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Design of an activated carbon equipped-cyclone separator and its

performance on particulate matter removal

Article  in  Particulate Science And Technology · May 2019

DOI: 10.1080/02726351.2019.1607637


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2 authors:

Jeffrey Duran Eugene B. Caldona

Saint Louis University, Baguio City Mississippi State University


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Particulate Science and Technology
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Design of an activated carbon equipped-cyclone

separator and its performance on particulate
matter removal

Jeffrey Z. Duran & Eugene B. Caldona

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equipped-cyclone separator and its performance on particulate matter removal, Particulate Science
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Published online: 05 May 2019.

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Design of an activated carbon equipped-cyclone separator and its performance

on particulate matter removal
Jeffrey Z. Durana and Eugene B. Caldonab,c
Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering and Architecture, Saint Louis University, Baguio City, Philippines; bGraduate
Program, School of Engineering and Architecture, Saint Louis University, Baguio City, Philippines; cDepartment of Chemical Engineering,
School of Engineering and Architecture, Saint Louis University, Baguio City, Philippines


This study focuses on the design, fabrication, and operation of an integrated air pollution control Received 17 August 2018
(APC) device composed of a cyclone equipped with an activated carbon for effective reduction of Accepted 10 April 2019
particulate matter (PM) emissions. The effect of incorporating activated carbon into the cyclone is
mainly evaluated in terms of the pressure drop during operation and the corresponding
Activated carbon; cyclone
PM removal efficiency. Results showed that the fabricated APC device is capable of reducing the separator; particulate
PM content from emissions while maintaining a low to moderate operating pressure drop. In add- matter; pressure drop
ition, the PM reduction is statistically significant at 0.25 significance level with the co-benefit of
reducing the pressure drop four times of the original value.


1. Introduction and suspended as an aerosol for long periods of time affect-

ing the quality of air and eventually human health (Kim,
Particulate matter (PM) is known to be a primary compo- Kabir, and Kabir 2015). The resultant pollution has long
nent of air pollutants, alongside O3, CO, CO2, NOx, and been associated with chronic respiratory, cardiovascular dis-
SOx (Burnett et al. 1999). It is composed of complex solid eases, and mortality with long exposure to PM (Bari and
and liquid substances that vary widely in size and often des- Kindzierski 2016; Song et al. 2016). Experimental and epi-
ignated as PM10 and PM2.5. PM10 are those having an aero- demiological studies have also linked urbanization with the
dynamic diameter between 2.5 to 10 lm, while PM2.5 have worsening condition of the air quality. Thus, proper control
less than or equal to 2.5 lm (United States Environmental strategies and policies must be developed to address PM
Protection Agency 2016a). They mainly come from indus- pollution (Ahmed et al. 2015; Lu et al. 2017).
trial processes, vehicular exhausts, waste burning, tire dust, Air pollution control (APC) devices come in different
soil and road particles, with small traces of biological plant forms and collect different types of pollutants, including
fragments and cigarette smoke (Marcazzan et al. 2001; PM. A general rule in PM reduction is that the larger the
Schauer et al. 2007; Titos et al. 2014). They are dispersed particles, the easier they are to separate from the gas stream

CONTACT Eugene B. Caldona Graduate Program, School of Engineering and Architecture, Saint Louis University, A. Bonifacio
Street, Baguio City 2600, Philippines.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
ß 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

(de Nevers 2000). Settling chambers, also known as gravity methods (El-Batsh 2013). Thus, the pressure drop must be
collectors, rely on the gravitational effects as the main col- kept to a minimum.
lection mechanism. These are large, long, horizontal, and Modifications of the cyclone separator dimensions and
rectangular chambers, with uniform inlet flow. Settling their subsequent effects on the performance have been
chambers are used as pre-cleaners, removing large and abra- investigated. The dimension is reported in terms of the
sive particles with PM size greater than 10 lm (United cylinder diameter which can be related to the height (e.g.
States Environmental Protection Agency 2018a). Removal the dimensions of a 1D3D cyclone have a vertical height
efficiency could approach 100% for particles larger than equal to one-cylinder diameter, and a cone height equivalent
100 lm, and 75% for particles with size between 50 to to three-cylinder diameter). Inlet velocity decreases with
100 lm, when baffles are installed inside the chamber as increasing inlet dimensions, with an optimum ratio of inlet
guide for the gas stream (Nasiri and Abdolzadeh 2017). width to inlet height in the range of 0.5 to 0.7 (Elsayed and
Fabric filters, equipped with bags that collect specks of dust, Lacor 2011). On another note, 46% reduction on the pres-
utilize permeable media to sieve particulates from an incom- sure loss is apparent for 25% reduction on the inlet velocity
ing gas (United States Environmental Protection Agency (Funk et al. 2015). Installation of evase, a diffuser located at
2018b). Though they perform a good job in capturing fine the discharge ducts or pipe, is seen to have reduced the
and coarse particles, the filters are susceptible to heat attack pressure drop by almost 12%. Moreover, the shape of the
and intense humidity and are thus not robust. Electrostatic evase may conform to the preference of the designer and
forces are also employed in electrostatic precipitators the user, whether it is radial rain hat design or rectangular
and electrified filter bed that attract and remove particles spin caps (Funk 2015). Also, it is possible to predict the per-
from a gas stream by electrostatic charging (United States formance of standard cyclones using numerical methods
Environmental Protection Agency 2016b, 2018c). Inclusion with two conditions. First is that the Reynolds number of
of baffles particularly for electrostatic precipitators can the gas stream must be in the order of 105 to 106, and
improve flow distribution and collection efficiency (Sayem second, the ratio between the exit pipe diameter to cyclone
et al. 2015). Wet scrubbers, on the other hand, utilize water diameter should be 0.7 (El-Batsh 2013).
spray that counterflows with the incoming gas, thereby, Incorporating a filter to the outlet of the cyclone may
washing down the particle impurities from it (Peng et al. help collect the remaining particulates with smaller aero-
2017). These APCs are comprised of multiple stages that dynamic diameters. Common filters, such as diesel- and gas-
require auxiliary components for the removal of a wide var- oline-particulate filter (DPF and GPF, respectively), assure
iety of pollutants (Vehlow 2015). Often the operational cost high particulate removal efficiency from internal combustion
is greatly affected by the energy consumption of these auxil- engine exhausts (Guan et al. 2015). PM collection may also
iaries. Combination of energy efficient processing equipment be done through adsorption. Recent studies show that cer-
and application of appropriate end-of-pipe technology are amic foam and zeolites are potential alternatives to commer-
thought to largely cut down the expenses (Zhang et al. 2014; cial filters. Developed ceramic foam filters, such as Al2O3
Zhang, Worrell, and Crijns-Graus 2015). Thus, using an foams, allow the collection of PM because of the microstruc-
effective APC that consumes less power is worth an option ture voids inherent in the material (Ciambelli et al. 2007).
for applications where air quality is to be maintained with- Zeolites were also found to be capable of straining small
out investing a relatively large capital. particles in their microscopic pores and channels. However,
A cyclone is a gas cleaning device that employs centrifugal in their natural state, they are prone to rupture. Zeolites,
force, which spins a gas stream into a swirling action to alongside with gypsum as a binder, were not only found to
remove particles from it. It requires low capital and mainten- significantly reduce the PM emissions from diesel-run
ance costs, while the operational cost comes from the energy vehicles, but also offer excellent thermal stability during
required to overcome the pressure created in the system engine operations (Mu~ noz-Boado and Caldona 2017).
(Funk, Holt, and Whitelock 2014). The linear to rotational Activated carbon is an adsorbent derived from agricultural
shifting of the gas movement causes the larger particles to by-products and wastes (Ayg€ un, Yenisoy-Karakaş, and Duman
collide with the inner walls of the cyclone and are thus sepa- 2003; Ioannidou and Zabaniotou 2007; Danmaliki and Saleh
rated from the bulk stream (Wark and Warner 1981). High- 2016), utilized for removing various pollutants in industrial
efficiency cyclones can effectively remove at least 5-lm-sized and commercial applications. Its adsorptive capacity is influ-
particles, though 10 lm or larger particles are generally enced by several factors, such as impregnation ratio, carbon-
favored for a typical operation. Often times, the parameters ization time, and temperature to which it is subjected during
used to indicate a cyclone’s particulate removal performance production (Saygılı and G€ uzel 2016). It is widely used in the
are the inlet velocity and the pressure drop. The inlet treatment of contaminated water and gases. Activated carbon
velocity of the gas stream is motivated by the pressure gener- is used for both adsorption and filtration of organic micro-
ated from a piece of external equipment, such as a blower. pollutants (OMP) in advanced wastewater treatment and
The pressure drop, on the other hand, refers to the differ- water reuse systems (Shanmuganathan et al. 2015; Altmann
ence between the inlet and the outlet pressure of a et al. 2016). It is also applied in gas streams to collect various
flowing stream. This parameter accounts for the energy chemical elements in different forms. Granular activated car-
losses and can be calculated through mathematical models bon (GAC) and single wall carbon nanotubes were observed
(Avci and Karagoz 2003), experimentations, and optimization to be efficient in removing toluene, at 150 and 240 mg g1,

respectively (Gangupomu, Sattler, and Ramirez 2016). The lev- constructed from an 21.59-cm stainless steel disk, while the
els of NOx and SOx were also seen to be significantly reduced impeller blades from aluminum channels, 10.16 cm in length,
through the use of activated carbon fibers (ACF) (Yang and bent at the middle at 80–85 . The impeller blades were fixed
Kaneko 2002; Gaur, Asthana, and Verma 2006). In addition, to the base using rivets. The impeller shaft was made from
sulfur treated ACFs were found to be more effective in mer- steel with a diameter of 7.9 mm and length of 20.32 cm.
cury removal than their raw and untreated counterparts
(Yao, Velpari, and Economy 2014). Benzene, toluene, and
xylene (BTX), considered as volatile organic compounds 2.2. Fabrication of activated carbon canister
(VOCs), can be effectively mitigated using activated carbon The activated carbon used is coconut husk-based and was
(Agranovski, Moustafa, and Braddock 2005; Saha, Mirando, locally procured from Earth Multi-mineral Venture Company,
and Levchenko 2018) which can be repeatedly used for Philippines. The granular activated carbon was enclosed in an
adsorption after undergoing cyclic thermal regeneration improvised meshed canister constructed from fine aluminum
(Shah, Pre, and Alappat 2014). It has been found that acti- wire mesh and 3.175 mm thick aluminum flat bar as its
vated carbon is also effective in capturing PM such that the frame, as shown in Figure 2. The diameter of the canister,
PM content of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) can be with 98.425 mm diameter and 222.25 mm length, was
reduced to as much as 60%. However, 15 adsorption and adjusted during the fabrication process to fit inside the open-
regeneration cycles are required to achieve such performance ing of the cyclone separator outlet. In addition, the canister
(Lee and Ghosh 2002). Conversely, installation of activated was given an annular construction with an inner diameter of
carbon for indoor air quality plays a key role in supplying 38.1 mm to let the gas stream flow through the center of the
breathable air (in building spaces) and maintains it to a safe canister during the operation. A total of 20 activated carbon
level (Haghighat et al. 2008; Muller, Yu, and Zhu 2015). In canisters were produced in the study.
its fiber form, activated carbon is known to significantly
remove PM alongside with other pollutants in a gas stream,
such as VOCs, mercury, and ozone (Hayashi et al. 2000; 2.3. Data collection and analysis
Benesse, Le Coq, and Solliec 2006; Tamai et al. 2006).
Three diesel engine vehicles were subjected for preliminary
The aim of this work is to present the capability of an acti-
testing to determine the inlet velocity that will yield the
vated carbon-equipped cyclone in reducing PM emissions. The
highest PM reduction. The inlet velocities (m s1) were col-
resultant pressure drop will be calculated using the model of
lected at different spindle speeds, particularly at 740, 1530,
Avci and Karagoz (Karagoz and Avci 2005), as it presents a suit-
and 3140 revolutions per minute (rpm). Together with the
able option for different cyclone designs. Furthermore, the PM
cyclone geometry and surface roughness, the inlet velocity is
reduction efficiency and operational pressure drop of the cyc-
an important parameter as it helps determine the pressure
lone with activated carbon will be assessed in comparison with
drop when using the mathematical model of Karagoz and
the performance of the cyclone alone. Thus, our study will focus
Avci (Karagoz and Avci 2005). The inlet velocity was meas-
mainly on the fabrication and operation of the APC device and
ured using Lutron AM-4206 Digital Anemometer.
not too much on the economic and design optimization aspects
Different diesel engine vehicles were used in the experi-
which are saved for future exploration.
ment, which comprised of two set-up configurations: vehicu-
lar emissions subject to treatment using (1) cyclone alone, and
2. Materials and methods (2) cyclone with activated carbon. Vehicular emissions were
monitored using OPUS 50 Smoke Analyzer, which indicates
2.1. Design and fabrication of cyclone separator the amount of PM in terms of both light absorption coeffi-
The geometry of the cyclone is based on a 2D2D design (also cient (m1) and percentage opacity. The former was used as
known as Shepherd and Lapple design) both being simple and the prevailing criteria for the performance of the APC. The
economic in its configuration (Shepherd and Lapple 1940; probe of the smoke analyzer was inserted at the outlet of the
Ibhadode, Ogedengbe, and Rosen 2017). The cyclone separ- cyclone, through which the relatively clean gas exits. It is to be
ator in this study mainly consists of three components: the noted that an activated carbon canister was placed at the out-
body, the motor-pulley assembly, and the impeller. The cyc- let before the probe was put in place for the second set-up.
lone body was constructed with galvanized iron sheet metal,
1 mm in thickness. The design of the cyclone is modified, 2.4. Statistical treatment of gathered data
such that the gas outlet is located at the side of the cyclone
rather than at the top, as shown in Figure 1, alongside the cor- The PM reduction was interpreted from the light absorp-
responding dimensions. This is to accommodate the installa- tion coefficient results before and after the treatments were
tion of the impeller and motor-pulley assembly at the top of done. The Shapiro–Wilk test (Shapiro and Wilk 1965) was
the cyclone. This set-up is done to simplify the cyclone with- employed to determine if the gathered data are normally
out requiring external equipment (i.e. fan or blower) to create distributed, which, if proven normal, could be evaluated
the pressure, thus making the design more compact. for a paired t-test. The t-statistic values are the determin-
The motor-pulley assembly was taken from a Creston ing factor whether a significant difference exists between
Professional FW – 2513 Drill Press model with power rating the cyclone with or without the activated carbon. All tests
of 350 watts and 5 spindle speeds. The impeller base was are subject to a confidence level of 95%.

Figure 1. Modified 2D2D cyclone separator with the corresponding dimensions and actual view.

3. Results and discussion in Figure 3, it is noted that the inlet velocity with the least
light absorption coefficient (m1) is at 7.35 m s1. It was
3.1. Inlet velocity and PM reduction at different observed that the light absorption coefficient, which is the
spindle speeds measure for the PM content of the exhaust, decreased as the
The preliminary tests were done at three spindle speeds, inlet velocity increased. This trend was supported by the use
namely 740, 1530, and 3140 rpm, which yielded inlet veloc- of linear regression as indicated by the coefficient of deter-
ities of 1.92, 3.71, and 7.35 m s1, respectively. As shown mination, denoted as R2. The R2 values present the degree

Figure 2. Activated carbon canister with annular structure.

Vehicle No. 1 (2008) Vehicle No. 2 (2002) Vehicle No. 3 (1997)

Light absorption coefficient (m−1)

R² = 0.7631
R² = 0.7361
0 R² = 0.5769
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Inlet velocity induced by the cyclone (ms−1)
Figure 3. Inlet velocity (m s ) vs light absorption coefficient (m1) for three diesel-run vehicles.

of relationship between two variables, which means that and surface roughness. The inlet velocity, 7.35 m s1, is
changing the value of the x-axis greatly affects y-axis in a taken from the preliminary test. The coefficient a is gener-
proportional manner if the R2 value is close to 1, otherwise ally associated with the cyclone geometric ratios. The
variable x has very minimal or no effect at all on variable y scaled friction factor R0 is linked with both the surface
if R2 value is near zero (Taylor 1990). Thus, the values from roughness and cyclone dimensions. In addition, R0
0.5769 to 0.7631 from Figure 3 indicate that there is a mod- requires several variables: the friction coefficient, f, which
erate to strong correlation between the inlet velocity and the is taken from the Moody chart (Hong et al. 2016) provided
light absorption coefficient. that the material type and the diameter of the pipe from
which the gas stream is passing through are known; the
vortex length, Lv, which is related to the cone and the out-
3.2. Pressure drop across the cyclone
let pipes; and hydraulic diameter, Dh, which is the inlet
The calculation of the pressure drop was done to deter- diameter equivalent if in case the inlet is not circular. The
mine the operational pressure difference in the cyclone values of the geometric ratios, R0, a, and K are summar-
with the greatest efficiency of removing PM from the gas ized in Table 1, and is used for both the first (cyclone
stream. Based on the model of Karagoz and Avci (Karagoz alone) and second (cyclone with activated carbon) set-ups.
and Avci 2005) the inlet is established for rectangular- The operational pressure drop is computed to be 288.34 Pa
shaped inlets, however, the fabricated cyclone in this study for the fabricated cyclone, depicted in Table 2. Remarkably,
had a circular profile. To accommodate the change in the the addition of the activated carbon at the outlet had the co-
inlet profile, a square inlet with the same area as that of benefit of a decrease in the inlet velocity even if it was operat-
the circular form was assumed for computational purposes. ing at the maximum spindle speed of 3140 rpm, thus, decreas-
In the aforementioned model, the pressure drop is com- ing the pressure drop to 161.52 Pa. In recent literature, a
puted with the aid of the inlet velocity, cyclone geometry, decrease in the pressure drop is in conjunction with the result

Table 1. Pressure drop coefficient computation for the cyclone.

Part of the cyclone Code Geometric ratios Preliminary calculations
Barrel diameter D1 A/ D1 0.3544 D3m 3.5719
Height of cylinder C B/ D1 0.3544 a 0.8992
Diameter of the inlet A and B D2 / D1 0.4000 Dd 0.8430
Diameter of the outlet D2 D3/ D1 0.3544 b 1.1813
Diameter of exit cylinder D3 H/ D1 0.4000 ad 1.3412
Height of the cyclone L C/ D1 2.0000 Lv 90.4503
Height of outlet to the top H LO/ D1 4.0000 R 0.5088
C/ L 0.5000
D3/D1 0.3544
D1/L0 0.2500
B/H 0.8860 Pressure Drop Coefficient
f (from Moody Chart) 0.0225 K 8.2559
Code in conformity with Avci and Karagoz model.

Table 2. Pressure drop across varying impeller speed and inlet velocity. Table 3. Light absorption coefficient (m1) using cyclone and activated car-
Impeller Average inlet Pressure bon-equipped cyclone.
Test no. speed (RPM) velocity (m s1) drop (Pa) First set-up Second set-up
1 740 1.92 19.68 with cyclone
2 1530 3.71 73.47 without cyclone with cyclone without cyclone separator and
3 3140 7.35 288.34 separator separator separator activated carbon
4 3140 5.501 161.52 (m1) (m1) (m1) (m1)
With activated carbon.
1 0.39 0.185 0.61 0.14
2 0.93 0.31 2.2575 0.375
3 1.1825 0.34 2.5 0.44
of adding a cover or restriction (i.e. evase) after the mechan- 4 1.4375 0.81 2.685 1.015
ical separation wherein the pressure drop can be further 5 1.5 0.825 3.895 1.52
reduced (Funk 2015). It is to be noted that at a higher speed, 6 4 1.25 4.23 1.735
7 5.36 1.38 5.2225 2.575
the collection efficiency of the cyclone also increases.
However, it also creates a higher pressure drop, thus increas-
ing the energy losses in the system. Table 4. Summary of test for normality.
Set-up Intervention p-values significant
First Without cyclone separator .06719 yes
3.3. PM reduction using the cyclone and With cyclone separator .35395 yes
activated carbon Second Without cyclone separator .91417 yes
With cyclone separator and .57878 yes
Table 3 summarizes the light absorption coefficients using activated carbon
the cyclone alone and the cyclone with activated carbon. For
the first set-up, the effect of the cyclone on the PM content (Tamai et al. 2006). Furthermore, physical adsorption is
of the exhaust was evaluated with the use of the opacimeter. affected by bonding interactions (i.e. van der Waals forces)
The first set of vehicles (7 diesel vehicles) were subjected to between the PM and the GAC (Kandasamy et al. 2009).
treatment done only by the cyclone. The reduction in PM Adsorption is affected by the surface area of the adsorbent
by the cyclone can be seen by the decrease in light absorp- and the size diameter of the PM, where larger particles have a
tion coefficient. The particle separation is due to the PM hit- greater tendency to be removed from the stream. Given the
ting the inner walls of the cyclone, then eventually falling to proper activation condition during production, activated car-
the bottom part of the cyclone. Moreover, the aforemen- bon can have a surface area of around 1093 to 2696 m2 g1
tioned mechanism is brought about by the pressure created (Saygılı and G€
uzel 2016; Teo et al. 2016), which is capable of
by the impeller operating at 3140 rpm. In the cyclone, swirl collecting PM in the range of 0.0560–0.0604 lm (Rathore
and turbulent actions are induced. The swirl creates the cen- et al. 2010).
trifugal action responsible for the mechanical separation,
while the turbulence scatters the solid particles inside the
3.4. Statistical analysis
cyclone, enhancing the probability of exiting the outlet
(Elsayed and Lacor 2011). Table 4 presents a summary of the results for the test of
The second set-up involves the effect of adding GAC to the normality. It was found that the results of the two set-ups
cyclone. It is revealed that there is a further decrease in light (cyclone alone and activated carbon-equipped cyclone) are
absorption coefficient, thus indicating lesser PM content owing normally distributed based on the descriptive statistics and
to the adsorptive property of the activated carbon. GAC is Shapiro-Wilk test (Shapiro and Wilk 1965). Prior to the
capable of removing pollutants by the mechanism of adsorp- tests, the data were arranged from lowest to highest values.
tion. This is attributed to the macro-, meso-, and micro-pores Under the descriptive statistics, the median indicates nor-
inherent in the material, in which the voids and spaces collect- mality when the mean average of the data is close to the
ing the PM are classified as larger than 0.05 lm, between median. In addition, the skewness and kurtosis values mani-
0.002 to 0.05 lm, and smaller than 0.002 lm, respectively fest normality when it is close to zero. With respect to the

Table 5. Summary of t-test results.

Comparison of before and after Comparison of before and after
results (First set-up) results (Second set-up) Significant difference between first and second set-up
t-test: Paired two sample for means t-test: Paired two sample for means t-test result of the PM reduction percentages
value value value significant
Significance level .05 Significance level .05 Significance level .25
t Stat 2.596523 t Stat 5.359634 t Stat 1.27609
p one-tail .020426 p one-tail .000864 p one-tail .124547 yes
t Critical one-tail 1.94318 t Critical one-tail 1.94318 t Critical one-tail .717558 yes
p two-tail .040852 p two-tail .001729 p two-tail .249095 yes
t Critical two-tail 2.446912 t Critical two-tail 2.446912 t Critical two-tail 1.273349 yes

data, all of the descriptive statistic results were able to mani- The pressure drop of the cyclone was found to be low to
fest normality. The Shapiro-Wilk test was then employed in moderate in range, in comparison with the constructed
support of the statistical results. The null hypothesis that cyclones from previous works with relatively same operating
“the data is normally distributed” was then set for the ana- parameters. Remarkably, the addition of the activated carbon
lysis (Zaiontz 2018). Since p-values for all of the tests are has reduced the pressure drop by around a fourth of the
greater than .05, the null hypothesis cannot be rejected. operational pressure drop. Thus, it can, therefore, be claimed
Thus, the data are normally distributed. that the constructed activated carbon-equipped cyclone has
A paired t-test was employed to separately investigate the potential uses in industrial applications. For future research
significant difference between the first and the second set- and work, the effects of configuring the cyclone geometry
up, with the results presented in Table 5. The effect of the and operating parameters using computational fluid dynam-
first set-up showed a PM reduction as evidenced by the ics (CFD) must be analyzed further, as the cyclone geometry
decrease in light absorption coefficient. It was further sup- plays an important role in the pressure drop and particle
ported by the paired t-test results of p-value and t-statistic. removal efficiency. It is also recommended to vary the
In statistics, the null hypothesis (i.e. there is no significant amount of the activated carbon used for adsorption and fur-
difference between the emissions before and after the cyc- ther investigate its effect in PM reduction.
lone was placed) can be rejected if the p-value is less than
the significance level, usually with a value of 0.05. In this Acknowledgment
case, the p-value from the t-test is 0.040852, thus the null
hypothesis is rejected. The t-statistic value, on the other The authors would like to thank Carlos G. Carrera, Herbert M. Dela
Cruz, Jamaica Myla C. Ferrer, Jon Rondall U. Lucas, Carlo Jon
hand, must be greater than the t-critical to be able to state V. Romero, Joerell B. Rosete, Rencel Fil O. Torres, and Derwin
that there is a significant difference between the before and A. Vicente for their valuable assistance during the execution of the study.
after results. In support to the p-value, t-statistic also dem-
onstrates that there is a significant difference, with a value
of 2.596523 as compared to the t-critical of 2.446912. The References
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