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Activity – Investigating Rocks

I. Objective

To describe and identify different characteristics of rocks

II. Materials Needed

• Rock samples
• Index Cards

III. Procedure

1. The students will bring rock samples. They will describe the rock samples they brought
and record their observation on the index card. One index card for each rock samples.
2. Observe the rock closely with your eyes.
3. Hold the rocks and feel them. Observe the rock’s shape and texture as well as color, size,
and arrangement of crystals or grains. Write all your observations on the index cards.
IV. Data and Observation
Color Streak Texture Size Crystal/Grains
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
Sample 4
Sample 5

V. Analysis
1. What can you say about rocks based on your observations?
2. Can the rocks be gathered into one group? What kind of evidence do you have to suggest
that these rocks all should be placed in one group?
3. How are the rock samples different or similar from each other?
4. Where did you obtain each rock? What ideas do you have about how each type might
have been formed?
V. Conclusion

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