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& Phrasal verbs

By Tarun Grover
In this course, we’ll study :-

 Phrasal verbs (200)

 Frequently used words (200)
 Trending words (150)
 Previous year words (150)
Timing :-

 Monday to Friday

 6:30 pm
You can connect with me :-

Telergram – Tarun Grover English

Unacademy – Tarun Grover
Facebook – Tarun Grover
Instagram – tarunnn_grover
Phrasal verbs
Dispose to
46. Dispose to - willing or inclined favourably

•My friend is disposed to discussing the problems

•His temperament disposed him to argue readily with

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Do away with
47. Do away with - eradicate, put an end to, remove

•We should do away with social evils.

•These ridiculous rules and regulation should have
been done away with years ago.

Syno- eradicate, remove, abolish, eliminate,


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Do for
48. Do for –(active) to seriously damage something, or to seriously
defeat, hurt or kill someone

•Driving on those tough roads has really done for my car.

•Without that contract we are done for.

Done for (passive)- be ruined + to be about to die or suffer very

much because of a serious danger and difficulty

•If the guard sees us, we are done for.

•We all thought we were done for when the boat started to sink.
•He appears to be done for since he has lost heavily in gambling.
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Do for
49. Do for - serve the purpose

•This book will do for the Bank/SSC examination.

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Done with
50. Have - done with - have no relation, to deal
with and finish the whole matter

•I have done with him because of his dishonesty.

•I think I'll just sell all the furniture and have done
with it.

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Frequently used words
108. Ennui (N.) - mental boredom

A feeling of being bored and mentally tired caused by

having nothing interesting or exciting to do.

•He suffered from ennui whenever he was alone.

Syno- Boredom, tedium, lethargy,

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109. Exquisite (Adj.) - extremely beautiful and delicate

• Look at this exquisite painting.
• Exquisite work of art.

Syno- beautiful, lovely, elegant, graceful.

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intense or sharp

Used to describe feelings such as pleasure or pain that are

extremely strong, or qualities that are extremely good or great.

• Suffered exquisite pain.
• Felt exquisite pleasure.

Syno- intense, acute, keen, sharp, severe

Hint- please don't squeeze it. It's extremely beautiful.

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110. Encomium (N.) – praise a speech or piece of writing that
praises someone or something highly

• Every member of the family showered encomium on his grand

Syno- eulogy

Hint- INCOME- people of high income are formally praised for

their large donations.

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111. Erudite (Adj.) - having or showing great knowledge or learning

•I found him a charming and erudite companion.
•an erudite professor.

Syno- learned, scholarly, well educated, knowledgeable, well read, wll

informed, intellectual

Hint- taken from- rude+ite.. In olden days people who were highly educated
were basically very rude.. As they were having profound knowledge of a
subject they use to behave very rudely with less educated or illiterate

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112. Eschew (V.) - to avoid something intentionally or to give something

•We won't have discussions with this group unless they eschew
•he eschewed publicity and avoided nightclubs.

Syno- forgo, forswear, shun, renounce, relinquish, refrain from

Hint- es+chew= chewing a chewing gum is a bad habit while working in

an office, so you must avoid this habit.
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113. Epoch (N.) - period of time or era, especially one considered
remarkable or noteworthy.

•The Victorian epoch.
•The exact duration of Indus valley civilization epoch has not been
determined so far.

Syno- era, age, period, time, aeon, span

Hint- epics are based on epoch's

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134. Endemic (Adj.) - Prevalent in or limited to a particular
locality, region or people

•Endemic disease.
•Endemic unemployment.

Note- Endemic is found something in a certain place and is

ongoing, and epidemic describes a disease that's widespread.

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115. Expiate (V.) - make amends or reparation for - guilt or
wrongdoing/ atone for-

to show that you are sorry for bad behavior by doing

something or accepting punishment.

•To expiate a crime/sin.
•Their sins must be expiated by sacrifice.

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116. Exodus (N.) - a departure of a large number of people

•There has been mass exodus of workers from the villages to
the towns.

Hint- exodus.. Sounds like ek sau(100 in hindi)+ dus(bus)+=

means 100 buses carrying hundreds of pilgrims are just
leaving from the bus depot.

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117. Errant (Adj.) - erring or straying from the accepted course
or standards / behaving wrongly in some way

•An errant husband.
•Errant children/ youngsters.

Hint- Same as aberrant

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118. Errand (N.) - Short visit or fetch something

•I'll meet you at six, I have got some errands to do/run first.
•My servant has gone on errand to fetch rations.

Syno- task, job, chore, assignment.

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119. Emancipate (V.) - to free from bondage, repression, liberate

•Female emancipation.
•Emancipated the slaves.

Syno- liberated, independent, unconstrained, unrepressed, free

Hint- cip=ship, a man is set free to travel in ship to his own


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120. Facile (Adj.) - done or achieved with little effort or
difficulty, easy.

•A facile victory.
•A facile performance.

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ignoring the true complexities of an issue, superficial
- simplistic, oversimple, superficial

•We don't need another facile solution to a complex
•A facile answer to a hard question.

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expressing yourself clearly, smoothly, easily, fluently

•a facile writer
•a facile writing style.

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