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Class Reunion - Budget Template

**Enter the number of estimated reunion attendees in the yellow box

Friday Welcome Reception
Guests 50

Catering $ 670.00

Liquor licence $ 50.00

$ 25.00
$ 100.00
Reception Expenses $ 845.00

Saturday Afternoon
Tour of Life Sciences Bldg FREE
Gift for tour guide $30.00
Beaty Biodiversity Museum 600
Tour total $1,130.00

Sat evening dinner 50

Dinner $ 3,750.00

Bartender fee $ 300.00

Wine on tables w dinner
AV fees $90
Floral centerpieces $150


Dinner Expenses $ 4,290.00

Misc Reunion Expenses

Postage $155

Credit card fees $ 200.00

Misc Expenses $355

To cover unexpected expenses $250

Subtotal $ 6,869.80
5% gst $ 343.49
TOTAL $ 7,213.29
Per person cost $ 144.27
nion attendees in the yellow box


Enter number of guests estimated

cheese, antipasto, fruit platter - $30 pp

cash bar

non alcoholic drinks

contact alumni office to set up tour


3 course dinner at MET-= $75

applicable if cash bar sells less than $300 total

include if having this option
projection screen & set up (assuming lap top & projector is brought in)

Estimated at a class with 125 classmates, typically we only have

mail contact information for 60 people x 3 mail outs (Save the Date, Registration mail out & Reminder)
$3.70 per transaction

Round number up for estimated ticket price per person for the reunion

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