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Building the Basement; Building Brotherhood

After pouring hours upon hours into renovating the basement, Alpha Iotas’s come away with a brand
new basement and a renewed sense of brotherhood.
written by Jacob Mueller | A.I. 937

Theta Xi’s basement has had a rough to be proud of.

The week after everyone moved out, the
were covered with half inch OSB and the re-
maining two and a half feet were drywall.
past, but now renovations have been per- construction crew moved in. We were armed The OSB creates a more sturdy section
formed that makes it look nicer and last with hammers, saws, power drills, a hot wa- that resists puncturing and was a good sur-
longer. The pool room has seen everything ter pressure washer, and a truckload of mate- face to glue the tan colored acoustic carpet
from flooding, to halloween parties, to rials. We knew our main objective of sound- to. The drywall was painted a neutral yellow
watching football games, and just playing proofing the pool room was going to be no color to keep in with color scheme. Some
pool. The pool room is one of the most used easy task. weeks later, laid the tan VCT flooring. The
rooms in the house, which posed two prob- Our plan to soundproof the basement room was finished off with a navy blue
lems: it didn’t look good, and mom’s sleeping was to incorporate a special sound deaden- chair rail and cove base, new faceplates and
quarters were located directly above it. We ing fiber board underneath all ceiling cover- switches, and new flat panel TV mount and
sought out to fix this problem out of respect ings as well as covering the walls with acous- sound system. Total, the group clocked in
for our house mother and give us something tic carpeting to absorb the sound. over 60 hours of work in 6 days.
The plan also called for new composite tile For finishing touches, the Theta Xi crest
floor, new paint on all surfaces, new lighting, was painted at the bottom of the stairwell
and a new sound system. We thought not and words “Theta Xi Fraternity” were writ-
only should we spruce up the pool room, but ten on the upper west wall of the pool room.
the rest of the basement would need just a Overall, the basement’s transformation was
little work to keep it up to par. well needed, looks great, and will last a long
After the ceiling was torn out, drywall re- time.
moved, and floor pressure washed to remove As for soundproofing, our ambitions
the eroding floor paint, more insulation was were a little out of reach. Music and loud
put in the ceiling. Finally there was a clean noises can still be heard through the floor,
slate to work with. The sound fiber board but mom did tell us it had improved. Even
was put up on the ceiling and covered with though the main goal of completely sound-
drywall in a staggered pattern to prevent the proofing fell shy of being successful, the pool
seams from cracking and painted flat white. room is a much more inviting place for us to
New, low-profile, round fluorescent lights use.
were installed on the ceiling. All the pine Through all this, we enjoyed working to-
paneling was put back up to cover up the gether and making stronger friendships that
steam pipes and painted blue. Recessed hal- will benefit our brotherhood. Through our
ogen lighting was installed in the blue over- efforts of working together, we can all now
hang to keep visibility up on the perimeter be proud of our basement and shows what
of the room instead of having dark corners some willing guys and a little determination
The newly renovated pool room is a favorite room to
like before. Wall sections were built, put into can accomplish.
hang out in for Alpha Iotas when they have guests
over to the house place, then insulated. The bottom four feet

The Arer // Fall 2010 // 6

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