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Mid-Term Examinations, December 2020

Programme : B.Tech – CSE Semester : Interim 2020-2021
Course : Artificial Intelligence Code : CSE3007
Faculty : Dr. Nageswara Guptha M Slot/Class No. : B11 / 1109
Time : 1½ hours Max. Marks : 50

Answer all the Questions

Q. No. Question Description Marks

1 Classify different types of Artificial Intelligence with an example.


2 Describe Zero Sum Game problems with example.


3 Explain how a problem-solving agent works with an example


4 Write and Explain Minimax algorithm using 8 Puzzle game as example

problem. 10

5 Explain alpha Beta algorithm using traveling salesman as example

problem. 10

6 Illustrate about forward and backward chaining of inference system

with suitable example.

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