3467 - Database-II

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3467 - Database-II

Course Code: 3467

Course Title: Database-II
Credit Hours: 3 (3 + 0), 3 hours lectures per week
Session Offered: As per offering schedule
Recommended Book : Modern Database Management by Jeffrey Hoffer, 11th Edition, (2012)
AV / Multimedia Content: As defined by the Instructor/MOOCs links
Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management, Seventh Edition
Reference Book:
by Peter Rob and Carlos Coronel, (2006)
Pre-Requisite: 3410 Database-I
Course Coordinator: Ch. Muhammad Shahbaz Amjum
Teaching Methodology: Face-to-Face/Online/Blended
Computer usage: Student is desired to use Internet for self learning in this course
Course Introduction:
This course introduces advanced database concepts, i.e. higher normal forms, concurrency control
techniques, deadlock management, and database recovery.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course the students are expected to be able to:
1. Enhance the concepts of database management system.
2. Demonstrate the understanding of database administration and integrity.
3. Devise the procedures to implement database security, recovery and concurrency.
Evaluation Criteria:
i. Assignments and/or quizzes as per instructor’s choice 10%
ii. Mid Term Theory/Practical / Presentation/ mini projects as per instructor’s choice 20%
iii. Final Examination 70%
Course Outline:
Unit# 1 Overview of Database
Modeling Techniques, Data Models, Relational Database Management System, Relation and Its Properties,
Relational Algebra
Unit# 2 Higher Normal Forms
Overview of Simple Normal Forms, Higher Normal Forms, Boyce-Codd Normal Form, 4th Normal Form,
5th Normal Form
Unit# 3 Database Administration
Introduction, Layers of Database Administration, DBA Functions and Responsibilities
Unit# 4 Database Integrity
Introduction, Integrity Rules, Entity Integrity, Referential Integrity, Insertion Rule, Deletion Rule (Restrict,
Nullify, Cascade), Range of Values, Not Null, Selection Based Entry (Radio Buttons, Check Boxes, Lov)
Unit# 5 Database Security
Introduction, Physical Security (Locks, Logbooks, Staff Categorization), Database Security View,
Authorization Table (Subject, Object, Privileges), User Defined Procedures, Encryption
Unit# 6 Database Recovery
Introduction, Reasons of Database Failure, Database Recovery Facilities, Backup, Logs (Transaction Log,
Database Change Log), Database Recovery Methods (Restore, Roll Forward, Roll Backward)
Transaction Processing
Unit# 7 Database Concurrency
Introduction, The Problem of Lost Updation, Concurrency Control Methods (Optimistic Approach,
Pessimistic Approach), Managing The Deadlock, Transaction Integrity
Unit# 8 Distributed Databases
Introduction, Types of Distributed Databases, Advantages and Disadvantages of Distributed Databases
Unit# 9 Object Oriented Databases
Introduction to Object Oriented Paradigm, Differences in Object Model and Relational Model, Object
Oriented Analysis and Design, Costs and Benefits Of Object Databases
Activities/ Practical:
1. Select a case study for modeling of data on different database models.
2. Apply mapping principles on the relational model of activity 1.
3. Devise the procedures for database security, concurrency and recovery for a real world database
Note: The instructor may assign additional activities.
Last revised: June 2015

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