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Excursion to London (140-190)

The purpose of this report is to explain why the excursion to London that we made the
last week was so successful for us as students. However, I would like to recommend too
some activities that we would like to do.

First of all, I have to congratulate the teachers for the organisation because it was
amazing. We leave our town exactly at the hour that was on the schedule so we arrived
thirty minutes earlier. They also contacted with different touristic guides, and I think
that they choose the best one because we could see all the city centre just in one
sightseeing tour.

The main inconvenient was related to the fact that the students at night made some noise
and it was hard to sleep in the bus, and that was an argument for complaining,
absolutely normal from my point of view because we were travelling since 6 a.m.

Due to this situation, it would be a good idea to book two buses: one for the people who
would like to sleep, read or other “silent” activities, and another one for the rest.
Reviewing my favourite café in town (140/190)

The café that I am going to talk is called “MOMO, coffee and books”. How you can
guess by the name, the “magic” of this places it is not just about the coffee.

First of all, they have a huge selection of food and drinks. You can try the best fruit
smoothies that you ever tried, and you can also eat some homemade cake, between you
can also find vegetarian options, which are so tasty too. They also prepare salad food,
like Italian focaccia or sandwiches. One of the things I like the most, is that the take
care of everyone, in the sense that they are prepared if their clients are allergic or
something. Because of this, when you are ordering something for eat, they inform you
about the ingredients.

But… What about the books?

They have their own library on the coffee!! You can pick a book, read it there and then
leave it again. Speaking personally, this is a marvellous option if you are going alone or
you really love to read.

In conclusion, the perfect place for doing whatever you want.

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