Teddy: Written by Shitiz Srivastava

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Written by Shitiz Srivastava


Rohini Sub city.

An old man is found murdered in his home sitting in his chair in the most relaxed position. It looked like he
died thinking about something. There is no blood spilled and there are no suggestions of struggle. Nothing
stolen from the house.

Model town.

A mid age working woman is found dead in her apartment lying on bed like she was planning on her, what
looked like, suicide. Again, no blood spilled, nothing stolen and no signs of struggle.


A young boy is found dead with his head lying on his PC and facebook opened to it in the same conditions of

Delhi Crime Branch. Sector 18 . Rohini.

ACP Ishika Talwar (31) has a bad day at office and a very bad hair day. Everybody is commenting about her
looks and she is getting conscious about them too. She receives a call from her senior officer that there is a
high profile murder happened in a prime area of city, of the wife of a rich business man who has recently
turned politician. It needs immediate attendance and she has to go there. Following the orders, Ishika picks
the phone and before she could finish her coffee or could check her mails, she gets to leave.

Business man's House.

Ishika reaches the crime scene and there is already a paraphernalia of investigating officers that has swarmed
in the crime scene. Forensic researchers have reached there. She is the youngest yet senior most so she
immediately goes the business man, Harish Saxena (43) who is sitting crying and simultaneously angry on
police men for unreasonable reasons. The moment Ishika arrives there, he starts to lament the fact that how
his wife was such a nice person and how she could never do anything wrong in her life and yet she has been
killed by someone for whatever motives. He blames himself for her death for he feels that if would have
never entered into the dirty world of politics, his wife would have been alive today.

Ishika assures Harish that best of the best man will be employed in his service and soon the killer will be
caught. Harish loses his temper as he is already out of his mind and starts scolding Ishika about Delhi Police
about how incompetent they are. Ishika tries to maintain her cool and tell him that she will do whatever is
there in her powers to do. Harish claims he will complain about everything to home minister about how
when maximum Delhi Police security was given to him (after he turned a bureaucrat) could someone just
comes inside his house and kills his wife. He asks Ishika to bring their best man for investigation and also tells
her that he will bear all the costs.

Listening to this Ishika takes a huge sigh as she didn't want the situation to reach to this climax where she
would have to call him. She takes out her mobile. A subordinate comes to her and asks her not to do it. She
looks at him in contempt and asks in return for a better solution. Subordinate yields and retreats to his place.
She calls.

Hotel Room.

A phone is seen ringing inside a hotel room.

Phone cuts. Desperate, she calls again.

Again the same phone is seen ringing. No one picks it.

She sends a message.

Phone message ringtone buzzes. A moaning sound comes and a hand falls on the phone casually. We pull
back to reveal that a man inside clear white linen sheet is lying on bed with a beautiful woman sleeping next
to him. She is sleeping like she has not slept for ages. He picks the phone and gets up looking around
sheepishly. There is a glass half full of whiskey lying on the table. He drinks it. He picks the phone again and
reads the message. Reaches for his clothes. Wears the jeans and leaves the hotel room topless.

Crime scene.

The same man in black aviators and dark stubble reaches the crime scene in a taxi. Pays some handsome
amount to taxi guy in a little drunkard manner and moves ahead. Everybody outside is looking at him. None
were expecting him there and none wanted him there. He comes inside, looks around and walks in a dreary
manner. Ishika is embarrassed to see him. Ishika introduces the man to that politician and refers to him as her
best man to solve the case. Politician starts shouting at Ishika as he realizes that the man called is drunk. The
man starts to go back as he doesn't want to work, had finally an excuse not to work and is in haste to leave.
Ishika keeps pushing the man back to the place where he was standing. After a bit of meaningless heated
conversation between Ishika and Harish, Ishika finally convinces Harish to let this man see the crime scene
once. The man starts dozing off in dark glasses while standing. No one is able to guess it until snoring sound
starts to come. Ishika pushes to wake him up. He gets up and asks whether he is allowed to see crime scene
or whether he could leave. Ishika order him to go inside as Harish has finally agreed. He moves to the place
uninterested. He goes inside the room where the killing was done. They all wait. After few seconds all
forensics guys comes out. They complain that he has thrown everyone of them out of the room. Ishika is
constantly looking at time. Harish is getting impatient and is alternately swinging between calmly sitting mode
to shouting at her. Half an hour passed. The man comes out of the room and without saying anything
immediately walks out.

Unable to understand what just happened, Ishika follows him and everyone remains surprised. The man goes
directly to the police car and sits inside. She asks the man what happened and he replies that he has solved the
case. She asks how and what and he replies that the murderer is Harish himself and starts sleeping with his
mouth open. Ishika is shocked and reconfirms from him. He is indifferent to the gravity of case and tells her
that he is very much sure that Harish himself has killed her. Ishika smiles a bit and asks him to wait in the car.
She calls her senior and tells him the whole story but her senior tells her to leave the case and come back as
they cannot lay any hand on the man right now and also asks her to keeping the investigation on and not to
trust the man. Ishika replies affirmative perfunctorily but she is convinced that whatever that man has told
her is true. She moves inside and lies to everyone that the man who just left couldn't find anything. She takes
a leave from Harish assuring him that she will soon find the culprit and gives a evil smile to herself which
Harish feels suspicious about but prefers to ignore.

Ishika comes back to her police car and drives. The man is inside the car.

The name of the man is Teddy (33).

Inside the car she asks him how he found out and he reveals the whole process he did inside that room, what
he found, techniques and theories he had used to find the culprit. She is amused and tells him how she feels
that she didn't so any mistake bailing him out of drug case he was brought into and how psyched she is with
his amazing powers of mind to analyze things. She had previously bailed him out and became his parole
officer with special demand from government. She keeps on praising him, Teddy is uninterested and sleeps
again. She takes him to the crime branch while he was expecting that he would take him to his apartment.

He wakes and wonders why she has taken him to the crime branch Office. She tells him that he has to sign
his weekly parole papers. He comes inside. They both sit inside her cabin. She orders coffee for him. It is
evident that she has a likeness towards him but though adamant womanizer he never shows any signs of
interest towards her. While drinking coffee she makes some redundant conversations to which he replies
cordially but in least interested manner. Her boss calls her again and she takes a leave. Teddy is left alone in
the room but bored by sitting alone for long, his eyes falls on a file lying in front of him. Bored he picks the
file and starts to read it.

Ishika is in his boss's cabin where he tells him that they have to leave the case to CBI or leave it like that as
they cannot convict this fellow Harish, in case he had done the crime, since he belongs to the ruling party.
Ishika is irritated by the fact and all her arguments against it falls back to her face where she is reminded to do
what she is told. Irritated she leaves the room.

She comes back to the room and finds that Teddy is not there. She is surprised when Teddy suddenly enters
inside the room again with two more coffees in his hand, is more energetic and in mood of humor. She is
surprise by his sudden mood swing. She gets this hunch that something is in fact going in his mind and he
wants something from her which he knows that she might refuse. She finally asks him what is it that he wants
and he begs her to give him the case of three murders that happened in different parts of the city in last
fifteen days.

She immediately says no as it would be too much trouble involving him in this case considering his methods
of investigating. He blackmails her saying that even if she won't give him the case he is going to do his own
research anyways. She smiles naughtily at him. He is still busy trying to make his point. She keeps staring at
him so he further asks whether he can thank him or just do things on his own. She tells him to thank her.
Teddy smiles and hurriedly leaves. Ishika calls someone on telecom and asks him to keep an eye on Teddy.

These are just first fifteen minutes of story. If you like it I will give you more otherwise we can call it quits for this one. Once this
finalizes, will give the complete investigating process and the murder solving story. If you want any change or have better ideas, we
can work on that too.

Thank you.

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