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King Faisal University

School of Business
Department of MIS

Group Project
Due Date: December 6, 2020.
Chapters Covered: Chapter 4-5

Please read the following instructions carefully before solving and submitting the project.

Uploading Instructions:
• You need to save the whole NetBeans project including the source Java and other files as ONE zip file.
Upload the zip file to Blackboard. Individual files will not be acceptable.
• The zip file MUST be named as follows: Section_GroupNo_FirstName_LastName. Use the Group No
from the Excel sheet you filled in for your group. FirstName and LastName should be for the first
student listed within the group. Here is an example for a student of Section G2, Group No 5 who is
named Abid Afzal:
• No submission will be accepted through email.

Rules for Grading:

The rubric for grading of projects are given at the end of this document.
However, it should be clear that your project will not get any credit if:

o The project is submitted more than one day after the due date.
o The submitted project does not open or file is corrupted.
o The project is fully or partially copied from another student or Internet.
o The project is not submitted in the correct format.
o The project contains auto-generated code obtained using one of the IDEs.

Note: Do not send any query regarding this assignment by email. If you have any query, then post it to
Discussion Forum on Blackboard.

Advanced Business Programming | Project

King Faisal University
School of Business
Department of MIS

Problem Statement:
You are required to develop a GUI application to implement the basic functions of an order billing system for ABC
Resturant. The GUI should be similar to the one shown in the figure below. Specific requirements are given in the

1. Under the categories, different buttons should represent four different categories.
2. Under choices, five checkboxes should show the options available under each food category. So, for
example, if the user clicks on Desserts button, five different choices of desserts should be shown in
3. Under the quantity, the user should be allowed to specify the quantity within the text field
corresponding to each item.
4. The total price (price times quantity) for each item should be calculated and displayed in Price Total.
5. Finally, the grand total should be shown, and the user should be allowed to confirm the order.
6. On confirmation, a separate screen should display the summary of order including the items selected,
their prices and grand total.

Advanced Business Programming | Project

King Faisal University
School of Business
Department of MIS

Grading Criteria:
No. Criteria Criteria details Grades
1 GUI appearance
1.1 Less than 25% of GUI appears as required. 2
1.2 At least 25% of GUI appears exactly as required. 4
1.3 At least 50% of GUI appears exactly as required. 5
1.4 At least 75% of GUI appears exactly as required. 6
1.5 100% of GUI appears exactly as required. 8
2 Functionality (Navigation)
2.1 Less than 25% of navigation works in response to 1
events as required.
2.2 At least 25% of navigation works in response to 2
events exactly as required.
2.3 At least 50% of navigation works in response to 3
events exactly as required.
2.4 At least 75% of navigation works in response to 4
events exactly as required.
2.5 100% of navigation works in response to 5
events exactly as required.
3 Functionality (Calculations)
3.1 Less than 25% of calculations work in response to 1
events as required.
3.2 At least 25% of calculations work in response to 2
events exactly as required.
3.3 At least 50% of calculations work in response to 3
events exactly as required.
3.4 At least 75% of calculations work in response to 4
events exactly as required.
3.5 100% of calculations work in response to 5
events exactly as required.
4 Project Organization/ Submission
4.1 Project partially organized and/or submitted 0
with a delay of one day1.
4.2 Project partially organized and/or submitted 1
with a delay of less than one day.
4.3 Project fully organized and/or submitted 2
on time.

Projects submitted with a delay of more than one day will not be accepted for grading.

Advanced Business Programming | Project

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