Marketing Management

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Trimester Three 2020

Welcome to Marketing Management .................................................................................................................... 3
Success in your course............................................................................................................................................ 3
Course information ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Pre-requisite/Co-requisite/Restriction requirements ........................................................................................ 4
Course aim .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Learning outcomes ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Content ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Blackboard programme organisation ..................................................................................................................... 4
Required texts and recommended reading ........................................................................................................... 5
Weekly Programme ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Assessment information......................................................................................................................................... 7
Extensions and other Special Consideration Applications (SCAs) ...................................................................... 7
Penalty for late submission of assessment items .............................................................................................. 7
Assessment structure ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Reconsideration.................................................................................................................................................. 8
Exam Schedule.................................................................................................................................................... 8
Pass Requirements ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Assessment Event Details:.................................................................................................................................. 9

Disclaimer: Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy, the information in this document is
subject to alteration. The information in this document was accurate at the time of publication,
October 2020.

Welcome to Marketing Management
You are expected to read the contents of this study guide, also available on Blackboard under “All My

This is a level 8 course, worth 15 points. This course runs for 10 weeks (excludes exam weeks) and has 1
session per week.

This course uses Flexible Delivery Mode.

Rooms can change at the last minute and are not listed in the course study guide. Refer to for
your current timetable AND to your course’s page on Blackboard for any room changes/updates.

You are expected to attend all classes for your course. Experience shows a very high, positive correlation
between attending classes and passing courses.

Teaching and contact details:

Lecturer Email Office Hours

Shoaib M. Farooq Padela (Course Coordinator) By appointment

Success in your course

Academic study is intellectually challenging. To come to grips with the content in your course, what it means,
and how it is applied, you need to do the following:

• engage with all lectures and hear key concepts and theories explained by your lecturers, who are
experts on their subjects.
• participate in discussions and/or workshops to make sense of what you’ve learned and to apply it to
authentic scenarios.
• read all material given by your lecturer, make notes on it and make sure that you have grasped the
• have a study plan – aim to undertake three hours study for every one hour of lectures. Draw up a
weekly timetable to help with scheduling your study time.
• complete and submit all assessments

All your lecturers want you to do well and to be well. Make sure you use the many student support services on
offer at AUT, if you feel that you are struggling with your studies.

• For support within the Faculty, see information on your Blackboard programme organisation.
• For AUT-wide academic and wellbeing support, visit the Student Digital Workspace, under the Learning
Support and Student Life tabs.

Course information
Trimester Three starts on the week commencing October 27th, 2020. Please check Blackboard for details of
your allocated stream and workshop time and location.

Pre-requisite/Co-requisite/Restriction requirements
There are no pre-requisites/co-requisites/restrictions for this course.

Course aim
A critical review of the key principles of marketing management including core theories, frameworks and tools
for formulating marketing strategy.

Learning outcomes
1. Critically reflect on and discuss the concepts, tools, frameworks, theories, and techniques that can be
employed in marketing management
2. Devise, evaluate and recommend marketing tactics and strategies appropriate to current situations
3. Consider, argue and defend core theories in marketing

• Introduction to Marketing Concepts; Strategies & Tactics
• Creating & Communicating Core Values & Company Vision
• Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning & Strategic Matrices
• Environmental & Megatrend Analysis; Market Attractiveness Models
• Developing Marketing Instruments; Advertising, Retailing & Distribution
• Developing Strategies for Growth; Energising Business Markets
• Industrial Marketing; Business-to-Business Marketing & Relationship Marketing
• Harnessing the Organisation; Internal Marketing

Blackboard programme organisation

Details of all courses, major requirements, full course descriptors, exam schedules (mid
semester/term/trimester/year and final), assessment forms, timetables and all other information relevant to
current students can be found on Blackboard ( under:

“Open Organisations” Business MBA & Professional Masters Programme Information.

Required texts and recommended reading
You have been supplied with the course textbook for this course:

Iacobucci, Dawn (2013), MM 4, Cengage Learning: Mason, OH.

Other readings are contained within the Journal Readings Course Materials Folders on Blackboard. You
need to register for the online materials for this textbook by following instructions in the front of the
textbook. You have also received an electronic code for the marketing simulation with your textbook
with further instructions detailed on pages 7-8 of the study guide.

Weekly Programme
Week Topic Reading

Course Introduction, Marketing

1 Chapters 1 and 2
Concept, Strategies and Tactics

New Product Development,

2 Chapter 8
Environmental and Megatrend Analysis

3 Products, Goods and Services Chapter 6

Segmentation, Targeting and

4 Chapters 3 - 5

Price Concept; Competitive Analysis &

5 Chapter 9
Creating Advantage

6 Branding and Building Brands Chapter 7

Channels of Distribution and Logistics;

7 Chapter 10
B2B Marketing

Advertising, Integrated Marketing

8 Communications; Energising the Chapters 11-13

Strategy & Innovation, Leveraging the

9 Chapters 16 and 17
Business, Creating New Business

10 Drop-In Sessions for Q&A on Marketing Simulation Reflection Team Presentations

Getting Started with Music2Go Marketing Simulation Software

Music2Go is an online Marketing Simulation. Music2Go will give you the opportunity to run your own virtual
marketing campaign while competing against other student-run companies. The success of your company will
be measured by the amount of Total Marketing Contribution (TMC) you can create compared to your
1. To get started go to and log in using:

Website Login: stuaut

Website Password: music2go

Select the “Click here to register” link. After you have entered your details you will be required to enter your
prepaid access code (included with your textbook).

Please Note: DO NOT purchase a license to Music2Go. Please use the code you have received with your class
textbook for free access.

2. Once registered navigate to the Manuals and Videos menu. You should begin by viewing the Tutorial Videos
and reading the Player’s Manual.

3. When your account has been setup by Smartsims, the providers of Music2Go, they will send you an email
with your personal login and password.

4. Your Music2Go experience will begin with the Single-Player (practice) version where you will be competing
individually against a computer controlled opponent. In the Single-Player you control rollovers to progress
through decision periods (virtual years) to test different strategies and decisions at your own pace.

5. Later in the course the Multi-Player (competitive) version will begin. In the Multi-Player you will be placed
into management teams to compete against other student-run companies in your course. Your team must
have their final decisions entered prior to each scheduled decision deadline (rollover).

If you have any questions, please email

Assessment information
All students should obtain a copy of either the Business Programmes Assessment and Study Handbook
or the Law Programmes Assessment and Study Handbook, which include information on:

• Academic Integrity
• Attendance
• Assignments (Format, Presentation, Referencing, Submission)
• Exams (Regulations, Schedule)
• Assessment (Return of Assessments; Review/Reconsideration, Uncollected Assessments)
• Results

These handbooks are available online from “Open Organisations” on Blackboard


Please note: Assessments may be copied and kept for moderation and programme administration
purposes. Presentations may also be videoed.

Extensions and other Special Consideration Applications (SCAs)

Students may apply for an extension or for special consideration where there are exceptional

The SCA online request form is available through Blackboard. Access the form via the “Special
Consideration” tab at the top of the Blackboard home page once you have logged in. Follow the
instructions provided.

Penalty for late submission of assessment items

The penalty for late submission will be a reduction by 5% or one grade (e.g. B+ to B) per day up to a
maximum of five days. An assessment item will not be marked if it is more than five days late.

Assessment structure

Item % of Mark Maximum Mark Group/individual Due date

8 x online quizzes 40% 40 Individual, submit Weeks
online through 2–9
(up to 5% for
each quiz)

Online 10% 10 Individual, submit in Week 3

class (online quiz).
Simulation Quiz

Marketing Plan 25% 25 Individual, submit Before midnight

online via on Monday
Assessments Tab January 11th, 2021
on Blackboard (Week 9)

Marketing 25% 25 Pre-recorded Group Before midnight

Simulation Presentations, on Friday January
Presentation submit online via 22nd, 2021 (Week
Assessments Tab on 10)

You are entitled to make a formal request for reconsideration of marks in cases where you believe your
assessment work has not been marked in accordance with published marking criteria. This request can
only be made when assessed work is returned, or during review/reconsideration. There is a strict
process to follow – refer to the Business Programmes Assessment and Study Handbook or the Law
Programmes Assessment and Study Handbook for details. Note that, where assessments have been
submitted electronically, you normally only have 48 hours from the time the graded assessment is
made available on Blackboard to apply for reconsideration.

Exam Schedule
Any exam schedules will be available on Blackboard, under “Open Organisations”, via the Examinations

Pass Requirements
Students are expected to attempt every assessment event. In order to gain a pass in this course you
must obtain at least 50% overall in the course.

Assessment Event Details:

Assessment 1: Online Quizzes

Due Date: Submission at the end of Weeks 2 – 9.

Weighting: 40% of final grade; 5% per quiz

Type: Online quizzes. Individual Assessment.

Length: Available from 12:30am on the Monday morning before the quiz is due,
closing at 11:30pm on the following Sunday.

Submission: Quizzes can be found under the Assessments tab on Blackboard.

Each quiz is based on the textbook and other required readings for the current
Requirements: week only.
20 multi-choice questions will be randomly selected for each student. This
means that each student will not have the exact same questions.

You will have 1-hour from the time you begin the quiz (the length of time
that the test is open) to answer the questions and may use your textbook
and readings.

You will only have one chance for each question. You will be presented with
one question at a time to enter your answer.

1. Be self-aware, critically reflective and ethical marketing professionals
Learning Goals: 2. Be effective thinkers and problem-solvers
3. Be effective communicators (written and oral)
4. Be able to apply marketing knowledge to issues in professional
marketing practice

Course Learning
This assessment event measures course learning outcomes 1, 2 & 3.

Assessment Information: Assessment 2 – Online Simulation Quiz

Due Dates: Week 3, Week of 9th November 2020, online (20 minutes to complete)

Weighting: 10% of final grade.

Type: Open Resource Quiz. Individual Assessment. Multiple Choice Quiz, 10 Questions.
Submitted online through Blackboard.

Length: 20 minutes allowed to complete.

Requirements: You will be given a full brief for this assessment during week one of class.

1. Be self-aware, critically reflective and ethical marketing professionals
Learning Goals:
2. Be effective thinkers and problem-solvers
3. Be effective communicators (written and oral)
4. Be able to apply marketing knowledge to issues in professional marketing

Course Learning
This assessment event measures course learning outcomes 1, 2 & 3.

Assessment 3: Marketing Plan

Due Dates: Before midnight on Monday January 11th, 2021 online through Turnitin.

Weighting: 25% of final grade.

Type: Marketing Plan. Individual assessment.

Length: Up to 2,500 words

Marketing Plan: Choose a business or marketing idea (i.e., new product/service) to
Requirements: deploy to the New Zealand marketplace. Your business or marketing idea must take
place in New Zealand).
Through each week you will learn the concepts to be able to complete a
marketing plan for this idea/business.

Chapter 17 of your textbook goes into this in detail and each week you will be
required to go onto the textbook website and complete one of the steps in the
marketing plan.

A key element of your marketing plan is to conduct, at the very least, secondary
research through the library database, or online, from reputable sources. Your
marketing plan may also feature primary data (i.e., survey or open-ended
responses from consumers, or businesses, directly).

Note: You are NOT required to complete Step 6: Evaluation and Control

At the start of week 9 you will be able to export the marketing plan and
format it professionally to hand in. You may go back and change sections as
you develop further knowledge in marketing.

You will also need to support your environmental analysis and strategy with
trusted concepts and references. Trusted sources include your textbook, journal
articles and reports that can be found through the AUT library website.

Learning Goals: 1. Be self-aware, critically reflective and ethical marketing professionals
2. Be effective thinkers and problem-solvers
3. Be effective communicators (written and oral)
4. Be able to apply marketing knowledge to issues in professional marketing

Course Learning
This assessment event measures course learning outcomes 1, 2 & 3.

Marketing Plan: Marking Guide Only

Criteria A range B range C range D range

Situation Good understanding of Adequate understanding May not address all Does not address all areas
Analysis the concepts/ of the concepts/ areas of the of the assignment
information and how information and how they assignment accurately or adequately
they are applied to the are applied to context in adequately
context in question question Inadequate understanding
Poor understanding of the of the
Good balance of theory Mostly adequate balance of concepts/information and concepts/information and
and application theory and application may not apply them to the fails to apply them to the
context well enough. May context
focus too much on either
the theory or the context
Market Good understanding of Adequate understanding May not address all Does not address all areas
Analysis and the concepts/ of the concepts/ areas of the of the assignment
Strategies information and how information and how they assignment accurately or adequately
they are applied to the are applied to context in adequately
context in question question Inadequate understanding
Poor understanding of the of the
Good balance of theory Mostly adequate balance of concepts/information and concepts/information and
and application theory and application may not apply them to the fails to apply them to the
context well enough. May context
focus too much on either
the theory or the context
Tactical Plans Good understanding of Adequate understanding May not address all Does not address all areas
the of the areas of the of the assignment
concepts/information concepts/information and assignment accurately or adequately
and how they are how they are applied to adequately
applied to the context in context in question Inadequate understanding
question Poor understanding of the of the
Mostly adequate balance of concepts/information and concepts/information and
Good balance of theory theory and application may not apply them to the fails to apply them to the
and application context well enough. May context
focus too much on either
the theory or the context
Executive Good presentation of an Good presentation of an May not address the main Does not address the main
Summary overview of the main overview of the main insight insight gathered including insight gathered including
insight gathered gathered including findings findings and conclusions findings and conclusions
including findings and and conclusions
conclusions Poor understanding of the Inadequate understanding
Mostly adequate summary of purpose of the report and of the purpose of the report
A good summary of the essence of the marketing essence of the marketing and essence of the
the essence of the plan plan marketing plan
More than adequate Adequate referencing Poor attempt to No attempt to reference
referencing (has gone (lecture notes and course reference (only one No in-line citations
beyond course readings readings). Includes in-line source or sources may
and lecture notes). citations not be academic). May Does not adhere to the
Includes in-line citations be no in-line citations conventions of references,
Conventions of references, citations (i.e., APA style)
Conventions of references, citations are followed apart Conventions of references,
citations are followed from the occasional oversight citations are followed but
meticulously (i.e., APA (i.e., APA style) show errors and
style) inconsistencies (i.e., APA
Good use of Adequate use of paragraphing Paragraphing may be No paragraphing (e.g. may
paragraphing format format inadequate Ideas do not be bullet points)
always flow logically
Ideas flow logically Ideas flow reasonably No sense of an overall
logically organisational pattern

Good presentation Adequate presentation Inadequate presentation Very poor presentation

(title page, correctly (title page, correctly (may be no title page, (e.g. no title page, severely
formatted, fulfils the formatted, may be under or over length under length, not correctly
page limit) under or over page limit) and/or not correctly formatted)
Accurate language Readable, although some Language errors cause
used errors may still be noticeable Language errors cause severe problems with
problems with readability readability

Assessment 4: Marketing Simulation Presentation

Due Dates: Before midnight on Friday January 22nd, 2021 (Week 10) pre-recorded and digitally

Weighting: 25% of final grade

Type: Group presentation, all members must present during the course of the pre-
recorded presentation.

Length: 15-minute (max) group presentation, digital submission of presentation slides and
video file through Blackboard by the team leader.

You will be given a full brief for this assessment during your first session,
Requirements: (week of October 27th, 2020). We will be utilising a marketing simulation this
term, as part of our assessment structure – of which includes a number of
marketing decisions and insight gathering exercises in order to make
informed decisions in the marketplace based on competitive activity, market
research, product development and consumer/retailer feedback.

Each team will be assigned a particular marketing concept to explore and the
apply theory and concepts of (covered during the lecture sessions and
activities) and how an understanding of these concepts (such as pricing,
competitive analysis, market research, retailing support, etc.) were
considered and applied during the course of the marketing simulation,
Music2Go, over the course of the term. Additionally, an application of how
these insights and understandings can be applied to real-life marketing
situations/contexts will feature in this presentation.

Teams will be introduced, during the first session, to the types of decisions
and insights featured in the marketing simulation.

Teams will also be assembled during first and second sessions on weeks 1-2
so please ensure you are in class during these two sessions.

1. Be self-aware, critically reflective and ethical marketing professionals
2. Be effective thinkers and problem-solvers
Goals: 3. Be effective communicators (written and oral)
4. Be able to apply marketing knowledge to issues in professional marketing

This assessment event measures course learning outcomes 1, 2 & 3.

Marking Guide Only - Marketing Simulation Presentation

Grade Definition
A+ This work could not have been done better. Work of this quality is extremely rare and is of a standard far
beyond normal expectations.

A An excellent quality is achieved in all areas of the assessment and it is exceptional in some aspects. This
reflects a considerably greater level of motivation, effort, research and achievement than might
reasonably be expected from the assignment.
A- The learning outcomes have been achieved to an excellent standard and is as good as can be reasonably
expected from the student given the difficulty of the assignment and the length of time available to
undertake it. The work displays excellent use of conceptual frameworks, strong analysis of the problem or
issue and well-researched conclusions and relevant recommendations. There are strong linkages of theory
to practice. Presentation is flawless.
B+ This assessment is strong in all areas and excellent in some. It reflects hard work and should be well
researched. A very good level of analysis has been achieved but there are gaps. In some cases, B+ may
reflect a piece that is brilliant in some respects but also has considerable flaws. There are good linkages
between theory and practice.

B This assessment reflects a good effort on the part of the student. The assessment work is thorough and
competent but could have been pushed further. Alternatively, it is strong in some areas but uneven in
others. It is a more than average overall result. Application of theory to practice is not consistent
throughout the assessment.

B- The assessment has met the learning outcomes overall, in some areas with merit. B- is still better than
average work, but there may be some aspects that are lacking or that have not been extended as far as
the student is capable of. In some cases, a good result may have been achieved without sufficient
research, or alternatively good research may have yielded a somewhat disappointing overall conclusions
or recommendations. Presentation of the assignment is good but needs further attention to detail.

C+ This work is of an average standard. The problem/issue has been understood and an adequate level of
work is displayed. Nonetheless, the problem and issue could certainly have been taken further with more
analysis and stronger managerial relevance. Alternatively, this subject may not be an area of strength for
the student, in which case, C+ is still a good grade.

C Whilst this work is still of an acceptable standard, there may be some concerns about it. These may
relate to the effort involved, or the quality of research, analysis or presentation. Alternatively, the
student may have produced an assignment that has partly missed the point.

C- This assessment has met the learning outcomes overall to a pass standard. The grade reflects serious
concern about the way the assignment was handled. There are major gaps in linking theory to practice.
Whilst the final result does display application, it is only just adequate. Presentation of the assignment is
also just adequate with grammatical, spelling and layout mistakes evident.

D This assessment has not met any, very few or only some of the assessment criteria. The student has not
demonstrated a grasp of the topic, nor carried the groundwork needed to make any meaningful insight
or recommendations. A greater effort is needed to understand what is required and to ensure that these
requirements are fulfilled to a professional standard. Overall approach is superficial. There is little
attempt to link theory to practice and major sections of the assessment may not have been attempted.
Presentation is very poor.


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