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Plant Ecology 153: 23–38, 2001.

© 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Forest canopy research: sampling problems, and some solutions

Martin G. Barker1 & Michelle A. Pinard2

1 Department of Plant and Soil Science, University of Aberdeen, Cruickshank Building, Aberdeen AB24 3UU, UK
(E-mail:; 2 Department of Forestry, University of Aberdeen, MacRobert Building, Aberdeen
AB24 5UA, UK

Key words: Canopy access, Replication, Research methodology, Sample, Tree crowns

Conducting research in forest canopies is accompanied by both opportunities and difficulties. Opportunities occur
because the canopy is important in overall forest structure and function, for example in containing a high proportion
of species richness, being the site of forest-atmosphere fluxes, and in strongly influencing understory microclimate.
However, despite this importance, the canopy has been largely neglected by researchers, until recently. Many
difficulties in forest canopy research apparently arise from problems related to access. In a survey of 112 canopy
researchers, examples of problems cited include: bias in the selection of study species or sampling locations;
difficulties in obtaining adequate replication; problems in collecting data in a three-dimensional, complex envi-
ronment; logistical constraints in moving between canopy sampling points; and, disturbance, sometimes including
interference of the object being studied (i.e., ‘demonic intrusion’) caused by access. Many of these problems
have at least partial solutions. These include: using multiple access techniques to give greater sampling flexibility;
identifying appropriate units of replication within the canopy; using ground-operated canopy sampling methods;
and, using protocols for unbiased and systematic data collection in three-dimensional sampling space. Designing
experimental protocols for work in the canopy requires at the outset the allocation of time and resources for
anticipating and overcoming the particular sampling problems associated with the work.

Introduction cause and a consequence of significant advances in

canopy access techniques (Barker & Sutton 1997).
A tree’s a tree. How many do you need to look at? As awareness and use of improved access methods
(Ronald Reagan; speech, 12 September 1965). have increased, research opportunities and output have
grown (Nadkarni & Parker 1994; Nadkarni & Low-
Forest canopies have enormous importance in the man 1995). Nevertheless, many researchers regard dif-
overall functioning of forest ecosystems, and have ficulty of access as a major obstacle to their research:
been the focus of a rapid increase in research activity. 40% of researchers in a previous survey (Nadkarni &
Motivation for conducting canopy research includes Parker 1994) regarded access as a ‘very important’
the high species richness associated with the canopy obstacle to the advancement of science, greater than
(Allen 1996), the crucial role of the canopy in forest- any other obstacle. Even as access methodology is im-
atmosphere fluxes (Fitzjarrald & Moore 1995), and its proved, it seems likely that all methods will continue
dominating effect on understory microclimate (Bal- to have inherent sampling limitations (e.g., Reagan
docchi & Collineau 1994; Barker 1996). However, 1995; Barker & Sutton 1997; Bongers 2001).
practical difficulties in reaching sampling points in As problems of access are resolved, researchers
tall forests or within deep crowns has been a major need to determine what experimental work is possi-
obstacle in some studies (Schowalter & Ganio 1998). ble or, more importantly, impossible, using available
The growth of canopy research during the last two techniques for canopy access (Lowman & Wittman
decades (Moffett & Lowman 1995) has been both a 1996). To establish the potentials and the limitations

of experimental work in forest canopies, it is necessary The aim of this paper is to consider a simple but
to evaluate constraints to canopy sampling (Barker important question: does the choice or availability
1997). Relatively few publications refer to canopy of canopy access method affect the science that is
sampling issues (but see Kapos et al. 1993; Koch et al. being done in the canopy? This question applies to
1994; Baldocchi & Collineau 1994), however, above- both qualitative and, particularly, quantitative canopy
ground forest sampling strategies have been receiving science. The basic premise is that canopy scientists
increased attention since the mid-1980s (Gregoire & should apply the same rigor to their experimental
Valentine 1996; Basson & Bazzaz 1997). design as do their terrestrial-based colleagues.
The principal constraints to research specifically
imposed by limitations in canopy access are mainly
problems associated with the choice of site or study Sampling problems and solutions: a survey of
species, achieving adequate replication, avoiding dis- canopy researchers
turbance to the subject being studied, and working in
a heterogeneous, three-dimensional environment. In A survey was conducted among canopy researchers
this paper, we discuss these four possible problem using e-mail addresses mainly from the current listing
areas in turn although, in practice, they tend to be of the International Canopy Network (2103 Harrison
interdependent. NW, Suite 2612, Olympia, WA 98502-2607, USA)
Rather than attempting to review sampling limita- and the list of delegates at a European Science Foun-
tions throughout the range possible of canopy studies, dation conference on Tropical Canopy Research (Ox-
we focus instead on sampling issues emerging from ford, UK; 12–16 December 1998). We cannot be sure
comments made by 112 practising canopy scientists; how representative the respondents were of the wider
many of these (including ourselves) work predomi- community of canopy scientists, especially as those
nantly in plant sciences (68%) and in tropical coun- who responded were self-selected. However, we can
tries (62%; see below); some of the sampling issues at least conclude that those surveyed are interested or
raised in the paper reflect this bias. However, many of concerned in sampling issues, since they responded to
the problems discussed in this paper are generic and requests for information. A limitation of the survey
extend beyond tropical plant-based studies. is that only networked scientists were contacted and,
Wherever possible, we cite examples from pub- of these, 28% responded. Nonetheless, the numerous
lished sources to support the points made by the sci- canopy sampling issues raised were frequently raised
entists in our survey. The literature was searched using independently by more than one of the researchers
major databases (Tree , CAB Agricola , Forestry who responded, and were often also supported by pub-
Abstracts ), resulting in citations of studies (cf., re- lished material. For these reasons, we believe that
views) from 27 peer-reviewed journals. Where no such responses in the survey are likely to be broadly rep-
sources have been found, we have used personal com- resentative of opinions held by active scientists who
munications. After all, our main contention in this have considered possible canopy access influences on
paper is that sampling difficulties are rarely discussed sampling. The number of respondents to the survey
in scientific papers, perhaps because the experimen- was intermediate in size between previous surveys
tal design was modified to avoid such problems, or of canopy scientists by Stork & Best (1994) and by
because the problems were not recognised. Although Nadkarni & Parker (1994); both the previous studies
our main theme is in suggesting possible weaknesses focused on other issues in canopy research.
in canopy research due to access-related problems, we The survey (further details of which may be ob-
do not identify examples of specific studies which we tained from the corresponding author) was intended to
feel may have been undermined by such problems. elicit information without preempting responses. We
In evaluating possible consequences of canopy ac- asked researchers to choose which subject area(s) they
cess on experimental practice, there is a risk of over- worked in (from an initial list of 11 choices; Table 1),
emphasizing the limitations. Because of this, we have which canopy access method(s) they use (from an
tried whenever possible to suggest possible solutions initial list of 11 alternatives; Table 2), and which coun-
to apparent limitations, again, based on published ma- try/countries they conduct canopy research in. The
terial and personal communications with numerous remainder of the survey consisted of the four questions
canopy researchers. Inevitably, however, we will be (with three possible responses) shown in the captions
presenting more problems than solutions. for Figures 1–4. For each of these questions, we asked
Table 1. Distribution of canopy researchers surveyed across subject areas, with proportion of
study sites in tropical or temperate countries. The number of canopy researchers working in
each of the subject areas listed in the survey is presented, as is the total number of countries
listed by researchers working in each subject area. Sixty-seven percent of researchers complet-
ing the survey listed more than one subject area and most listed more than one country. Work
conducted in Brazil was assumed to be tropical and work conducted in the USA was assumed to
be temperate. As alternatives to the 11 subject areas listed in the questionnaire, subjects marked
* were suggested by some researchers.

Subject area Number of % Study % Study Total number of

researchers sites in sites in countries listed
tropical temperate
countries countries

Plant ecophysiology 35 73 27 52
Plant ecology 32 48 52 58
Biodiversity 30 75 25 59
Animal ecology 24 69 31 48
Canopy-atmosphere fluxes 24 23 77 35
Nutrient cycling 19 42 58 26
Micrometeorology 17 50 50 34
Herbivory 16 60 40 25
Plant systematics 9 91 9 10
Forest structure∗ 9 40 60 23
Pollination/fruit development 8 92 8 14
Animal behaviour 8 86 14 12
Animal systematics∗ 1 – – 1
Frugivory/seed dispersal∗ 1 – – 1
Population genetics∗ 1 – – None listed
All areas combined 234 60 40 398

respondents reporting ‘some limitations’ or ‘serious plant ecophysiologists conducting work in the tropics
limitations’ to provide further information including, was only marginally greater (p = 0.07) than expected.
if possible, means by which difficulties are overcome. No tests were conducted for subject areas with fewer
Contingency table analysis was used to compare than 10 researchers.
the relative frequency of observations across cate- A range of canopy access methods are used by the
gories for various groupings. Responses to the survey respondents to this survey (Table 2). A high proportion
were received from 112 canopy researchers; 60% of (66%) of canopy researchers use a combination of ac-
the countries in which the respondents work are trop- cess methods (see also Nadkarni & Parker 1994). The
ical, 40% temperate (Table 1). The number of study most common combination of methods involved the
sites listed in temperate versus tropical countries var- use of rope (either in single rope technique (SRT) or
ied by subject area (χ 2 tests, p < 0.001, using the arborist methods; see Barker 1997) and ground-based
eight subject areas listed most frequently in the sur- methods, consistent with previous observations (e.g.,
vey). For most individual subject areas, the proportion Lowman & Bouricius 1995). The relative frequency
of work being done in tropical versus temperate areas of canopy work in tropical/temperate sites varied with
was not different from the overall division between access method (χ 2 = 20.1, df = 8, p = 0.01; using
tropical and temperate work. However, not surpris- the eight access methods listed most frequently in the
ingly, for biodiversity studies proportionally more survey). Ropes were used in tropical sites more often
work was being done in tropical rather than temper- than expected (p = 0.03), and scaffolding was used in
ate countries (p < 0.03). In contrast, proportionally temperate sites more often than expected (p = 0.02).
more canopy atmosphere flux work was being done in Responses to the survey indicated that flexibility in
temperate areas (p < 0.001). The relative number of the choice of canopy access methods is an important
Table 2. Distribution of canopy researchers surveyed across access methods, with propor-
tion of study sites in tropical or temperate countries. Presented are the number of canopy
researchers surveyed using different access methods, either in combination with another
method, or as the main access method. As alternatives to the 11 methods listed in the
questionnaire, access methods marked ∗ were suggested by some researchers.

Access method All Main % Study % Study Total

users users sites in sites in number of
tropical temperate countries
countries countries listed

Ground access1 65 22 46 54 105

Rope 46 21 64 36 84
Tower/walkway 40 20 43 57 76
Ladder 24 5 60 40 40
Crane 20 8 56 44 39
Scaffolding 16 5 26 74 27
Remote sensing 14 0 33 66 21
Cherry picker / hydraulic lift 9 3 46 54 13
Spikes 5 1 77 23 13
Tree grippers2 4 0 86 14 7
Treefall / felling∗ 3 1 75 25 8
Free climbing 3,∗ 3 2 83 17 6
Local climbers 3,∗ 2 0 75 25 8
Dirigible / canopy raft 1 1 100 0 4
Helicopter∗ 1 1 Na Na 1
Boat4,∗ 1 0 Na Na None listed

Totals 236 90 51 49 452

1 Includes pole-pruners, binoculars, hemispherical photography, radio tracking, fogging.
2 ‘Swiss tree bicycle’.
3 With little or no specialised climbing equipment.
4 In periodically flooded forest.

means of increasing sampling capability. The general tively, automated instruments installed on towers, or
advantages or disadvantages of different access tech- bulky or delicate equipment for which rope access is
niques are described elsewhere (e.g., Lowman et al. not suitable.
1993; Lowman & Moffett 1995; Barker 1997; Barker Choice of canopy access techniques can influ-
& Sutton 1997). ence, and be influenced by, the objectives of the
A comparison of most frequently used canopy ac- research. Science usually begins with a question or,
cess methods in relation to the most frequently cited more formally, a hypothesis. In canopy science, there
subject areas indicated that the relative use of the dif- are important, unresolved hypotheses awaiting atten-
ferent methods varies by subject area (χ 2 = 40.5, tion from researchers (e.g. Smith 1973). However, in
df = 20, p = 0.004; animal ecology was not included canopy research detailed experimental plans cannot be
in the analysis) (Table 3). The frequency of respon- made until a decision has been taken on which canopy
dents using ropes was variable across the subject areas; access methods are appropriate and available. Other
ropes were used to a greater extent by researchers factors affecting choice of access method will also be
working in biodiversity and animal ecology, compared referred to in the following sections.
with other subject areas. Ropes presumably offer
rapid and flexible access for sampling in these sorts
of studies. In contrast, researchers studying canopy-
atmosphere flux or plant ecophysiology appear to use
ropes less frequently than other groups; we assume
that this is because these workers mostly use, respec-
Table 3. Distribution of canopy researchers in each of five most popular subject areas using the five
most popular access methods. Percentage of total researchers working in each subject area, using the
listed access method (actual number of researchers by access method listed parenthetically).

Subject area Tower or Ladder Rope Crane Ground All other

walkway access methods

Plant ecophysiology 21 (20) 8 (8) 10 (9) 15 (14) 20 (19) 26 (25)

Plant ecology 14 (10) 12 (9) 21 (15) 7 (5) 27 (20) 19 (14)
Biodiversity 13 (8) 8 (5) 32 (20) 8 (5) 26 (16) 13 (8)
Canopy-atmosphere fluxes 6 (3) 11 (6) 9 (5) 15 (8) 26 (14) 33 (18)
Animal ecology 12 (5) 5 (2) 33 (14) 2 (1) 29 (12) 19 (8)
All others 15 (35) 13 (29) 18 (41) 6 (14) 24 (55) 24 (54)

Effects of access method on choice of study site or access methods which require support from trees, size
study species of tree is an issue; ‘intermediate’ sizes may be too tall
to reach with ladders, but too small to support climb-
The location of access systems is often non-random ing by other methods (E. Braker, pers. comm.). The
and opportunistic. Sampling may also be arbitrary generally smaller size of mature trees in secondary
(referred to by Lowman (1997) as ‘reach-and-grab’), forest can limit safe access using ropes (F. van Dunne,
possibly being restricted to accessible parts of a crown pers. comm.).
(Schowalter & Ganio 1999). Potential sample material Ladders, though versatile and fairly mobile, often
may therefore be beyond reach (Elton 1973). Positions preclude studies within tree crowns. Sectional tree-
of sampling points may be unrepresentative, limited climbing ladders are fairly bulky and heavy (e.g., each
in number, or simply inconvenient. These constraints, 3-m section weighing 5–8 kg) but have been used
which are often unavoidable, appear to apply to most in Sarawak to access tops of trees 60–70 m, though
canopy access methods. We will describe sampling is- portage of the sections from nearest road is a limit-
sues associated with low- or high-tech access methods ing factor (K. Reynolds, pers. comm.). Free-standing
(sensu Barker & Sutton 1997) separately though the (guyed) ladders have been used in combination with
methods are often used in combination. pole-pruners to reach crowns up to 20 m (Morris
Low-tech canopy access methods Ground-based techniques (see Table 2 for exam-
ples of these) provide complete two-dimensional mo-
Low-tech methods such as bole-climbing, rope climb- bility, and are often used as a supplement to methods
ing and ground-based methods are generally highly giving direct access to the forest canopy. Many re-
mobile so, in theory at least, should not compel the searchers (58% in our survey) also use remote sam-
researcher to operate in a particular forest (or part of pling of the canopy from the ground as their main
forest), or to study a limited range of species. Sur- access method. Computer modelling allows estima-
vey results provide some support for this assertion tions from ground-based measurements, validated by
for rope access (Figure 1), but less so for ladders. some direct sampling in the canopy (M. Hanus, pers.
A high proportion of researchers (41% of those in comm.). However, many (68%) respondents using
our survey) use rope access methods, but climbing ground-based methods reported constraints on choice
by ropes is limited to large, healthy trees with con- of study species (Figure 1). The main problem seems
venient branches, and access to the outer canopy is to be in sampling or observing crowns of tall trees in
often limited (Nadkarni & Longino 1990; Longman multi-layered forests (e.g., Shaw & Bergstrom 1997).
et al. 1993; Moffett & Lowman 1995). However, there However, ground observations are easier if the site
are techniques for extending the horizontal range of topography allows viewing crowns from nearby ridges
sampling from ropes (e.g., Perry & Williams 1981; (M. Shanahan, pers. comm.). In cases where actual
Whiteacre 1981; Dial & Tobin 1994; Barker 1997). sampling (cf., observation) is from the ground, there
Vertical sampling range can be extended using pole- will be an influence on which trees (species or ages)
pruners (Mori 1995; Wieringa 1996). With low-tech

Figure 1. Effects of canopy access method on choice of study location or study species. The corresponding question in the survey was: do
canopy access problems impose limitations on which species, forest type or forest location are included in your studies? Respondents were
asked to choose one only of the three alternative responses: serious limitations; some limitations; no effect. Results are only for researchers
using one of the techniques shown here as their main (possibly only) access method. Sample sizes (number of respondents) are shown.

or lifeforms are accessible, though the experimental including some walkways, the use of light aluminium
design might not require higher access (e.g., Meinzer rather than traditional heavy construction materials al-
et al. 1995). lows access structures to be taken to more remote
In extreme cases, access to the canopy using low- parts of forests (Inoue et al. 1995), which presumably
tech methods is limited to particular seasons. For allows a greater choice of potential study locations.
example, ground-based access to the lower canopy in Hydraulic lifts (cherry pickers) often cannot be moved
northern boreal forests may depend on, or at least be away from roads, although they can be very effective
assisted by, increased snow depth at certain times of in forest-edge studies.
the year (Esseen & Renhorn 1996; Sorrensen-Cothern As with some low-tech methods, there are upper
et al. 1993). In periodically flooded forest, access is height limits that may exclude some studies using mo-
provided by boat (S. Filoso, pers. comm.). Whether bile towers and lifts (e.g., ca. 12 m; Morris 1955;
such seasonal phenomena constrain sampling regimes McCarthy 1988) and scaffolding towers (35 m; M.
presumably is subject dependent. Ryan, pers. comm.). However, these systems have an
advantage over static towers in allowing the height of
High-tech canopy access methods sampling positions to be adjusted over time to keep up
with height of fast-growing trees (e.g., in plantations)
There are high-tech access systems (e.g., hydraulic (J. Chambers, pers. comm.). Tall scaffolding can also
lifts, scaffolding, booms) that can be moved to differ- support platforms at a range of heights, providing ac-
ent locations within forests. In the case of scaffolding, cess throughout much of the forest profile (Bond et al.
at least, there are indications that there is little or no 1999).
effect on choice of study site or study species (Fig- There are differences in how sampling problems
ure 1). However, these systems are heavy and usually are dealt with by researchers using static versus dy-
depend on road access. This presumably restricts ac- namic high-tech methods. Static systems such as tow-
cess at some sites, or parts of sites, including those ers, walkways, and platforms occupy fixed locations
with soft substrate (Inoue et al. 1995; E. Middleton, within forests. Towers are inevitably located in canopy
pers. comm.), steep or unstable terrain, or in pro- gaps (Parker et al. 1992). The location of walkways
tected areas. In the case of smaller static systems, and platforms is often determined by the presence

of large, healthy support trees (Reynolds & Crossley from cranes in some cases also use rope access to
1995) and is dependent on the structural integrity of reach the inner parts of tree crowns, where the gondola
the forest (Moffett & Lowman 1995). Other factors cannot penetrate (Gilbert 1995). Further, a new gener-
which influence the location of towers and walkways ation of cranes have a much increased sampling foot-
include topography and also the demands of tourism, print: examples include the Surumoni (Venezuela) and
since many of these large, expensive structures are Wind River (USA) cranes (see Sutton 2001; Szarzyn-
built wholly or partly for use by forest visitors (e.g., ski & Anhuf 2001). Other highly flexible high tech
Muul & Lim 1970; Sutton 2001). Once installed, static systems include COPAS, which operates using a fixed
systems provide access to a limited number of trees cable network (Sutton 2001).
(Nadkarni & Parker 1994) and (by definition) cannot There are a range of high-tech techniques (e.g., di-
be relocated to other parts of the forest, although they rigibles, helicopters, balloons, remote sensing) which
can be expanded laterally (Inoue et al. 1995; Low- allow sampling the canopy from above. Of these,
man & Bouricius 1995). Further, the vertical sampling the dirigible technique allows both remote and direct
position of many access platforms is restricted to a canopy sampling (Lowman et al. 1993) and can also
particular vertical zone of the forest profile, neglect- be used to deposit a ‘canopy raft’ onto the canopy. In
ing some (e.g., lower) parts (e.g., Mori 1995). Given addition, researchers using the raft can use rope tech-
that some species are distributed unevenly through- niques or pulleys to increase the vertical range of their
out the vertical forest profile, sampling at a restricted sampling (e.g., Cosson 1995). Choice of study site
range of heights may a problem for some types of and study species (of trees) will be strongly influenced
studies. Since the location of sampling points from by the requirements of this technique. For example,
access facilities will not be random and (for tree-based the canopy raft needs a structurally cohesive forest for
studies) may restrict access to target or representative support, and its placement is affected by the presence
species, it is possible that sampling will be biased, or of emergents and gaps. Also, the location and duration
that some intended ‘ecological’ studies may in fact be of sampling from the raft may be affected by the differ-
‘autecological’. ent needs of other researchers. However, this versatile
Many researchers in the survey who use towers and system provides invaluable access to the outer canopy,
walkways as their main access method do not report a which many other techniques do not allow (Lowman
strong effect on their selection of study site or study et al. 1993).
species (Figure 1). One explanation for this is that ex- Finally in this group, above-canopy methods do
periments are planned ‘around’ what species can be not impose any, or many constraints, on study site
reached from the sampling point. Another possibil- or study species, though they require validation from
ity for minimising the limitations of fixed sampling canopy- or ground-based work. Remote sensing may
points is by the use of additional access methods (e.g., need simultaneous ground truthing at the same spatial
rope, pole-pruners, temporary walkways) as well as scale, and it is difficult to get the required resolution
the main tower or walkway. The precise dimensions (e.g., 10–30 m) by ground sampling (S. Bohlman,
of the footprint (sampling area) of micrometeorolog- pers. comm). Aerial sketch-mapping (e.g., of de-
ical towers may be unknown (Aber et al. 1996), but foliation) appears to be a reliable estimating tech-
the tree species composition within the footprint are nique when checked against ground-based observa-
likely to influence biogenic fluxes and, during dry pe- tions (MacLean & MacKinnon 1996).
riods, water fluxes from the canopy (F. Mowry, pers.
comm.); towers should presumably be positioned to General problems relating to study site of species
include ‘representative’ trees within their footprints.
Although dynamic within their area of operation Some additional general points spontaneously emerged
(typically ca. 1 ha), cranes are confined to fixed sites from this part of the survey, in relation to possible
within forests resulting in limitations to choice of canopy access problems on study species or forest type
study site or species (see Figure 1). Researchers using or forest location. Firstly, many canopy researchers
cranes adjust their experimental designs to accommo- minimise such constraints by using a combination of
date sites or species which are within reach of the access techniques. However, choice of access method
gondola (e.g., F. Meinzer, pers. comm.), as well as is itself limited. Cost is a major factor in determin-
planning their field operations around the needs of ing what methods are actually used. Other factors
other researchers’ priorities. Researchers who work (e.g., safety, convenience) were rarely mentioned.

Secondly, researchers are well aware of potential in- Achieving sufficient replication is difficult when
fluences of access method on experimental designs. In sampling the outer canopy, mainly because of ac-
some cases, while choice of study species/site may not cess constraints (Lowman et al. 1993). However, even
be affected, access may strongly influence what ques- when the canopy or sub-canopy can be easily reached,
tions can be asked (Bassow & Bazzaz 1997; J. Read, obtaining sufficient, representative samples can be a
pers. comm.). problem. This is because some access techniques ef-
fectively provide only one fixed sampling position
(Schowalter 1995), either within a tree or within the
Effects of access method on replication and forest as a whole. Aside from replication, working
pseudoreplication from a fixed position is a particular problem when us-
ing destructive sampling because the removal or study
Canopy access methods, if chosen or used inappro- material can limit (at least temporarily) subsequent
priately, can have two effects on quantitative studies. sampling (Reynolds & Crossley 1995) and can also
Firstly, access methods may limit the number of repli- alter local microclimate and microhabitats.
cate measurements which can be made (e.g., Zotz Several published canopy studies are based on
& Winter 1996). In the highly heterogeneous and a single tree. In such ‘dendrocentric’ cases (sensu
complex canopy environment, especially in tropical Lieberman et al. 1989), within-tree samples such as
forests, lack of replication may mean that spatial or leaves and branches have been used as replicates.
temporal variability in the environment is not repre- Whether truly independent samples can be collected
sented in the data (Lowman et al., 1993; Lowman within a single tree is questionable, and depends on
1997). the type of study being conducted. For example, indi-
Secondly, access problems may result in statis- vidual branches can sometimes be regarded as being
tical comparisons being made between groups of autonomous for water relations (Sprugel et al. 1991)
‘replicates’ that are not truly independent, which or carbon economy or herbivory (Watson & Casper
is pseudoreplication (Hurlbert 1984). Sutton (2001) 1984). In such cases, leaves taken from different
believes that pseudoreplication has ‘claimed many branches can be treated as independent and not as
victims’ in canopy studies. However, the point at pseudoreplicates (e.g., Barker & Booth 1996). How-
which replication becomes pseudoreplication is highly ever, the status of leaves as independent functioning
subject-dependent. Put another way, the unit of repli- units is debatable (Caldwell et al. 1986; Leverenz
cation depends on the type of study being conducted 1988).
(see Bongers 2001). For plant physiological ecol- In many ecological studies, replication occurs at
ogy or invertebrate ecology studies, typical replicates the stand or community level, in which case individual
are trees, while plant ecology or micrometeorological trees are only sub-samples. In cases where samples
studies use replicates at the stand or community level. taken from a single tree or forest stand are not truly
Arthropod studies involve a range of possible sam- independent in space or time, pseudoreplication has
pling methods, which includes tree-level approaches occurred (see Hurlbert 1984), and the sample size is
such as fogging, where the orgins of sample mate- effectively one.
rial within the forest profile are not usually known, Within-tree sampling is common in canopy stud-
although yields per unit effort are comparatively ies. For example, researchers are often interested in
high (Reynolds & Crossley 1995; Schowalter 1995). understanding variability in tree crowns. Such sam-
Branch-based sampling (unlike fogging and inter- pling is repeated at a tree or stand level to give
ception traps) is targetted and allows a standardised replication. Since canopies are known to be highly
expression of arthropod abundance to be calculated heterogeneous (e.g., Harper 1989), it is important to
(numbers of arthropods per unit of associated plant reduce or remove bias in within-tree sampling. Re-
material), which permits comparison with other stud- searchers have developed protocols for this, including
ies (Schowalter & Ganio 1998) at least for sessile randomized branch sampling to estimate total leaf
species (Schowalter 1995). Ironically, sampling capa- area, biomass, or insect egg or larval populations (see
bility of canopy arthropods has now outpaced labora- Gregoire et al. 1995; Zandt 1994). Another example is
tory processing of material, perhaps by a factor of at the use of paired sampling, for example of ‘sun’ and
least four times (Erwin 1995). ‘shade’ branches, because such sampling allows for

Figure 2. Effects of canopy access method on replication. The corresponding question in the survey was: do canopy access problems limit the
number of independent replicates you include in your studies? For further details, refer to caption for Figure 1.

within crown variability and thus gives greater power per canopy surface, 28 000 m3 of forest volume, or 140
in statistical tests (Brooks et al. 1996). individual trees (Allen 1996). Thus, it could be argued
We believe that canopy researchers are generally that replication is only limited by time, which is itself
well-aware of the problems of obtaining a sufficient constrained by budgets (W. Winner, pers. comm.).
number of independent replicates from fixed sam- However, the relative flexibility that cranes or mov-
pling points. In the survey reported here, effects of able scaffolding allow is often only within part of
access method on sampling are reported particularly a single forest stand. Even within a tract of forest,
by researchers using methods involving large struc- there are logistical problems associated with cranes
tures, whether static (tower, walkway) or even mo- and scaffolding that can limit the number of trees
bile (crane, scaffolding) within the forest (Figure 2). which can be reached, especially if the study is fo-
Furthermore, the canopy structure itself can obstruct cusing on a single species. Crane-based tree studies
potential sampling positions (Hollinger 1989). Sam- are generally restricted to the most abundant species
pling repeatedly from a tower platform or walkway (F. Meinzer, pers. comm.). However, in physiological
cannot provide information on variation on a within measurements, species within functional groups may
forest scale. Variation also occurs among forest stands, be used as replicates (R. Oren, pers. comm.).
for example for herbivory (Lowman 1997). However, Researchers in the survey mainly reported either
stand-scale replication using multiple towers would some or no effect of rope access on obtaining adequate
need a huge budget (E. Miller, pers. comm.). For a replication. Access by rope at any one time is usually
walkway and platform system providing access to ca. limited to a single tree. However, access and therefore
10 canopy trees and 25 undersory trees in Belize, Low- independent sampling can be increased by climbing a
man & Bouricius (1995) report a cost (in 1994) of succession of trees over time. Alternatively, since rope
about US $32 000. access is a relatively inexpensive technique, multiple
Cranes and scaffolding have a capability to access sets of rope equipment can be used to access several
several trees, yet a high proportion (58, 80%) of re- trees simultaneously by a group of researchers work-
searchers using these methods report ‘serious effects’ ing together. Such temporal or spatial replication can
on replication. Cranes in particular have huge sam- of course include more than one forest stand or com-
pling capability (Zotz & Winter 1996); for example, munity. Achieving replication using rope access may
access of one crane in Panama was 8000 m2 on the up- be mainly limited by researchers’ energy and time (E.

Figure 3. Effects of canopy access method on disturbance. The corresponding question in the survey was: do canopy access problems cause
any disturbance to the subject which you are measuring/observing? For further details, refer to caption for Figure 1.

Olson, pers. comm.). Availability of sufficient field lowing shared datasets and increased replication (R.
time is seen as a constraint by canopy researchers Fournier, pers. comm.).
(Nadkarni & Parker 1994) and, for canopy arthro- An approach which appears to be used increasingly
pod studies, the time required for processing sampled is modelling, making extrapolations from limited sam-
material needs to be allowed for (Erwin 1995). pling in the canopy. Actual canopy measurements are
Even ground-based methods are regarded as hav- necessary to calibrate or validate any model, that can
ing some effect on sampling by about 41% of re- often then be applied to a range of sites and further
searchers using this method (see Figure 2). For exam- verified (E. Miller, pers. comm).
ple, intervening vegetation (especially in tropical rain Several researchers in the survey comment on their
forests) can limit the number or quality of observations desire to increase replication, though many indicate
made from the ground in both plant and animal studies that it is time and costs rather than access per se which
(Gillesberg & Carey 1991; Fintoura 1995; Fisher & are limiting factors. Whatever the direct or indirect ef-
Araujo 1995; Kaplin et al. 1998; Leite et al. 1996). Re- fects are of canopy access on sampling, it is important
mote sampling of the upper canopy (e.g., by shotgun) to develop appropriate an experimental design for each
from the ground may be restricted for similar reasons. study. Also, sampling strategy should be clearly ex-
How can canopy researchers reduce the risk of plained in the methods section of papers (Barker 1997;
bias and pseudoreplication in their studies? A common B. Kloeppel pers. comm.).
approach is to increase sampling flexibility by using
more than one access technique. For example, several
respondents to the survey who use crane or ground- Disturbance and ‘demonic intrusion’
based methods as their main means of canopy access
also use ropes. Sampling resolution with any single Canopy access structures or activities can cause dis-
access technique can also be increased spatially by an turbance in the canopy. Although canopy access may
investment in a more extensive system (e.g., for walk- impose constraints on the scope and quality of sam-
ways; Lowman & Bouricius 1995) or multiple access pling, such limitations have generally only recently
units (e.g., for rope methods; Lowman & Bouricius been explicitly discussed by researchers (Moffett &
1995). Another approach is to develop a common Lowman 1995, Barker 1997).
experimental design with other research groups, al- ‘Demonic intrusion’ here refers to the specific
effects of access activities on the variable being sam-

pled or measured. In the survey, a majority (98%) So, what are the solutions to such problems?
of canopy researchers felt that their primary access Though not routinely referred to in scientific pub-
method caused only some disturbance, or no distur- lications, it is clear from our survey that canopy
bance, to the subject being measured or observed researchers often have formulated protocols to min-
(Figure 3 shows this trend for six of the access meth- imise or avoid access-related damage and disturbance.
ods). But disturbance, including damage, can also For example, avoiding physiological measurements
affect parts of the canopy not being studied. For exam- on branches that have been in contact with an access
ple, branches broken by a crane’s gondola or epiphytes tower; periodically moving scaffolding to avoid sam-
dislodged by ropes may not be the subject of a par- pling ‘degraded’ areas (B. Kloeppel, pers. comm.);
ticular study. However, the gradual degradation by placing towers carefully to avoid them being hit by
access activities of a forest which is being intensively branches moving in wind (P. Hanson, pers. comm.);
researched may have a significant impact on future avoiding interference during gas exchange measure-
research at the same site. This may be a particu- ments by turning off the engine of an aerial lift (Bas-
lar problem in forests which are fragile (i.e., easily sow & Bazzaz 1997); avoiding rope climbing at dawn
and/or irreversibly degraded) or in conservation areas, or dusk, when birds most active (K. Nelson, pers.
where the movement of heavy or bulky canopy access comm.); observing nesting behaviour with a remote-
equipment through the forest is restricted. controlled video camera mounted on an adjacent tree
A further problem of demonic intrusion is that the (W. Ritchie, pers. comm.); reducing disturbance by re-
quality of data obtained may differ according to the peated climbs by using pulley systems, allowing small
access method being used. For example, the verti- mammal traps to be lowered for regular inspection
cal distribution of irradiance within a forest may be (e.g., Taylor & Lowman 1996; Vieira 1998); reduc-
differ considerably when measured from a tower or ing disturbance near the base of a crane to established
from a crane’s gondola (see Chazdon et al. 1996). paths or boardwalks (M. Ryan, pers. comm.); and,
Such discrepancies introduce problems in comparing minimising damage to the undersory during walkway
results among studies using different sampling proto- construction (Lowman & Bouricius 1995).
cols (e.g., Daw et al. 1998), or using different access More generally, the risk of disturbance, including
techniques. possible demonic intrusion, can be reduced by limit-
ing the numbers of researchers entering study sites,
Examples of access-related disturbance ensuring good communication flow among project
participants (R. Fournier, pers. comm.), by periodi-
Disturbance and accidental damage to plants and ani- cally relocating the sampling site (S. Thomas, pers.
mals by climbing structures or activities is a concern comm.) and by restricting intensive destructive sam-
among many researchers. Examples include: spikes pling in sensitive habitats (C. Ozanne, pers . comm.).
causing potentially fatal damage to trees (Donahue & For all studies, data should be rejected if evidence of
Wood 1995; Mori 1995); carrying ladders, or mov- disturbance is obvious (J. Massheder, pers. comm.).
ing a man-lift, through forests causing disturbance
to understory vegetation (B. Lohr, pers. comm.; E.
Middleton, pers. comm.); rope movements abrading Logistics and hyperspace
lichens (W. Denison, pers. comm.); rope climbing
causing nest abandonment (W. Ritchie, pers. comm.); Stork & Best (1994) suggested that lack of spatial
canopy crane movements temporally scaring away replication is a major problem in nearly all canopy
larger birds (D. Shaw, pers. comm.); canopy walkways research. One explanation for this is that there are a
interfering with malaise trapping (Preisser et al. 1998); number of problems in working in three-dimensional
canopy walkways influencing the movements of arbo- (3-D) space which affect the logistics of sampling
real animals (Perry & Williams 1981; but see Lowman (Nadkarni & Parker 1994), though such problems
& Bouricius 1995); climbing and branch sampling tend to be subject-specific. Planning sampling regimes
disturbing insects (Morris 1955); and, large access within tree crowns needs to take into account the spa-
structures affecting microclimate (Parker et al. 1992; tial variability of the parameter being measured. Such
Koch et al. 1994; Moffett & Lowman 1995; Sutton variability is, for example, large in studies of herbivory
2001). (Lowman 1997), arthropod distribution (Schowalter
& Ganio 1998) and stomatal activity (Eliás 1979). If

variables are statistically different (or at least distinct) could be a problem given the added time required to
between the upper and lower crown, sampling must al- move around in the canopy (Kapos et al. 1993). A
low for this; in practice, more sampling effort might be result of this is that canopy measurements sometimes
needed to ensure that upper crown data are collected lack temporal resolution (Fitzjarrald & Moore 1995).
(Schowalter & Ganio 1998), since this region is more Temporal limitations of sampling the canopy may
difficult to reach. affect what type of research can be undertaken. For
example, collecting samples (e.g., flowering parts)
Sampling in complex, 3-D space from trees takes much more time than collecting from
shrubs or herbs, consequently trees may be under-
The complexity of 3-D environments can make col- represented in some systematic studies (J. Wieringa,
lecting data, and representing results, difficult (see pers. comm.).
Lowman 1997; Bongers 2001), including for ground-
level observations (Leite et al. 1996). Actual sampling Logistical problems and some solutions associated
within the 3-D matrix causes particular problems. For with particular access methods
example, the distribution of leaves within a crown is
difficult to measure (Russell et al. 1989), though mod- The type of canopy access method has implications for
els are now being developed for describing leaf arrays the frequency and duration of sampling, and the type
(e.g., Pearcy. & Valladares 1999). of equipment being used. For example, rope or bole-
Another approach is to use manipulated or simu- climbing techniques may be unsuitable for use with
lated canopy structures. Examples include the instal- heavy or delicate equipment, and when the researcher
lation of branches (Renhorn et al. 1997), living tree needs to sample for long periods in the canopy. Bole
leaves (Rowe & Potter 1996) or bryophytes (Clark climbing methods inevitably restrict sampling in the
et al. 1998) at particular positions within the forest outer crown area (Hietz 1997). Even when access
structure, or simulated canopy branches (Schlesinger methods are used in combination, certain parts of the
et al. 1993) or trees (Hilbert & Messier 1996), or ac- canopy may be difficult or impossible to reach, result-
tual branches (Parrish 1995) in laboratory conditions. ing in a possible under-representation of some sample
An advantage of such approaches is presumably to types (e.g., Wright et al. 1997).
simplify the 3-D canopy by isolating and defining the Responses in our survey indicated that problems
variable under investigation. associated with the logistics of sampling occur with
Various protocols have been developed for defin- all main canopy access methods, though relatively few
ing sampling points in 3-D canopy space (e.g., Ford researchers (≤ 20%) in our survey felt that access im-
& Newbould 1971; Hollinger 1989; Castellanos et al. posed ‘serious’ effects (Figure 4); canopy cranes have
1992; Sumida 1995). Researchers also require tech- large sampling capability (see above). Researchers can
niques for analysing and representing data collected repeatedly revisit a sampling location, and can move
from 3-D sampling (Richards 1983; Popma et al. around in the canopy with heavy or bulky equipment.
1988; Nadkarni & Parker 1994; Barker 1997). The However, temporal sampling may be constrained by
continuing trend in increased efficiency and lower the high costs involved (Nadkarni & Parker 1994; M.
costs of computing processing capability will make the Ryan, pers. comm.) and because such facilities are
analysis of such data more feasible (Weishampel et al. shared among researchers.
1996; see Bongers 2001). Studies that involve climbing by the researcher are
Another important consequence of working in 3-D likely to impose time limitations on movements be-
space is that moving between sampling points often tween sampling events. This may account for many
introduces a temporal dimension. Canopy sampling of the logistical constraints reported by users of
may thus occur in a four-dimensional hyperspace. This tower/walkway, ladder, scaffolding and rope systems
is likely to be a particular problem for studies involv- (Figure 4). Logistical constraints on sampling were
ing transient changes in the object being measured or less evident among researchers using ladders and scaf-
observed. For example, forest canopy microclimate folding. These methods are often used for sampling
variables typically show large temporal fluctuations at relatively low heights. Furthermore, the equipment
(e.g., Baldocchi & Collineau 1994; Barker 1995) can be moved or duplicated to allow more of the forest
which can occur over small spatial scales (Chazdon area to be included (R. Teskey, pers. comm.).
et al. 1988). In real-time sampling, such fluctuations

Figure 4. Effects of canopy access method on logistics. The corresponding question in the survey was: do canopy access problems limit the
number of measurements or observations you can make in space or time? For further details, refer to caption for Figure 1.

Rope access is commonly used by canopy re- tation is often difficult, especially in luxuriant forests
searchers (Nadkarni & Parker 1994; Lowman & and when carrying sampling equipment. Canopy sys-
Bouricius 1995; Table 2), but for some studies (and tems which are operated from the ground, for example
especially in tall forests) this method may impose pulley-operated mammal traps, can provide sampling
substantial logistical constraints on sampling. For ex- resolution, but often demand a heavy time invest-
ample, ropes do not allow sampling access throughout ment before sampling commences (McClearn et al.
tree crowns (e.g., Hadwen et al. 1998). It is tiring 1996) which needs to be factored in to experimental
and time-consuming to climb trees, and this limits the protocols. Some ground-based sampling is dependent
number of trees that can sampled per day (L. Risley, on suitable weather conditions, such as lack of wind
pers. comm.); in cases where extensive (e.g. diurnal) for fogging (H. Recher, pers. comm.). Similarly, the
sampling is being conducted, rope access may only time of day in which hemispherical photos can be
allow sampling from one tree per day (e.g., Barker taken is limited (R. Hall, pers. comm.). However, 3-
& Pérez-Salicrup, 2000). However, sampling can be D canopy space can still be sampled effectively from
increased by the use of extra personnel during periods the ground, for instance by using a balloon to measure
of intensive fieldwork (Lowman & Bouricius 1995; D. microclimate (Parker et al. 1996).
Coxson, pers. comm.). The effort needed for rigging
trees with ropes can also have an indirect effect on
sampling logistics. For example, sampling epiphytes Conclusions
using rope access involves time-consuming changes in
the position of rope (O. Missa, pers. comm.). Distance There is an emerging consensus among canopy re-
between sample trees, using ladder access, can be a searchers that gaining access to the upper part of
highly variable component of overall sampling effort; forests is not the only practical difficulty to be over-
however, the number of trees climbed can be reduced come in canopy research (Nadkarni & Parker 1994).
by sub-sampling, without substantial loss of accuracy To conduct rigorous science, it is necessary to be
in the data (Caron & Fleming 1995). aware of access-related effects on the quantity and
Ground-based methods for canopy access can im- quality of sampling.
pose a temporal constraint on measurements. One In some cases, it is possible to reduce or elimi-
reason for this is that moving through ground vege- nate possible constraints of access on sampling. Many

researchers use a combination of access techniques cited in the text as personal communications. We are
to extend sampling capability. Alternatively, where also grateful for helpful comments by two anonymous
access-related limitations to experimental work cannot reviewers. Funding for attendance (by MB) at the
be avoided, a recognition and acceptance of this by European Science Foundation conference on Tropical
canopy researchers is important. In such cases, exper- Canopy Research is acknowledged with thanks.
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