Stalin Makedonija CIA-RDP82-00457R002100400004-4 PDF

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uassirication & Approved For Release, 1ARSIPSIRR Ft INFORMATIE COUNTRY Tugoslavis/ulgaria/treece SUBJECT Macedonia and the Tito-Coainfora f u-s. agrcrans omy 02 No, TORT 2x1A2 NI park bist. 3 deceaber 1916 NO, OF PAGES 2 SF uo,cenets Winco = a ae REPORT NO. 26KIK6 L. The conflict betmeen Tito and the Coninform is becoming more acute; the Soviets, having an "indispensable neceosity" for a corridor betwosn Bulgaria and Albania are taking preparations to insure ite realization. ‘Thus tlacedonta 1s tre focal point and both sides are undertaking different measures and preparations. 2. The Soviets, for thstr part, have taken advantage of the traditional. differences’ between the Serbs and the Bilgars and in their widespread propuganda are supporting the Bulgarian thesis for detaching Yacedonia fron Yugoslavia in favor of establishing a separate Macedonian republic. ‘This rezublic would be either independent or joined to Bulgaria. In any event, lacedonia would follow the Cominform policy and the Soviet Union mould have guarantexd for itself direct contact with Albania and with the Greek Rebel Army. 3+ In Rumania the Sovists have placed larger contingents of Posetan trospe on ‘he Yugoslav-Rumanian border and more unite are arriving in Mnania pre~ sunably to exert greater pressure on Tito. L. In Bulgaria, the Soviets have caused recent Bulgarian troop movesents ‘towards the’Yugoslar border. Larger artillery units 15 kdicasters south of Gornja Dauaaja (3initli) have been observed and one artillery reginent was transferred froa Dupnice to the south. Near Kruea (12 ktlomoters northeast of Dragonant) new troops have beon noted which were not pre= viously there, and tro battalions of tanks have arrived in the Strusica Valley. One artillery reginent is stationed in Slimies. The Soviets have sent LO carloads (between 10 to 15 tons per car) of "Katyushas" to Patric via Sofia. 3. Titots preparations, on the other hand, include counter-neacures for pre- serving Yugoslav prastige and strength in liacedonia. An epuration mas earried out in the llscedonian jovernment and in the adnintstration (executive branch) of all pro-Coninfors and pro-Bulgarian pereons. Fpurations or transfers took place in Aray unite located in Macedonia. ‘The undesirable unite were transferred to the north and replaced by Foginents composed of Serbs and Slovenes. Border troops and guards on the Yugoslay-Dulgarian border have been reinforced in Line with overall security precautions. CLASSIFICATION seDNG/coNTROL ~ v. nets] [Ol ere BY [Tar | conioenrins fe |istor er ae | eso ge Orie iysas cHAICS TO: mS 28g - "United Sia DOA tno, 4 Age 77 it Review Dae: 2098 athe ODA 52209, sor tol susie ps Approved For Release RFE esag904-4 comma 05 AGERE 2 Jo a rumor to the effeot that Tito has renewed contact with foe and that the Yugoslav motorized units located near the -_ Grok border will give more support to the Markos guerrillas. This aid would thas assure Markos! inclination toward over Macedonia. ‘Tito in the event of difficulty

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