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INSTRUCTIONS: Solve the problems as discussed in the subject orientation.

1. Loads are applied to the compound rod that is composed of an aluminum segment, bronze segment and steel
segment as shown in the figure below. What is the stress in each material given that load P = 10kN.

Ans. SB = 50 MPa, C
SA = 33.33 MPa, T
SS = 100 MPa, T

2. The wood pole is supported by 2 cables of 6.25mm diameter. The turnbuckles in the cables are tightened until the
stress in the cables reaches 400 MPa. If the working compressive stress for wood is 1.38 MPa, determine the smallest
permissible diameter of the pole.

Ans. 140mm

3. Find the stresses in members BC and BE for the truss shown. The cross-sectional area of each member is 2625
mm2. Indicate whether the stresses are tensile (T) or compressive (C).


Ans. SBC = 6.39 MPa, SBE = 4.97 MPa

4. The 2 pcs of wood 4cm x 8cm are glued together along 40° joint. Determine the maximum axial load P that can be
applied if the shear stress in the glue is limited to 1.75 MPa.


Ans. 11.37 kN

5. The lap joint is connected by three 20-mm-diameter rivets. Assuming that the axial load P = 50 kN is distributed
equally among the three rivets, find (a) the shear stress in a rivet; (b) the bearing stress between a plate and a rivet; and
(c) the maximum average tensile stress in each plate,

Ans. SS = 53.05 MPa, Sb = 33.33 MPa, S = 18.18 MPa

6. A joint is made by gluing two plywood gussets of thickness t to wood boards. The tensile working stresses are 8.27
MPa for the plywood and 4.83 MPa for the boards. The working shear stress for the glue is 345 kPa. Determine the
dimensions b and t so that the joint is as strong as the boards.



Ans. b = 126.96 mm, t = 21.19mm

7. For the joint shown in the figure, calculate (a) the largest bearing stress between the pin and the members, (b) the
average shear stress in the pin and (c) the largest average normal stress in the members.

Ans. Sb = 166.67 MPa, Ss = 101.86 MPa, Smax = 166.67 MPa

8. The cylindrical steel column has an outer diameter of 10cm and inner diameter of 8cm. The column is separated
from the concrete foundation by a square bearing plate. The working compressive stress is 180 MPa for the column
and the working bearing stress is 8.27 MPa for the concrete. Find the largest force P that can be applied to the column.




Ans. 162.1 kN

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