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Instruction: Encircle the number of the statement that describes you

1. I am fond of making jokes or to sharing humorous stories.

2. I have a tendency to be overprotective of my loved ones.
3. I immediately oppose or react against someone whose behaviour is not
acceptable to me.
4. I am very serious person and not fond of jokes or humorous anecdotes.
5. I cry easily whenever depressed.
6. I have a tendency to judge or scrutinize the work and the character of a person.
7. I always defer my judgment of a person unless I’m sure of my facts.
8. Others can always count on me for whatever advice or assistance.
9. I just don’t make a decision or an action unless given instructions/ assurance by
my supervisor.
10. I seldom cry and I have very strong control over my feelings.
11. I am very compassionate to people who are treated as outcasts of society.
12. I give consoling remarks to people whom I see crying.
13. When depressed, I tend to look for an scapegoat like smoking, drinking
or taking prohibited drugs.
14. I tend to make decisions for people who are weak or incapable.
15. I dislike rigid rules and authoritarian superior. Sometimes I’m inclined to rebel.
16. I feel confident in deciding for myself. I don’t have to wait for assurance from others.
17. I like to set rules and to be in command over those who live/work with me.
18. I always expect others like (peers, parents, superiors) to be attentive and responsive to
my needs and I’m very disappointed if I don’t get what I want.
19. I face my problems objectively and learn my lessons from my failures.
20. I give all out support to whatever decision or move my group/boss takes.
21. I sometimes spread gossip against other people.
22. I accept and conform to rules that I find reasonable.
23. I am more inclined to affirm and praise other people than talk against them.
24. I tend to be carried away by gossips that I hear and I accept them without question.
25. I am very critical of what I see and I react strongly, sometimes brutally when things don’t
happen as I expect them to happen.
26. I am alert in spotting signals for help and I promptly give assistance when called for.
27. I don’t just listen to rumors and gossip.
28. I take little or no conscious effort to find out what people need or what assistance
is needed from me.
29. I often hurt the feelings and ego of others as I lose control in expressing my feelings.
30. I always give the same support or cooperation to others regardless of how I feel
towards them.
31. I take efforts to please other people (can be supervisor, subordinates, parent, relatives,
friends, etc.) by giving in to what they want even if it is against my will or at my expense.
32. I always seek for advice or approval for the actions or decisions I make.
33. In a conversation, I have a tendency to scrutinize the logic behind a person’s statement
and I readily express my dissension or opposition to whatever is not agreeable to me.
34. I always give support to whatever decisions my boss, parents, others take.
35. I’d rather be a leader than a follower.
36. I believe people should decide for themselves and solve their own problems.
37. I tend to give advice and/or suggestion even if it is not solicited.
38. I sulk when hurt and I tend to suppress my anger and resentment.
39. I sometimes exhibit temper tantrums.
40. I express my feelings and disappointment over things that don’t happen on the job, at
home or in school but I don’t lose my enthusiasm in pursuing my task.

PAC Scoring

Direction: Cross out the numbers which you have encircled. Then add the get the total number
of crossed items separately for each column.

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