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Submitted To:
Mr. Md. Hossen Miazee
Lecturer and Head of Internship and Placement
School of Business
University of Information Technology and Sciences

Submitted By:
MD. Sadequr rahman
ID: 12410080
Department of Business Studies
University of Information Technology and Sciences

Submitted Date:

Chapter One
1.1 Background of the study

There is no doubt that the world of work is rapidly changing. As part of an organization then,
HRM must be equipped to deal with the effects of the changing world of work. For them this
means understanding the implications of globalization, technology changes, Workforce
diversity. Changing skill requirements, continuous improvement initiatives contingent
workforce, decentralized work sites and employee involvement are the issue for confront.
Now it is a big challenge for the HRM to support the organization by providing the best
personnel for the suitable position in shortest possible time. Starting with recognizing the
vacancies and planning for them is a great task. Moreover selecting attracting the suitable
candidates and selecting the best person in time is a challenge.

The cost of the recruitment is significant. So, proper planning and formulate those plan is the
task that require more focus and improvement. Equal opportunity and sourcing is also a vital
part. Realizing this need we tried to find the difference and similarities between theoretical
aspects with the practical steps taken by the company. We took an attempt to demonstrate the
feature for the further improvement.

1.2 Significance of the study

Only the theoretical knowledge is less important when it is not applicable in the practical life.
Though I have completed so many theoretical courses in BBA program, but I have no such
practical knowledge for being successful in the real business world. As a student of Business
studies I have no acquaint me with practical knowledge to face the real life situation. For this
reason, the internship program is so much helpful to all student of BBA.

1.3 Scope and Rational of the study

The report deals with the recruitment and selection process in terms of theoretical point of
view and the practical use. The study will allow learning about the recruitment and selection
issues, importance, modern techniques and models used to make it more efficient. The study

will help to learn the practical procedures followed by the leading organizations. Moreover
the study will help to differentiate between the practice and the theories that direct to realize
how the organization can improve their recruitment and selection process.
1.4 Objective of the Study

Broad Objective: The Broad objective of the study is to explore and evaluate the
recruitment and selection process of Janata Bank Limited .

Specific objective : The following aspects can be listed as the specific objectives to achieve
the broad objective:

a. To acquire the recruitment and selection Process of Janata Bank limited

b. To evaluate of the recruitment and selection process of Janata Bank limited and to
recommend necessary measures to get the process more effective .

1.5 Methodology of the Study

Research Design:
This is descriptive types of research, which briefly reveals the recruitment and selection
procedure of Janata Bank limited. It has been administered by collection both primary and

Sampling Plan:

Population: The target population was the employees who work in Janata Bank Limited
Paltan Branch. The population size was 40.
Sample Size: The sample size was 15respondents which includes both executive and
operative employees, here shown in following table:

Executives Operation Employees Total

02 13 15

Sampling Method: The Non-probability Purposive Sampling method was used for
collection the information and to identify the respondents.
Questionnaires Design: Questionnaire was prepared with both open ended and closed
questions. The average time of question is 15/20 minutes. A set of questionnaire involving
both open ended (for executive) and close ended (for operative employee) are used to perform
the study.
Types Of data Used:
Mainly Two types of data used:
a. Primary Data
b. Secondary Data

Sources of data:
Sources of data of this report can be divided into two categories:
 Primary Sources :
A. Through questionnaire survey.
B. Through observation and face to face conversation.
 Secondary Sources :
A. Annual Report of Janata Bank Limited 2013.
B. Different text books.
C. Various reports and articles related to study.
D. Web base support from the Internet

Data Analysis: Both the qualitative and quantitative analysis (Questionnaire analysis) has
been followed in this research. Quantitative question were scaled with well-known Linker
method. To analyze the gathered dada different types of computer software used such as-
Microsoft word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint.

1.6 Limitations of the Report: The limitations of the report and the study are follows:

 The report has been conducted within a short time frame.

 The study is self-financed.
 Only Paltan Branch of the bank has been considered for the study.
 The sample size does not represent the total population. Samples were selected
 For the convenient of the study, non-probability samples have been used.
 In many cases, up-to-date information is not published. All weights given are

 Information regarding the competitors is difficult to get .

Chapter Two
Brief Company Overview

2.1 Introduction
Janata Bank Ltd. has its prosperous past, glorious present and prospective future.
Established as the first public sector Bank fully owned by Bangladeshi entrepreneurs,
JBL has been flourishing as the largest public sector Bank with the passage of time
after facing many stress and strain. The member of the board of directors is creative
businessman and leading industrialist of the country. To keep pace with time and in
harmony with national and international economic activities and for rendering all
modern services, JBL, as a financial institution automated all its branches with
computer network in accordance with the competitive commercial demand of time.
Moreover, considering its forth-coming future the Bank has been rearranging. The
expectation of all class businessmen, entrepreneurs and general public is much more
to JBL. Keeping the target in mind JBL has taken preparation to open new branches
by the year 2000-2001.

The emergence of JBL in the public sector is an important event in the Banking area
of Bangladesh. When the nation was in the grip of service recession, Govt. took the
farsighted decision to allow in the public sector to revive the economy of the country.
Several dynamic entrepreneurs came forward for establishing a bank with a motto to
revitalize the economy of the country.

2.2 Janata Bank Limited

Janata Bank Ltd. was born as the first hundred percent Bangladeshi owned Bank in
the public sector. From the very inception it is the firm determination of Janata Bank
Ltd. to play a vital role in the national economy. We are determined to bring back the
long forgotten taste of banking services and flavours. We want to serve each one
promptly and with a sense of dedication and dignity.
The president of the people’s Republic of Bangladesh Justice AhsanuddinChowdhury
inaugurated the bank formally on March 28, 1983 but the first branch at 48, Dilkusha
Commercial Area, Dhaka started function on March 23, 1983.The second branch was
opened on 11th May 1983 at Khatungong, Chittagong. Today we have total 76
Branches all over Bangladesh.

Considering the need for remittance by the expatriates Bangladeshis residing abroad
the Bank during the year established drawing arrangement with the Pacific Bank
Berhad, Malaysia (now May Bank), Security Exchange Company Limited, State of
Kuwait and Dalil Exchange, State of Bahrain.
Our Bank invested 25% equity in Gulf Overseas Exchange Company LLC, a joint
venture Exchange Company in Oman, operating since November 1985 under the
management of our Bank. The Bank received Riyal Omani 12, 450 equivalent to TK.
1.74 million as dividend for the year 2000.
A representative Office was established in Yangon, Myanmar in October, 1996 by our
Bank and obtained permission from the Government of Bangladesh to handle border
trade with Myanmar. Opportunities are being explored for further business avenues
Now JBL is on line to establish trade and communication with the Prime Inter Janata
Bank Ltd. companies oh the world. As a result JBL will be able to build a strong root
in inter Janata Bank horizon. Bank has been drawing arrangement with well
conversant money transfer service agency “Western Union”. It has a full time
arrangement for speedy transfer of money all over the world.
Banking is not only a profit-oriented commercial institution but it has a public base
and social commitment. Admitting this true JBL is going on with its diversified
banking activities. JBL introduced Monthly Savings Scheme, Special Deposit
Scheme, Consumer’s Credit Scheme and Savings Insurance Scheme etc. to combine
the people of lower and middle-income group.

2.3 Vision of JBL

Efforts for expansion of JBL activities at home and abroad by adding new dimensions
to their banking services are being continued unabated. Alongside, they are also
putting highest priority in ensuring transparency, account ability, improved clientele
service as well as to their commitment to serve the society through which they want to
get closer and closer to the people of all strata. Winning an everlasting seat in the
hearts of the people as a caring companion in uplifting the national economic standard
through continuous up gradation and diversification of their clientele services in line
with national and international requirements is the desired goal they want to reach.

2.4 Mission of JBL

Ensuring highest standard of clientele services through best application of latest

information technology, making due contribution to the national economy and
establishing themselves firmly at home and abroad as a front ranking bank of the
country are their cherished vision.

2.5 Hierarchy of Position in JBL

Chairman Advisor Board of Directors

Assistant Vice President

Senior Principle Officer

Principle Officer

Executive Officer

Assistant Officer

Managing Director

Senior Executive Vice President

Senior Vice President

Vice President

Senior Assistant Vice President

Products & Services
Product and services is the main assets of any organization. The following product
and services are available of Janata Bank Ltd.

● Consumer credit Scheme

● Special Deposit Scheme
● Monthly Saving Scheme
● Saving Insurance Scheme
● Credit Card
● Western Union Money Transfer
● JBL ATM Service
● JBL Power Card

 Consumer Credit Scheme

Janata Bank Ltd. Consumer Credit Scheme gives clients a great opportunity to buy
household and office items on easy installments. This scheme gives clients the
advantage of part payment to cope with the high price tags of many necessary home
and office appliances.

Television, Refrigerator, VCR, Personal Computer, Photocopier, Washing Machine,

Furniture, Microwave Oven, Car, and a number of other expensive items are now
within their buying range. With this scheme JBL makes better living possible for
people living on fixed income. Customers can buy those home and office equipment's
without over taxing their budget.

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 Special Deposit Scheme

For most of the people on fixed income the opportunity to supplement their monthly
earning is a golden one. And JBL Special Deposit Scheme gives a customer just that.
Under this scheme, customers can deposit money for a term of 5 years. The deposited
money is fully refundable at the expiry of the term. At the same time, during the term
period they can enjoy a monthly profit corresponding to their deposited amount. As
for instance, under this scheme a deposit of Tk, 55,000/- gives a monthly income of

Monthly Benefit Deposited Amount

Tk. 500/- Tk. 55,000/-
Tk. 1,000/- Tk. 1,10,000/-
Tk. 1,500/- Tk. 1,65,000/-
Tk. 2,000/- Tk. 2,20,000/-

 Monthly Savings Scheme

This scheme is specially designed for the benefit of the limited income group
members. This helps to accumulate small monthly savings into a significant sum at
the end of the term. So, after the expiry of the term period the depositor will have a
substantial amount to appreciate on.

A monthly deposit of Tk.500/- or Tk.1000/- for 5 or 8 years period earns in the end.
Tk37, 896 /- or Tk.75, 791/- respectively.

Return after Return after

Monthly Installment
8 years 5 years
Tk. 70849/- Tk. 37, 896 Tk. 500/-
Tk141697/- Tk. 75,791 Tk. 1,000/-
Tk. 2,83,570 Tk. 1,51,583 Tk. 2000/-
Tk. 4,25,091 Tk. 2,27,348 Tk. 3000
Tk. 5,66,788 Tk. 3,03,166 Tk. 4000

 Credit Card:

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Credit card is the newest concept in our country. In our country Credit card was first
introduced by the Janata Bank Ltd. ltd. Master card and VISA card are name of
popular credit card band. Credit card is safe, instant and universal money. Janata Bank
Ltd. ltd issued two types of credit card, which is as follows: -

 Local master and visa card

Local master and visa card are two types, such as “gold card” and “silver card”.
Gold card limit is 50000 taka to 1000000 taka
Silver card limit is 10000 taka to 45000 taka

 Requirement for local credit card:

● FDR.STD account Loan

● Tax identification number
● Two copy passport size photo

 International master and visa card:

It has also two types, such as gold card and silver card.
● For international purpose gold card limit is $ 4000 above
● For international purpose silver card limit is $ 2000 blow $4000

 Requirement for international credit card

● Pass port photocopy (first five pages)
● Two copy passport size photo.
● TIN number
● FDR, STD, SB account lien

 JBL ATM Services

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ATM means automated teller machine. JBL ATM card give opportunity to their
customer that they can withdraw their money at any time, any days even holidays. By
using ATM subscriber can give various utility bill such as telephone, gas, electricity
bills etc. actually ATM card is a debit card. Janata Bank Ltd. has introduced ATM
service to its Customers. The card will enable to save their valued customers from any
kind of predicament in emergency situation and time consuming formalities. JBL
ATM Card will give their distinguished Clients the opportunity to withdraw cash at
any time, even in holidays, 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week.

 Charges for ATM card

ATM cardholders have to pay 1000 taka annually and in the case of card lost
subscriber also pay additional 300 taka.

 JBL Power Card

It is a prepaid card. No need of any account of JBL branch. Application form
available at any JBL branch and card center. No annual fee for the first year. Renewal
fee Tk 200.00 only. Local card limit 1000at minimum or its multiple. International
card limit-US$ 500.00 at minimum. Refill through any JBL branch. Drawing cash
from JBL ATMs free of charge & from ATMs under Q-Cash network-Tk 10.00 per
transaction from other ATM-Tk 100.00. Loading fee for international card will be
charged @1% of the loaded amount. Cash withdraw fee (abroad) 2% of the cash
drawn amount or US $.2.00, whichever is higher. Accepted at all VISA POS
merchants. Cash withdrawal at all ATM booths bearing VISA and Q-Cash logo.
( Except HSBC Bangladesh). Utility bill payment. It is a prepaid card. No need of any
account of JBL branch. Application form available at any JBL branch and card center.
No annual fee for the first year. Renewal fee Tk 200.00 only. Local card limit 1000at
minimum or its multiple. International card limit-US$ 500.00 at minimum. Refill
through any JBL branch.

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Chapter Three
Theoretical Aspects

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3.1 Definition of Human Resources Management
The process of hiring and developing employees so that they become more valuable
the organization. Human resources management includes conducting job analysis, planning
personal needs, recruiting the right people for the job, orienting and training, managing wages
and salaries, providing benefits and incentive, evaluation performance, resolving disputes,
and communication with employees at all level.

3.2Funtions of Human Resource Management

There are four functions, such as:-
a. Acquisition.
b. Training and Development.
c. Motivation.
d. Maintenance.

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1. Acquisition
 Job Analysis
 Job Description
 Job satisfaction
 Recruitment
 Selection

2. Training &Development

4. Maintenance  On the job training

 Job Rotation
 Employee Safety & health  Job Coating
 Grievance Handling  Job Instruction
 Collective Bargaining
Functions  Internship & Assistantship
 Turnover of  Apprenticeship Training
 Retirement  Off the job training
 Cordial Labor Relationship  Classroom
 Labor Welfare Activities  Audio Visual
 Discipline  Simulation
 Programmed Instructions
 Computer Based Training

3. Motivation
 Compensation
 Job Evaluation
 Reward
 Employee Compensation
& Benefit
 Motivation

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a. Acquisition:

It deals with HR planning, recruitment, selection & socialization of employees. Acquisition

has some parts:

Human Resource Planning: Human resources planning is a process that identifies current
and future human resources needs for an organization to achieve its goals. Human resources
planning should serve as a link between human resources management and the overall
strategic plan of an organization.

Job Analysis: Job Analysis is a process to identify and determine in detail the particular job
duties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job. Job
Analysis is a process where judgments are made about data collected on a job. Job Analysis
has two parts:

 Job Description: A broad, general, and written statement of a specific job, based on
the findings of a job analysis. It generally includes duties, purpose, responsibilities,
scope, and working conditions of a job along with the job’s title, and the name or
designation of the person to whom the employee reports. Job description usually
forms the basis of job specification.
 Job Specification: Job Specification involves listing of employee qualifications,
skills and abilities required to meet the job description. These specifications are
needed to do job satisfactorily.

Recruitment: Recruitment is the Process of finding and attracting capable applicants for
employment. The Process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their
applications are submitted. The result is a pool of application from which new employees are

Selection: Selection is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify

and hire those with a greater likelihood of success in a job.

b. Training & Development

Training refers to the process of imparting specific skills. An employee undergoing training is
presumed to have had some formal education. No training program is complete without an
element of education. Hence we can say that Training is offered to operatives.

Development means those learning opportunities designed to help employees to grow.

Development is not primarily skills oriented. Instead it provides the general knowledge and

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attitudes, which will be helpful to employers in higher positions. Efforts towards development
often depend on personal drive and ambition. Development activities such as those supplied
by management development programs are generally voluntary in nature. Development
provides knowledge about business environment, management principles and techniques,
human relations, specific industry analysis and the like is useful for better management of a

Training & Development is any attempt to improve current or future employee performance
by increasing an employee’s ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the
employee’s attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge.

On the Job Training Methods:

 Job Rotation: In this method, usually employees are put on different jobs turn by
turn where they learn all sorts of jobs of various departments. The objective is to give
a comprehensive awareness about the jobs of different departments. Advantage –
employee gets to know how his own and other departments also function.
Interdepartmental coordination can be improved, instills team spirit. Disadvantage –
It may become too much for an employee to learn. It is not focused on employees
own job responsibilities. Employees’ basic talents may remain under-utilized.

 Job Coaching: An experienced employee can give a verbal presentation to explain

the nitty-gritty’s of the job.

 Job Instruction: It mayconsist an instruction or directions to perform a particular

task or a function. It may be in the form of orders or steps to perform a task.

 Apprenticeships: Generally fresh graduates are put under the experienced

employee to learn the functions of job.

 Internships and Assistantships: An intern or an assistant are recruited to perform

a specific time-bound jobs or projects during their education. It may consist a part of
their educational courses.

Off the Job Training Methods:

 Classroom Lectures: It is a verbal lecture presentation by an instructor to a large

audience. Advantage – It can be used for large groups. Cost per trainee is low.
Disadvantages – Low popularity. It is not learning by practice. It is One-way
communication. No authentic feedback mechanism. Likely to boredom.

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 Audio-Visual: It can be done using Films, Televisions, Video, and Presentations

Advantages – Wide range of realistic examples, quality control possible.

Disadvantages – One-way communication, No feedback mechanism. No flexibility

for different audience.

 Simulation: creating a real life situation for decision-making and understanding the
actual job conditions give it. Following are some of the simulation methods of

 Case Studies: It is a written description of an actual situation and trainer is

supposed to analyze and give his conclusions in writing. The cases are generally
based on actual organizational situations. It is an ideal method to promote decision-
making abilities within the constraints of limited data.

 Role Plays: Here trainees assume the part of the specific personalities in a case
study and enact it in front of the audience. It is more emotional orientation and
improves interpersonal relationships. Attitudinal change is another result. These are
generally used in MDP.

 Sensitivity Trainings: This is more from the point of view of behavioral

assessment, under different circumstances how an individual will behave himself and
towards others. There is no preplanned agenda and it is instant.

 Programmed Instructions: Provided in the form of blocks either in book or a

teaching machine using questions and Feedbacks without the intervention of trainer.

Advantages – Self paced, trainees can progress at their own speed, strong motivation
for repeat learning, and material is structured and self-contained.

Disadvantages – Scope for learning is less; cost of books, manuals or machinery is


 Computer Aided Instructions: It is extension of PI method, by using computers.

Advantages – Provides accountabilities, modifiable to technological innovations,

flexible to time.

Disadvantages – High cost.

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c. Motivation:

Compensation: Compensation is the total amount of the monetary and non-monetary pay
provided to an employee by an employer in return for work performed as required.
Compensation is based on:

 Market research about the worth of similar jobs in the marketplace,

 Employee contributions and accomplishments,

 The availability of employees with like skills in the marketplace,

 The desire of the employer to attract and retain a particular employee for the value
they are perceived to add to the employment relationship, and

 The profitability of the company or the funds available in a non-profit or public sector
setting, and thus, the ability of an employer to pay market-rate compensation.

Compensation also includes payments such as bonuses, profit sharing, overtime pay,
recognition rewards and checks, and sales commission. Compensation can also include non-
monetary perks such as a company-paid car, stock options in certain instances, company-paid
housing, and other non-monetary, but taxable, income items.

Job Evaluation: Job Evaluation involves determination of relative worth of each job for the
purpose of establishing wage and salary differentials. Relative worth is determined mainly on
the basis of job description and job specification only. Job Evaluation helps to determine
wages and salary grades for all jobs. Employees need to be compensated depending on the
grades of jobs which they occupy. Remuneration also involves fringe benefits, bonus and
other benefits. Clearly remuneration must be based on the relative worth of each job. A
perception of inequity is a sure way of de-motivating an employee.

Job evaluation is a process of analyzing and assessing the various jobs systematically to
ascertain their relative worth in an organization.

Jobs are evaluated on the basis of content, placed in order of importance. This establishes Job
Hierarchies, which is a purpose of fixation of satisfactory wage differentials among various

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Reward: Money or another kind of payment that is given or received for something that has
been done or that is offered for something that might be done.

Motivation: Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be
continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a
goal. Motivation results from the interaction of both conscious and unconscious factors such
as the (1) intensity of desire or need, (2) incentive or reward value of the goal, and (3)
expectations of the individual and of his or her peers. These factors are the reasons one has
for behaving a certain way. An example is a student that spends extra time studying for a test
because he or she wants a better grade in the class.

d. Maintenance:

It includes employee safety & health, cordial labor relationship, grievance handling,
collective bargaining discipline, counseling.

Employee Safety & Health: The area of policy & legislation covering employee
wellbeing, Health and safety within, an organization is often coordinated by a particular
person, but it is the responsibility of all employees.

Grievance handling: It is a universal fact that where ever human beings are involved of
certain there will be discounts and dissatisfaction, ever though it may superbly be best
managed organization. But it does not mean that by thinking so, the management can ignore
the grievances between employees & employers.

Collective Bargaining: Collective bargaining is a process of negotiations between

employers and a group of employees aimed at reaching agreements to regulate working
conditions. The interests of the employees are commonly presented by representatives of a
trade union to which the employees belong. The collective agreements reached by these
negotiations usually set out wage scales, working hours, training, health and safety, overtime,
grievance mechanisms, and rights to participate in workplace or company affairs.

Turnover: In human resources context, turnover or staff turnover or labor turnover is the
rate at which an employer loses and gains employees. Simple ways to describe it are "how
long employees tend to stay" or "the rate of traffic through the revolving door". Turnover is
measured for individual companies and for their industry as a whole. If an employer is said to
have a high turnover relative to its competitors, it means that employees of that company have
a shorter average tenure than those of other companies in the same industry. High turnover
may be harmful to a company's productivity if skilled workers are often leaving and the

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worker population contains a high percentage of novice workers. Companies also often track
turnover internally across departments and divisions or other demographic groups such as
turnover of women versus turnover of men.

Retirement: When a person chooses to leave the workforce. The concept of full retirement
– being able to permanently leave the workforce in old age – is relatively new and for the
most part only culturally-widespread in first-world countries. Many developed countries have
some type of national pension or benefits system to help supplement retirees' incomes.

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3.3 Human Resource Planning (HRP):

HRP includes estimation of how many qualified people are necessary to carry out the
assigned activities, how many people will be available, and what, if anything, must be done to
ensure personnel supply equals personnel demand at the appropriate point in the future

HRP is a Process, by which an organization ensures that it has the right number and kind of
people at the right place, at the right time, capable of effectively and efficiently completing
those tasks that will help the organization achieve its overall objectives.

HRP is a process of translating organizational objectives and plans into the number of
workers needed to meet those objectives.

Purpose of HRP:

 In simple words HRP is understood as the process of forecasting an organization’s

future demand for and supply of the right type of people in the right numbers.
 It is only after HRP is done, that the company can initiate and plan the recruitment and
selection process.
 HRP is a sub-system in the total organizational planning.
 HRP facilitates the realization of the company’s objectives by providing right type and
right number of personnel.
 HRP is important because without a clear-cut manpower planning, estimation of a
organization’s human resource need is reduced to mere guesswork.

Importance of HRP:

i. Forecast future personnel needs: To avoid the situations of surplus or deficiency

of manpower in future, it is important to plan your manpower in advance. For this
purpose a proper forecasting of futures business needs helps you to ascertain our
future manpower needs. From this angle, HRP plays an important role to predict the
right size of manpower in the organization.

ii. Cope with change: HRP enables an enterprise to cope with changes in competitive
forces, markets, technology, products and government regulations. Such changes
generate changes in job content, skills demands and number of human resources

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iii. Creating highly talented personnel: Since jobs are becoming highly intellectual
and incumbents getting vastly professionalized, HRP helps prevent shortages of labor
caused by attritions. Further technology changes would further upgrade or degrade
jobs and create manpower shortages. In these situations only accurate human resource
planning can help to meet the resource requirements. Further HRP is also an answer
to the problems of succession planning.

iv. Protection of weaker sections: A well-conceived personnel planning would also

help to protect the interests of the SC/ST, physically handicapped, children of socially
oppressed and backward classes who enjoy a certain percentage of employments
notwithstanding the constitutional provisions of equal opportunity for all.

v. International strategies: International expansion strategies largely depend upon

effective HRP. With growing trends towards global operations, the need for HRP
further becomes more important as the need to integrate HRP more closely into the
organization keeps growing. This is also because the process of meeting staffing
needs from foreign countries grows in a complex manner.

vi. Foundation of personnel functions: HRP provides essential information for

designing and implementing personnel functions such as recruitment, selection,
personnel development, training and development etc.

vii. Increasing investments in HR: Another importance is the investment that an

organization makes in human capital. It is important that employees are used
effectively throughout their careers. Because human assets can increase the
organization value tremendously as opposed to physical assets

viii. Resistance to change & move: The growing resistance towards change and move,
self evaluation, loyalty and dedication making it more difficult to assume that
organization can move its employees everywhere. Here HRP becomes very important
and needs the resources to be planned carefully.

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Other benefits: Following are the other benefits of HRP:

 Upper management has a better view of HR dimensions of business

 Management can anticipate imbalances before they become unmanageable and
 More time is provided to locate talent
 Better opportunities exists to include women and minorities in future growth plans
 Better planning of assignments to develop managers
 Major and successful demands on local labor markets can be made.

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3.4 Job Analysis:

Job Analysis is a process of studying and collecting information relating to operations and
responsibilities of a specific job.

Job Analysis is a systematic exploration of activities within a job. It is a basic technical

procedure that is used to define duties and responsibilities and accountabilities of the job.

Job is a collection of tasks that can be performed by a single employee to contribute to the
production of some product or service, provided by the organization. Each job has certain
ability requirements (as well as certain rewards) associated with it. Job Analysis is a process
used to identify these requirements.

Job Analysis is a process of collecting information about a job. The process of job analysis
results into two sets of data.

 Job Description
 Job Specification

As a result Job analysis involves the following steps in a logical ord er.

Stages in the Job Analysis Process:

The process of job analysis must be conducted in a logical manner, following appropriate
management and professional psychometric practices. Therefore, a multistage process usually
is followed, regardless of the job analysis methods used. The stages for a typical job analysis
are outlined here, but they may vary with the methods used and the number of jobs included.
Figure illustrates the basic stages of the process.

I. Planning the Job Analysis: It is crucial that the job analysis process be planned before
beginning the gathering of data from managers and employees. Probably the most important
consideration is to identify the objectives of the job analysis. Maybe it is just to update job
descriptions. Or, it may include as an outcome revising the compensation programs in the
organization. Another objective could be to redesign the jobs in a department or division of
the organization. Also, it could be to change the structure in parts of the organization to align
it better with business strategies.

26 | P a g e
Whatever the purpose identified, it is vital to obtain top management support. The backing of
senior managers is needed as issues arise regarding changes in jobs or the organizational
structure. Support from even the highest levels of management helps when managerial and
employee anxieties and resistance arise.

II.Preparing and Introducing the Job Analysis: Preparation begins by identifying the
jobs under review. For example, are the jobs to be analyzed hourly jobs, clerical jobs, all jobs
in one division, or all jobs in the entire organization? In this phase, those who will be
involved in conducting the job analysis and the methods to be used are identified.

Also specified is how current incumbents and managers will participate in the process and
how many employees’ jobs will be considered.

III.Conducting the Job Analysis: With the preparation completed, the job analysis can
be conducted. The methods selected will determine the time line for the project. Sufficient
time should be allotted for obtaining the information from employees and managers. If
questionnaires are used, it is often helpful to have employees return them to supervisors or
managers for review before giving them back to those conducting the job analysis. The
questionnaire should be accompanied by a letter explaining the process and instructions for
completing and returning the job analysis questionnaires.

IV.Developing Job Descriptions and Job Specifications : At this stage the job analysts
will prepare draft job descriptions and job specifications. Later in this chapter is a section
discussing details on how to write job descriptions and job specifications. Our purpose here is
to emphasize that the drafts should be relatively complete and identify areas where additional
clarifications are needed.

Generally, organizations have found that having managers and employees write job
descriptions is not recommended for several reasons. First, there is no consistency in format
and details, both of which are important given the legal consequences of job descriptions.
Second, managers and employees vary in their writing skills. Also, they may write the job
descriptions and job specifications to reflect what they do and what their personal
qualifications are, not what the job requires.

V.Maintaining and Updating Job Descriptions and Job Specifications: Once job
descriptions and specifications have been completed and reviewed by all appropriate
individuals, a system must be developed for keeping them current. Otherwise, the entire

27 | P a g e
process, beginning with job analysis, may have to be repeated in several years. Because
organizations are dynamic and evolving entities, rarely do all jobs stay the same for years.

Someone in the HR department usually has responsibility for ensuring that job descriptions
and specifications stay current. Employees performing the jobs and their managers play a
crucial role because, as those closest to the jobs, they know when changes occur. One
effective way to ensure that appropriate reviews occur is to use job descriptions and job
specifications in other HR activities.

Job Description:

Job Description implies objective listing of the job title, tasks, and responsibilities involved in
a job. Job description is a word picture in writing of the duties, responsibilities and
organizational relationships that constitutes a given job or position. It defines continuing work
assignment and a scope of responsibility that are sufficiently different from those of the other
jobs to warrant a specific title. Job description is a broad statement of purpose, scope, duties
and responsibilities of a particular job.

Contents of Job Description:

 Job Identification
 Job Summary
 Job Duties and Responsibilities
 Supervision specification
 Machines, tools and materials
 Work conditions
 Work hazards
 Definition of unusual terms

Format of Job Description:

 Job Title
 Region/Location
 Department
 Reporting to (Operational and Managerial)
 Objective
 Principal duties and responsibilities

28 | P a g e
Features of Good Job Description:

 Up to date
 Proper Job Title
 Comprehensive Job Summary
 Clear duties and responsibilities
 Easily understandable
 State job requirements
 Specify reporting relationships
 Showcase degrees of difficulties
 Indicates opportunities for career development
 Offer bird’s-eye-view of primary responsibilities

Job Specifications:

Job Specification involves listing of employee qualifications, skills and abilities required to
meet the job description. These specifications are needed to do job satisfactorily. In other
words it is a statement of minimum and acceptable human qualities necessary to perform job
properly. Job specifications seeks to indicate what kind of persons may be expected to most
closely approximate the role requirements and thus it is basically concerned with matters of
selection, screening and placement and is intended to serve as a guide in hiring.

Contents of Job Specifications:

 Physical Characteristics
 Psychological characteristics
 Personal characteristics
 Responsibilities
 Demographic features

29 | P a g e
3.5 Definition of Recruitment and Selection:

Recruitment: Recruitment is understood as the process of searching for and obtaining

applicants for jobs, from among them the right people can be selected. Though theoretically
recruitment process is said to end with the receipt of applications, in practice the activity
extends to the screening of applications so as to eliminate those who are not qualified for the

Selection: Selection is the process of picking up individuals (out of the pool of job
applicants) with requisite qualifications and competence to fill jobs in the organization.

3.6 Factors Affecting Recruitment:

It has two factors:

External Factors:

 Demand and Supply (Specific Skills)

 Unemployment Rate (Area-wise)
 Labor Market Conditions
 Political and Legal Environment (Reservations, Labor laws)
 Image

Internal Factors HRM:

 Recruitment Policy
 Human Resource Planning (Planning of resources required)
 Size of the Organization (Bigger the size lesser the recruitment problems)
 Cost
 Growth and Expansion Plans

30 | P a g e
3.7 Sources of Recruitment:

Internal sources of Recruitment:

 Present Permanent Employees :  Organizations consider the candidates from this

source for higher level of jobs due to availability of most suitable candidates for jobs
relatively or equally to external sources, to meet the trade union demands and due to
the policy of the organization to motivate  the present employees.
 Present temporary/casual Employees: Organizations find this source to fill the
vacancies relatively at the lower level owing to the availability of suitable candidates
or trade union pressures or in order to motivate them on present job.
 Retrenched or Retired Employees: Employees retrenched due to lack of work
are given employment by the organization due to obligation, trade union pressure etc.
Sometimes they are re-employed by the organization as a token of their loyalty to the
organization or to postpone some interpersonal conflicts for promotion.
 Dependents of Deceased, Disabled, retired and present employees: Some
organizations function with a view to developing the commitment and loyalty of not
only the employee but also his family members.
 Employee Referrals: Present employees are well aware of the qualifications,
attitudes, experience and emotions of their friends and relatives. They are also aware
of the job requirements and organizational culture of their company. As such they can
make preliminary judgment regarding the match between the job and their friends and
 Campus Recruitment: These candidates are directly recruited by the Co; from
their college/educational institution. They are inexperienced as far as work experience
is concerned.

External Sources of Recruitment:

 Private Employment Agencies/Consultants: Public employment agencies or

consultants like ABC Consultants in India perform recruitment functions on behalf of
a client company by charging fees. Line managers are relieved from recruitment
functions and can concentrate on operational activities.

31 | P a g e
 Public Employment Exchanges: The Government set up Public Employment
Exchanges in the country to provide information about vacancies to the candidates
and to help the organization in finding out suitable candidates. As per the
Employment Exchange act 1959, makes it obligatory for public sector and private
sector enterprises in India to fill certain types of vacancies through public
employment exchanges.
 Professional Organizations: Professional organizations or associations maintain
complete bio-data of their members and provide the same to various organizations on
requisition. They act as an exchange between their members and recruiting firm.

 Data Banks: The management can collect the bio-data of the candidates from
different sources like Employment Exchange, Educational Training Institutes,
candidates etc and feed them in the computer. It will become another source and the
co can get the particulars as and when required.

 Casual Applicants: Depending on the image of the organization its prompt

response participation of the organization in the local activities, level of
unemployment, candidates apply casually for jobs through mail or handover the
application in the Personnel dept. This would be a suitable source for temporary and
lower level jobs.

 Similar Organizations: Generally experienced candidates are available in

organizations producing similar products or are engaged in similar business. The
Management can get potential candidates from this source.

 Trade Unions: Generally unemployed or underemployed persons or employees

seeking change in employment put a word to the trade union leaders with a view to
getting suitable employment due to latter rapport with the management.

 Walk In: The busy organization and rapid changing companies do not find time to
perform various functions of recruitment. Therefore they advise the potential
candidates to attend for an interview directly and without a prior application on a
specified date, time and at a specified place.

32 | P a g e
 Consult In: the busy and dynamic companies encourage the potential job seekers to
approach them personally and consult them regarding the jobs. The companies select
the suitable candidates and advise the company regarding the filling up of the
positions. Head hunters are also called search consultants.

 Body Shopping: Professional organizations and the hi-tech training develop the
pool of human resource for the possible employment. The prospective employers
contact these organizations to recruit the candidates. Otherwise the organizations
themselves approach the prospective employers to place their human resources. These
professional and training institutions are called body shoppers and these activities are
known as body shopping. The body shopping is used mostly for computer
professionals. Body shopping is also known as employee leasing activity.

 Mergers and Acquisitions: Business alliances like acquisitions, mergers and take
over help in getting human resources. In addition the companies do also alliances in
sharing their human resource on abhor basis.

 E-recruitment: The technological revolution in telecommunications helped the

organizations to use internet as a source of recruitment. Organizations advertise the
job vacancies through the World Wide Web (www). The job seekers send their
applications through e-mail using the internet.

 Outsourcing: Some organizations recently started developing human resource pool

by employing the candidates for them. These organizations do not utilize the human
resources; instead they supply HRs to various companies based on their needs on
temporary or ad-hoc basis.

33 | P a g e
34 | P a g e
3.8 Recruitment Process:

The recruitment process comprises five interrelated stages:

1. Personnel Planning
2. Strategy Development
3. Searching
4. Screening
5. Evaluation
6. Control

Define Recruitment
Job Description

Job Specification

Attract Potential Job Advertising

Select Right People

Job Interview

Ability Tests

Fig: Recruitment Process

35 | P a g e
3.9 Selection Process:

External Environment

Internal Environment

Completion & Screening of the Application

Rejected Application

Preliminary Interview

Employment Testing

Diagnostic Interview

Reference & Background Analysis

Selecting Decision

Physical Examination

Job Offer

Employment Contract


Fig: Selection Process

36 | P a g e
Screening of the Application Form: The Application form provides basic employment
information for use in later steps of the selection process & can be used to screen out
unqualified applications. It may provide three important purposes:

1. It introduces the candidate to the company.

2. It helps the company to screen & reject candidates if they fail to meet the eligibility
criteria at this stage.
3. It can serve as basics to initiates a dialogue in interview.

Preliminary Interview: The preliminary interview is used to determine whether the

applicant’s skill, abilities & job performance match any of the available jobs in the
organization. A preliminary interview can be conducted either before or after the applicant
completed the application form.

Diagnostic Interview: The diagnostic interview is used by most organizations as an

important step in the selection process.

Reference & Background Analysis: Many employer requests name, addresses &
telephone numbers or references for the purpose of verifying information & perhaps gaining
additional background information on an applicant.

Selecting Decision: After obtained information through the preceding steps, selection
decision the most critical of all steps must be made. The other stages of the selection process
have been used to narrow the number of candidates.

Physical Examination: There are several objectives behind a physical test. Obviously, one
reason for a physical test is to detect if the individual carries any infection diseases. Secondly,
the test assists in determining whether an applicant is fit to perform the job. Thirdly, the
physical examination formation may be used to determine if there are certain physical
capabilities which differentiate successful & less successful employees.

Job Offer: Job offer is made through a letter of appointment. Such a letter generally
contains a data by which the appointee must report on duty. The appointee must be given
reasonable time for reporting. This is particularly necessary when he or she is already in
employment, in which case the appointee is required to obtain relieving certificate from the
previous employer.

37 | P a g e
Employment contract: An employment contract is a written legal document that lays out
binding terms and conditions of employment between an employee and an employer. A job
offer letter is an informal employment contract that usually spells out just the basics of
compensation and benefits, job title, and reporting relationships. Employers may need to offer
senior level employees a job offer letter that spells out many of the components of the
employment contract.

Evaluation: The broad test of the effectiveness of the selection process is the quality of the
personal hired. An organization must have complete and committee personal the selection
process, if properly done, will ensure availability if such employees. A periodic audit is the
answer. Audit must be conducted by people who work independent of the HR department.

38 | P a g e
Chapter Four
Recruitment and selection Process
Janata Bank Limited

39 | P a g e
d.1 Introduction

Every organization follows their own recruitment and selection process to get their desire
employees for achieving their ultimate goal. Through this intern program I went through
various aspects about recruitment and selection process of Janata Bank Limited. During this
internship program the major aspects of recruitment and selection process of Janata Bank
Limited that come to my notice are stared here.

To know the future demand of human resources, the HR division of Janata Bank Limited
usually provides all the other divisions and branches with a general form at the
beginning of the year. From the information collected from these forms, the HR division
gets an estimate of the human resource requirement for the year. No long term human
resource forecasting is done in JBL .

The recruitment goals of Janata Bank Limited are to attract and retain highly qualified human
resources who will perform best in their respective areas. The bank not only tries to attract
well qualified candidates but also tries to identify and recruit people who are really interested
to working the bank for an acceptable period of time.

4.2Types of Recruitment

Janata Bank Limited practices two types of recruitment

 Yearly recruitment: this is done each year, according to the HR plan

 Need-based recruitments: this is done when there is a sudden vacancy

4.3 Recruitment Sources and Methods

JBL usually promotes from within the organization. But it also recruits from external sources.

External sources are:

 Different universities
 Competitors and other organizations
 Unsolicited applicants

Campus recruiting will be handled by the HR Division and the overall planning for this will
be done based on the Annual Manpower Plan. However, the respective business
department/function requiring the profiles should have the responsibility and mandate to
short-list the campus-based candidates. The skill base generally recruited through this

40 | P a g e
route will be entry level positions. Therefore, the plan for campus recruitment will have to
tie up with the placement season of various universities that are targeted for recruitment. The
HR Division needs to identify a set of campuses based on the courses conducted there, any
past experience of candidates from these campuses and the emerging requirements of the

The HR Division will need to take a decision regarding the source of external
recruiting considering variables like –

 Available spread of candidates

 Cost impact
 Time needed

And the external recruitment methods include:

 Advertising in newspapers, company website etc.

 Employee referrals
 Internships

41 | P a g e
4.4 Recruitment Process of Janata Bank Limited

Recruitment Process: The Recruitment Process of Janata Bank Limited follows as:

Identify vacancy

Advertising the response

Screening and Short-

Arrange Interviews

Decision making

Fig: Recruitment Process of Janata Bank Limited

A. Identify vacancy:

Janata Bank Limited first identifies the vacancy. They Follow:

 Posts to be filled
 Number of persons
 Duties to be performed
 Qualifications required

B. Advertising the response:

Janata Bank Limited mainly advertising their vacancy through the Newspaper.

Traditionally, advertising is seen as a person specification, Advertising helps the HR

professionals of the organization to concentrate on the strategic function and processes of
human resource management routing work.

C. Short-listing:

Applicant tracking systems provide following tips:

 Resume writhing: Applicant tracking systems work best with text and resume should
be designed accordingly.

42 | P a g e
 Resume Front: There are a few reasons important to keep resume simple.
 Format of Cover Letter: Depending on the hiring organization either it viewed on not.
 Resume File Format: The file format may vary based on the bank applicant system.
D. Arrange Interviews:

Janata Bank Limited arranges interviews and ask questions about the applicant`s experience
and skills work history, availability, and the qualifications the bank is seeking in the optimal
candidate for the job. Interview can be a more in-depth one-on-one interview with the
persons. It can be day-long interview that including meetings with bank staff.

E. Decision Making:

Cognitive processing has a primary role in decision making. The regulation and knowledge of
cognition, affects decision making in a consistent and predictable way. Data collection
involved four strategies on managerial decisions have received little attention.

43 | P a g e
4.5 Selection Process of Janata Bank Limited

Receipt of Applications

Sorting out of Applications

Informing Candidates

Written Tests


Final Approval by Competent


Physical Examination

Joining and Placement

Fig: Selection Process of Janata Bank Limited

Receipt of Applications

This is the first selection hurdle to join JBL. Candidates either send their CVs in application
for a specific vacancy, or they send unsolicited CVs for any suitable position. The HR
division collects job applications against each job vacancy. In case of newspaper
advertisements, the applicants are given at least 3 weeks to apply. After a specific period,
each and every job is closed for applying.

Sorting out of Applications

The next step is the short listing of CVs. Usually the HR division is engaged in the short
listing. But the HR division may delegate this step to the respective divisions (for which the
selection is being carried out) to save time. To recruit experienced bankers, CVs may be
sorted out from the collection of unsolicited CVs received. Or, another possibility is to find

44 | P a g e
out experienced and competent bankers in other banks. Once potential candidates are thus
found out, they are contacted and called for an interview.

Informing Candidates

After the applications are sorted out and a preliminary list is prepared, the candidates are
informed and are called for a written exam (for entry level positions) or an interview (for
experienced banker for mid-level or senior level positions). For written tests, the bank issues
admit cards through courier services seven to ten days prior to the exam.

Written Tests

The employment test is generally an aptitude test which measures the candidates’ verbal
ability, numerical ability, reasoning ability etc. The HR division contacts IBA/BIBM to
design and conduct the recruitment tests on behalf of the bank. The HR division
provides them with the desired academic qualification and the name of the vacant posts to
construct the question paper for the test.


The interviews that are conducted are panel interviews and not structured. The
interview board consists of the MD. DMDs and the Head of HR. Even in the selection of
fresh graduates for TA or MT positions, those top level and executive level managers are
present. Usually only one interview is conducted for selecting a candidate for a position. But
in case of recruiting experienced bankers, sometimes more than one interview is conducted.

Final Approval by Competent Authority

After the interview is conducted and the interviewees are evaluated, the management
committee decides who is to be selected and who is to be rejected. After this final decision, an
‘Offer Letter’ is made for each selected candidate. Once the candidates accept this offer, they
are given the ‘Appointment Letter’. The candidates that are rejected are not informed.

Physical Examination

After the appointment letters are printed, the candidates are given one month for joining.
First, the candidates have to go through physical examinations. If the result of these physical
examinations is satisfactory, then the candidate is eligible to join the bank.

45 | P a g e
Joining and Placement

After the physical examination, the candidate needs to bring the result of the medical tests
along with all the necessary documents and academic certificates for joining. After going
through the formal joining and placement process, the candidates are finally employees
of Janata Bank Limited.

46 | P a g e
4.6 Questionnaire Survey Analysis:

A pool of fourteen employees was interviewed to uncover their perception about Recruitment
and Selection Process of JBL. Their opinions are shown in pie chart.

1. Which of the following recruitment sources are followed for recruitment and
selection in Janata Bank Limited?




Explanation: This pie chart shows that out of 100% respondent, 4% of the respondents
Prefer internal, 23%of the respondent’s external. Other73% respondents say both, overall
recruitment and selection sources of Janata Bank Limited.

Comment: This graph shows that Janata Bank Limited (JBL) uses both internal and external
sources to their recruitment and selection process.

47 | P a g e
2. What are the basis of recruiting potential employees?


Interview&Test result

Explanation: This pie chart shows that out of 100% respondent, 15% of the respondents
Say that Janata Bank Limited recruit potential employees through only interview and 85%of
the respondents say that they recruit potential employees through the interview & test result

Comment: Janata Bank Limited (JBL) evaluates both test result and interview to select the
potential employees.

48 | P a g e
3. Measuring the level of satisfaction effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection
process of JBL.



Strongly Agreed

Explanation: This pie chart shows that out of 100% respondent, 65% of the respondents
Strongly Agreed and 23%of the respondents Agreed. Other 12% respondents did not provide
any opinion that’s why we can assume that they are at neutral position.

Comment: This chart shows that maximum number of Janata Bank Limited (JBL)
Employee Strongly Agreed recruitment and selection process is satisfactory and effective.

49 | P a g e
4. Mode of Recruitment system of JBL.


Strongly Agreed


Explanation: In the case of recruitment mode organization normally follows informal and
formal mode. This pie chart shows that out of 100% respondent, 54% of the respondents
Agreed that JBL follow both system and 31%of the respondents Agreed. Other 15%
respondents did not provide any opinion that’s why we can assume that they are at neutral

Comment: This chart shows that, they follow informal and formal Both a agreed
recruitment and selection process is satisfactory and effective.

50 | P a g e
5. Lengthy Recruitment and Selection Process of JBL.

Agreed Strongly Disagreed

50% 50%

Explanation: In the question of lengthiness 50%of the employees said that the process for
recruitment and selection is not lengthy and other 50%says that the process is lengthy.

Comment: This chart shows that, Interview series 50% of the employees think it is lengthy
and it does not take much time that why rest of the employees disagreed.

51 | P a g e
6. Biasness of Recruitment and Selection Process of JBL.



Strongly Agreed


Explanation: This graph is shows that out of 100% respondent, 50% of employees are
agreed and 35%of employee strongly agreed. 15% employees did not provide any opinion
that’s why we can assume that they are at neutral position. Other hands 4% of employees are

Comment: Most of employees agreed and Strong agreed Janata Bank Limited (JBL) has
free from biasness but some are neutral because they have no effect and 4%disagreed because
they think JBL is not free from biasness.

7. JBL Recruitment and selection process follows objective criteria?

52 | P a g e


Strongly Agreed


Explanation: This graph it is seen that 46% employees are strongly agreed and 35%of
employees agreed that JBL follows objective criteria but 19% employees are neutral they have
no effect about objective criteria. Other hands 4% of employees are disagreeing.

Comment: Most of employees Strong agreed with Janata Bank Limited follows objective
criteria in recruitment and selection process. Because they are think that JBL maintain
objective criteria but some of employee disagreed that they objective criteria

8. Cost effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection Process of JBL.

53 | P a g e

Strongly Agreed


Explanation: This graph is shows that about 58% employees think that their Recruitment
and Selection Processes is cost effective and 27%strongly satisfied with the cost effectiveness
and 15% of the employees were neutral.

Comment: Their recruitment and selection process is not much costly that is why almost all
the employee agreed that process is cost effective.

9. Recruitment and Selection Process generates hassle to the applicants.

54 | P a g e

Strongly Disagreed


Explanation: About 67% employees do not think that Recruitment and Selection Process
generates hassle, 23%strongly disagreed also and other 8% was neutral.

Comment: Recruitment and selection process operate much swiftly or the process is easy
and acceptable that`s why all the employees disagreed with the statement.

10. Recruitment and selection process should be improved in this organization

55 | P a g e

Strongly Agreed 23%


Explanation: 50% of the employees strongly agreed that or think that recruitment and
selection process should be improved, 15%agreed with the same Statement but 12% does not
think that they need improvement in recruitment and selection process. And other 23% was

Comment: For recruiting more qualified and talent employees 65% employees think that the
recruitment and selection process should improve.12% employees are satisfied with present
recruitment and selection process that’s why they disagreed with it.

56 | P a g e
4.7 Major Findings

 Janata Bank Limited only depends on advertisement to newspapers.

 Janata Bank Limited follows a formal and structured Recruitment process started with
the job analysis and end at CV collection of candidates
 Janata Bank Limited follows a formal and structured selection process started with
the short listing of CV and end at job contract with the candidates.
 Almost all employees agreed that the recruitment and selection process is efficient,
effective and fair the employees and organization.
 Almost all employees feel positive with the effectiveness of recruitment and selection
 Most of employee feel agreed that the recruitment and selection process is
organization`s goal oriented.
 The recruitment and selection process is cost effective.
 About the entire employee agreed that the recruitment and section process does not
generate hassle.

57 | P a g e
Chapter five

Conclusion and Recommendations

58 | P a g e
5.1 Conclusion

The success of a commercial bank depends largely in the quality of service rendered to the
clients. Quality of service depends on the competence and the quality of the employees of the
organization. Therefore, the authority of JBL has to be careful in recruiting the right person
for each job. As has been seen, the recruitment and selection process of JBL has rooms for
improvement. The policy and process should be revised. So although the process they have
been adopting so far has been somewhat effective, to adapt to the changing times, the process
should be revised and streamlined.

The human resource department so strong to maintain their acquisition, training and
development, provide compensation task properly. Their recruitment and selection is also
noticeable. Their recruitment and selection process is much goal oriented and they are
achieving their goal. They take more interviewees but it is not cost effective .JBL`s
recruitment and selection process is an effective but few employees think the recruitment and
selection process should be improved.

59 | P a g e
5.2 Recommendations

The Following recommendation may come in to analyze the finding:

 Janata Bank only depends on advertising through the daily newspapers but they
should use the electronic media for recruitment purpose.
 Forecasting the needs for human resources are not long term oriented so they should
forecast for long term human resource need.
 According to my observation the turnover rate is high so the bank should identify the
reason of regular employ turnover and also should take the initiative to reduce it.
 They should follow some strategies to retain effective employees
 The training program is not routine activity of JBL so they should arrange it in every
two months.
 A single step interview may not be effective to get the right candidates so they should
take interview at least in 2 steps. They further can take IQ test for selecting

60 | P a g e
Appendix -A


Decenozo D A and Robbins SP 2006, Human Resource Management, 7th Edition,

John Wiley &sons (Asia) Pte. Ltd.

Dessler G 2005, Human Resource Management, 10th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall,
United States.

Mello AJ 2007, Strategic Human Resource Management, 2nd Edition, Baba Barkha
Nath Printers, Haryana.

Annual report JBL 2013.

61 | P a g e

Questionnaire Survey Analysis Tables

1. Which of the following recruitment sources are followed for recruitment and
selection in Janata Bank Limited?

Comment From respondents Number of respondent Percentage

Internal 1 4%

External 5 23%

Both 20 73%

2. In which basis to recruitment potential employee?

Comment From respondents Number of respondent Percentage

Interview &Test result 22 85%

Interview 4 15%

Academic Result 0 0%

3.Measuring the level of satisfaction effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection

process of JBL.

Comment From Number of respondent Percentage

Strongly Agreed 17 65%

Agreed 6 23%

Neutral 3 12%

62 | P a g e
Disagreed 0 0%

Strongly Disagreed 0 0%

4.Mode of Recruitment system of JBL.

Comment From Number of respondent Percentage

Strongly Agreed 8 31%

Agreed 14 54%

Neutral 4 15%

Disagreed 0 0%

Strongly Disagreed 0 0%

5. Lengthy Recruitment and Selection Process of JBL.

Comment From Number of respondent Percentage

Strongly Agreed 0 0%

Agreed 13 50%

Neutral 0 0%

Disagreed 0 0%

Strongly Disagreed 13 50%

6. Biasness of Recruitment and Selection Process of JBL.

63 | P a g e
Comment From Number of respondent Percentage
Strongly Agreed 13 50%

Agreed 8 31%

Neutral 4 15%

Disagreed 1 4%

Strongly Disagreed 0 0%

7. JBL Recruitment and selection process follows objective criteria?

Comment From Number of respondent Percentage

Strongly Agreed 12 46%

Agreed 8 31%

Neutral 5 19%

Disagreed 1 4%

Strongly Disagreed 0 0%

8. Cost effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection Process of JBL.

Comment From Number of respondent Percentage

Strongly Agreed 7 27%

Agreed 15 58%

Neutral 4 15%

Disagreed 0 0%

64 | P a g e
Strongly Disagreed 0 0%

9. Recruitment and Selection Process generates hassle to the applicants.

Comment From Number of respondent Percentage

Strongly Agreed 6 23%

Agreed 0 0

Neutral 2 8%

Disagreed 18 69%

Strongly Disagreed 0 0%

10. Recruitment and selection process should be improved in this organization.

Comment From Number of respondent Percentage

Strongly Agreed 12 50%

Agreed 4 15%

Neutral 6 23%

Disagreed 3 12%

Strongly Disagreed 0 0%


This is Md.Ziauddin Zilani A student of BBA program, Bangladesh University of Business

and Technology (BUBT).I am conducting a research on the topic “Recruitment and

65 | P a g e
selection Procedure of Janata Bank Limited”. I am assuring you that your information will
be used exclusively for academic purpose only and will be kept confidential.

Please with down the correction answer you think apocopate by tick ( ) in specified category
and answer on dash (…..) area only. Your co-operation in answering the following question
will be highly appreciated, Thank you.

General Information:




Open Ended Question (only for Executives)

1. What are the sources of recruitment generally used in your origination?

Internal Sources Recruitment. External sources of Recruitment

a. Present employees or job a. Professional or trade Association.

b. Advertisement.
b. Employee referrals.
c. Employment Exchange.
c. Former employees.
d. Campus Recruitment.
d. Previous applications
e. Walk-ins ,Write-ins ,Talk-ins.

f. Consultants.

g. Contractors.

h. Displaced Person.

i. Radio and Television.

j. Acquisition and Mergers.

2. External Factors:
What are the factors affecting recruitment process of your organization?

a. Supply and demand. Internal Factors:

b. Unemployment rate. a. Recruitment policy.
c. Labor market. b. Human Resource Planning.
d. Political-social c. Size of the firm.
66 | P a g e
e. Competitors. d. Cost.
f. Image of the organization. e. Growth and Expansion.
3. What are the steps followed in recruitment process in your organization?



4. What are the steps followed in selection process in your organization?



Closed question (only for operative employees):

Please mark your opinion on the following statement:

1. Strongly disagreed.
2. Disagreed.
3. Neutral.
4. Agreed.
5. Strong Agreed.
1. Which of the following recruitment sources are followed for recruitment and
selection in Janata Bank Limited?

2. In which basis to recruitment potential employee?

SL Statements 5 4 3 2 1

3. Recruitment and Selection process in your organization

satisfactory and effective.

4. Organization follows both formal and informal mode of

recruitment system

67 | P a g e
5. The recruitment and selection process is not lengthy at all

6. Recruitment and Selection process is completely free

from biasness.

7 Recruitment and Selection process follows objective

criteria and is connected to achievement of organizational

8. Recruitment and Selection process is coat effective for

both the organization and candidate

9. Recruitment and Selection process generates hassle to the


10. Recruitment and Selection process should be improved in

this organization.

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