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Fall Semester Reports

The Treasury

As in past semesters, the men of Alpha

Iota have tried their hardest to participate
in philanthropies across campus. By doing Brothers, next semester is to obtain funds for house proj-
this, we show the community, university, ects while still maintaining our budgets. The
and all of you that we are willing to put The house finances are set to be on par with first of these methods is changing the service
forth time and money in order to help those previous semesters. With the house having less for our DD phone, which has been switched to
in need. vacancy, hopefully becoming full next year, save the house over $300 a year.
We started off the Fall 2010 philanthro- there will be more income coming in to fund
pies by entering two teams into the Sigma the various house maintenance projects that YITB,
Kappa mudbowl philanthropy. This phi- need to be done. We have been doing some cost Aaron Smith
lanthropy was unanimously voted the best analysis and reevaluating where money is being A.I. 935
philanthropy that we have yet participated spent in certain budgets. The overriding goal
in. It consisted of playing volleyball in the

mud pits at Tuttle Creek State Park. If only
we had thought of it first!
We followed up this philanthropy by
participating in the WildKAT chase, a 5K
race, put on by Kappa Alpha Theta. We en- Brothers, throughout that month, and the morning, it was still very
tered five runners into the race and finished As one of the co-chairs for on into October. We had to fun. The people involved with
near the top. Homecoming 2010, I was very meet deadlines for designs the different projects worked
We are currently entering our house proud of how we did this year. of building projects, t-shirt very well together and became
and dining room into a Christmas decorat- This year we were partners and jacket options and other much closer than what they
ing contest put on by Alpha Chi Omega. We with Alpha Xi Delta and FIJI group activities. were before the week began. It
hope to finish the semester with a win in and we received 3rd place over Once Homecoming week was a very stressful responsi-
this competition. all. rolled around, we spent sev- bility, but the memories made
The men of Alpha Iota also put on a phi- Getting ready for Home- eral days working on our patio during the week and the re-
lanthropy of their own this semester. We coming Week is about as until as late as 2 a.m. to make ward at the end of the week
partnered up with Kappa Kappa Gamma to daunting as Homecoming sure it all got done. Going to made up for it.
put on our second annual dodgeball tourna- Week itself. We started hav- class at 8:30 later that morn- YITB,
ment to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis ing meetings with the other ing was rather difficult. Tyler Hamilton
and the Manhattan Public Library. Homecoming chairs at the Even though we were A.I. 933
Multiple Sclerosis is a disease that af- beginning of September, working till the wee hours of
fects the brain in a way that causes the
body’s immune system to attack its own
neurons. This results in symptoms such as

physical, cognitive, and psychiatric disabili-
ties. By helping to raise money the men of
Theta Xi hope to aid in the search for a cure
for this terrible disease.
Our efforts led to raising $1000.00 for Brothers, fraternity champions. Although they lost in a
our causes. We had 16 teams participate in close battle to Sig Ep 2-1, the soccer team con-
the tournament, and as expected, the inten- As the fall semester of 2010 comes to a tinues to be on the rise.
sity was high. close, so does the fall intramural season. Cur- The semester was highlighted by the third
With a successful semester such as this rently we sit in 7th place in fraternity rankings. straight Swim meet championship. Jeremiah
one, we can only hope to do as well in the Unfortunately, the house football and vol- Ungerer won the 50 free and 100 free along
coming semesters. We are currently looking leyball both just missed the playoffs. with setting new K-State swim meet records in
into starting a spring philanthropy with the The football team lost on the last play of the both events. Theta Xi also won the 200 medley
new sorority on campus, Zeta Tau Alpha. If game to fall by by one point to Sigma Phi Epsi- relay swam by Jeremiah, James Ungerer, Con-
all goes well we will have yet another event lon, keeping us from getting into the playoffs. nor Colboch and Eric Balas.
to look forward to throughout the year! The volleyball team improved this year by All-in-all, it has been a good semester for
winning one more game than last year. Also, in Theta Xi intramurals, and all of our teams are
YITB, the team’s defeats, it tooking each opponent to improving with each game.
Blaine Warden four or five games.
A.I. 919 House soccer made the playoffs by mak- YITB,
bmwarden@ksu.edu ing it out of the group of death that contained Drew Kershner
660-909-5593 the eventual champions along with last year’s A.I. 941

The Archer // Fall 2010 // 3

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