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7/1/2021 Welded SP gratings for oil platform - Staco Polska

Wel d ed SP gr ati ngs fo r o i l p l at fo r m

In November 2012, the Remontowa shipyard in Gdansk (Poland) started converting a
huge disused oil platform into a refinery for Petrofac. The platform, named FPF1, is 82
metres long, 75 metres wide, 30 metres high and weights 17. 000 tons. This is the biggest
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The project began by cleaning the platform and removing old parts and assemblies that were to be
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replaced. This concerned 600 tons of steel structures and devices in total. The completely converted
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In 2014,
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abundantly in the design. After several rounds of promising negotiations, Remontowa decided that
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SP with preferences.
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hot-dip galvanised
gratings feature a non-slip serrated surface.

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Staco welded gratings type SP 1/2
7/1/2021 Welded SP gratings for oil platform - Staco Polska

Tech n i c al infor mation

Staco welded grating type SP, mesh size 30.1x101.6 mm, bearing bar 30x5 mm, featuring a non-slip
serrated surface, 4.100 m2 hot-dip galvanised

Loca t i o n
Remontowa shipyard, Gdansk, PL

Appl i c a tions

Used i n sector

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