institute on Aging.
Although it is being diagnosed with increasing fre-
quency, PPA is still a rare syndrome, so patients, fam-
ilies, and clinicians may find it difficult to access
The author reports no disclosures relevant to the manuscript. Go to
appropriate resources. A dedicated Web site, the inter- Neurology.org for full disclosures.
national PPA connection (ppaconnection.org), has
been established to serve as a registry for patients and Received April 18, 2013. Accepted in final form April 26, 2013.
resources. Its goal is to link patients and clinicians to
relevant local resources around the world and, in the REFERENCES
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This Week’s Neurology® Podcast

Evidence-based guideline: Treatment of tardive syndromes:
Report of the Guideline Development Subcommittee of the
American Academy of Neurology (See p. 463)
This podcast begins and closes with Dr. Robert Gross, Editor-in-
Chief, briefly discussing highlighted articles from the July 30,
2013, issue of Neurology. In the second segment, Dr. Jeff Waugh
talks with Drs. Roongroj Bhidayasiri and Gary Gronseth about
the AAN evidence-based guideline on treatment of tardive syn-
dromes. Dr. Roy Strowd then reads the e-Pearl of the week about
CTA spot sign. In the next part of the podcast, Dr. Alberto Espay
focuses his interview with Dr. M.-Marsel Mesulam on the
H. Houston Merritt Lecture on selective cognitive impairments and distinct neuropathologic
entities of primary progressive aphasia. Disclosures can be found at www.neurology.org.
At www.neurology.org., click on the “Download Latest Issue” link or “Subscribe Now” to subscribe
to the RSS Feed.

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462 Neurology 81 July 30, 2013

Primary progressive aphasia and the language network: The 2013 H. Houston
Merritt Lecture
M.-Marsel Mesulam
Neurology 2013;81;456-462
DOI 10.1212/WNL.0b013e31829d87df

This information is current as of July 29, 2013

Updated Information & including high resolution figures, can be found at:
Services http://www.neurology.org/content/81/5/456.full.html

References This article cites 26 articles, 11 of which you can access for free
Subspecialty Collections This article, along with others on similar topics, appears in the
following collection(s):
All Cognitive Disorders/Dementia
Alzheimer's disease
Corticobasal degeneration
Dementia aphasia
Frontotemporal dementia
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