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James: Deep in the Word James 1:1-8

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James: Deep in the Word James 1:1-8

Deep in the Word

James Study

Focus: James 1:1-8

Tauna Meyer

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James: Deep in the Word James 1:1-8

Deep in the Word: James - James 1:1-8

© 2019 Tauna Meyer -, 

All rights reserved.

This document may be reproduced by printing or photocopying only.

Permission is given to use said document in a home, Sunday School or
Co-Op setting. This document may not be transmitted in any other
form or by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of 

Tauna Meyer.

Scripture is in KJV, public domain.

This document is not for sale. While you may not copy this work to
your blog, website, or email, you may link back to this document at

Illustration credit: Jim Piazza, Deposit Photos

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James: Deep in the Word James 1:1-8

Introduction to James 1:1-8


This document is part of the year-long James: Deep in the Word

study. You will need the general setup files as well to begin this study,
as it includes a Bible reading plan, memorization/writing schedule,
tips for using the study for multiple ages and more.

You’ll find the general setup files / info as well as more detail on the
features listed below at

Suggested Schedule - Work through the materials and activities as

you see fit or use the suggested schedule to track and fit it all in.

Scripture Art Prints & Coloring Pages - Our custom illustrated art and
coloring pages will help you focus on the current passage this month.
There are two illustrations that come in either color for display or black
and white to use as a coloring page.

Scripture Cards - Use the scripture cards to help you memorize and
pray through the passage.

Devotion & Pray the Word- Read through our devotion and prayers
focusing on each month’s passage. Perfect for family or morning
devotion time after reading the scripture.

Reflect & Discuss - Worksheets with questions you can use as writing
exercises or discussion points. Includes additional scriptures to look up
and suggested words for the Word Study section.

Prayers & Application - Journal your own prayers and write about
how you can love God and others by applying these verses in your

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James: Deep in the Word James 1:1-8

Word Study - Complete word studies to dig into the meaning of the

Draw or Build - While older kids are doing word studies or the
discussion questions, younger kids can write a phrase or sentence.
They can draw something based on the passage or build it with legos
and paste a picture in the provided area on this page.

Bible Study Tip of the Day - A tip with resources and ideas for effective
Bible study, such as how to do a word study, what a concordance is
and how to use it effectively, etc.

Additional Resources - Explore a list of additional resources and

materials to help you go deeper into studying this section of James.

Copywork - Write out the scripture in your own journal, on index

cards, or using these copywork pages. There are dashed line pages
included as well for young children to use. If the selections are too
long for an early writer, you can highlight the text they are to copy.

Memorization Aids - You or your children can use these simple paper
strip puzzles to piece together the verses and help aid memorization.
The bookmarks are a simple tool for memorization and include key
words and hand motions to trigger memory.

Again, find additional information about each of these activities at As always, feel free to
contact tauna@proverbialhomemaker if you have any questions.
Enjoy your study of God’s Word in the book of James!

~ Tauna

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James: Deep in the Word James 1:1-8

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Prepared exclusively for Transaction: 9323
Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

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Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

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Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

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Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

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Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

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Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

Copyright © 2019 Tauna Meyer. All rights reserved. 14

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Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

Thoughts on JAMES 1:1-8

“Patience is a key ingredients to faithfulness…. patience is crucial
to the heart of the Christian and the heart of obedience. That to
be patient, you learn to wait for God in the midst of trial and
tribulation.” - R.C. Sproul

Being a Christian does not mean that we will not suffer. We live in a
fallen world full of sin and even as believers in Christ we struggle with
sin ourselves. In fact, being a Christian can often bring additional
suffering, as the lives of early Christians such as James demonstrates.
The Bible clearly tells us that there will be suffering and acknowledges
that the suffering will be quite difficult at times.

And yet scripture also says that when (not if) trials and tribulations
come our way, we should count it all joy. This doesn’t mean that we
should just be happy and cheerful despite our troubles, slapping on a
smile and pretending everything is just fine. There is ample room in the
Christian life for being sad about things that are difficult or painful.
Grief is is not ungodly.

What it does mean is that we count these trials (recognize, expect,

register, mark them down) as great opportunities used by God to
draw us near to Him and help us grow in faith and maturity.

Yes, we are to expect suffering. But we’re also to count it all joy and
be willing to endure. We must choose to believe that God is working
in and through the pain for our good and for His glory. It’s not always
easy to remember in the middle of a struggle. But rest assured that
the trials are not without purpose — our suffering will not be in vain!

Counting it all joy means that our joy is not in the trials themselves but
in the anticipation of what is to come as a result of them: patience
and steadfastness as we grow ever more into the likeness of Christ.
Copyright © 2019 Tauna Meyer. All rights reserved. 15
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Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

Even in the midst of trials we can rest in full expectation of God’s

mercy and grace.

The mark of a Christian is not whether suffering will happen (because

it will) but how we respond to it. When you experience a difficulty in
your life, is your first response to ask God for wisdom? Do you choose
to trust Him with the results and grow in patience? I know it’s not easy.

In the world, suffering produces anger, revenge, bitterness, despair,

and more. But when Christians suffer and choose obedience and
faith instead, ultimately the fruit of that experience is more patience
and steadfastness. We grow more complete and more like Jesus. It’s
not a quick process, and it certainly isn’t a painless one, but the
reward is most worthwhile. That is truly something to count as joy!

Praying THE WORD

Lord, You are such a loving and compassionate Father. Thank You for
caring for us so much that you use the trials in our lives to shape us
into the likeness of Christ. Too often we forget the joy that is set before
us even in the midst of struggles — the joy of a more patient and
steadfast character, of closeness and fellowship with You, and the
chance to glorify You throughout the whole thing. Lord, help us to
have faith in what You are doing even in the midst of difficult times.
May we be people who ask often for wisdom, value patience, and
“count it all joy” in every circumstance.

As we meditate on these things and go about our week, remind us of

Your plans to produce steadfastness in us through every struggle, and
Your promise to give us wisdom when we ask for it. We pray that our
friends and family are blessed by the joy and patience You are
growing in us. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen,

Copyright © 2019 Tauna Meyer. All rights reserved. 16

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Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

Reflect & DISCUSS

What do you think James means when he says to “count it all joy”
when we have struggles?

What is one trial or temptation in your life right now that you could
count as joy? Pray for wisdom and insight to see it in this way.

What does it look like to put our joy in the expectation of the fruit that
will result from the trial rather than in the trial itself?

Why is it difficult to find joy in our trials? Does this passage tell us we
shouldn’t struggle or be grieved when we are going through trials?

Copyright © 2019 Tauna Meyer. All rights reserved. 17

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Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

According to this passage, what is the purpose of suffering? What

other scriptures might apply?

What does it mean to be “perfect” because through the experience

of trials? (Hint: It doesn’t mean being sinless or always getting
everything right).

Look up one or more of the following scriptures and write about /

discuss how they relate to this passage in James.
• 1 Peter 5:10
• Romans 12:12
• John 16:33
• 1 Corinthians 10:13
• Romans 5:3
• Exodus 14:14
• Philippians 4:6-7

Complete one or more word studies. Print off as many templates as

you want to complete them. Here are some suggestions:
• Patience / Steadfastness
• Servant / Bondservant
• Joy
• Trials / Temptations / Tribulations
• Perfect
• Wisdom

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Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

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Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

Copyright © 2019 Tauna Meyer. All rights reserved. 20

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Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

Draw or Build JAMES 1:1-8

What is one story in the Bible or in your own life where more patience
would have been a good thing? Draw / build and write about it!


Copyright © 2019 Tauna Meyer. All rights reserved. 21
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Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

Bible Study TIP OF THE DAY

Word studies are simple and helpful tools that work for all ages. here is
one way to do it:

• Choose a word you want to learn more about and look it up in a

dictionary (such as the Webster’s 1828 dictionary you can find
online - 

• Copy or re-write the definition in your own words. 

• Peruse the verses before and after the word from your passage or
use commentaries for clues about the historical and biblical
context. (Blue Letter Bible has free commentaries you can use - 

• Use a concordance to look up other verses that use the word

(Again, Blue Letter Bible online is helpful - http:// and write short notes on how it enhances your
understanding of the meaning. 

• Consider how you can apply what you’ve learned to your own life,
and pray through the scriptures, asking God for wisdom and
sanctification in this area. 

• Young children can sit in as you go through the word study

yourself, or you can have them practice looking up definitions and
drawing/describing something they learned.

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Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

Additional RESOURCES
Go deeper into this passage of James with the additional resources
listed below! As always, please preview any resources before sharing
with your children to determine if they’re a good fit for your family.

• Count it All Joy sermon by John Piper on YouTube

• The Gift of Suffering audio parts 1 and 2 by Elisabeth Elliott on Blue
Letter Bible
• Wisdom by Faith devotion by Ligonier Ministries

Additional Kids’ Lessons & Activities

• Another way of looking at counting it all joy from SuperBook Show

YouTube video
• Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, lesson from Ministry to Children
• A Heart Full of Joy activity ideas from Sermons4Kids
• What is Joy family lesson with activities from Focus on the Family
• Solomon Asks for Wisdom object lesson from Future Flying Saucers
• Walk in Wisdom lesson and activities from Ministry to Children

Copyright © 2019 Tauna Meyer. All rights reserved. 23

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Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the

twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.














Copyright © 2019 Tauna Meyer. All rights reserved. 24

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Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers

temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith
worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work,
that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.














Copyright © 2019 Tauna Meyer. All rights reserved. 25

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Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to
all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given
him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that
wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and














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Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of
the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.














Copyright © 2019 Tauna Meyer. All rights reserved. 27

Prepared exclusively for Transaction: 9323
Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the

twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.


Copyright © 2019 Tauna Meyer. All rights reserved. 28
Prepared exclusively for Transaction: 9323
Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers

temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith
worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work,
that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.


Copyright © 2019 Tauna Meyer. All rights reserved. 29
Prepared exclusively for Transaction: 9323
Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to
all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given
him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that
wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and


Copyright © 2019 Tauna Meyer. All rights reserved. 30
Prepared exclusively for Transaction: 9323
Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of
the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.


Copyright © 2019 Tauna Meyer. All rights reserved. 31
Prepared exclusively for Transaction: 9323
Deep in the Word: James Part 1: Count it All Joy

James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,

to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad,

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers


Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh


But let patience have her perfect work,

that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God,

that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not;

and it shall be given him.

But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering.

For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven

with the wind and tossed.

For let not that man think that he shall receive

any thing of the Lord.

A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

Copyright © 2019 Tauna Meyer. All rights reserved. 32

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