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Part 1: An essay

Housework responsibilities

I agree with the statement. To my mind, is important to share the responsibilities

referred to the housework, even if we are talking about teenagers. In fact, maybe is more
important that young people are involved in these daily activities. First of all, it seems to
me that if teenagers do not have that kind of implication and parents do everything for
them, they will not learn how to live and survive in the “real world”.

About who have more time, parents have to work more hours than we have to study, so
it is necessary to implement a co-working system at home. Also and talking from my
point of view, most of housework is done by our mothers and it is not fair. Finally, I
have to highlight that if you are living somewhere, you have to collaborate. I am not
defending to be cleaning all day, it is just about share in an equally way.

My impression is that anyone do housework better than others, in many cases is about
practice (cooking, for example), but now-a-days, there are a lot of house activities in
which is necessary push a button.
Part 2: An article

About my free time!

First of all, I would say that I do not have a lot of leisure-time, also because I prefer to
have things to do rather than spend time without sense. Maybe I am such a
“workaholic” because I am always studying in some way.

I mean, I obviously have free time, but I really love what I am studying and languages,
so, as one of my favourite activities I would choose listening podcast while I am
walking around the city. Most of this podcasts are from Spotify, in other languages
(mainly English or Italian) and with different topics. Maybe you are thinking that is one
of the most boring activities, but yesterday I heard one about sociology, power and
fashion and the relationship between these concepts.

At the beginning I had my doubts because I had some prejudices about hearing that kind
of content, but, how I said, there are a lot of topics which can be adapted to all the

In conclusion, listening podcast is something that maybe people with our age do not do
usually, but is a good way to improve your skills and knowledge.

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