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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 53 2009

Comprehensive Study on the Linear

Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Truss Spar in
Random Waves
Roozbeh Mansouri, Hassan Hadidi

When water depth exceeds from a specific level, spar for its
Abstract—Truss spars are used for oil exploitation in deep and simple shape and structure is one of the most economic
ultra-deep water if storage crude oil is not needed. The linear choices. Classic spar and truss spar are more prevalent spars.
Classic spar is a deep draught, vertical, large diameter
hydrodynamic analysis of truss spar in random sea wave load is
cylindrical vessel. The top part of the hull provides the
necessary for determining the behaviour of truss spar. This buoyancy and the midsection provides plenty room for oil
understanding is not only important for design of the mooring storage. The lower compartment holds the ballast, which
controls the trim for spar. If storage of crude oil is not
lines, but also for optimising the truss spar design. In this paper
needed truss spar is used. The cylindrical midsection of the
linear hydrodynamic analysis of truss spar is carried out in classical spar is replaced with a truss framework and plated
frequency domain. The hydrodynamic forces are calculated using horizontal levels. These horizontal steel plates entrap the
the modified Morison equation and diffraction theory. Added mass water in vertical motions and bring the effective vertical
mass of the structure up to the same level as a classical spar.
and drag coefficients of truss section computed by transmission
Glansville mentioned a number of advantages of the truss
matrix and normal acceleration and velocity component acting on spar over the classic spar, such as less steel for construction,
each element and for hull section computed by strip theory. The simpler and cheaper; less drag area therefore reduced
stiffness properties of the truss spar can be separated into two
mooring loads, and less drag when towed upright. In marine
dynamics, there are two basic approaches to solve the
components; hydrostatic stiffness and mooring line stiffness. Then, dynamic responses. This can either be done in the frequency
platform response amplitudes obtained by solved the equation of domain or via time domain analysis. Frequency domain
motion. This equation is non-linear due to viscous damping term analysis is performed for the linearised problem so; using an
iterative technique may include some non-linear effects. In
therefore linearised by iteration method [1]. Finally computed
contrast, time domain analysis utilises the direct numerical
RAOs and significant response amplitude and results are compared integration of the differential equations including all the non-
with experimental data. linearities. The results obtained by the frequency domain
technique are simpler to interpret and apply for further
Keywords—Truss Spar, Hydrodynamic analysis, Wave analysis [1]-[2]. Therefore, the frequency domain technique
spectrum, Frequency Domain is preferable as long as the non-linear effects are small. For
both cases, the equations of motion are the same, but their
I. INTRODUCTION formulation and approximation reflect the strengths and
limitations of the method used. Also, the non-linear time
B Y the discovery of the most main land oil fields
nowadays new oil and gas sources are being discovered
less than the past, on the other hand the population increase
domain analysis does not necessarily produce better results
compared to a simpler frequency domain analysis because of
other uncertainties in the interaction problem [2]. The
and economics developments in recent decade and more
Measurements and calculations showed that truss spars have
request for oil result in the increase of oil price so we can
better dynamic characteristics than same classic spars.
see oil production in the sea depths become more and more
Between wind, current and wave, waves are most important
economic .These days advanced countries are attacked to the
factor in exerting excitation loads on spar platforms. Purpose
deeper zones for discovering new sources. Platforms, FPSO,
of this paper is estimating wave loads on a specific truss spar
TLP and SPAR are suitable examples for deeper zones.
and determining its dynamic response to random sea waves.
This analysis is necessary to show that if a plan is desirable.
R. Mansouri is with School of Marine Science and Technology, The numerical results presented in this paper are compared
University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, IRAN. (Corresponding author to
provide phone: +98-711-6306016; fax: +98-711-6306016; e-mail:
with the experimental and numerical results reported by
Roozbeh_sas@ Stansberg et al [3], and Downie et al [4]. Details of the
model and experimental set-up are given by Downie et al
H. Hadidi is with School of Marine Science and Technology,
[4]. Nygaard et al [5], and, Stansberg et al [3]. The model
University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, IRAN. (Corresponding author to
provide phone: +98-711-6306016; fax: +98-711-6306016; e-mail: was built to 1:100 scale and consist of a conventional spar
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 53 2009

shaped upper hull and a lower truss section. It was designed matrices of added mass, damping, restoring and excitation
and constructed at the University Of Newcastle, UK. The force, the truss spar divided into three sub-structures; hull,
main dimensions are shown in Fig. 1. In this paper two truss and heave plates. Also, by assuming that there will be
different types of solid square heave plates were used. The no hydrodynamic interaction between the substructures, each
sides of the large plates are 33.5m and the small plates are substructure can be analysed separately. The wave frequency
29.5m. response analysis is performed by combining two sub
problems. First, the loading from the incident waves are
calculated when the structure is restraint from moving. Then,
the reactive added mass, damping and restoring terms are
obtained by oscillating the structure in otherwise calm water.
First form called radiation problem and second form called
diffraction problem.


In this paper for computed matrices of added mass,
damping and excitation forces of truss section used the
transmission matrix. By transmission matrix, transfer
different parameters from wave reference system
( x w , y w , z w ), and structure reference system (X, Y, Z) to the
member reference system (u, v, w). All needful parameters
calculated in the member reference system and then
transferred into the structure’s reference system (Fig. 2).

Fig.1 Geometry and Dimensions of the Truss Spar [6]


The rigid body motions can be modeled by Newton's
Fig. 2 Reference systems
Second Law of Motion, Which in general is given in the
following form:
For obtained the transmission matrix let us consider a Fig.
3. Let i, j and k be the unit vector along m-, n- and q-axis,
MX&& = ∑ Fi (1)
respectively. Similarly, let i’, j’ and k’ be the unit vector
along the u-, v- and w- axis, respectively.
For a truss spar, (1) takes the form:

(M + m )X&& + B X& X& + KX = F (t ) (2)

Where M, m, B and K are the matrices of physical mass,
added mass, quadratic damping and stiffness
respectively, X , X& and X&& are the structural displacement,
velocity, and acceleration vector respectively and F(t) is the
excitation force vector. The presence of non-linear damping
and restoring forces make (2) non-linear therefore the non-
linear damping and restoring stiffness must be linearized.
The non-linear damping term is linearized by assuming an
effective linear damping which would dissipate the same
energy at resonance as the non-linear damping [1]-[7]. Also,
for mooring lines one can assume that the restoring mooring
force change linearly when given a small change in Fig. 3 (u, v, w), (m, n, q) and (X, Y, Z) coordinates systems
displacement from steady state position. For computed

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 53 2009

Therefore, the relationship between the (u, v, w) and (m, n,- −1

⎧ X ⎫ ⎡ψ 11 ψ 21 ψ 31 ⎤ ⎧ u ⎫ ⎧ X 1 ⎫
q) coordinate systems as follows: ⎪ ⎪ ⎢ ⎥ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪
⎨ Y ⎬ = ⎢ψ 12 ψ 22 ψ 32 ⎥ ⎨ v ⎬ + ⎨ Y1 ⎬ (8)
⎪ Z ⎪ ⎢ψ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪
u = mψ 11 + nψ 21 + qψ 31 ⎩ ⎭ ⎣ 13 ψ 23 ψ 33 ⎥⎦ ⎩w⎭ ⎩ Z1 ⎭
v = mψ 12 + nψ 22 + qψ 32 (3)
Since, direct cosines matrix is orthogonal, we can say that
w = mψ 13 + nψ 23 + qψ 33 inverse matrix equal to transpose matrix. Equation (8)
therefore may be written as follows:
⎧X ⎫ ⎡ψ11 ψ 21 ψ 31 ⎤ ⎧u ⎫ ⎧X1 ⎫
rr r r
ψ 11 = i .i ′ = i . i ′ . cos θ = cos (m, u ) ⎪ ⎪ ⎢ ⎥ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪
rr r r ⎨Y ⎬ = ⎢ψ12 ψ 22 ψ 32 ⎥ ⎨v ⎬ + ⎨ Y1 ⎬ (9)
ψ 21 = j .i′ = j . i′ . cos θ = cos (n, u ) ⎪ Z ⎪ ⎢ψ ψ ψ ⎥ ⎪w⎪ ⎪Z ⎪
rr r r ⎩ ⎭ ⎣ 13 23 33 ⎦ ⎩ ⎭ ⎩ 1 ⎭
ψ 31 = k .i′ = k . i′ . cosθ = cos (q, u )
rr r r
ψ 12 = i . j ' = i . j ' . cos θ = cos (m, v ) By (9) we can transfer different parameters from member
rr r r reference system into the structure reference system.
ψ 22 = j . j ' = j . j ' . cos θ = cos (n, v ) (4)
rr r r
ψ 32 = k . j ' = k . j ' . cos θ = cos (q, v ) IV. CALCULATION OF ADDED MASS COEFFICIENTS
rr r r The added mass concept arises from the tendency of a
ψ 13 = i .k ' = i . k ' . cos θ = cos (m, w) submerged body moving acceleration realative to the
vr v r surronding fluid to induce accelerations to the fluid. These
ψ 23 = j .k ' = j . k ' . cosθ = cos (n, w) fluid accelerations require forces which are exerted by the
rr r r
ψ 33 = k .k ' = k . k ' . cosθ = cos (q, w) body through a pressure distribution of the fluid on the body.
Since the submerged body, in effect, imparts acceleration to
some of the surronding fluid, this phenomenon can be
Equation (3) in matrix form can be written as follows: equated to the body having an added mass of fluid attached
to its own physical mass [8]. For computed added mass
⎧ u ⎫ ⎡ψ 11 ψ 21 ψ 31 ⎤ ⎧m ⎫ coefficients, the truss spar divided into three sub-structures;
⎪ ⎪ ⎢ ⎥⎪ ⎪ hull, truss and heave plates. The added mass coefficients
⎨ v ⎬ = ⎢ψ 12 ψ 22 ψ 32 ⎥ ⎨ n ⎬ (5)
calculated for each sub-structure then we can simply add the
⎪w⎪ ⎢ψ ⎪ ⎪
⎩ ⎭ ⎣ 13 ψ 23 ψ 33 ⎥⎦ ⎩ q ⎭ results together to find the added mass coefficients of whole
structure. The added mass coefficients are determined from
the solution to the radiation problem. In this case, the Truss
Also from Fig. 3 we have: Spar oscillating in otherwise calm water.
For truss section added mass coefficients computed by
transmission matrix and normal acceleration acting on each
⎧m = X − X1
⎪ circular cylinder. The derivation of the generalized added
⎨n =Y −Y1 (6) mass matrix for an arbitrarily oriented circular cylinder
⎪q = Z − Z depends on the assumption that only added mass forces
⎩ 1
normal to the cylinder axis are significant [8]. The added
mass force of circular cylinder with length l when given
Therefore the transmission matrix with substituting from normal acceleration aN is [8]
(6) into (5) yields,

FNA = AF .l.a N (10)

⎧ u ⎫ ⎡ψ 11 ψ 21 ψ 31 ⎤ ⎛ ⎧ X ⎫ ⎧ X 1 ⎫ ⎞
⎪ ⎪ ⎢ ⎥ ⎜ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎟
⎨ v ⎬ = ⎢ψ 12 ψ 22 ψ 32 ⎥ ⎜ ⎨ Y ⎬ − ⎨ Y1 ⎬ ⎟ (7)
⎪w⎪ ⎢ψ ⎜ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎟
⎩ ⎭ ⎣ 13 ψ 23 ψ 33 ⎥⎦ ⎝ ⎩ Z ⎭ ⎩ Z1 ⎭ ⎠
AF = C a ρπr 2 (11)
Where ( X 1, Y1 , Z1 ) is coordinate of one end of the
cylinder and ψ ij ' s (i, j= 1, 2, 3) are the direction cosines. AF , is the added mass force per unit length of a circular
By (7) we can transfer different parameters from structure cylinder with radius r when given unit acceleration. C a , is
reference system into the member reference system. Now for the added mass force coefficient and ρ is the density of
transfer the parameters from member reference system into water.
the structure reference system we can write:
For circular cylinder, C a = 1 . From (7) we obtain
u&& = ψ 11 X&& + ψ 21Y&& + ψ 31 Z&&
v&& = ψ X&& + ψ Y&& + ψ Z&&
12 22 32
&& = ψ 13 X&& + ψ 23Y&& + ψ 33 Z&&
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 53 2009

Since we assumed that the platform oscillates in the X and

Y directions only, therefore, Z&& equal to zero. Substituting
from (10), (11), (12) into (9) yield
⎧AFlψ11X&& + AF lψ21Y&&⎫
⎧F A.T
⎫ ⎡ψ11 ψ21 ψ31⎤

⎪ ⎢ ⎥ ⎪ ⎪
a32 = a22
X m − a12
Ym (18)
⎬ = ⎢ψ12 ψ22 ψ32⎥ ⎨AF lψ12X&& + AF lψ22Y&&⎬ (13)
⎨F heave
⎪F A.T⎪ ⎢ψ ψ ψ ⎥ ⎪A lψ X&& + A lψ Y&&⎪
⎩ sway⎭ ⎣ 13 23 33⎦ ⎩ F 13 F 23 ⎭ To obtain the added mass force due to pitch acceleration
one needs to find the linear acceleration at a point (X, Y, Z)
By expansion (13), we obtained the added mass due to the angular acceleration θ&& . The tangential
coefficients for the coupled translational motions: acceleration is given as:

a11 (
= AF l ψ 122 + ψ 132 ) AN = θ&&.R (19)
a = AF l (ψ 12ψ 22 + ψ 13ψ 23 )

= AF l (ψ 22ψ 12 + ψ 23ψ 13 )
T Or as X- and Y components:
a21 (14)
a22 = AF l ψ 22
+ ψ 23
) Y
AXN = − AN . sin θ = −θ&&.R. = −θ&&.Y
For computing added mass coefficients, a31 , a32 , we must X
AYN = AN . cosθ = θ&&.R. = θ&&. X (20)
first obtain the added mass forces on strip of length du of the R
cylinder due to surge and heave motions, these strip forces
will contribute to a pitch moment due to the lever arm R (see Then the added mass force on a strip with length du due
Fig.- 4) then, obtain the total pitch moment due to surge and to pitch acceleration is given as:
heave accelerations by integrating along the cylinder.
a11T N aT
dF1,A3.T = . AX .du + 12 . AYN .du
lT l l l
a21 aT
F3A,1.T = ∫ X&& du. X − ∫ 11 X&& du. Y T
a 21 a T

l 0
l dF2A,3.T = . AXN .du + 22 . AYN .du (21)
l l
= (a T X − a T Y )X&&
21 m 11 m (15)
Now substituting from (20) into (21) and integrating along
Where: the cylinder axis the added mass coefficients becomes

X1 + X 2 Y + Y2 T
a13 = a12
X m − a11T Ym
Xm = , Ym = 1 (16)
2 2 T
a23 = a22
X m − a21
Ym (22)

Therefore, we find the added mass coefficient, a31T The added mass coefficients for pitch moment due to
pitch acceleration are obtained by first transforming the
a31 = a 21
X m − a11
Ym (17) angular acceleration into linear acceleration in X- and Y-
direction. These linear accelerations are causing added mass
forces on the cylinder, which again results in a pitch moment
due to the lever arm R. The expression for the total moment
is given as

l l l
a11T && 2 aT aT
F3A,3.T = ∫ .θ .Y .du − ∫ 12 .θ&&. XY .du − ∫ 21 .θ&&.YX .du
l 0
l 0
l T
a 22
+∫ .θ&&. X 2 .du (23)

Therefore, by integrating along the cylinder axis the

added mass coefficient become:

a33 = a11
.Yn − a12
. XYn − a21
. XYn + a22
.X n (24)

Fig. 4 Definition of velocity, acceleration, moment lever,
forces and moments
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 53 2009
l to surge and heave accelerations by integrating along the
Xn =
l ∫0
X 2 du = X 12 + X 1 X 2 + X 22
) hull.
( ) (25)
1 2 1 0

l ∫0 F3A,1. H = − ∫ Ca ρπr 2 ( y − YG ) dy. X&&

Yn = Y du = Y12 + Y1Y2 + Y22

( )X&&
( XY )n = 1 ∫ XY du = 1 (2 X 1Y1 + X 1Y2 + Y1 X 2 + 2 X 2Y2 ) = Ca ρπr 2 d . YG + d
l0 6
For spar hull, added mass coefficients in surge and pitch
can be obtained by using strip theory as described by
Faltinsen and Newman [9]-[10]. The added mass coefficient
in heave can readily be obtained by using a flat disk (
a31H = Ca ρπr 2 d . YG + d
) (31)
approach if one assumes the bottom to be far below the free
surface. Let us consider a spar hull as shown in the following Since, spar hull is vertical and symmetric body, therefore:
F3A, 2. H = 0 → a32
=0 (32)

To obtain the added mass force due to pitch acceleration

one needs to find the linear acceleration due to the angular
acceleration θ&& . The tangential acceleration is given as

AN = R.θ&& (33)

Or as X- and Y components:

AXN = − R.θ&&
AYN = 0 (34)

Fig. 5 The spar hull in waves In which,

From strip theory, the added mass force in surge is given as R = ( y − YG ) (35)

F1,A1. H = ∫ Ca ρπr 2 dy. X&& = Ca ρπr 2 d . X&&
Then the added mass force on a strip with length dy due to
pitch acceleration is given as

a11H N
Therefore dF1,A3.H = . AX .dy
a11H = Ca ρπr 2 d (27) aH
dF2A,3.H = 22 . AYN .dy (36)
For heave motion, when using the disc approach, it becomes
[8] Now substituting from (34) and (35) into (36) and
integrating along the hull axis the added mass coefficients
18 becomes
a22 = ρ r3 (28)

( )
a13H = a11H . YG + d
Since the water is only accelerated on one side of the disc. H
a23 =0 (37)
The spar hull is vertical and symmetric body, therefore:
The added mass force in pitch can be written as
F A, H
1, 2 =0→a =0 H
dF3A,3. H = −dF1,A3.H .R
F A, H
2 ,1 = 0 → a21
=0 (29)
a11H &&
= . θ . ( y − YG ) . dy
For computing added mass coefficients, a31 , a32 , we must (38)
first obtain the added mass forces on strip of length du of the
spar hull due to surge and heave motions, these strip forces Therefore, by integrating along the hull axis the added
will contribute to a pitch moment due to the lever arm mass coefficient become:
( y − YG ) (see Fig. 5) then, obtain the total pitch moment due
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 53 2009

⎡d 3
⎤ u& = ψ 11 X& + ψ 21Y&
a33H = C a ρπr 2 ⎢ + YG d + YG d 2 ⎥
⎣3 ⎦ v& = ψ 12 X& + ψ 22Y& (45)
w& = ψ 13 X& + ψ 23Y&
The added mass coefficient for a square heave plates is
given as [8]
Substituting from (43), (44) and (45) into (9) yield
= Ca ρ
a22 B3 (40) ⎧Fsurge
⎫ ⎡ψ11 ψ 21 ψ 31 ⎤
4 ⎪ D.T ⎪ ⎢ ⎥
Where ⎨Fheave⎬ = ⎢ψ12 ψ 22 ψ 32 ⎥ ×
⎪ F D.T ⎪ ⎢ψ ψ ψ ⎥
⎩ sway ⎭ ⎣ 13 23 33 ⎦
Ca ≅ 0.58
(41) (46)
⎧ DF l.ψ11. ψ11 . X& . X& + DF l.ψ 21. ψ 21 . Y&. Y& ⎫
⎪ ⎪
V. CALCULATION OF VISCOUS DAMPING COEFFICIENTS ⎨DF l.ψ12. ψ12 . X& . X& + DF l.ψ 22. ψ 22 . Y&. Y& ⎬
There are two types of hydrodynamic damping forces that ⎪D l.ψ . ψ . X& . X& + D l.ψ . ψ . Y&. Y& ⎪
may be experienced on the floating structure which oscillate ⎩ F 13 13 F 23 23 ⎭
near or on the free surface [7].
By expansion (3), we obtained the damping coefficients
1. Wave damping forces due to the dissipation of energy in for the coupled translational motions:
the form of surface waves generated by the rigid body
motion. (
b11T = DF l ψ 122 . ψ 12 +ψ 132 . ψ 13 )
2. Viscouse damping forces due to turbulent flow and flow bT
12 = D l (ψ
F 12 .ψ 22 . ψ 22 + ψ 13 .ψ 23 . ψ 23 )
separation in the lee of body. bT
21 = D l (ψ
F 22 .ψ 12 . ψ 12 + ψ 23 .ψ 13 . ψ 13 )
The viscous damping force is nonlinear. For the truss spar
b22 = D l (ψ
22 . ψ 22 + ψ 23
. ψ 23 ) (47)
the wave damping is assumed to be insignificant and T T
- Computing drag coefficients, b b
31 , 32 :
therefore neglected. The viscous damping force is assumed
to be significant for the truss section and steel plates, but
T l
also important for the spar hull. This force is proportional to b21 bT
the velocity squared given as [1], F3D,1.T = ∫ X& . X& du. X − ∫ 11 X& . X& du. Y
l 0
Fi ,dj = bij X&j . X&j (42) (
= b21
X m − b11T Ym X& . X& (48)
Where, bij , is the viscous damping coefficient.
X1 + X 2 Y + Y2
The viscous damping coefficients can be obtained in a Xm = , Ym = 1 (49)
similar way as for the added mass coefficients, except that 2 2
the force is now proportional to the velocity squared instead
of the acceleration normal to the cylinder axis. Therefore, we find the drag coefficient, b31T :
For truss section damping coefficients computed by
transmission matrix and normal velocity acting on each T
b31 = b21
X m − b11T Ym (50)
circular cylinder. The derivation of the generalized damping
matrix for an arbitrarily oriented circular cylinder depends
on the assumption that only damping forces normal to the Similarly,
cylinder axis are significant [1]. The drag force of circular
cylinder with length l when given normal velocity U N is
b32 = b22
X m − b12T Ym (51)

FND = DF .l.U N .U N
(43) - Computing drag coefficients, b13 , b23 :

Where: The tangential velocity is given as:

DF = ρ C D r (44) U N = θ&.R (52)

DF , is the drag force per unit length of a circular cylinder Or as X- and Y components:
with radius r when given unit velocity. C D , is the drag force
coefficient and ρ is the density of water. U XN = −U N . sin θ = −θ&.R. = −θ&.Y
For circular cylinder, C D = 0.6 . From (7) we obtain R

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 53 2009
U YN = U N . cosθ = θ&.R. = θ&. X 1 2
l ∫0
(53) IY = Y Y du

Then the added mass force on a strip with length du due ( )

⎧sign(Ym ) Y13 + Y12Y2 + Y1Y22 + Y23 4 for Y 1Y2 ≥ 0

to pitch velocity is given as: (
= ⎨ sign(Y2 ) Y13 + Y12Y2 + Y1Y22 + Y23
) Y14
for Y 1Y2 < 0
⎪ 2(Y2 − Y1 )
b11T bT ⎩ 4
dF1,D3.T = . U XN . U XN du + 12 . U YN . U YN du (61)
l l l
1 2
l ∫0
b T
bT IX = X X du
dF D.T
2 ,3 = 21 . U XN . U XN du + 22 . U YN . U YN du (54)
l l
( )
⎧sign( Xm ) X13 + X12 X2 + X1 X22 + X23 4 for X 1X 2 ≥ 0

Now substituting from (53) into (54) and integrating along
the cylinder axis the drag coefficients becomes (
= ⎨sign( X2 ) X13 + X12 X 2 + X1 X22 + X23
) X14
for X 1X2 < 0
⎪ 2( X 2 − X1 )
⎩ 4
F1,D3.T = −b11T θ& . θ& . Y p + b12T θ& . θ& . X p
T &
F2D,3.T = −b21θ . θ& . Y p + b22
T & &
θ .θ . X p (55) l
l ∫0
I YX X = YX X du

b13T = b12T X p − b11T Y p ( ) (

⎧Y2 X12 + 2 X1 X 2 + 3X 22 + Y1 3X12 + 2 X1 X 2 + X 22 )
for X 1 X 2 ≥ 0

⎪ 12
b =b Xp −b Y
( ) ( )
23 22 21 p
⎪ Y X 2 + 2 X1 X 2 + 3X 22 + Y1 3X12 + 2 X1 X 2 + X 22
=⎨ 2 1
⎪ 12
⎪ X13 (4Y1 X 2 − 3Y1 X1 − Y2 X1 )
⎪+ for X 1X 2 < 0
( ) 6( X 2 − X1 )
⎪⎧sign( X m ) X 1 + X 1 X 2 + X 2 3 for X 1 X 2 ≥ 0 ⎩
l 2 2
X p = ∫ X X du = ⎨
l ( )
⎪⎩sign( X 2 ) X 13 + X 23 3( X 2 − X 1 ) for X 1 X 2 < 0 (63)

( )
⎧⎪sign(Ym ) Y12 + Y1Y2 + Y22 3 for Y1Y2 ≥ 0 1
l ∫0
I XY Y =
1 XY Y du
Y p = ∫ Y Y du = ⎨
l ( )
⎪⎩sign(Y2 ) Y13 + y 23 3(Y2 − Y1 ) for Y1Y2 < 0
( ) (
⎧ X 2 Y12 + 2Y1Y2 + 3Y22 + X 1 3Y12 + 2Y1Y2 + Y22 ) for Y1Y2 ≥ 0

T ⎪ 12
- Computing drag coefficient, b 33 : ( ) (
⎪ X Y + 2Y1Y2 + 3Y2 + X 1 3Y12 + 2Y1Y2 + Y22
=⎨ 2 1
2 2
⎪ 12
dF3D,3.T = −dF1,D3.T .Y + dF2D,3.T . X (58) ⎪ Y1 (4 X1Y2 − 3X1Y1 − X 2Y1 )

⎪+ for Y 1Y2 < 0

6(Y2 − Y1 )

Now substituting from (54) into (58) and integrating along
the cylinder yields,
l l - Spar Hull
b11T & & 2 bT
F3D,3.T = ∫ .θ θ .Y Y .du − ∫ 12 .θ& θ& . XY . X .du
l 0
l The viscous damping force on the spar hull is assumed to
l T l be significant in surge and pitch only. The damping
b21 bT
−∫ .θ& θ& .YX . Y .du + ∫ 22 .θ& θ& . X 2 X .du coefficient for the spar hull can be obtained by strip theory,
l 0
l as for added mass.From strip theory, the damping force in
surge is given as
Therefore, by integrating, the added mass coefficient
F D. H
1,1 = ∫ C D ρ rX& X& dy = C D ρ rd . X& X& (65)
b33 = b11T .I Y − b12T .I YX X
− b21
.I XY Y + b22
.I X (60)
b11H = C D ρ rd (66)

The spar hull is vertical and symmetric body, therefore:

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 53 2009

=0→b =0 ⎛ bH
( )⎞⎟⎟.( y − Y
F1, 2 12
= −⎜⎜ 11 . − θ&( y − YG ). − θ&( y − YG ) dy G ) (75)
F2D,1, H = 0 → b21H = 0 ⎝ d ⎠
Therefore, by integrating along the hull axis the added
H H mass coefficient become:
- Computing drag coefficients, b31 , b32 :
⎧ H H⎛d
3 ⎞
0 ⎪ 33
b = b ⎜
11 ⎜ + YG d 2 + YG2 d + YG3 ⎟⎟ for YG < − d
F3D,1. H = − ∫ C D ρr ( y − YG ) dy. X& X& ⎪ ⎝ 4 2 ⎠

⎪b H = b H ⎛⎜ YG + d + Y d 2 + 3 Y 2 d + Y 3 ⎞⎟
4 3

= C D ρrd . YG + d
)X& X& (68) ⎪ 33

11 ⎜
⎝ 2d 4
G G ⎟

for YG ≥ −d

Therefore: (76)

b31H = C D ρrd . YG + d
) - Heave Plates

(69) The drag coefficient for a square heave plates is given as

Since, spar hull is vertical and symmetric body, therefore: [8]

F3D, 2. H = 0 → b32H = 0 (70)

b22P =
1 P
CD ρ B 2 (77)
- Computing drag coefficients, b13H , b23
The tangential velocity is given as:
CD = 2


The stiffness properties of the truss spar can be separate
Or as X- and Y components:
into two components; hydrostatic stiffness and mooring line
stiffness. The mooring characteristic is non-linear, but one
U XN = − R.θ& can assume that the restoring mooring force change linearly
U YN = 0 (72) when given a small change in displacement from a steady
state position. Also, for small amplitudes, the hydrostatic
Then the drag force on a strip with length dy due to pitch restoring forces are linearly proportional to displacement.
velocity is given as: The linear stiffness matrix can be written as

b11H N N K = K hydrostatic + K mooring (79)

dF1,D3.H = .U X U X .dy
The hydrostatic component obtained from basic stability
dF D. H
2,3 = 22 .U YN U YN .dy (73) theory, which gives the following coefficients:
K 22 = ρgAw = ρgπr 2
Now substituting from (72) into (73) and integrating along
π r4
K33h = ρg∀(GM ) = ρg∀( yB − yG ) + ρg
the hull axis the drag coefficients becomes:
⎧ H H ⎛ 2YG
d2 ⎞ 4
⎪b13 = b11 .⎜⎜ + + YG2 + d.YG ⎟⎟ for YG < −d
⎪ ⎝ 3d 3 ⎠ The restoring coefficients due to mooring stiffness can
⎨ also obtained if one assume the mooring stiffness to be
H ⎛d ⎞
⎪ H
⎪b13 = −b11 .⎜⎜ 3 + YG + d.YG ⎟⎟ for YG ≥ −d
linear. Let K x , be the horizontal mooring stiffness, then
⎩ ⎝ ⎠ [11],
b23H = 0 K11m = K x
K13m = K x ( y p − yG )
K 31m = K x ( y p − yG )
The drag force in pitch can be written as
dF3D,3.H = − dF1,D3.H .R K 33m = K x ( y p − yG )

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 53 2009

VII. CALCULATION OF EXCITATION FORCES Where U& x and U& y are the horizontal and vertical fluid
The first order wave exciting forces and moments on the particle acceleration. By using (83), trigonometric identities
truss spar are loads on the stationary structure due to linear and integrating, the expressions above can be rewritten as
incident waves (Diffraction problem). The methods used are
very much dependent on the size and geometry of the
ψ 132 + ψ 232 i (kX +φ ) k (ψ
structure. The truss spar consists of a large volume hull and
a truss section with slender structural members. Diffraction
FIw = A
k (ψ 21 + iψ 11 )
e [e
1 1 21 + iψ 11 )l
− 1 e −iωt
of waves becomes important on the spar hull and Morison’s
ψ 122 + ψ 222 i (kX +φ ) k (ψ
approach will give a good approximation for calculating the
forces on the truss section where diffraction is small. Since
FIv = A
k (ψ 21 + iψ 11 )
e [e
1 2 21 + iψ 11 )l
− 1 e −iωt (85)
the truss section is far below the free surface, and drag force
decay fast with depth, the drag forces are assumed to be
negligible. Further, by assuming that there is no interaction
between the structural components, the structure can be
separated into smaller sub structures. In other words, the A=− (1 + Ca )ρgπr 2 H w k e k (Y1+YG )
forces are calculated seperately for each structural 2
component, then added together to obtain the total wave ψ ψ
tan φ1 = 13 , tan φ2 = 12 (86)
exciting force on the truss spar. ψ 23 ψ 22
- Truss Section Further, the inertia term of the pitch moment is given as

[ ]
The truss section is a framework of circular members with
Ae ikX1
different dimensions and inclined in different directions. MI = ψ ψ 122 + ψ 222 e iφ2 − ψ 32 ψ 132 + ψ 232 e iφ1 ×
This complex geometry makes it difficult to predict the wave k (ψ 21 + iψ 11 ) 33
excitation forces. By assuming that there will be no
⎡⎛ 1 ⎞ k (ψ 21 +iψ 11 )l 1 ⎤
hydrodynamic interaction between the memebers each ⎢⎜⎜ l − ⎟⎟e + ⎥+
member can be analysed separately. Then the forces for each ⎣⎝ k (ψ 21 + iψ 11 ) ⎠ k (ψ 21 + iψ 11 )⎦
member are summed together to obtain the total force. The FIw ( X 1ψ 23 − Y1ψ 13 ) + FIv ( X 1ψ 22 − Y1ψ 12 )
drag force is assumed to be insignificant and is therefore
neglected. The Morison equation reduces to the inertia term (87)
only. A modified inertia term of Morison’s equation can be
written as There is a special case for ψ 11 =ψ 21 = 0, i.e. the strip force
remains constant along the member. Then (85) and (87)
dF n = (1 + C a )ρπr 2 a n (82) reduces to

Where Ca is the added mass coefficient and an is the fluid 2 i ( kX1 +φ1 )
FIw = A ψ 132 +ψ 23 e l e−iωt
acceleration normal to the cylinder axis, evaluated at the
2 i ( kX1 +φ2 )
center of the cylinder. The radius of the cylinder is r. For FIv = A ψ 122 + ψ 22 e l e − iωt (88)
simplicity, let the structure reference system be aligned with
the wave reference system except for the origin. The orogin [ 2 iφ 2
M I = Ae ikX1 ψ 33 ψ 122 + ψ 22 2 iφ1
e −ψ 32 ψ 132 + ψ 23 e ] l2 +

is placed at the center of gravity instead of the mean free

surface. (See Fig. 2), i.e. FIw ( X 1ψ 23 − Y1ψ 13 ) + FIv ( X 1ψ 22 − Y1ψ 12 )

xw = X When the local member forces and moment are calculated

by (85) and (87) or (88), it can be transformed into global
y w = Y + YG (83) forces along the principal axis, given by
zw = Z
FX = ψ 13 FIw +ψ 12 FIv
The total inertia force is obtained by integrating this strip FY = ψ 23 FIw + ψ 22 FIv (89)
force along the cylinder axis. The force components in the MZ = MI
member reference system’s v- and w-direction can be shown
to be [7],
Then the forces and moments from each truss member are
added together to obtain the total force on the truss section.
⎧l l

FIw = (1 + Ca )ρπr 2 ⎨∫ψ 13U& x du + ∫ψ 23U& y du ⎬
- Spar Hull
⎩0 0 ⎭
⎧ l l
⎫ The total surge force acting on the spar hull have been
FIv = (1 + C a )ρπr 2 ⎨∫ψ 12U& x du + ∫ψ 22U& y du ⎬ (84) approximated using the linear diffraction theory of McCamy
⎩0 0 ⎭ and Fuchs [12], although strictly speaking it applies to a
bottom standing cylinder, and the spar hull is a truncated
cylinder. The force can be written as [13],

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 53 2009

2 ρgH w
F1H =
[ ]
A(kr ) 1 − e −kd e iα1 e −iωt
The heave force for a plate now becomes

H w ρπ 2 ky1 3 −iωt
A(kr ) =
1 (90) F2P = −CaP ω e BP e (96)
J 1' (kr ) + Y1' (kr )
2 2
The total wave exciting force on the truss spar is obtained
J ' (kr ) by adding the contributions from the spar hull, the plates and
tan α1 = 1'
Y1 (kr ) truss section.

Where d is the distance from bottom of the hull to the free VIII. SOLUTION OF MOTION EQUATION
surface (see Fig. 5), and r is the radius of the hull The response of a truss spar in waves can be obtained by
and J1' (kr ) , Y1' (kr ) are the first order Bessel functions of solving (2) when the force components are known. The
first and second kind, respectively. viscous damping term gives a non-linear term in the equation
of motion and must therefore be linearised [1]-[7]. This can
Weggle & Rosset [14], derived an expression for the total be done by using the equivalent damping term. In other
vertical diffraction force on truncated cylinder range of kr words, let Bnleq approximate Bnl X& in (2) so that they both
values, (0 < kr < π ) .The expression was obtained by dissipate the same energy at resonance. This gives
comparing the Froude-Krylov force on the bottom of a
truncated cylinder with the vertical diffraction force obtained 8ω
B nleq = B nl X 0 (97)
in experiments. From this comparison a diffraction 3π
coefficient (1 − 0.5 sin (kr )) was obtained. The Froude-Krylov
force can be obtained by integrating the dynamic pressure Where X 0 , Y0 and θ 0 are the amplitudes in surge, heave
over the bottom of the spar hull. Therefore: and pitch, respectively.
Introducing the equivalent linearised damping term into
⎛ J (kr ) ⎞ −kd +iα2 −iωt (91)
F2H = ρgH wπr 2 [1 − 0.5 sin(kr )] ⎜ 1 ⎟e e (2) gives a new set of equation, which must be solved by an
⎝ kr ⎠ iterative technique [1]. Equation (2) can now written as

The pitch moment can be obtained by integrating the (M + m )X&& + Bnleq X& + KX = F0 e − iωt (98)
product of the surge force given in (90) and lever arm R (see
Fig. 5) along the cylinder axis. The pitch moment is given as When, complex notation is used. The solution is assumed
to be harmonic, i.e.
dM Z = −rdFX (92)
X = X 0 e − iω t (99)
2 ρgH w ⎡⎛ 1⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞⎤
M 3H = 2
A(kr )⎢⎜ YG + ⎟ − e −kd ⎜ YG + d + ⎟⎥ e iα1 e −iωt Where, X 0 , is a complex amplitude vector. The time
k ⎣⎝ k⎠ ⎝ k ⎠⎦ derivative of X is given:
- Heave Plates X& = − iω X 0 e − iωt

Since these solid plates are located far below the free X&& = −ω 2 X 0 e − iωt (100)
surface drag forces are assumed to be small and therefore
neglected. Also, there will not by any Froude-Krylov force Introducing (99) and (100) into (98) gives
due to the infinitesimal thickness. The plates do not
contribute to the surge force and pitch moment is assumed to
be small and neglected. The only significant wave force
[− ω 2
(M + m ) − iωBnleq + K ]X 0 e −iωt = F0 e − iωt (101)
component on the plates is the vertical acceleration
force.The heave force on square, solid plate at the depth And the solution becomes
y = y1 is then given as
X 0 = − ω 2 (M + m ) − iωBnleq + K ]−1
F0 (102)
F =M
P A. P
2 .U& y (94)
The response amplitudes are now given as complex
Where U& y the vertical fluid particle acceleration is is
evaluated in the center of the plates, and M 2A.P is the added ⎡ X 1 ⎤ ⎡ X 1Re + iX 1Im ⎤
mass coefficients for solid plate given as [15], ⎢ X ⎥ ⎢ Re ⎥
⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢X 2 + iX 2Im ⎥
ρ X0 = ⎢ . ⎥ = ⎢ . ⎥ (103)
M 2A.P = CaP π BP3 (95) ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
4 ⎢ . ⎥ ⎢ . ⎥
Where CaP = 0.58 and B p is solid plate side. ⎢⎣ X n ⎥⎦ ⎢ X nRe Im ⎥
+ iX n ⎦

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 53 2009

Where the magnitude is

- Wave frequency response
max ( X i ) = X i = (X ) + (X )
Re 2
Im 2
The surge, heave and pitch responses of the truss spar are
derived for a sea-state defined by the JONSWAP wave
The response amplitude operator, RAO, is defined as the spectrum, with a significant wave height of 15m and a peak
response divided by wave amplitude [16]. spectral period of 15s.
The RAOs for the truss spar with large and small heave

RAOi =
(X ) + ( X )
Re 2
Im 2
plates are shown in the following figures. The estimated
values are plotted together with the experimental results.
0.5 H w 0.5 H w

The RAOs can be combined with a wave spectrum to

obtaine the response spectrum. The response spectrum of the
ith mode of motion is given as [16], 1.2 Measured

RS i (ω ) = RAOi S (ω )

Surge RAO (m/m)


The response spectrum can thereafter be used to obtaine 0.6

the significant response amplitude given as [16]

∞ 0.2

X sig , i = 2 ∫ RS (ω )dω
(107) 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Wave Frequency (rad/sec)

- Natural Frequency Fig. 6 Estimated and measured surge RAO with large, solid
heave plates.
The responses are expected to be significant at the
structures natural frequencies (or resonance frequency)
where the mass and restoring forces cancel. At or near these
resonance frequencies, the truss spar will experience
response of large amplitudes. However, these resonance
responses are inversely proportional to the damping so that
large damping gives small response. The undamped and
uncoupled natural frequency is given as Estiamted
k ii
ω n, i =
Pitch RAO (deg/m)

(108) 0.8
M ii + m ii
- Natural Frequency
In Table I, the natural frequency in heave, surge and pitch
compared with measured values reported by Stansberg et al 0
[3]. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Wave Frequency (rad/sec)

Natural frequencies
Fig. 7 Estimated and measured pitch RAO with large, solid
Surge Heave motion Pitch motion heave plates.
motion L.P S.P L.P S.P

Estimated 0.0123 0.197 0.247 0.102 0.102

Measured 0.0123 0.209 0.251 0.102 0.097

0 -5.74 -1.59 0 5.15

L.P, large heave plates; S.P, small heave plates

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 53 2009

1.4 1.6
Estimated Estimated
1.2 1.4
Measured Measured
Su rg e RAO (m/m)

Heave RAO (m /m )

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Wave Frequency (rad/sec) Wave Frequency (rad/sec)

Fig. 11 Estimated and measured heave RAO with small,

Fig. 8 Estimated and measured surge RAO with small, solid solid heave plates.
heave plates.

In Figs. 6, 7, 8,9,10 and 11, the RAOs estimated by (105).

Estimated For the truss spar with small and large, solid heave plates are
Measured compared with the experimental results reported by Downie
et al [4]. The measured RAOs for surge and heave
Pitch RAO ( deg/m)

0.8 displacement shows a small scattered formation. The

estimated surge RAO correlates well with the measured
0.6 RAO as a mean value. A local peak at the pitch natural
frequency can be observed on the surge RAO. This is due to
0.4 the coupling effect between surge and pitch. The estimated
pitch RAO seems to be slightly over predicted compared to
the experimental results. A small change in mass moment of
inertia can give significant change in the pitch RAO, and
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 since this is a large uncertainly in the input data, this is also
Wave Frequency (rad/sec) expected to reflect the results. Nevertheless, the results are
still comparable, even though it over predicts the measured
Fig. 9 Estimated and measured pitch RAO with small, solid
results. The theoretical heave RAO shows good agreement
heave plates.
with the experimental results.
The significant wave frequency response amplitudes
obtained from the simulation and the experiment are
1.2 summarized in Table II.
1 Measured TABLE II
The significant response amplitude
H eave RA O (m /m )


Surge Heave motion Pitch motion

0.6 motion L.P S.P L.P S.P
Estimated 4.508 0.581 1.058 2.672 2.334
Measured - 0.360 1.040 2.336 2.574
0 Deviation
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 - 61.38 1.73 14.38 -9.32
Wave Frequency (rad/sec) L.P, large heave plates; S.P, small heave plates
Fig. 10 Estimated and measured heave RAO with large, For heave result where slightly over predicted.
solid heave plates.
In this article, the linear hydrodynamic analysis of a truss
spar in random waves has been formulated and investigated
theorically for three modes of motion. This investigation was
done in order to understand the dynamic behaviour of a truss

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 53 2009

spar in waves. Drag forces has been neglected, but viscous Engineers, ISOPE, Los Angeles, USA, pp. 273-280, ISBN 1 880653
23 0 (vol. 1), 1996.
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- Numerical data Structures,” van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, USA.
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[16] A. Incecik, “Lecture notes in mar855 advanced offshore design,”
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I 33 = 297000000 tonne − m 2 ; a11 =50502.43tonne; 1999.

a12 = a 21 = 0; a 22 =150423.78 tonne (large heave

plate); a 22 =76092.88 tonne (small heave plate);
a13 = a31 =-388068.6tonne-m; a 23 = a32 =0;
a33 =51143498.77 tonne − m 2 .
Restoring coefficients: K11 =15.5 kN/m; K 31 = -155kN;
K13 = -155kN; K 22 = kN/m. K 33 = 3317284.381 kN.
Damping coefficients: b11 = 1385.57tonne/m;
b13 = 8379186.21tonne-m; b31 =67151.33 tonne;
b33 = 1118595134.39 tonne − m 2 ; b22 =8387.01tonne/m
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