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& Phrasal verbs

By Tarun Grover
In this course, we’ll study :-

 Phrasal verbs (200)

 Frequently used words (200)
 Trending words (150)
 Previous year words (150)
Timing :-

 Monday to Friday

 6:30 pm
You can connect with me :-

Telergram – Tarun Grover English

Unacademy – Tarun Grover
Facebook – Tarun Grover
Instagram – tarunnn_grover
Phrasal verbs
Do without
51. Do without - manage without

•she could do without food for a day.
•we cannot do without fan in summer.

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Done in
52. Done in
extremely tired or exhausted

•you look done in.
•I was really done in after the game.
•I'm really done in! I think I'll go to bed.

Syno- worn out, weary, strained

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Draw up
53. Draw up
to write, compose or draft

•I was busy drawing up the plans for the new course.
•I've drawn up a list of candidates that I'd like to interview.

Draw up - come to halt or stop

•All the taxis drew up in front of the station.
•driver drew up the car at the red light.

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Draw on/upon
54. Draw on/upon –
someone or something- to use something as a resource + to use someone or
something in a beneficial way)+ (to extract from a resource or reserve etc.

•I may have to draw on to your advice in order to complete this project.
•If I run out of cash. I'll have to draw on my savings account.

Draw on - to approach
•the lost campers became more worried as the night time drew on.
•the night is about to draw on.

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Drop in
55. Drop in
to pay a short unannounced visit

• Example-
I thought I'd just drop in and see how you were.
• I dropped in for a few minutes to ask about his

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Frequently used words
121. Foolhardy (Adj.) - unwisely bold or venturesome
recklessly bold, rash

•Many believe that trying for impossible things is foolhardy
•Foolhardy enough to try to seize the gun from the hijacker.
•A foolhardy sailor would take the risk of sailing in bad weather.

Syno- reckless, rash, incautious, careless, heedless, unheeding,

thoughtless, unwise, imprudent, impulsive

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122. Fiat (N.) - an order given by a person in authority

•Government fiat.
•The court issued a fiat to both the parties to maintain
status quo.

Hint- Fiat is such a good car that is has a "command"

on the other cars.

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123. Fitful (Adj.) - irregular - often stopping and starting and not
happening in a regular or continuous way

•fitful breathing.
•A fitful sleep.

Syno- intermittent, sporadic, spasmodic, broken, disturbed,

irregular, abruptly

Hint- fits and start.

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124. Fraught (Adj.) - filled with something undesirable, and
unpleasant things such as problems and dangers

•Marketing any new product is fraught with danger.
•The negotiations have been fraught with difficulties right from the
•Security problems on our borders is fraught with danger.

Syno- full of, filled with, loaded with, charged with

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causing extreme worry or anxiety

•the atmosphere in the office is rather fraught.
•she looks rather fraught, a fraught situation.

Syno- anxious, worried, upset, distraught, distressed

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125. Fortitude (N.) - courage in pain or adversity

•She endured her illness with great fortitude.
•One must face the problems of life with fortitude.

Syno- courage, bravery, strength

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126. Ferment - a state of confusion, change and lack of order or

•Commotion and agitation.
•The resignation of the president has left the country in ferment.

Syno- tumult, bustle, flurry, hubbub, stir, fuss, clamor.

Hint- ferment- firm+end= firm means stable, ferment brings end

to firmness.

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127. Franchise (N.) - a right to sell a company's products in a particular
area using the company's name

•a fast food franchise.
•A franchise holder.

the right to vote in an election, especially in order to elect a parliament

or similar law-making organization
•American women worked for decades to win the franchise.

Hint- Any company can open its branches(franchise)

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128. Foible (N.) - a minor weakness or failing of character

A strange habit or characteristic that is seen as not important

and not harming anyone

•We all have our little foibles.
•They have to tolerate each other's little foibles.

Syno- weakness, failing, flaw, imperfection, defect, fault,

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129. Flout (V.) - reject, openly disregard- a rule, law – disobey

- to intentionally not obey a rule, law, or custom.

•Many motorcyclists flout the law by not wearing helmets.

Syno- defy, refuse to obey, go against, rebel against

Hint- Flout= foul+out= when a player is sent out by foul, the

player shows his contempt for the refree.

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130. Furtive (Adj.) - secretive, surreptitious, stealthy, sneaky

behaving secretly and often dishonestly

•She entered the room with furtive steps to avoid the attention
of the teacher.

Hint- one who is Fartive has to expel farts stealthily.

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131. Flair (N.) - natural ability to do something well

•Our Pm has flair for glib talk.
•She had a flair for interior decorating.
•He has a flair for mathematics.

Syno- aptitude, talent, gift, instinct, ability, capability,

capacity. skill

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stylishness and originality

•She dressed with flair.
•To dress with flair.

Syno- style, elegance

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You can connect with me :-

Telergram – Tarun Grover English

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