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The center of disease control and prevention has been active on common illnesses for decades

however a lag was present in previous decades. Common illnesses were categorized as flu and
cold etc. However CDC realized that people visit to health care department would be more
optimum for diagnosing and reporting techniques. Kinsa, the main candidate, has to face a lag in
whole process. She had to collect the health data and pinpoint flu hotspots before any report from
CDC comes to exposure. The information was coined according to study carried out in health
informatics journal 2020. Moreover according to Mr. Singh, Kinsa real time data is important
during the present stage of global pandemic. Every single count matter in present case. The data
can be stored with smart thermometers and bluetooth technology where temperatures and
location would be directly linked to Kinza database. It would also benefit company to map the
pattern of pandemic. Mr. Singh states that “Knowing starting point of pandemic is crucial as it
raises intent to curb next pandemic from its origin. You should trace it down in real time? Mr.
Singh further states that “You should have knowledge about severity, time and symptoms for the
worst case”. All base on the use of geological information and integration”. Using the method,
Kinsa may be able to predict flu outbreak within 20 weeks period. Moreover it would be based
on specific cities. It can finally be an answer for COVID-19 and fight against survival. “We have
limited resources and testing kits; we have limited number of ICU beds; we are also limited in
terms of ventilators. The main argument is based on resources and allocation in required time”
These were the thoughts quoted by Mr. Singh. Moreover he further stated that “You need to
identify fever clusters and make decision for test kits”. Kinsa can become a health tool as more
of the country is practicing laws for social distancing. “In time health intervention can help to
flatten the curve and in achieving this objective we certainly require information about hotspots
and transmission map”

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