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Jonash C.


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In every time I heard the word philosophy it always come into my mind that philosophy is
not just a subject that you need to pass but it is the subject that you need to practice because
in every words that comes out from the word Philosophy deep words that you need to
understand and know how this words has been created, why this words is hard to understand
and who is the author of this freaking and unable to understand words. Philosophy is
everything, everything has a hidden philosophy. I have learned a lot in philosophy like
ecology, a science that deals with the relationship between groups of living things and their
environment and ecology conscience is a simple living that honors the right of all life forms.
in this world human and environment are stick together to make the world to be better but it
turns to a war between humans and nature. Ecocentic is the ecology against human and
Anthropocentic is the human against environment. Ancient thinkers like Anaximander and
Pythagoras. Anaximander said that there is creation and destrucution, cosmagory and
opposite forces. Pythagoras has bophilia and cosmophilia. Bophilia is love of the other things
and cosmophilia is love of other beings. Modern thinkers like Immanuel Kant, Herbert
Mancure, and Gorge Herbert Mend. Immanuel Kant said that orderliness harmony and beauty
is the true reality. Herbert Mancure said that change our view above and environment.
George Herbert Mend said that we just don’t only have rights, we have duties; how we react
to our community. There are overview about truth. First Phenomenology is the truth based on
the person’s consciousness. Second Existentialsm is the truth based on exercising choices and
personal freedom. Third Postmodemism is accepted that truth is abosolute and fourth is logic
that the truth is based on reasoning and critical thinking. I learned the Pilipino thinking has
philosophy too like holistic and interior dimensions are terms show sharing of one’s self to
others. Put one touch with his fellow beings. The values of loyalty, hospitality and respect to
authority are such values of that relate the persons. In short Pilipino believe in the innate
goodness of the human being. Pilipino philosophy of Time, Pilipino have this idea which in
Pilipino called wheel of fortune. Life is a series of ups and downs for Pilipinos. Pilipino time
is mistakenly interpreted as always delayed in the committed time of arrival. This is
misleading since farmers often are early risers. The concept of siesta time or power naps is
also important for Pilipino culture. The come what may is one of the most outstanding
Pilipino virtues. It is also perceived as courage to take risk. In philosophy it maybe more that
I need to learn and that what I want to do, to learn more in philosophy work hard and read.
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I know my rate of understanding things is not quite better but I can be successful philosopher
like them that make the world in understandable. Philosophy subject was the best subject
because it makes my mind understand the truth. I always practice my self to able to
understand more philosophy words and sentences. Thank you sir Cyril John Cosep to share
your wonderful experience and knowledge about the philosophy. I appreciate all of your
concerns, teaching ability and make us know about the truth of life. People nowadays are not
knowledgeable and do not know the truth of life. All of your teaching I will share to others so
they can have such a little knowledge of the truth of life. I will not forget all of what you said
to us and make the world in better place. I always thanks that I have a teacher like that has
care about all living things and make the class enjoy. I wish that there is more teen agers
would appreciate of what you want the world be and make the mind of teen agers be changed
and knowledgeable. I like the philosophy because it makes all of unexplained things to have
the truth meaning and its beginning, in every time I read philosophy books it always blow my
mind because of its unable to understand words, sentence, and meaning, because of my
teacher he makes the philosophy clearly to understand and make the lie to truth. In the future
I always carry the knowledge of the philosophy and it’s meaning. The meaning of wonderful
life and nature. In the past months I realize that philosophy is good in my life because I saw
the truth meaning of life and philosophy are not hard to forget but it’s hard to understand
because of it’s deep meaning, words, and sentences. I will not forget all of the studies that we
do, philosophies that our teacher said and the enjoyment that he gave us just to learned and
have knowledge about the philosophy. The first time I saw my teacher I thought that he will
be the scariest teacher but he make our day funny and he is like a comedian in room but if we
don’t do his task that he gave us he getting mad but he is giving a second chance because he
understand that all student have responsibilities to do first and he understand that we need to
do our teen agers hobbit, he said that he experience all of teen agers hobbit, like cutting
classes, drinking alcohol, and playing video games that until now he plays video games like
DOTA 2. This year philosophy will be the best and in next sem I wish that some of subject
will be accurate to me and has a good teacher. In this world that full of war and dangerous
threat, I want the people to have a philosophy thinking so that they can think clearly, think
every decisions they do, have peace to each other, be as one, no fight, no war, believe in one
God, see the truth, make fun and have a truth of lfe.

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